414 research outputs found

    Construction, start-up and operation of a continuously aerated laboratory-scale SHARON reactor in view of coupling with an Anammox reactor

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    In this study practical experiences during start-up and operation of a laboratory-scale SHARON reactor are discussed, along with the construction of the reactor. Special attention is given to the start-up in view of possible toxic effects of high nitrogen concentrations (up to 4 000 mgN(.)l(-1)) on the nitrifier population and because the reactor was inoculated with sludge from an SBR reactor operated under completely different conditions. Because of these considerations, the reactor was first operated as an SBR to prevent biomass washout and to allow the selection of a strong nitrifying population. A month after the inoculation the reactor was switched to normal chemostat operation. As a result the nitrite oxidisers were washed out and only the ammonium oxidisers persisted in the reactor. In this contribution also some practical considerations concerning the operation of a continuously aerated SHARON reactor, such as mixing, evaporation and wall growth are discussed. These considerations are not trivial, since the reactor will be used for kinetic characterisation and modelling studies. Finally the performance of the SHARON reactor under different conditions is discussed in view of its coupling with an Anammox unit. Full nitrification was proven to be feasible for nitrogen loads up to 1.5 gTAN-N(.)l(-1.)d(-1), indicating the possibility of the SHARON process to treat highly loaded nitrogen streams. Applying different influent concentrations led to different effluent characteristics indicating the need for proper control of the SHARON reactor

    Practical application and statistical analysis of titrimetric monitoring of water and sludge samples

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    Titrimetry offers the possibility of simultaneous measurement at low cost of several (buffering) components. A first step in the study towards practical application of the titrimetric technique was the titrimetric analysis by up- or down-titration of standard solutions, standard mixtures, solids digester samples and water samples coming from autotrophic nitrogen-removal reactors. The resulting raw data were further processed with an Excel-based program. This program first converts the raw data into a buffer curve upon which a linear buffer capacity model is fitted to the experimental data by estimating the (buffer) concentrations and corresponding pKa values. As such the type of component and the concentration can be determined. As a second step the resulting calculated concentrations were analysed statistically to assess the accuracy and precision of the titrimetric technique. For this purpose, the data were paired, i.e. the difference between the concentration obtained with titrimetry and the concentration obtained with another technique such as colorimetry or gas chromatography was calculated. First the normality of the paired data was assessed. Then, a paired t-test (normal data) or a paired Wilcoxon test (normal data) was used to statistically compare the results obtained with the titrimetric technique to either the stock solution concentration or measurements with another method (colorimetry or gas chromatography). The statistical tests showed that, depending on the titrant concentration, concentrations from 50 mg/. to 3 000 mg/. could adequately be measured with the titrimetric technique

    Is Maternal Smoking During Pregnancy a Causal Environmental Risk Factor for Adolescent Antisocial Behavior? Testing Etiological Theories and Assumptions

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    Background—Although many studies indicate that maternal smoking during pregnancy (SDP) is correlated with later offspring antisocial behavior (ASB), recent quasi-experimental studies suggest that background familial factors confound the association. The present study sought to test alternative etiological hypotheses using multiple indices of adolescent ASB, comparing differentially exposed siblings, and testing assumptions in the sibling-comparison design

    Language Model Applications to Spelling with Brain-Computer Interfaces

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    Within the Ambient Assisted Living (AAL) community, Brain-Computer Interfaces (BCIs) have raised great hopes as they provide alternative communication means for persons with disabilities bypassing the need for speech and other motor activities. Although significant advancements have been realized in the last decade, applications of language models (e.g., word prediction, completion) have only recently started to appear in BCI systems. The main goal of this article is to review the language model applications that supplement non-invasive BCI-based communication systems by discussing their potential and limitations, and to discern future trends. First, a brief overview of the most prominent BCI spelling systems is given, followed by an in-depth discussion of the language models appli

    Nitrite effect on the phosphorus uptake activity of phosphate accumulating organisms (PAOs) in pilot-scale SBR and MBR reactors

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    Batch tests were performed to investigate the nitrite effect on the P-uptake of biomass grown in pilot-scale SBR and MBR systems. The results showed that the nitrite has an inhibitory effect on the aerobic P-uptake of the SBR and the MBR biomasses. The degree of inhibition was observed to be 65 % and 37 % at 10 mg NO2-N/â„“ for the SBR and the MBR respectively. Both biomasses were found capable of using nitrite as electron acceptor as effectively as nitrate. Moreover, for the SBR biomass the anoxic P-uptake rate using nitrite was found even higher (60%) than the P-uptake rate with nitrate. From a modelling point of view, the current models require appropriate extensions to describe these various effects of nitrite. Hence, an extension of the ASM2d model has been provided. Prevention of nitrite build-up in full-scale EBPRs will eliminate the nitrite inhibition problem. Alternatively one can adopt a proactive approach in which the aerobic P-uptake phase is replaced with an anoxic P-uptake phase using only nitrite as electron acceptor. Such an approach offers considerable cost savings and enhanced nitrogen and phosphorus removal. This, however, requires further research for experimental validation and testing.Keywords: ASM2d, MBR, modelling, nitrogen and phosphorus removal, nitrite inhibition, polyphosphate accumulating organisms, phosphate uptake, SB

