35 research outputs found

    Does the weak coupling limit of the Burden-Tjiang deconstruction of the massless quenched three-dimensional QED vertex agree with perturbation theory?

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    We derive constraints on the non-perturbative 3-point fermion-boson transverse vertex in massless QED3 from its perturbative calculation to order α. We also check the transversality condition to two loops and evaluate the fermion propagator to the same order. We compare a conjecture of the non-perturbative vertex by Burden and Tjiang against our results and comment on its drawbacks. Our calculation calls for the need to construct a non-perturbative form for the fermion-boson vertex which agrees with its perturbative limit to O(α).A. Bashir, A. Kızılersü, M. R. Penningto

    Strongly-coupled unquenched QED(4) propagators using Schwinger-Dyson equations

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    We study unquenched QED in four dimensions using renormalized Schwinger-Dyson equations and focus on the behaviour of the fermion and photon propagators. For this purpose we use an improved Kızılersü-Pennington (KP) vertex which respects gauge invariance, multiplicative renormalizability for the massless case, agrees with perturbation theory in the weak coupling regime, and is free of kinematic singularities. We find that the KP vertex performs very well as expected especially in comparison with other vertex choices. We find that the Landau pole problem familiar from perturbative QED persists in the nonperturbative case with the renormalized inverse photon propagator having zero crossing.Ayşe Kızılersü, Tom Sizer, and Anthony G. William

    Transverse Ward-Takahashi Identity, Anomaly and Schwinger-Dyson Equation

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    Based on the path integral formalism, we rederive and extend the transverse Ward-Takahashi identities (which were first derived by Yasushi Takahashi) for the vector and the axial vector currents and simultaneously discuss the possible anomaly for them. Subsequently, we propose a new scheme for writing down and solving the Schwinger-Dyson equation in which the the transverse Ward-Takahashi identity together with the usual (longitudinal) Ward-Takahashi identity are applied to specify the fermion-boson vertex function. Especially, in two dimensional Abelian gauge theory, we show that this scheme leads to the exact and closed Schwinger-Dyson equation for the fermion propagator in the chiral limit (when the bare fermion mass is zero) and that the Schwinger-Dyson equation can be exactly solved.Comment: 22 pages, latex, no figure

    On Nonperturbative Calculations in Quantum Electrodynamics

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    A new approach to nonperturbative calculations in quantum electrodynamics is proposed. The approach is based on a regular iteration scheme for solution of Schwinger-Dyson equations for generating functional of Green functions. The approach allows one to take into account the gauge invariance conditions (Ward identities) and to perform the renormalization program. The iteration scheme can be realized in two versions. The first one ("perturbative vacuum") corresponds to chain summation in the diagram language. In this version in four-dimensional theory the non-physical singularity (Landau pole) arises which leads to the triviality of the renormalized theory. The second version ("nonperturbative vacuum") corresponds to ladder summation and permits one to make non-perturbative calculations of physical quantities in spite of the triviality problem. For chiral-symmetrical leading approximation two terms of the expansion of the first-step vertex function over photon momentum are calculated. A formula for anomalous magnetic moment is obtained. A problem of dynamical chiral symmetry breaking (DCSB) is considered, the calculations are performed for renormalized theory in Minkowsky space. In the strong coupling region DCSB-solutions arise. For the renormalized theory a DCSB-solution is also possible in the weak coupling region but with a subsidiary condition on the value of α\alpha.Comment: 31 pages, Plain LaTex, no figures. Journal version: some discussion and refs. are adde

    Non-perturbative Propagators, Running Coupling and Dynamical Quark Mass of Landau gauge QCD

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    The coupled system of renormalized Dyson-Schwinger equations for the quark, gluon and ghost propagators of Landau gauge QCD is solved within truncation schemes. These employ bare as well as non-perturbative ansaetze for the vertices such that the running coupling as well as the quark mass function are independent of the renormalization point. The one-loop anomalous dimensions of all propagators are reproduced. Dynamical chiral symmetry breaking is found, the dynamically generated quark mass agrees well with phenomenological values and corresponding results from lattice calculations. The effects of unquenching the system are small. In particular the infrared behavior of the ghost and gluon dressing functions found in previous studies is almost unchanged as long as the number of light flavors is smaller than four.Comment: 34 pages, 10 figures, version to be published by Phys. Rev.

