436 research outputs found

    Pola Asuh Orangtua dalam Memotivasi Belajar Siswa Sekolah Dasar

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    Parent's child rearing in motivating elementary school students' learning.Purpose of this research was to describe forms of parents' child rearing' parent in motivating elementary school students' learning and dominant child rearing conducted by parent in improving elementary school students' learning motivation of class IV, V, dan VI at Sekolah Dasar Negeri Kabupaten Muaro Jambi. Research method; survey with questionnaire instrument to 460 students respondent. Research results; quality of parents' child rearing with democratic form classified very good, i.e. higher than means, quality of parents' child rearing with authoritarian form can be classified as low in motivating students in learning. Quality of students' learning motivation at Muaro Jambi Region can be classified very good and they had maximum hope and mission toward learning motivation

    Sistem Monitoring Jaringan PT. Exhibition Network Indonesia DenganThe Dude Berbasis Mikrotik

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    Along with higher needs and higher USAge of the network who want some form of network that can deliver maximum results in terms of both efficiency and enhance the security of the network itself. Berlandasakan on those desires, the improvement continued efforts made by various parties. The Dude is a network monitoring software built from MikroTik. The Dude provide some facilities to see the active hosts in a network and equipped with an image display host and its network, as well as other facilities such as ping, traceroute, snmpwalk, scan, winbox, terminal, remote connection, torch, bandwidth test, etc. Keywords: The Dude, Monitoring, Mikrotik, bandwidt

    Pengaruh Faktor Internal dan Eksternal terhadap Return On Equity (Roe)

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    This study examines the influence of internal and external factors to Return On Equity (ROE), study on sharia banks 2010-2014 period. The effectiveness of the management of Islamic banks in the operations will affect profit and equity of the bank. Return On Equity (ROE) describe profitability of an entity. In the theory of profitability there are 2 factors that affect the profitability of the bank, namely internal factors and external factors. Internal factors in this research is the Capital Adequacy Ratio (CAR), Non Performing Financing (NPF), Finance to Deposit Ratio (FDR), Operating Expenses Operating Income (BOPO) and external factors in this study are the exchange rates and inflation. While profitability in this study using a proxy Return On Equity (ROE). This study uses secondary data with samples of most Islamic banks are seven Islamic banks in Indonesia period 2010 to 2014. The results showed that the CAR, BOPO, FDR, EXCHANGE negative and significant effect on ROE. NPF negative but insignificant effect on ROE on Islamic Banks in Indonesia. While the inflation variable and not significant positive effect on ROE on Islamic Banks in Indonesia

    Petrography and Mineral Chemistry of Magmatic and Hydrothermal Biotite in Porphyry Copper-Gold Deposits: a Tool for Understanding Mineralizing Fluid Compositional Changes During Alteration Processes

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    DOI: 10.17014/ijog.5.1.47-64This study aims to understand the petrography and chemistry of both magmatic and hydrothermal biotites in porphyry copper-gold deposits, and to evaluate the fluid compositional changes during alteration processes. A total of 206 biotite grains from selected rock samples taken from the Batu Hijau porphyry Cu-Au deposit was analyzed. Detailed petrography and biotite chemistry analysis were performed on thin sections and polished thin sections, respectively, representing various rocks and alteration types. A JEOL JXA-8900R electron microprobe analyzer (EMPA) was used for the chemistry analysis. The biotite is texturally divided into magmatic and hydrothermal types. Ti, Fe, and F contents can be used to distinguish the two biotite types chemically. Some oxide and halogen contents of biotite from various rocks and alteration types demonstrate a systematic variation in chemical composition. Biotite halogen chemistry shows a systematic increase in log (XCl/XOH) and decrease in log (XF/XOH) values from biotite (potassic) through chlorite-sericite (intermediate argillic) to actinolite (inner propylitic) zones. The y-intercepts on the log (XCl/XOH) vs. XMg and log (XF/XOH) vs. XFe plotted for biotite from potassic and intermediate argillic zones are similar or slightly different. In contrast, the y-intercepts on the log (XCl/XOH) vs. XMg and log (XF/XOH) vs. XFe plotted for biotite from inner propylitic zone display different values in comparison to the two alteration zones. Halogen (F,Cl) fugacity ratios in biotite show a similar pattern: in the potassic and intermediate argillic zones they show little variation, whereas in the inner propylitic zone they are distinctly different. These features suggest the hydrothermal fluid composition remained fairly constant in the inner part of the deposit during the potassic and intermediate argillic alteration events, but changed significantly towards the outer part affected by inner propylitic alteration. High halogen content, particularly Cl, in hydrothermal biotite may portray that copper and gold were transported in mineralizing fluids in the form of chloride complexes CuCl2- and AuCl2-, respectively

    Model Strategi Kemitraan pada Lembaga Pendidikan Islam (Studi Kasus di Man 2 Mataram)

