34 research outputs found

    Effect of darting phenomenon of African catfish Heterobranchus longifilis (Burchell 1822) on growth performance of Nile tilapia: Oreochromis niloticus (Linnaeus, 1758)

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    Replicate Ponds of 0.02ha stocked at 500 catfishes with 20,000 tilapia/ha were used to assess growth performance of O.niloticus, average weight 50.4g with (i) darted catfish; H.longifilis (shooters) average weight 60.3g (ii) non-shooters of H.longifilis, average weight 35.4g. Final mean weight, mean growth rate, specific growth rate and food conversion ratio were 499.5g 26g/day, 1.36% and 5.58% respectively for O.niloticus stocked with longifilis (shooters) and 440.4g 2.3g/day 1.23% and 5.58% respectively for O.niloticus stocked with H.longifilis (non- shooters) and 246.9g, 1.2g/day, 0.93, 6.30% respectively for tilapia in monoculture. The least growth was noted for O. niloticus in monoculture while the best growth was recorded O. niloticus in polyculture with darted catfis

    Electrochemical and quantum chemical parameters of (-)-(S)-9-fluoro-2,3-dihydro-3-methyl-10-(4-methyl-1-pipera-zinyl)-7-oxo-7H-pyrido[1,2,3-de]-1,4-benzoxazine-6-carboxylic acidas anti-corrosive agent for API 5L X-52 steel

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    The inhibitive action of (-)-(S)-9-fluoro-2,3-dihydro-3-methyl-10-(4-methyl-1-piperazinyl)-7- -oxo-7H-pyrido[1,2,3-de]-1,4-benzoxazine-6-carboxylic acid (Levaquin) on API 5L X-52 steel in 2 M HCl solution was investigated using potentiodynamic polarization method and quantum chemical study. Levaquin drug showed good inhibition efficiency of 88 and 95 % at 303 and 323 K, respectively. The results of experimental measurements revealed that Levaquin drug works as a mixed type inhibitor. Langmuir thermodynamic model was tested to describe the mode of inhibitor adsorption on the steel surface. The quantum chemical calculations confirmed the efficacy of Levaquin drug as a corrosion inhibitor


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    Kehilangan gigi sebagian maupun seluruhnya memiliki dampak, yaitu dampak emosional, sistemik, dan fungsional. Terganggunya proses pengunyahan akibat kehilangan gigi dapat mempengaruhi pemilihan makanan sehingga terjadi perubahan pada asupan nutrisi. Perubahan pada gambaran asupan nutrisi memiliki dampak bagi tubuh, seperti terjadinya penyakit kronis, penurunan kemampuan fungsional, dan peningkatan kejadian infeksi sehingga dapat mempengaruhi kualitas hidup pasien. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui gambaran asupan nutrisi akibat kehilangan gigi sebagian berdasarkan jumlah gigi yang hilang pada pasien di Bagian Gigi dan Mulut di Rumah Sakit Umum Daerah Zainal Abidin (RSUDZA) Banda Aceh yang berkunjung pada Bulan Juni-Juli 2010. Penelitian ini adalah penelitian Non Eksperimental dan bersifat Deskriptif Analitik melalui wawancara secara langsung menggunakan kuesioner dengan skala Likert. Tehnik sampling yang digunakan adalah tehnik penarikan sampel Non Propability secara Purposive, dengan jumlah sampel 120 orang yang terdiri dari 53 orang laki-laki (44,17%) dan 67 orang perempuan (55,83%). Sampel yang digunakan adalah pasien dengan kriteria berusia lebih dari 20 tahun, yang kehilangan gigi sebagian dan belum pernah menggunakan gigi tiruan. Pengolahan data dilakukan secara statistik dengan Program SPSS menggunakan uji Chi-Square dan Kruskal-Wallis. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan gambaran asupan nutrisi akibat kehilangan gigi sebagian pada pasien dirasakan berubah lebih dari setengah jumlah pasien dengan persentase tertinggi pada perasaan kesulitan memakan makanan yang mengandung protein dan lemak, sedangkan persentase terendah pada perasaan kesulitan memakan makanan yang mengandung vitamin C. Gambaran asupan nutrisi akibat kehilangan gigi sebagian pada pasien berdasarkan jumlah gigi yang hilang secara keseluruhan dirasakan berubah paling tinggi tingkat kesulitannya pada kelompok jumlah gigi yang hilang 22-28 gigi (76,2%) dan terendah yang merasa kesulitan pada kelompok jumlah gigi yang hilang 1-7 gigi (46,8%). Kata kunci:asupan nutrisi, pasien, kehilangan gigi sebagian, tingkat kesulitan.Banda Ace

