315 research outputs found

    Sobre los Mandamientos

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    La ley de Cristo, verdad del hombre

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    Pion scattering poles and chiral symmetry restoration

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    Using unitarized Chiral Perturbation Theory methods, we perform a detailed analysis of the ππ\pi\pi scattering poles f0(600)f_0(600) and ρ(770)\rho(770) behaviour when medium effects such as temperature or density drive the system towards Chiral Symmetry Restoration. In the analysis of real poles below threshold, we show that it is crucial to extend properly the unitarized amplitudes so that they match the perturbative Adler zeros. Our results do not show threshold enhancement effects at finite temperature in the f0(600)f_0(600) channel, which remains as a pole of broad nature. We also implement T=0 finite density effects related to chiral symmetry restoration, by varying the pole position with the pion decay constant. Although this approach takes into account only a limited class of contributions, we reproduce the expected finite density restoration behaviour, which drives the poles towards the real axis, producing threshold enhancement and ππ\pi\pi bound states. We compare our results with several model approaches and discuss the experimental consequences, both in Relativistic Heavy Ion Collisions and in πππ\pi\to \pi\pi and γππ\gamma\to \pi\pi reactions in nuclei.Comment: 17 pages, 9 figures, final version to appear in Phys.Rev.D, added comments and reference

    Cultivos forestales y cambio tecnológico. Efectos económicos y ambientales

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    This article analyzes the impact of the expansion of forest plantations on the world forestry sector. The transition process from a resource-base to a science-base wood production system is described and the main factors conditioning actual wood production world wide are also identified. A simple analytical framework is used to analyze the potential contribution of intensive plantations and technical change to world wood supply and the conservation of forest resources.Este artículo analiza las repercusiones de la expansión de los cultivos forestales sobre el sector forestal mundial. Se describe, en primer lugar, el proceso de transición de unos sistemas de producción de madera basados, esencialmente, en la extracción de recursos naturales, a unas producciones madereras cada vez más intensivas en innovaciones tecnológicas-recursos del conocimiento. A continuación se identifican los principales factores que condicionan en la actualidad la producción de madera destinada a uso industrial. Se desarrolla también un marco analítico sencillo que incorpora el cambio tecnológico, mediante el cual es posible analizar la contribución potencial de los cultivos forestales intensivos sobre la oferta mundial de madera y la conservación de los recursos forestales

    Measurement of the Total Factor Productivity of Spanish Agriculture: 1962-1989

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    Demonología en la "Expositio Super Iob" de Santo Tomás de Aquino

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    Orvieto, 1261-1264. En este tiempo y lugar, según los datos más seguros, Santo Tomás de Aquino impartió un ciclo de clases comentando uno de los libros sagrados de más difícil interpretación: el libro de Job. En 1981 —junto con otros dos doctorandos— realizamos la traducción al castellano de la Expositio super Iob ad litteram. A medida que avanzaba la traducción nos dimos cuenta de la riqueza teológica que contenía este comentario del Aquinatense. La providencia divina, el sufrimiento del justo, la coordinación libertadgracia, el problema del mal, la amistad, el valor del dolor, la vida futura, etc., son cuestiones que el Doctor Angélico expone a lo largo de todo el comentario a Job. La exposición no la hace sistemáticamente, sino que brota al hilo de los versículos comentados. El Aquinatense no pretende hacer un tratado sistemático de tales cuestiones, sólo quiere comentar el libro de Job

    UCO.MIPSIM: pipelined computer simulator for teaching purposes

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    Since pipelining is a very important implementation technique for processors, students in Computer Science need to achieve a good understanding of it. UCO.MIPSIM simulator has been developed to support teaching such concepts. This paper introduces the basics of pipelining and describes UCO.MIPSIM, its main components and its functions. The learning effectiveness of the simulator has been tested by means of the comparison with two learning tools, the traditional paper and pencil and another pipelined computer simulator. In this way, a tool evaluation methodology is also introduce

    Anaerobic co-digestion of pear residues and sewage sludge using a CSTR digester. Influence of the feed procedure

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    Anaerobic co-digestion of pear residues with sewage sludge is feasible. Important differences are obtained from the two feed regimes tested, with better results for the so-called continuous feed. The organic loading rate (OLR) is the important parameter for the methane productionUniversidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech