436 research outputs found

    Identification of regional labor factors of influence on costs for innovation of enterprises in the region

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    In this paper, we examined the impact of labor loyalty and the labor market situation on the costs of companies in the region on research and development. In the work was carried out the analysis of existing articles and papers on related topics. First of all, it was our task to determine the mathematical model of the concept of loyalty of the workforce, to determine from which economic indicators it can be identified. We have identified and justified the hypothesis that the loyalty of the workforce is the ratio of the following indicators: the number of unemployed and the number of free work places. In the case of such a definition of loyalty, it was important to take the indicators for one group of workers (with the same qualification) to exclude the effects of structural unemployment. So coming to understand the factors on which the loyalty of the labor force in the region is based, we included them in our model to try to establish some relationship between the above variables and the desire of employers to invest in R & D. Based on the analyzed data and the results of testing using econometric methods, the dependence of investments in innovation and labor loyalty in the regions of Russia was proved in this paper. A direct dependence was established that indicates a decrease in loyalty to the employer increases the motivation of the last one to invest in innovation

    Structure of 4-strand singular pure braid group

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    We construct a nite presentation for the singular pure braid group SP4 on 4 strands. As consequence it was proved that the center Z(SP4), which is the innite cyclic group, is a direct factor in SP4. On the other side, we establish that Z(SP4) is not a direct factor in the singular braid group SG4

    Influence of high-latitude geomagnetic pulsations on recordings of broadband force-balanced seismic sensors

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    Seismic broadband sensors with electromagnetic feedback are sensitive to variations of surrounding magnetic field, including variations of geomagnetic field. Usually, the influence of the geomagnetic field on recordings of such seismometers is ignored. It might be justified for seismic observations at middle and low latitudes. The problem is of high importance, however, for observations in Polar Regions (above 60° geomagnetic latitude), where magnitudes of natural magnetic disturbances may be two or even three orders larger. In our study we investigate the effect of ultra-low frequency (ULF) magnetic disturbances, known as geomagnetic pulsations, on the STS-2 seismic broadband sensors. The pulsations have their sources and, respectively, maximal amplitudes in the region of the auroral ovals, which surround the magnetic poles in both hemispheres at geomagnetic latitude (GMLAT) between 60° and 80°. To investigate sensitivity of the STS-2 seismometer to geomagnetic pulsations, we compared the recordings of permanent seismic stations in northern Finland to the data of the magnetometers of the IMAGE network located in the same area. Our results show that temporary variations of magnetic field with periods of 40–150 s corresponding to regular Pc4 and irregular Pi2 pulsations are seen very well in recordings of the STS-2 seismometers. Therefore, these pulsations may create a serious problem for interpretation of seismic observations in the vicinity of the auroral oval. Moreover, the shape of Pi2 magnetic disturbances and their periods resemble the waveforms of glacial seismic events reported originally by Ekström (2003). The problem may be treated, however, if combined analysis of recordings of co-located seismic and magnetic instruments is used

    Investigación de los estereotipos de crueldad de los adolescentes sobre los roles sexuales

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    The relevance of this study is caused by the dramatic picture of the psychological theory of the development of the modern teenager in modern science. Rapidly changing social conditions at the beginning of the third Millennium need scientific understanding of possible future prospects of development of the period of childhood and adolescence. The efforts of those responsible for the training of educators, teachers, child psychologists, support for the institution of the family, conducting comprehensive studies of the modern teenager are needed.  Of particular importance for the future of the theory and practice of upbringing of the teenager deserves the study of phenomenology for the development of a modern teenager, the rejection of rigid social stereotypes that are the choice of positive strategies in the relations with teenagers.  Before the reader is an article in which the authors comprehend the existence of social stereotypes on the issue of gender differences in the manifestation of cruel behavior by teenagers. The authors presented a brief analysis of the scientific problem of cruelty.   The problem field of empirical research is defined in the identification of sexual differences in the manifestation of types of cruelty and sexual differences in the attitude to cruel behavior. The study sample is correctly formed, the author’s methods of ideographic type are presented, which have passed the stage of approbation in numerous studies. This study belongs to the category of point quasi-experiments.  The stages of research are consistently presented. Qualitative analysis of empirical data is based on evidence-based methods of statistical thesaurus.  The main conclusions of the study allow us to comprehend the existing social stereotypes of types of cruelty and attitudes to violence on a gender basis.La relevancia de este estudio es causada por la imagen dramática de la teoría psicológica del desarrollo del adolescente moderno en la ciencia moderna. Las condiciones sociales que cambian rápidamente a principios del tercer milenio necesitan una comprensión científica de las posibles perspectivas futuras de desarrollo del período de la infancia y la adolescencia. Se necesitan los esfuerzos de los responsables de la formación de educadores, maestros, psicólogos infantiles, apoyo a la institución de la familia, realización de estudios integrales del adolescente moderno. De particular importancia para el futuro de la teoría y la práctica de la educación del adolescente merece el estudio de la fenomenología para el desarrollo de un adolescente moderno, el rechazo de los estereotipos sociales rígidos que son la elección de estrategias positivas en las relaciones con los adolescentes. Ante el lector hay un artículo en el que los autores comprenden la existencia de estereotipos sociales sobre el tema de las diferencias de género en la manifestación de conductas crueles por parte de los adolescentes. Los autores presentaron un breve análisis del problema científico de la crueldad. El campo problemático de la investigación empírica se define en la identificación de las diferencias sexuales en la manifestación de los tipos de crueldad y las diferencias sexuales en la actitud ante el comportamiento cruel. La muestra de estudio se formó correctamente, se presentan los métodos de tipo ideográfico del autor, que han pasado la etapa de aprobación en numerosos estudios. Este estudio pertenece a la categoría de cuasi-experimentos puntuales. Las etapas de la investigación se presentan constantemente. El análisis cualitativo de los datos empíricos se basa en métodos de tesauro estadístico basados ​​en la evidencia. Las principales conclusiones del estudio nos permiten comprender los estereotipos sociales existentes de los tipos de crueldad y actitudes hacia la violencia sobre una base de género

    Twisted Virtual Braid Group

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    In this paper we study some subgroups and their decompositions in semi-direct product of the twisted virtual braid group TVBnTVB_n. In particular, the twisted virtual pure braid group TVPnTVP_n is the kernel of an epimorphism of TVBnTVB_n onto the symmetric group SnS_n. We find the set of generators and defining relations for TVPnTVP_n and show that TVBn=TVPnSnTVB_n = TVP_n \rtimes S_n. Further we prove that TVPnTVP_n is a semi-direct product of some subgroup and abelian group Z2n\mathbb{Z}_2^n. As corollary we get that the virtual pure braid group VPnVP_n is a subgroup of TVPnTVP_n. Also, we construct some other epimorphism of TVBnTVB_n onto SnS_n. Its kernel, TVHnTVH_n is an analogous of TVPnTVP_n. We find its set of generators and defining relations and construct its decomposition in a semi-direct product.Comment: 20 pages, 2 figures, uses overlea


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    The authors emphasize the relevance of the study by psychologists of the problem experiences of well-being and distress of individuals, in the need to adapt to an ever-changing world, oversaturated with information. At the same time, many people are forced to change the place of residence and living conditions. In addition, in this regard it is important to investigate factors of feeling of subjective well-being of these people, and well as their overall satisfaction with life. The authors presented a brief transactional analysis of the state of scientific problem feeling subjective well-being. The problem field of empirical research is outlined research in establishing links with satisfaction with life and the vitality of the personality of repatriates from different countries. Correctly, a sample of the study was formed, reliable and valid ones were selected psychodiagnostic methods, logically presented stages of the study. Qualitative analysis of empirical data is based on evidence-based methods of statistical thesaurus. Key findings of the study on seniority residence of immigrants in the new country, the level of resilience and psychological well-being, will allow formulating a step-by-step the program of psychological support for immigrants experiencing dissatisfaction with living conditions.Los autores enfatizan la relevancia del estudio realizado por psicólogos sobre las experiencias problemáticas de bienestar y angustia de los individuos, en la necesidad de adaptarse a un mundo en constante cambio, saturado de información. Al mismo tiempo, muchas personas se ven obligadas a cambiar el lugar de residencia y las condiciones de vida. Además, a este respecto, es importante investigar los factores del sentimiento de bienestar subjetivo de estas personas y su satisfacción general con la vida. Los autores presentaron un breve análisis transaccional del estado del problema científico sintiendo un bienestar subjetivo. El campo problemático de la investigación empírica se resume en la investigación para establecer vínculos con la satisfacción con la vida y la vitalidad de la personalidad de los repatriados de diferentes países. Correctamente, se formó una muestra del estudio, se seleccionaron métodos confiables y válidos de psicodiagnóstico, etapas lógicamente presentadas del estudio. El análisis cualitativo de los datos empíricos se basa en métodos de tesauro estadístico basados en la evidencia. Los hallazgos clave del estudio sobre la residencia de ancianos de los inmigrantes en el nuevo país, el nivel de resiliencia y el bienestar psicológico, permitirán formular paso a paso el programa de apoyo psicológico para los inmigrantes que experimentan insatisfacción con las condiciones de vida.Авторы подчеркивают актуальность изучение психологами проблемы переживания благополучия и неблагополучия отдельными индивидами, в связи с необходимостью адаптироваться в постоянно меняющемся мире, перенасыщенном информацией. При этом множество людей вынуждены сменять место проживания и условия жизни. И в связи с этим важно исследовать факторы ощущения субъективного благополучия этих людей, а также их общую удовлетворенность жизнью. Авторами представлен краткий транспективный анализ состояния научной проблемы ощущения субъективного благополучия. Намечено проблемное поле эмпирического исследования в установление связей удовлетворенностью жизни и жизнестойкости личности репатриантов из разных стран. Корректно сформирована выборка исследования, подобраны надежные и валидные психодиагностические методики, логично представлены этапы исследования. Качественный анализ эмпирических данных основан на доказательных методах статистического тезауруса. Основные выводы исследования о стаже проживания репатриантов в новой стране, уровне жизнестойкости и психологического благополучия, позволят сформулировать пошаговую программу психологического сопровождения репатриантов, испытывающих неудовлетворенность жизненными условиями