    Evaluation of Toxicological Effects of Spondias Mombin in Adult Male Wistar Rats

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    Spondias mombin is relied on for various herbal remedies for numerous conditions. This study is to evaluate the acute toxic effect of mombin in adult male Wistar rats. Acute toxicity test was carried out with modified Lorke’s method. Twenty-five male rats weighing between 120-180g were used for the sub-chronic study. The rats were divided into five groups A- E (n=5). Group A served as control. Group B and C received respectively 250mgkg-1 and 500mgkg-1 body weight doses of aqueous leaf extract,  groups D and E received  250mgkg-1 and 500mgkg-1 body weight doses of ethanolic extract. Treatments lasted for twenty eight days. Acute toxicity test carried out showed that leaf extracts of Spondias mombin did not produce mortality in rats.  Significant (p<0.05) reduction in brain and kidney weights was observed in group E treated with 500mgkg-1 of ethanolic extract. Similarly, significant (p<0.05) reduction was observed in spleen weights in groups C and E that were treated with 500mgkg-1 of both extracts. The levels of LDL (p<0.001) and ALP (p<0.05) were significantly reduced.  Alterations in the histology of the liver and kidney of extracts treated groups were observed. Conclusion: This result suggests that although the use of the leaf extracts of Spondias mombin is relatively safe, hepatic and renal toxicity may occur with prolonged use. Keywords: Adverse effects, Mortality, Methods, Complication, Utilizatio

    Ocimum gratissimum alleviates derangements in serum and biliary bilirubin, cholesterol and electrolytes in streptozotocin- induced diabetic rats

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    Aims: The effects of oral administration of aqueous leaf extract of Ocimum gratissimum (OG) on biliary and serum bilirubin, cholesterol and electrolytes in streptozotocin (STZ)-induced diabetic Albino Wistar rats was studied. Methodology: Type 1 Diabetes mellitus was induced in the test groups (DM and DMT) by a single dose of STZ (65 mg/kg, i.p.). The phytoconstituents and median lethal dose of the plant extract was determined before administration. The extract was administered per oral to the DMT group at a dose of 1500 mg/kg body weight daily for 28 days. All the groups were fed normal rat chow and allowed water ad libitum. Biliary secretion was collected and assayed, biliary bilirubin was measured by colorimetric method, Sodium and potassium was determined using a flame photometer and Chloride was determined by end point calorimetric titration. Results: The result showed that serum cholesterol was significantly (p=.001) higher in the DM group compared to the control while the DMT group was significantly (p=.001) lower than the DM group. Serum conjugated and unconjugated bilirubin were significantly (p=.05, p=0.01) higher in the DM group compared to the control and DMT groups, with the DMT group significantly (p=.01) lower than the DM group. The serum electrolytes showed no significant change in K+. However, Cl- and HCO3 - were significantly (p=.001) reduced in the test group compared to the control. Na+ was significantly raised in the DMT group compared to the control. Conclusion: These results are indicative of the efficacy of Ocimum gratissimum to obviate the derangement in biliary and serum bilirubin, cholesterol and electrolytes caused by the STZ-induced type 1 DM in albino wistar rats. Keywords: Ocimum gratissimum; diabetes mellitus; electrolytes; cholesterol; bilirubin

    Male responsibility and maternal morbidity: a cross-sectional study in two Nigerian states

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Nigeria continues to have high rates of maternal morbidity and mortality. This is partly associated with lack of adequate obstetric care, partly with high risks in pregnancy, including heavy work. We examined actionable risk factors and underlying determinants at community level in Bauchi and Cross River States of Nigeria, including several related to male responsibility in pregnancy.</p> <p>Method</p> <p>In 2009, field teams visited a stratified (urban/rural) last stage random sample of 180 enumeration areas drawn from the most recent censuses in each of Bauchi and Cross River states. A structured questionnaire administered in face-to-face interviews with women aged 15-49 years documented education, income, recent birth history, knowledge and attitudes related to safe birth, and deliveries in the last three years. Closed questions covered female genital mutilation, intimate partner violence (IPV) in the last year, IPV during the last pregnancy, work during the last pregnancy, and support during pregnancy. The outcome was complications in pregnancy and delivery (eclampsia, sepsis, bleeding) among survivors of childbirth in the last three years. We adjusted bivariate and multivariate analysis for clustering.</p> <p>Findings</p> <p>The most consistent and prominent of 28 candidate risk factors and underlying determinants for non-fatal maternal morbidity was intimate partner violence (IPV) during pregnancy (ORa 2.15, 95%CIca 1.43-3.24 in Bauchi and ORa 1.5, 95%CI 1.20-2.03 in Cross River). Other spouse-related factors in the multivariate model included not discussing pregnancy with the spouse and, independently, IPV in the last year. Shortage of food in the last week was a factor in both Bauchi (ORa 1.66, 95%CIca 1.22-2.26) and Cross River (ORa 1.32, 95%CIca 1.15-1.53). Female genital mutilation was a factor among less well to do Bauchi women (ORa 2.1, 95%CIca 1.39-3.17) and all Cross River women (ORa 1.23, 95%CIca 1.1-1.5).</p> <p>Interpretation</p> <p>Enhancing clinical protocols and skills can only benefit women in Nigeria and elsewhere. But the violence women experience throughout their lives – genital mutilation, domestic violence, and steep power gradients – is accentuated through pregnancy and childbirth, when women are most vulnerable. IPV especially in pregnancy, women's fear of husbands or partners and not discussing pregnancy are all within men's capacity to change.</p

    Advanced carcinoma of the prostate gland presenting as priapism: a case report

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    No Abstract. Global Journal of Medical Sciences Vol. 5(1) 2006: 35-3

    Determinants of fertilizer use in northern Nigeria

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    Farm-level decision concerning the use of fertilizer is governed by socio-economic and institutional factors, asmuch as by agronomic and ecological concerns. Using data from a sample of 320 farm households in 16 geo-referenced villages, this study assessed the determinants of fertilizer use in northern Nigeria. Results show that the intensity of fertilizer use increases with family labor and physical access to fertilizer, but declines with cultivated land and plot distance from homestead. Consistent with the population-induced innovation hypothesis, the evidence suggests that smallholder farmers use fertilizer more intensively than larger farmers. The study concludes with implications for policy aimed at land use intensification through increased fertilizer use among smallholders

    Manure marketing in the savannas of Nigeria : Implications for sustainable food security

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    Achieving sustainable food security in Nigeria is feasible through organic farming. However, unavailability and resource constraints hamper the adoption of agricultural inputs; hence the market offers opportunity for use of purchased organic inputs. In assessing the importance of the market, the study developed and employed a socio-economic-ecological-modeling (SEEM) framework in its analyses. Using data from a sample of 320 farm households and manure agents, the study aimed at bridging the knowledge gap on the importance, nature, structure and performance of manure market in northern Nigeria. Results show that cereal-legume-based cropping systems accounted for major use of total manure applied on the farm; maize-based cropping systems received the highest amount of the total manure applied. There was asymmetric information flow in the manure market. The market concentration ratios show that none of the manure agents was sufficient in exercising monopoly power in the manure market. The Gini coefficients of the Lorenz curve analyses further showed considerable degrees of inequalities in the volume of manure marketed by different agents both across the agro-ecological zones and socio-economic domains. Manure marketing was found to be inefficient. Further, manure marketing in the study area is profitable with huge potentials for market development