47 research outputs found

    Role of product characteristics for the adoption of fruit and fruit product innovations

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    The aim of this study was the identification of those product characteristics that are important for the adoption of fruit and fruit product innovations by consumers. Sixteen focus group discussions were held in four European countries (Greece, The Netherlands, Poland, and Spain). Different aspects of six innovative fruit products were discussed, revealing those characteristics that were important for the adoption of each of them. It was observed that the participants did not perceive fruit innovations as a homogenous group, but assigned them to different groups, which led to a number of categories of fruit innovation. Three categories concerned the level of preparation of fruit. These were fresh, prepared, and processed fruit product innovations. Another two categories, radical and evolutionary innovations, related to the level of novelty of the fruit innovation. Characteristics important for the adoption of each of these categories are given.The results will be used for further, more quantitative, research

    Ergonomic and work safety evaluation criteria of process excellence in the foundry industry

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    The article presents a concept of criteria assessment called the “process excellence” for ergonomics and work safety in enterprises of the foundry industry as well as points to the possibility of its application

    Rola limfocytów B w mechanizmach patogenezy wybranych chorób

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    Układ immunologiczny zdrowego człowieka ma za zadanie obronę oraz utrzymywanie homeostazy organizmu poprzez kontrolowanie antygenów zarówno wnikających do ustroju, jak i tych, które są w nim produkowane. Do najważniejszych komórek pełniących taką funkcję należą ściśle ze sobą współistniejące różne populacje limfocytów. To od nich zależą rozpoznanie antygenu i reakcja mająca na celu jego neutralizację. Jedną z form tej aktywności neutralizującej potencjalny patogen jest produkcja przeciwciał, których źródłem są limfocyty B. Zaburzenia funkcji tych tak zwanych efektorów odpowiedzi humoralnej (prowadzące w konsekwencji do zaburzeń liczby i swoistości przeciwciał) są podstawą (elementem patogenezy) wielu chorób i jako takie stały się celem licznych prac badawczych. Liczebność i proporcje klas limfocytów B, wielkość ich odpowiedzi na stymulację oraz poziom, klasy i swoistość wytwarzanych przeciwciał są bardzo ważnymi czynnikami diagnostycznymi i prognostycznymi w tak na pozór różnych chorobach, jak między innymi: przewlekła obturacyjna choroba płuc, astma oskrzelowa, śródmiąższowe zapalenie płuc, rak płuc czy, co oczywiste, liczne choroby autoimmunologiczne. Fakt ten podkreśla uniwersalność zastosowania obserwacji limfocytów B w kontroli przebiegu wielu schorzeń i ponownie wykazuje, że stan układu immunologicznego odzwierciedla stan zdrowia danej osoby. Forum Medycyny Rodzinnej 2011, tom 5, nr 1, 37-4

    Expression of calpain-calpastatin system (CCS) member proteins in human lymphocytes of young and elderly individuals; pilot baseline data for the CALPACENT project.

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    Ubiquitous system of regulatory, calcium-dependent, cytoplasmic proteases – calpains – and their endogenous inhibitor – calpastatin – is implicated in the proteolytic regulation of activation, proliferation, and apoptosis of many cell types. However, it has not been thoroughly studied in resting and activated human lymphocytes yet, especially in relation to the subjects’ ageing process. The CALPACENT project is an international (Polish-Italian) project aiming at verifying the hypothesis of the role of calpains in the function of peripheral blood immune cells of Polish (Pomeranian) and Italian (Sicilian) centenarians, apparently relatively preserved in comparison to the general elderly population. In this preliminary report we aimed at establishing and comparing the baseline levels of expression of μ- and m-calpain and calpastatin in various, phenotypically defined, populations of human peripheral blood lymphocytes for healthy elderly Sicilians and Poles, as compared to these values observed in young cohort

    A cell cycle-coordinated Polymerase II transcription compartment encompasses gene expression before global genome activation

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    © 2019, The Author(s). Most metazoan embryos commence development with rapid, transcriptionally silent cell divisions, with genome activation delayed until the mid-blastula transition (MBT). However, a set of genes escapes global repression and gets activated before MBT. Here we describe the formation and the spatio-temporal dynamics of a pair of distinct transcription compartments, which encompasses the earliest gene expression in zebrafish. 4D imaging of pri-miR430 and zinc-finger-gene activities by a novel, native transcription imaging approach reveals transcriptional sharing of nuclear compartments, which are regulated by homologous chromosome organisation. These compartments carry the majority of nascent-RNAs and active Polymerase II, are chromatin-depleted and represent the main sites of detectable transcription before MBT. Transcription occurs during the S-phase of increasingly permissive cleavage cycles. It is proposed, that the transcription compartment is part of the regulatory architecture of embryonic nuclei and offers a transcriptionally competent environment to facilitate early escape from repression before global genome activation

    Can energy self‑sufficiency be achieved? Case study of Warmińsko‑Mazurskie Voivodeship (Poland)

