725 research outputs found

    Spatial and temporal pulse shaping for lateral and depth resolved two-photon excited fluorescence contrast

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    We report combined temporal and spatial laser pulse shaping to perform lateral and depth dependent two-photon excited fluorescence of dyes. For generating the specific spatially and temporally phase tailored pulses a temporal pulse shaper and a subsequent spatial pulse shaper are employed. Simultaneous spatial and temporal shaping is presented for two-photon excited fluorescence by applying temporal third order phase functions on spatially different light field components. Moreover, the prospects of spatial shaping are demonstrated by applying various lateral two-photon fluorescence pattern. In particular, a depth dependent excitation of different dyes is performed which leads to a high axially resolved fluorescence contrast. The introduced spatial and temporal shaping technique provides new perspectives for biophotonic imaging applications

    Types and correlates of school non-attendance in students with autism spectrum disorders

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    School non-attendance in autism spectrum disorders (ASD) has received very little attention to date. The study aimed to provide a comprehensive description of school non-attendance in students with ASD. Through an online survey, parents of 486 children (mean age 11 years) reported on school attendance over one month, and reasons for instances of non-attendance. On average, students missed five days of school of a possible 23 days. Persistent non-attendance (absent on 10%+ of available sessions) occurred among 43% of students. School non-attendance was associated with child older age, not living in a two-parent household, parental unemployment and, especially, attending a mainstream school. School refusal accounted for 43% of non-attendance. School exclusion and school withdrawal each accounted for 9% of absences. Truancy was almost non-existent. Non-problematic absenteeism (mostly related to medical appointments and illness) accounted for 32% of absences. Non-problematic absenteeism was more likely among those with intellectual disability, school refusal was more likely among older students, and school exclusion was more likely among students from single-parent, unemployed, and well educated households. Findings suggest school non-attendance in ASD is a significant issue, and that it is important to capture detail about attendance patterns and reasons for school non-attendance

    Tunable steady-state domain wall oscillator with perpendicular magnetic anisotropy

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    We theoretically study domain wall oscillations upon the injection of a dc current through a geometrically constrained wire with perpendicular magnetic anisotropy. The oscillation frequency spectrum can be tuned by the injected current density, but additionally by the application of an external magnetic field independent of the power. The results of analytical calculations are supported by micromagnetic simulations based on the Landau-Lifshitz-Gilbert equation. The simple concept of our localized steady-state oscillator might prove useful as a nanoscale microwave generator with possible applications in telecommunication or for rf-assisted writing in magnetic hard drives.Comment: 10 pages, 3 figure

    A traveling wave decelerator for neutral polar molecules

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    Recently, a decelerator for neutral polar molecules has been presented that operates on the basis of macroscopic, three-dimensional, traveling electrostatic traps (Osterwalder et al., Phys. Rev. A 81, 051401 (2010)). In the present paper, a complete description of this decelerator is given, with emphasis on the electronics and the mechanical design. Experimental results showing the transverse velocity distributions of guided molecules are shown and compared to trajectory simulations. An assessment of non-adiabatic losses is made by comparing the deceleration signals from 13-CO with those from 12-CO and with simulated signals.Comment: 10 pages, 7 figure

    Energy relaxation and triplet formation

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    We combined femtosecond (fs) VIS pump–IR probe spectroscopy with fs VIS pump–supercontinuum probe spectroscopy to characterize the photoreaction of the hexacoordinated Al(tpfc-Br8)(py)2 in a comprehensive way. Upon fs excitation at ∌400 nm in the Soret band, the excitation energy relaxes with a time constant of (250 ± 80) fs to the S2 and S1 electronic excited states. This is evident from the rise time of the stimulated emission signal in the visible spectral range. On the same time scale, narrowing of broad infrared signals in the C=C stretching region around 1500 cm−1 is observed. Energy redistribution processes are visible in the vibrational and electronic dynamics with time constants between ∌2 ps and ∌20 ps. Triplet formation is detected with a time constant of (95 ± 3) ps. This is tracked by the complete loss of stimulated emission. Electronic transition of the emerging triplet absorption band overlaps considerably with the singlet excited stateabsorption. In contrast, two well separated vibrational marker bands for triplet formation were identified at 1477 cm−1 and at 1508 cm−1. These marker bands allow a precise identification of triplet dynamics in corrole systems

    Current Concepts and Trends in Human-Automation Interaction

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    Dieser Beitrag ist mit Zustimmung des Rechteinhabers aufgrund einer (DFG geförderten) Allianz- bzw. Nationallizenz frei zugÀnglich.This publication is with permission of the rights owner freely accessible due to an Alliance licence and a national licence (funded by the DFG, German Research Foundation) respectively.The purpose of this panel was to provide a general overview and discussion of some of the most current and controversial concepts and trends in human-automation interaction. The panel was composed of eight researchers and practitioners. The panelists are well-known experts in the area and offered differing views on a variety of different human-automation topics. The range of concepts and trends discussed in this panel include: general taxonomies regarding stages and levels of automation and function allocation, individualized adaptive automation, automation-induced complacency, economic rationality and the use of automation, the potential utility of false alarms, the influence of different types of false alarms on trust and reliance, and a system-wide theory of trust in multiple automated aids

    Combined temporal and spatial laser pulse shaping for two-photon excited fluorescence contrast improvement

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    We report on combined simultaneous temporal and spatial laser pulse shaping by utilizing light polarization properties. Thereto, a setup comprising a temporal pulse shaper, a waveplate, and a spatial shaper was developed and characterized by comparison with simulations. This enables to simultaneously shape one polarization component temporally and spatially while the perpendicular polarization component is modified temporally. The spatially and temporally modulated light fields were recorded and visualized by suitable contour plots, which was particularly demonstrated for cylindrically symmetric pulse profiles. Moreover, temporally and spatially shaped pulses were applied for two-photon excited fluorescence of dyes. These measurements were conducted by scanning third order phase functions for specific spatial pulse components which yields an enhanced contrast difference between fluorescing dyes. The presented temporal and spatial shaping method of ultrashort laser pulses has a high potential for biophotonic applications

    Efficient chaining of seeds in ordered trees

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    We consider here the problem of chaining seeds in ordered trees. Seeds are mappings between two trees Q and T and a chain is a subset of non overlapping seeds that is consistent with respect to postfix order and ancestrality. This problem is a natural extension of a similar problem for sequences, and has applications in computational biology, such as mining a database of RNA secondary structures. For the chaining problem with a set of m constant size seeds, we describe an algorithm with complexity O(m2 log(m)) in time and O(m2) in space

    Domain-wall depinning assisted by pure spin currents

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    We study the depinning of domain walls by pure diffusive spin currents in a nonlocal spin valve structure based on two ferromagnetic permalloy elements with copper as the nonmagnetic spin conduit. The injected spin current is absorbed by the second permalloy structure with a domain wall and from the dependence of the wall depinning field on the spin current density we find an efficiency of 6*10^{-14}T/(A/m^2), which is more than an order of magnitude larger than for conventional current induced domain wall motion. Theoretically we reproduce this high efficiency, which arises from the surface torques exerted by the absorbed spin current that lead to efficient depinning.Comment: 11 pages, 3 figures, accepted for publication in Phys. Rev. Let
