1,663 research outputs found


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    Pembangkit Listrik Tenaga Uap PT. Harjohn Timber menggunakan generator turbin uap berkapasitas 7,5 MW. Secara aktual, daya yang dibangkitkan tidak statik pada nilai kapasitas generator turbin uap tersebut. Hingga saat ini PT. Harjohn Timber telah beroperasi  selama  15 tahun dan telah mengalami banyak perubahan yanng disebabkan adanya permasalahan, sehingga dapat menurunkan efisiensi unit pada umumnya dan secara spesifik pada efisiensi turbin dan generator. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui nilai spesifikasi efisiensi turbin uap pada kondisi nominal, untuk mengetahui efisinesi generator berdasarkan variasi beban, dan untuk mengetahui perbandingan konsumsi penggunaan bahan bakar kayu dengan bahan bakar batu bara pembangkit listrik PT. Harjohn Timber. Metode perhitungan menggunakan program aplikasi termodinamika ChemicaLogic SteamTab dalam mencari parameter nilai entalpi dan perhitungan konsumsi bahan bakar spesifik. Setelah dilakukan analisis didapat nilai efisiensi nominal turbin uap sebesar 94,5%. Nilai kerja turbin uap yang paling tinggi berdasarkan nilai rata-rata operasi, yaitu pada bulan ke-3, penelitian dengan nilai sebesar 5.535,81 kW dari nilai spesifikasi 7.088 kW. Sedangkan nilai operasi rata-rata efisiensi generator yang paling tinggi mencapai 94,17%, terjadi pada bulan ke-2 penelitian dan efisiensi terendah saat pada bulan ke-3 penelitian dengan nilai sebesar 82,73 %. Nilai konsumsi bahan bakar spesifik (SFC) batu bara didapat nilai tertinggi pada bulan ke-5 menghasilkan nilai brutto 0,6798 kg/kWh dan nilai netto 0,8181 kg/kWh. Sedangkan nilai terendah pada bulan ke -6 yaitu dengan nilai bruto 0,4824 kg/ kWh dan nilai netto 0,6041 kg/kWh. Nilai konsumsi bahan bakar spesifik (SFC) kayu didapat nilai tertinggi pada bulan ke-5 menghasilkan nilai bruto 0,4911 kg/kWh dan nilai netto 0,5910 kg/kWh. Sedangkan nilai terendah  pada bulan ke -6 yaitu dengan nilai bruto 0,3440 kg/kWh dan nilai netto 0,4308 kg/ kWh. Semakin tinggi total energi yang dihasilkan maka nilai Specific Fuel Consumption (SFC) akan semakin rendah. Sebaliknya semakin rendah total energi yang dihasilkan  maka nilai Specific Fuel Consumption (SFC) akan semakin tinggi

    The Role of Mentoring Program in Enhancing Mentees’ Academic Performance

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    According to institutions of higher learning literature, mentoring program has two important features: communication and support. The ability of mentors to appropriately implement comfortable communication and provide adequate support may ehance positive mentee outcomes, especially academic performance. Although the nature of this relationship is crucial, little is known about the role of mentoring program as an important predictor of mentees’ academic performance in the higher education mentoring research literature. Therefore, this study was conducted to measure the relationship between mentoring program and mentees’ academic performance using self-administered questionnaires gathered from undergraduate students in Malaysian institutions of higher learning in Sarawak. The results of SmartPLS path model showed two important outcomes: firstly, communication positively and significantly correlated with academic performance. Secondly, support positively and significantly correlated with academic performance. The result demonstrates that mentoring program does act as an important predictor of mentees’ academic performance in the organizational sample. Thus, discussion, implications and conclusion are elaborated

    Use of Neutral Argon Plasma in the Laparoscopic Treatment of Endometriosis

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    Neutral argon plasma energy can be used as a multifunctional device that has vaporization, coagulation and superficial cutting capabilities with little thermal spread

    Tagless indoor positioning and object tracking using a wireless sensor network

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    This project seeks to implement a passive indoor positioning and tracking platform using Wi-Fi signals. It is well known that RF wave can be blocked by an object which results in signal attenuation [1 - 2]. The principle of this proposal is based on this phenomenon when the line-of-sight (LOS) link is blocked by an object. Hence, when a grid of such LOS links is tresspassed, it can be detected and tracked within the region

    Tagless indoor positioning and object tracking using a wireless sensor network

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    This project seeks to implement a passive indoor positioning and tracking platform using Wi-Fi signals. It is well known that RF wave can be blocked by an object which results in signal attenuation [1 - 2]. The principle of this proposal is based on this phenomenon when the line-of-sight (LOS) link is blocked by an object. Hence, when a grid of such LOS links is tresspassed, it can be detected and tracked within the region