    The background: a non-event in single-crystal diffractometry

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    State-of-the-art of design and operation of power systems with large amounts of wind power, summary of IEA Wind collaboration

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    An international forum for exchange of knowledge of power system impacts of wind power has been formed under the IEA Implementing Agreement on Wind Energy. The task “Design and Operation of Power Systems with Large Amounts of Wind Power” is analysing existing case studies from different power systems.There are a multitude of studies made and ongoing related to cost of wind integration. However, the results are not easy to compare. This paper summarises the results from 15 case studies

    Impact of asthma on the brain: evidence from diffusion MRI, CSF biomarkers and cognitive decline

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    Chronic systemic inflammation increases the risk of neurodegeneration, but the mechanisms remain unclear. Part of the challenge in reaching a nuanced understanding is the presence of multiple risk factors that interact to potentiate adverse consequences. To address modifiable risk factors and mitigate downstream effects, it is necessary, although difficult, to tease apart the contribution of an individual risk factor by accounting for concurrent factors such as advanced age, cardiovascular risk, and genetic predisposition. Using a case-control design, we investigated the influence of asthma, a highly prevalent chronic inflammatory disease of the airways, on brain health in participants recruited to the Wisconsin Alzheimer's Disease Research Center (31 asthma patients, 186 non-asthma controls, aged 45-90 years, 62.2% female, 92.2% cognitively unimpaired), a sample enriched for parental history of Alzheimer's disease. Asthma status was determined using detailed prescription information. We employed multi-shell diffusion weighted imaging scans and the three-compartment neurite orientation dispersion and density imaging model to assess white and gray matter microstructure. We used cerebrospinal fluid biomarkers to examine evidence of Alzheimer's disease pathology, glial activation, neuroinflammation and neurodegeneration. We evaluated cognitive changes over time using a preclinical Alzheimer cognitive composite. Using permutation analysis of linear models, we examined the moderating influence of asthma on relationships between diffusion imaging metrics, CSF biomarkers, and cognitive decline, controlling for age, sex, and cognitive status. We ran additional models controlling for cardiovascular risk and genetic risk of Alzheimer's disease, defined as a carrier of at least one apolipoprotein E (APOE) ε4 allele. Relative to controls, greater Alzheimer's disease pathology (lower amyloid-β42/amyloid-β40, higher phosphorylated-tau-181) and synaptic degeneration (neurogranin) biomarker concentrations were associated with more adverse white matter metrics (e.g. lower neurite density, higher mean diffusivity) in patients with asthma. Higher concentrations of the pleiotropic cytokine IL-6 and the glial marker S100B were associated with more salubrious white matter metrics in asthma, but not in controls. The adverse effects of age on white matter integrity were accelerated in asthma. Finally, we found evidence that in asthma, relative to controls, deterioration in white and gray matter microstructure was associated with accelerated cognitive decline. Taken together, our findings suggest that asthma accelerates white and gray matter microstructural changes associated with aging and increasing neuropathology, that in turn, are associated with more rapid cognitive decline. Effective asthma control, on the other hand, may be protective and slow progression of cognitive symptoms

    A genetically informed study of the associations between maternal age at childbearing and adverse perinatal outcomes

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    We examined associations of maternal age at childbearing (MAC) with gestational age and fetal growth (i.e., birth weight adjusting for gestational age), using two genetically informed designs (cousin and sibling comparisons) and data from two cohorts, a population-based Swedish sample and a nationally representative United States sample. We also conducted sensitivity analyses to test limitations of the designs. The findings were consistent across samples and suggested that, associations observed in the population between younger MAC and shorter gestational age were confounded by shared familial factors; however, associations of advanced MAC with shorter gestational age remained robust after accounting for shared familial factors. In contrast to the gestational age findings, neither early nor advanced MAC was associated with lower fetal growth after accounting for shared familial factors. Given certain assumptions, these findings provide support for a causal association between advanced MAC and shorter gestational age. The results also suggest that there are not causal associations between early MAC and shorter gestational age, between early MAC and lower fetal growth, and between advanced MAC and lower fetal growth.NonePublishe
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