    Running coupling and fermion mass in strong coupling QED

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    Simple toy model is used in order to exhibit the technique of extracting the non-perturbative information about Green's functions in Minkowski space. The effective charge and the dynamical electron mass are calculated in strong coupling 3+1 QED by solving the coupled Dyson-Schwinger equations for electron and photon propagators. The minimal Ball-Chiu vertex was used for simplicity and we impose the Landau gauge fixing on QED action. The solution obtained separately in Euclidean and Minkowski space were compared, the latter one was extracted with the help of spectral technique.Comment: 23 pages, 4 figures, v4: revised and extended version, one introductory section adde

    Multiplicative renormalizability and quark propagator

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    The renormalized Dyson-Schwinger equation for the quark propagator is studied, in Landau gauge, in a novel truncation which preserves multiplicative renormalizability. The renormalization constants are formally eliminated from the integral equations, and the running coupling explicitly enters the kernels of the new equations. To construct a truncation which preserves multiplicative renormalizability, and reproduces the correct leading order perturbative behavior, non-trivial cancellations involving the full quark-gluon vertex are assumed in the quark self-energy loop. A model for the running coupling is introduced, with infrared fixed point in agreement with previous Dyson-Schwinger studies of the gauge sector, and with correct logarithmic tail. Dynamical chiral symmetry breaking is investigated, and the generated quark mass is of the order of the extension of the infrared plateau of the coupling, and about three times larger than in the Abelian approximation, which violates multiplicative renormalizability. The generated scale is of the right size for hadronic phenomenology, without requiring an infrared enhancement of the running coupling.Comment: 17 pages; minor corrections, comparison to lattice results added; accepted for publication in Phys. Rev.

    Gluon mass through ghost synergy

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    In this work we compute, at the 'one-loop-dressed' level, the nonperturbative contribution of the ghost loops to the self-energy of the gluon propagator, in the Landau gauge. This is accomplished within the PT-BFM formalism, which guarantees the gauge-invariance of the emerging answer. In particular, the contribution of the ghost-loops is automatically transverse, by virtue of the QED-like Ward identities satisfied in this framework. Using as nonperturbative input the available lattice data for the ghost dressing function, we show that the ghost contributions have a rather sizable effect on the overall shape of the gluon propagator, both for d=3,4. Then, by exploiting a recently introduced dynamical equation for the effective gluon mass, whose solutions depend crucially on the characteristics of the gluon propagator at intermediate energies, we show that if the ghost loops are removed from the gluon propagator then the gluon mass vanishes. These findings strongly suggest that, at least at the level of the Schwinger-Dyson equations, the effects of gluons and ghosts are inextricably connected, and must be combined suitably in order to reproduce the results obtained in the recent lattice simulations

    Running Coupling Constant of a Gauge Theory in the Framework of the Schwinger-Dyson Equation: Infrared Behavior of Three-Dimensional Quantum Electrodynamics

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    We discuss how to define and obtain the running coupling of a gauge theory in the approach of the Schwinger-Dyson equation, in order to perform a non-perturbative study of the theory. For this purpose, we introduce the nonlocally generalized gauge fixing into the SD equation, which is used to define the running coupling constant (this method is applicable only to a gauge theory). Some advantages and validity of this approach are exemplified in QED3. This confirms the slowing down of the rate of decrease of the running coupling and the existence of non-trivial infra-red fixed point (in the normal phase) of QED3, claimed recently by Aitchison and Mavromatos, without so many of their approximations. We also argue that the conventional approach is recovered by applying the (inverse) Landau-Khalatnikov transformation to the nonlocal gauge result.Comment: 27 pages (latex) + two eps figure