15 research outputs found

    Prevalence and correlates of parkinson’s disease among elderly patients attending Neurology Clinic at Serdang Hospital in 2016

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    Introduction Parkinson’s disease (PD) is the second most common neurodegenerative disease after Alzheimer’s disease (AD) and the most frequent sub-cortical degenerative disease, characterized by universal progressive disorder of the nervous system that affects movement. This cross sectional study aimed to determine the prevalence and correlates of PD among elderly attending the neurology clinic in Serdang Hospital. Methods A total of 150 records of patients attended the clinic from January to December 2016 were randomly selected. Data was collected using a proforma form seeking information related to age, gender, race, locality, and presence of comorbidity particularly diabetes mellitus. The data was analysed using the Statistical Package for Social Science (IBM SPSS) version 22.0. Results The prevalence of PD among the elderly involved in the study was 34%. Majority of the respondents were aged 60 to 70 years old (54.7%), male (53.3%), Chinese (56.7%), from urban locality (93.0%) and were not diabetic (69.3%). The inferential statistics showed no significant association between all the factors with PD. However, the associations between age and diabetes mellitus with PD were almost significant with p values of 0.07 and 0.08 respectively. Conclusions Overall, the prevalence of PD among elderly who attended the neurology clinic in year 2016 was less than half with none of the factors under study were significantly associated with PD. However with bigger sample size, possible significant association may be obtained between age and diabetes mellitus

    An?lisis del impacto de la acci?n siete del plan de acci?n BEPS de la OCDE en el concepto de establecimiento permanente en la legislaci?n peruana

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    Las empresas, para obtener mayores utilidades netas, buscan reducir su carga impositiva y utilizan estructuras corporativas generando la erosi?n de la base imponible y el traslado de beneficios fuera del pa?s de la fuente. En respuesta a ello, la Organizaci?n para la Cooperaci?n y el Desarrollo Econ?mico (OCDE), cre? el Proyecto BEPS (Base erosion and profit shifting), el mismo que consta de 15 acciones. La Acci?n 7, tiene como objetivo impedir la elusi?n artificiosa del estatuto de Establecimiento Permanente. Para el Per? este Proyecto es importante porque tiene un v?nculo con la OCDE desde el a?o 2014, con la firma del ?Programa Pa?s?. Este trabajo de investigaci?n, expone el posible impacto de las recomendaciones dadas por la OCDE mediante la Acci?n 7 del Plan BEPS en el concepto de Establecimiento Permanente en la legislaci?n de Per?. Primero, se analiza la propuesta general planteada por la OCDE mediante su Proyecto BEPS y la Acci?n Siete del Plan BEPS, con casos internacionales. Luego, analiza los alcances de la figura del Establecimiento Permanente recogida en la Ley del Impuesto a la Renta y su Reglamento. Finalmente, se expone la problem?tica de la actual regulaci?n de Establecimiento Permanente en el Per? y conclusiones

    An improved model for describing the net carrier recombination rate in semiconductor devices

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    Carrier recombination is a process that significantly influences the performance of semiconductor devices such as solar cells, photodiodes, and light-emitting diodes (LEDs). Therefore, a model that can accurately describe and quantify the net carrier recombination rate in semiconductor devices is important in order to further improve the performance of relevant semiconductor devices. The conventional model for describing the net carrier recombination rate is derived based on the condition that there is no electric current in the considered semiconductor, which is true only when the semiconductor is not part of a device, and hence, is not connected to an external circuit. The conventional model is adopted and used for describing the net carrier recombination rate in semiconductors that are part of devices (i.e., in semiconductor devices). In this paper, we derive and propose a new model for describing the net carrier recombination rate in semiconductor devices. The newly proposed model is an improvement to the currently used model by considering the fact that electric currents can flow in the semiconducting materials of semiconductor devices. We employ organic solar cells (OSCs) to validate the proposed recombination model and show that the proposed model can be crucial for modeling OSCs. Since the proposed recombination model is derived for general semiconductor devices, we expect that the use of the proposed model can also be crucial for modeling and analyzing the performance of other semiconductor devices, particularly optoelectronic devices such as LEDs and perovskite solar cells

    Sistema de Información Gerencial SIG: Una herramienta de decisión estratégica

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    The demand for emerging technology in making executive decisions , allows to have information systems that support this task from large volumes of information from management systems and integrated modern computer platform . The following article helps planning management information systems facilitating needed to reach such a global model integration and organization for overall management overview . The total management involves an integrated manner with control indicators since the birth of the business idea to the economic boom and the high altitude flight of profitability or industry manned by their managers and owners trying to keep the latter activity possible longer periods even if it has complied with the period of return on investment.La exigencia de tecnología de reciente aparición en la toma de decisiones ejecutivas, permite disponer de sistemas de información que apoyan esta tarea a partir de grandes volúmenes de información procedentes de los sistemas de gestión e integrados hoy en una plataforma de ordenadores. El siguiente artículo ayuda a la planificación de sistemas de información gerencial facilitando una visión general necesaria para posibilitar dicha integración y un modelo global de la organización para su administración total. La administración total involucra de manera integrada con indicadores de control desde el nacimiento de la idea de negocio hasta el despegue económico así como el vuelo de gran altura de rentabilidad de la empresa o industria tripulada por sus gerentes y propietarios tratando de mantener esta última actividad por periodos mas largos posibles aun cuando se ha cumplido con el periodo de retomo de la inversión

    Lysine methylation regulates the pRb tumour suppressor protein.

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    The pRb tumour suppressor protein has a central role in coordinating early cell cycle progression. An important level of control imposed on pRb occurs through post-translational modification, for example, phosphorylation. We describe here a new level of regulation on pRb, mediated through the targeted methylation of lysine residues, by the methyltransferase Set7/9. Set7/9 methylates the C-terminal region of pRb, both in vitro and in cells, and methylated pRb interacts with heterochromatin protein HP1. pRb methylation is required for pRb-dependent cell cycle arrest and transcriptional repression, as well as pRb-dependent differentiation. Our results indicate that methylation can influence the properties of pRb, and raise the interesting possibility that methylation modulates pRb tumour suppressor activity