246 research outputs found

    Extracting alpha from B0(d) --> K0 anti-K0 Decays

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    We propose a new method for obtaining the CP phase alpha, based on measurements of B0(d) --> K0 anti-K0, along with theoretical input. Due to the similarities of QCD factorization (QCDf) and perturbative QCD (pQCD), this input is basically the same for each of these models. Although the theoretical error is large at present, many of the contributing quantities will be better known in the future, leading to a smaller error. One outstanding question is the extent to which the precision on quark masses, especially m_c/m_b, can be improved. If one assumes that new physics is not present, the method can be used to predict the values of CP asymmetries in B0(d) --> K0 anti-K0: 0.02 <= A_{dir}^2 + A_{mix}^2 <= 0.125. A result outside this range would signal the existence of long-distance effects beyond those included in models of nonleptonic decays based on factorization (such as QCDf and pQCD), or the presence of new physics.Comment: 5 pages, To appear in PR

    Hadronic B Decays: A General Approach

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    In this paper, we propose a general approach for describing hadronic B decays. Using this method, all amplitudes for such decays can be expressed in terms of contractions, though the matrix elements are not evaluated. Many years ago, Buras and Silvestrini proposed a similar approach. However, our technique goes beyond theirs in several ways. First, we include recent theoretical and experimental developments which indicate which contractions are negligible, and which are expected to be smaller than others. Second, we show that all B-decay diagrams can be simply expressed in terms of contractions. This constitutes a formal proof that the diagrammatic method is rigourous. Third, we show that one reproduces the relations between tree and electroweak-penguin diagrams described by Neubert and Rosner, and by Gronau, Pirjol and Yan. Fourth, although the previous results hold to all orders in alpha_s, we show that it is also possible to work order-by-order in this approach. In this way it is possible to make a connection with the matrix-element evaluation methods of QCD factorization (QCDfac) and perturbative QCD (pQCD). Finally, using the contractions approach, we re-evaluate the question of whether there is a ``B -> pi K puzzle.'' At O(alpha_s^0), we find that the diagram ratio |C'/T| is about 0.17, a factor of 10 too small to explain all the B -> pi K data. Both QCDfac and pQCD find that, at O(\alpha_s^1), the value of |C'/T'| may be raised to only about 2-3 times its lowest-order value. We therefore conclude that, assuming the effect is not a statistical fluctuation, it is likely that the value of |C'/T'| is similar to its O(\alpha_s^0) result, and that there really is a B -> pi K puzzle.Comment: 33 pages, plain latex, 10 figures (included

    Methods for Measuring New-Physics Parameters in B Decays

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    Recently, it was argued that new-physics (NP) effects in B decays can be approximately parametrized in terms of a few quantities. As a result, CP violation in the BB system allows one not only to detect the presence of new physics (NP), but also to measure its parameters. This will allow a partial identification of the NP, before its production at high-energy colliders. In this paper, we examine three methods for measuring NP parameters. The first uses a technique involving both \btos and \btod penguin B decays. Depending on which pair of decays is used, the theoretical error is in the range 5--15%. The second involves a comparison of BπKB\to \pi K and BππB\to\pi\pi decays. Although the theoretical error is large (\gsim 25%), the method can be performed now, with presently-available data. The third is via a time-dependent angular analysis of \bvv decays. In this case, there is no theoretical error, but the technique is experimentally challenging, and the method applies only to those NP models whose weak phase is universal to all NP operators. A reliable identification of the NP will involve the measurement of the NP parameters in many different ways, and with as many B decay modes as possible, so that it will be important to use all of these methods.Comment: 33 pages, latex, no figures. Appendix added. Analysis and conclusions unchange

    Obesity and Type 2 Diabetes Prevalence in Adults from Two Remote First Nations Communities in Northwestern Ontario, Canada

