27,029 research outputs found

    The accuracy of three-dimensional prediction of soft tissue changes following the surgical correction of facial asymmetry: an innovative concept

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    The accuracy of three-dimensional (3D) predictions of soft tissue changes in the surgical correction of facial asymmetry was evaluated in this study. Preoperative (T1) and 6–12-month postoperative (T2) cone beam computed tomography scans of 13 patients were studied. All patients underwent surgical correction of facial asymmetry as part of a multidisciplinary treatment protocol. The magnitude of the surgical movement was measured; virtual surgery was performed on the preoperative scans using Maxilim software. The predicted soft tissue changes were compared to the actual postoperative appearance (T2). Mean (signed) distances and mean (absolute) distances between the predicted and actual 3D surface meshes for each region were calculated. The one-sample t-test was applied to test the alternative hypothesis that the mean absolute distances had a value of <2.0 mm. A novel directional analysis was applied to analyse the accuracy of the prediction of soft tissue changes. The results showed that the distances between the predicted and actual postoperative soft tissue changes were less than 2.0 mm in all regions. The predicted facial morphology was narrower than the actual surgical changes in the cheek regions. 3D soft tissue prediction using Maxilim software in patients undergoing the correction of facial asymmetry is clinically acceptable

    A new automated workflow for 3D character creation based on 3D scanned data

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    In this paper we present a new workflow allowing the creation of 3D characters in an automated way that does not require the expertise of an animator. This workflow is based of the acquisition of real human data captured by 3D body scanners, which is them processed to generate firstly animatable body meshes, secondly skinned body meshes and finally textured 3D garments

    Accuracy of generic mesh conformation: the future of facial morphological analysis

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    Three-dimensional (3D) analysis of the face is required for the assessment of changes following surgery, to monitor the progress of pathological conditions and for the evaluation of facial growth. Sophisticated methods have been applied for the evaluation of facial morphology, the most common being dense surface correspondence. The method depends on the application of a mathematical facial mask known as the generic facial mesh for the evaluation of the characteristics of facial morphology. This study evaluated the accuracy of the conformation of generic mesh to the underlying facial morphology. The study was conducted on 10 non-patient volunteers. Thirty-four 2-mm-diameter self-adhesive, non-reflective markers were placed on each face. These were readily identifiable on the captured 3D facial image, which was captured by Di3D stereophotogrammetry. The markers helped in minimising digitisation errors during the conformation process. For each case, the face was captured six times: at rest and at the maximum movements of four facial expressions. The 3D facial image of each facial expression was analysed. Euclidean distances between the 19 corresponding landmarks on the conformed mesh and on the original 3D facial model provided a measure of the accuracy of the conformation process. For all facial expressions and all corresponding landmarks, these distances were between 0.7 and 1.7 mm. The absolute mean distances ranged from 0.73 to 1.74 mm. The mean absolute error of the conformation process was 1.13 ± 0.26 mm. The conformation of the generic facial mesh is accurate enough for clinical trial proved to be accurate enough for the analysis of the captured 3D facial images

    Обґрунтування параметрів зберігання напою кисломолочного дитячого харчування "Біолакт"

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    Changes in the quality indicators of sour-milk infant drink «Biolakt» characterized by high probiotic and immunomodulatory properties and low allergic effect that were made according to the improved technology and stored in sealed-off containers at temperature (4±2) ºС during 28 days have been studied: organoleptic properties of taste and odour, consistency and appearance; physical and chemical properties – titrated acidity, ºТ; active acidity, pH units; moisture retention property, %; microbiological properties – number of living cells of mixed cultures B. bifidum 1 + B. longum Ya3 + B. infantis 512, CFU/cm³; the most probable number of living cells of monocultures L. acidophilus La-5, CFU/cm³; presence of coli form bacteria in 0.3 cm³; presence of Salmonella in 50 cm3; biochemical properties – antioxidant activity, activity units; and maximum possible content of malondialdehyde at complete oxidation of the product ingredients, mg/100 g. It is proved that under indicated conditions in the course of 24 days the studied samples of target products possess high organoleptic and standardized for sour-milk infant drinks physical, chemical, biochemical and microbiological indicators and are, also, characterized by high content of probiotics: (0.43 – 8.60)∙109 and (0.25 – 1.10)∙109 CFU/cm3 of living cells of bifidus bacteria and lactobacilli, accordingly. It has been established that the limit storage period of sour-milk infant drink «Biolakt» produced according to the improved technology and stored at temperature (4±2) ºС should not exceed 12 days with due account of the safety margin for sour-milk infant drinks (provided they are kept in sealed-off containers). It has been proved that the target product formulas should include lactulose, polyunsaturated fatty acids omega-3 FT EU of «Fortitech» company (Denmark), vitamin complex FT 041081EU of «Fortitech» company (Denmark) and/or complex of mineral substances FT 042836EU of «Fortitech» company (Denmark).Досліджено зміну показників якості напоїв кисломолочних дитячого харчування «Біолакт» з підвищеними пробіотичними й імуномодулюючими властивостями та зниженим алергенним ефектом, вироблених за удосконаленою технологією, при зберіганні у герметичній тарі за температури (4±2) ºС протягом 28 діб: органолептичних – смаку та запаху, кольору, консистенції та зовнішнього вигляду; фізико-хімічних – титрованої кислотності, ºТ; активної кислотності, од. рН; вологоутримуючої здатності, %; мікробіологічних – кількості життєздатних клітин змішаних культур B. bifidum 1 + B. longum Я3 + B. infantis 512, КУО/см³; найбільш вірогідне число життєздатних клітин монокультур L. acidophilus La-5, КУО/см3; наявності бактерій групи кишкових паличок у 0,3 см³; наявності Salmonella у 50 см³; біохімічних – антиоксидантної активності, од. акт.; максимально можливого вмісту малонового діальдегіду при повному окисненні інгредієнтів продукту, мг/100 г. Показано, що при зазначених умовах протягом 24 діб досліджені зразки цільових продуктів мають високі органолептичні, нормовані для кисломолочних напоїв дитячого харчування фізико-хімічні, біохімічні та мікробіологічні, показники, а також характеризуються високим вмістом пробіотиків: (0,43 – 8,60)∙109 та (0,25 –1,10)∙109 КУО/см3 життєздатних клітин біфідобактерій та лактобацил, відповідно. Встановлено, що граничний термін зберігання напоїв кисломолочних дитячого харчування «Біолакт», вироблених за удосконаленою технологією, за температури (4±2) °С не повинен перевищувати 12 діб із врахуванням коефіцієнту запасу для кисломолочних продуктів дитячого харчування (за умови зберігання у герметичній тарі). Доведено, що рецептури цільових продуктів повинні включати лактулозу, поліненасичені жирні кислоти омега-3 FT EU фірми «Fortitech» (Данія), комплекс вітамінів FT 041081EU фірми «Fortitech» (Данія) та/або комплекс мінеральних речовин FT 042836EU фірми «Fortitech» (Данія)