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    An analysis was carried out to show whether the Warmińsko-Mazurskie Voivodeship (Poland) could become energy selfsufficient. The technical potential of electricity and heat from renewable sources has been calculated. The calculated values are 6.93 TWh/year of electricity and 15.84 PJ/year of heat—these amounts would ensure the energy independence of the Voivodeship. The Warmińsko-Mazurskie Voivodeship is an example of transformation towards “green” energy, it shows that such transformation is also possible in Poland even in short term. This would reduce air pollution as well as limit the import of energy resources. It is very important, it allows us to think with optimism and implement Poland’s energy transformation towards renewable energy (RE). Additionally, a SWOT analysis of each type of RE in the Warmińsko-Mazurskie Voivodeship was presented. The SWOT analysis makes it possible to identify the strengths, weaknesses, prospects and threats for RE in the Voivodeship and the whole country. It has been found that there is a great interest of investors in RE in the Voivodeship, there is usually a great public support for new energy sources, and the biggest barriers are high investment costs and complicated law in Poland

    Hemodialysis Affects Phenotype and Proliferation of CD4-Positive T Lymphocytes

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    CD4+ T lymphocytes of patients with chronic kidney disease (CKD) are characterized by reduced levels of crucial surface antigens and changes in the cell cycle parameters. Recombinant human erythropoietin (rhEPO) normalizes their altered phenotype and proliferative capacity. Mechanisms leading to the deficient responses of T lymphocytes are still not clear but it is postulated that immunological changes are deepened by hemodialysis (HD). Study of activation parameters of CD4+ T lymphocytes in hemodialyzed and predialysis CKD patients could bring insight into this problem. Two groups of patients, treated conservatively (predialysis, PD) and hemodialyzed (HD), as well as healthy controls, were included into the study; neither had received rhEPO. Proportions of main CD4+CD28+, CD4+CD25+, CD4+CD69+, CD4+CD95+, and CD4+HLA-DR+ lymphocyte subpopulations and proliferation kinetic parameters were measured with flow cytometry, both ex vivo and in vitro. No differences were seen in the proportions of main CD4+ lymphocyte subpopulations (CD4+CD28+, CD4+CD25+, CD4+HLA-DR+, CD4+CD69+, CD4+CD95+) between all examined groups ex vivo. CD4+ T lymphocytes of HD patients exhibited significantly decreased expression of co-stimulatory molecule CD28 and activation markers CD25 and CD69 after stimulation in vitro when compared with PD patients and healthy controls. HD patients showed also decreased percentage of CD4+CD28+ lymphocytes proliferating in vitro; these cells presented decreased numbers of finished divisions after 72 h of stimulation in vitro and had longer G0→G1 time when compared to healthy controls. CD4+ T lymphocytes of PD patients and healthy controls were characterized by similar cell cycle parameters. Our study shows that repeated hemodialysis procedure influences phenotype and proliferation parameters of CD4+ T lymphocytes

    Combining Independent, Weighted P-Values: Achieving Computational Stability by a Systematic Expansion with Controllable Accuracy

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    Given the expanding availability of scientific data and tools to analyze them, combining different assessments of the same piece of information has become increasingly important for social, biological, and even physical sciences. This task demands, to begin with, a method-independent standard, such as the -value, that can be used to assess the reliability of a piece of information. Good's formula and Fisher's method combine independent -values with respectively unequal and equal weights. Both approaches may be regarded as limiting instances of a general case of combining -values from groups; -values within each group are weighted equally, while weight varies by group. When some of the weights become nearly degenerate, as cautioned by Good, numeric instability occurs in computation of the combined -values. We deal explicitly with this difficulty by deriving a controlled expansion, in powers of differences in inverse weights, that provides both accurate statistics and stable numerics. We illustrate the utility of this systematic approach with a few examples. In addition, we also provide here an alternative derivation for the probability distribution function of the general case and show how the analytic formula obtained reduces to both Good's and Fisher's methods as special cases. A C++ program, which computes the combined -values with equal numerical stability regardless of whether weights are (nearly) degenerate or not, is available for download at our group website http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/CBBresearch/Yu/downloads/CoinedPValues.html

    Integrating Human-Centred Design Approach into Sustainable-Oriented 3D Printing Systems

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    Modern 3D printing systems have become pervasive and widely used both in professional and in informal contexts, including sustainable-oriented ones. However, the risk to create very effective but non-sustainable solutions is very high since 3D printing systems could potentially increase the environmental emergencies and the unsustainable growth. In the transition process toward sustainable ways of production and consumption, the so-called human factor still plays an important role in the achievement of sustainable-oriented actions; it drives the adoption of proper lifestyles that directly and indirectly influence the ways through which such technologies are used. Therefore, future Sustainable 3D Printing Systems should integrate the humans in the systems’ development. This study presents two important results: (a) it presents a set of interdisciplinary ‘Sustainable 3D Printing Systems’, which compose a promising sustainable-oriented scenario useful to support the transition processes toward sustainable designs and productions, and (b) it proposes a new strategy for the integration of human-centred aspects into Sustainable 3D Printing Systems, by combining insights from human-centred design approach