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    Objective. To assess the prevalence rates of obesity and type 2 diabetes in adults from two First Nations communities in northwestern Ontario, Canada. Methods. Body weight, height, and waist circumference as well as fasting and postprandial glucose levels following an oral glucose tolerance test were measured in 31 men and 41 women. Results. The mean age of the sample was 43 ± 13 y. The prevalence of obesity was 65.3% and was comparable between men and women. 90.3% of the individuals presented waist circumference levels greater than the thresholds associated with an increased risk of developing health problems. 26 of the 72 individuals (36.1%) were found to be type 2 diabetic. The prevalence of diabetes was not different between men and women. Conclusion. Using objective measurements, this study confirms that First Nations adults from remote communities of Canada continue to experience a disproportionately higher prevalence of obesity and type 2 diabetes than nonaboriginal Canadians

    A map of human PRDM9 binding provides evidence for novel behaviors of PRDM9 and other zinc-finger proteins in meiosis.

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    PRDM9 binding localizes almost all meiotic recombination sites in humans and mice. However, most PRDM9-bound loci do not become recombination hotspots. To explore factors that affect binding and subsequent recombination outcomes, we mapped human PRDM9 binding sites in a transfected human cell line and measured PRDM9-induced histone modifications. These data reveal varied DNA-binding modalities of PRDM9. We also find that human PRDM9 frequently binds promoters, despite their low recombination rates, and it can activate expression of a small number of genes including CTCFL and VCX. Furthermore, we identify specific sequence motifs that predict consistent, localized meiotic recombination suppression around a subset of PRDM9 binding sites. These motifs strongly associate with KRAB-ZNF protein binding, TRIM28 recruitment, and specific histone modifications. Finally, we demonstrate that, in addition to binding DNA, PRDM9's zinc fingers also mediate its multimerization, and we show that a pair of highly diverged alleles preferentially form homo-multimers

    HIV-1 induces DCIR expression in CD4+ T cells.

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    The C-type lectin receptor DCIR, which has been shown very recently to act as an attachment factor for HIV-1 in dendritic cells, is expressed predominantly on antigen-presenting cells. However, this concept was recently challenged by the discovery that DCIR can also be detected in CD4(+) T cells found in the synovial tissue from rheumatoid arthritis (RA) patients. Given that RA and HIV-1 infections share common features such as a chronic inflammatory condition and polyclonal immune hyperactivation status, we hypothesized that HIV-1 could promote DCIR expression in CD4(+) T cells. We report here that HIV-1 drives DCIR expression in human primary CD4(+) T cells isolated from patients (from both aviremic/treated and viremic/treatment naive persons) and cells acutely infected in vitro (seen in both virus-infected and uninfected cells). Soluble factors produced by virus-infected cells are responsible for the noticed DCIR up-regulation on uninfected cells. Infection studies with Vpr- or Nef-deleted viruses revealed that these two viral genes are not contributing to the mechanism of DCIR induction that is seen following acute infection of CD4(+) T cells with HIV-1. Moreover, we report that DCIR is linked to caspase-dependent (induced by a mitochondria-mediated generation of free radicals) and -independent intrinsic apoptotic pathways (involving the death effector AIF). Finally, we demonstrate that the higher surface expression of DCIR in CD4(+) T cells is accompanied by an enhancement of virus attachment/entry, replication and transfer. This study shows for the first time that HIV-1 induces DCIR membrane expression in CD4(+) T cells, a process that might promote virus dissemination throughout the infected organism

    B -> K pi Puzzle and New Sources of CP Violation in Supersymmetry

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    The difference between the CP asymmetries of the B0K+πB^0 \to K^+ \pi^- and B+K+π0B^+ \to K^+ \pi^0 decays has been recently confirmed with an evidence larger than 5σ5\sigma's. We discuss it as a possible signal of new physics associated with new (large) CP violation in the electroweak penguin contributions. We propose a supersymmetry breaking scheme where such new sources of CP violation occur in the flavor non-universal trilinear scalar couplings.Comment: 4 pages, 2 figure

    Appetite, gut hormone and energy intake responses to low volume sprint interval and traditional endurance exercise.

