83 research outputs found

    DNA-Containing Immunocomplexes Promote Inflammasome Assembly and Release of Pyrogenic Cytokines by CD14+ CD16+ CD64high CD32low Inflammatory Monocytes from Malaria Patients

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    High levels of circulating immunocomplexes (ICs) are found in patients with either infectious or sterile inflammation. We report that patients with either Plasmodium falciparum or Plasmodium vivax malaria have increased levels of circulating anti-DNA antibodies and ICs containing parasite DNA. Upon stimulation with malaria-induced ICs, monocytes express an NF-kappaB transcriptional signature. The main source of IC-induced proinflammatory cytokines (i.e., tumor necrosis factor alpha [TNF-alpha] and interleukin-1beta [IL-1beta])in peripheral blood mononuclear cells from acute malaria patients was found to be a CD14(+) CD16 (FcgammaRIIIA)(+) CD64 (FcgammaRI)(high) CD32 (FcgammaRIIB)(low) monocyte subset. Monocytes from convalescent patients were predominantly of the classical phenotype (CD14(+) CD16(-)) that produces high levels of IL-10 and lower levels of TNF-alpha and IL-1beta in response to ICs. Finally, we report a novel role for the proinflammatory activity of ICs by demonstrating their ability to induce inflammasome assembly and caspase-1 activation in human monocytes. These findings illuminate our understanding of the pathogenic role of ICs and monocyte subsets and may be relevant for future development of immunity-based interventions with broad applications to systemic inflammatory diseases. IMPORTANCE: Every year, there are approximately 200 million cases of Plasmodium falciparum and P. vivax malaria, resulting in nearly 1 million deaths, most of which are children. Decades of research on malaria pathogenesis have established that the clinical manifestations are often a consequence of the systemic inflammation elicited by the parasite. Recent studies indicate that parasite DNA is a main proinflammatory component during infection with different Plasmodium species. This finding resembles the mechanism of disease in systemic lupus erythematosus, where host DNA plays a central role in stimulating an inflammatory process and self-damaging reactions. In this study, we disclose the mechanism by which ICs containing Plasmodium DNA activate innate immune cells and consequently stimulate systemic inflammation during acute episodes of malaria. Our results further suggest that Toll-like receptors and inflammasomes have a central role in malaria pathogenesis and provide new insights toward developing novel therapeutic interventions for this devastating disease

    Splenic differentiation and emergence of CCR5+CXCL9+CXCL10+ monocyte-derived dendritic cells in the brain during cerebral malaria

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    Dendritic cells have an important role in immune surveillance. After being exposed to microbial components, they migrate to secondary lymphoid organs and activate T lymphocytes. Here we show that during mouse malaria, splenic inflammatory monocytes differentiate into monocyte-derived dendritic cells (MO-DCs), which are CD11b+F4/80+CD11c+MHCIIhighDC-SIGNhighLy6c+ and express high levels of CCR5, CXCL9 and CXCL10 (CCR5+CXCL9/10+ MO-DCs). We propose that malaria-induced splenic MO-DCs take a reverse migratory route. After differentiation in the spleen, CCR5+CXCL9/10+ MO-DCs traffic to the brain in a CCR2-independent, CCR5-dependent manner, where they amplify the influx of CD8+ T lymphocytes, leading to a lethal neuropathological syndrome

    Malaria parasites regulate the duration of the intra-erythrocytic cycle via serpentine receptor 10 and coordinate development with host daily rhythms

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    Malaria parasites complete their intra-erythrocytic developmental cycle (IDC) in multiples of 24 h suggesting a circadian basis, but the mechanism controlling this periodicity is unknown. Combining in vivo and in vitro approaches utilizing rodent and human malaria parasites, we reveal that: (i) 57% of Plasmodium chabaudi genes exhibit daily rhythms in transcription; (ii) 58% of these genes lose transcriptional rhythmicity when the IDC is out-of-synchrony with host rhythms; (iii) 6% of Plasmodium falciparum genes show 24 h rhythms in expression under free-running conditions; (iv) Serpentine receptor 10 (SR10) has a 24 h transcriptional rhythm and disrupting it in rodent malaria parasites shortens the IDC by 2-3 h; (v) Multiple processes including DNA replication, and the ubiquitin and proteasome pathways, are affected by loss of coordination with host rhythms and by disruption of SR10. Our results reveal malaria parasites are at least partly responsible for scheduling the IDC and coordinating their development with host daily rhythms

    Molecular architecture and function of the hemidesmosome

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    Molecular architecture and function of the hemidesmosome

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    Flash boiling spray of diesel fuel mixed with ethane and its effects on premixed diesel combustion

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    Mixtures of gaseous and liquid fuels have the potential to induce flash boiling under in-cylinder conditions close to the top dead center, something that can be expected to be suitable for a premixed diesel combustion that demands a way to enhance lean mixture formation. The present study mixes ethane, which is a natural gas component, into diesel fuel as ethane has a high vapor pressure that facilitates flash boiling and as ethane has a low cetane number that prolongs the ignition delay. This paper investigates spray characteristics of a diesel fuel-Ethane mixture, and the engine performance and exhaust emissions are evaluated in a single cylinder engine. The test results show that the flash boiling enhances the lean mixture formation, and realizes combustion with low soot and low NOx without EGR (exhaust gas recirculation) while also improving thermal efficiency. An additional test was performed to identify the effects of the flash boiling and the ignition delay, and the results show that the long ignition delay plays the most important role in the thermal efficiency and emission changes and that the flash boiling facilitates the formation of leaner mixtures that lower the overall combustion rate and achieves very low NOx emissions