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    Pendidikan merupakan kebutuhan yang sangat penting dalam kehidupan manusia, juga sebagai sasaran utama upaya pembangunan manusia. Pendidikan diyakini mampu mengubah pola pikir masyarakat yang nantinya diharapkan membawa Perubahan bagi bangsanya. Setiap lembaga atau organisasi sosial, khususnya sekolah/madrasah dalam melaksanakan aktivitas selalu berkaitan dengan USAha mengembangkan kerja sama satu kesatuan, dengan memanfaatkan sumber daya yang ada guna mencapai tujuan tertentu dalam organisasi yang telah ditetapkan sebelumnya (pre determine objective).. Untuk memudahkan dalam mencari data atau informasi yang terkait dengan kajian ini, maka perlu membatasi masalah. Kajian akan fokus pada proses, visualisasi, konstruksi dan tujuan membagun keunggulan bersaing  di MAN 2. Dan lebih khusus adalah tentang bagaimana analisis lingkungan, bagaimana akuntabillitas lembaga, dan bagaimana bentuk kerjasama lembaga dengan masyarakat baik masyarakat sekitar maupun masyarakat luas pada umumnya. Kajian ini  diharapkan dapat berkonstribusi pada; (1)  menambah dan  memperkaya khazanah keilmuan pendidikan khususnya manajemen pendidikan Islam dalam mengaplikasikan bagaimana strategi kemitraan dalam membangun keunggulan bersaing guna menciptakan lembaga pendidikan yang bermartabat dan berdaya saing dalam rangka mengembangkan dan memajukan pendidikan. (2) Bagi para pembuat dan pengambil kebijakan sebagai salah satu acuan terkait dengan strategi kemitraan dalam membangun keunggulan bersaing pada lembaga pendidikan guna mengembangkan dunia pendidikan Islam formal maupun non formal, (3) Bagi para pelaksana kebijakan pendidikan dalam mensosialisasikan dan menanamkan nilai-nilai kebersamaan guna membangun dunia pendidikan dan lembaga pendidikan dengan menerapkan strategi kemitraan dalam membangun keunggulan bersaing di lembaga pendidikan Islam. Bagi para peneliti lainnya sebagai bahan acuan dalam melaksanakan penelitian selanjutnya terutama tentang strategi lembaga pendidikan Islam

    Returns to Education between the Self-employed and Employed Sectors: Evidence from Malaysia

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    Investment in human capital in terms of returns to education is considered a crucial factor that contributes to the remarkable economic growth especially in the rapidly developing countries. Since poverty and education are closely related, this paper attempts to examine whether returns to education differ between the self-employed and employed sectors in the rural Malay area in Rantau, Malaysia. Using the adjusted Mincerian Earnings function and the dummy variables approach, the empirical finding shows that returns to education do not differ between the self-employed and employed sectors in the rural Malay society. Thus, it can be deduced that there is no significant difference between the self-employed and employed sectors in those two sectors. Interestingly, it also reveals that private rates of return (ROR) increase by the level of schooling and they are the highest at the Secondary level. Finally, appropriate strategies are further suggested to alleviate poverty in the case study area

    On Coba and Cocok: youth-led drug-experimentation in Eastern Indonesia

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    The everyday lives of contemporary youths are awash with drugs to boost pleasure, moods, sexual performance, vitality, appearance and health. This paper examines pervasive practices of chemical ‘self-maximization’ from the perspectives of youths themselves. The research for this paper was conducted among male, female and transgender (male to female, so-called waria) sex workers in Makassar, Indonesia. It presents the authors’ ethnographic findings on how these youths experiment with drugs to achieve their desired mental and bodily states: with the painkiller Somadril to feel happy, confident and less reluctant to engage in sex with clients, and contraceptive pills and injectable hormones to feminize their male bodies and to attract customers. Youths are extremely creative in adjusting dosages and mixing substances, with knowledge of the (mostly positive) ‘lived effects’ of drugs spreading through collective experimentation and word of mouth. The paper outlines how these experimental practices differ from those that have become the gold standard in biomedicine

    The relationships between cage floor preferences and performance in broiler chickens

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    Two experiments were conducted with broiler chickens to determine cage floor preferences, the strength of preference for a particular floor type and to evaluate the effect of rearing broilers on the preferred cage floor on productivity. In experiment 1, chicks when offered free access to either wire (WF) or plastic (PF) mesh flooring, preferred the former. However, when the perferred floor type (WF) was illuminated at 800 lux, birds spent longer time on PF. Also provision of incandescent lamps at PF resulted in broilers spending significantly longer period on WF. In experiment 2, while floor type had no effect on growth of female chicks throughout the duration of study, male chicks grown on PF were heavier than their WF counterparts on Days 21, 28, 35 and 42. Neither livability, nor incidence of breast blisters and leg deformities was affected by floor type


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    Selecting a design solution (choice problem) is one of the natures of design decision. If the problem is more complex and involves multi participants, decision aid is necessary. This paper discusses the nature of group judgment and negotiation on multi-criteria decision-making methodologies. It presents a conceptual model of negotiation support in a multi-person decision on building floor system selection. Decision technique (AHP) was applied for decision process in a satisfying options and game theory for coalition formation. An n-person cooperative game is represented by a set of all players. The proposed coalition formation model enables each agent to select individually or coalition. It improves the value of building system decision. It further emphasizes the importance of performance evaluation in the design process and value-based decision. The support model can be extended to an automated negotiation and in different building system selection with proper  modification. Keywords: Multi-person, design decision, IBS, floor system selection