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    Sprint interval exercise improves several health markers but the appetite and energy balance response is unknown. This study compared the effects of sprint interval and endurance exercise on appetite, energy intake and gut hormone responses. Twelve healthy males [mean (SD): age 23 (3) years, body mass index 24.2 (2.9) kg m(-2), maximum oxygen uptake 46.3 (10.2) mL kg(-1) min(-1)] completed three 8 h trials [control (CON), endurance exercise (END), sprint interval exercise (SIE)] separated by 1 week. Trials commenced upon completion of a standardised breakfast. Sixty minutes of cycling at 68.1 (4.3) % of maximum oxygen uptake was performed from 1.75-2.75 h in END. Six 30-s Wingate tests were performed from 2.25-2.75 h in SIE. Appetite ratings, acylated ghrelin and peptide YY (PYY) concentrations were measured throughout each trial. Food intake was monitored from buffet meals at 3.5 and 7 h and an overnight food bag. Appetite (P 0.05). Therefore, relative energy intake (energy intake minus the net energy expenditure of exercise) was lower in END than that in CON (15.7 %; P = 0.006) and SIE (11.5 %; P = 0.082). An acute bout of endurance exercise resulted in lower appetite perceptions in the hours after exercise than sprint interval exercise and induced a greater 24 h energy deficit due to higher energy expenditure during exercise

    Dysregulation of Cytokine Response in Canadian First Nations Communities: Is There an Association with Persistent Organic Pollutant Levels?

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    In vitro and animal studies report that some persistent organic pollutants (POPs) trigger the secretion of proinflammatory cytokines. Whether POP exposure is associated with a dysregulation of cytokine response remains to be investigated in humans. We studied the strength of association between plasma POP levels and circulating cytokines as immune activation markers. Plasma levels of fourteen POPs and thirteen cytokines were measured in 39 Caucasians from a comparator sample in Québec City (Canada) and 72 First Nations individuals from two northern communities of Ontario (Canada). Caucasians showed significantly higher levels of organochlorine insecticides (β-HCH, p,p′-DDE and HCB) compared to First Nations. Conversely, First Nations showed higher levels of Mirex, Aroclor 1260, PCB 153, PCB 170, PCB 180 and PCB 187 compared to Caucasians. While there was no difference in cytokine levels of IL-4, IL-6, IL-10 and IL-22 between groups, First Nations had significantly greater average levels of IFNγ, IL-1β, IL-2, IL-5, IL-8, IL-12p70, IL-17A, TNFα and TNFβ levels compared to Caucasians. Among candidate predictor variables (age, body mass index, insulin resistance and POP levels), high levels of PCBs were the only predictor accounting for a small but significant effect of observed variance (∼7%) in cytokine levels. Overall, a weak but significant association is detected between persistent organochlorine pollutant exposure and elevated cytokine levels. This finding augments the already existing information that environmental pollution is related to inflammation, a common feature of several metabolic disorders that are known to be especially prevalent in Canada's remote First Nations communities

    Flavor SU(3) analysis of charmless B meson decays to two pseudoscalar mesons

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    Global fits to charmless B --> PP decays in the framework of flavor SU(3) symmetry are updated and improved without reference to the \sin2\beta measured from the charmonium decay modes. Fit results directly constrain the (\bar\rho,\bar\eta) vertex of the unitarity triangle, and are used to predict the branching ratios and CP asymmetries of all decay modes, including those of the B_s system. Different schemes of SU(3) breaking in decay amplitude sizes are analyzed. The major breaking effect between strangeness-conserving and strangeness-changing decays can be accounted for by including a ratio of decay constants in tree and color-suppressed amplitudes. The possibility of having a new physics contribution to K \pi decays is also examined from the data fitting point of view.Comment: 22 pages and 2 figures; some comments and references added; more references added, version to appear in journa