42 research outputs found

    Family Foster Care for Abandoned Children in Egypt

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    The profile of Egyptian foster children has changed tremendously since the establishment of Egyptian family foster care in 1959. This is a result of changes in foster family practice and changes in the profile of foster families. The changes in family foster care practice included terminating the use of wet nurses and replacing them with Childhood and Motherhood Care Centers and by determining a specific age that foster children would leave the foster care system. The changes in the foster family profile included the educational qualifications offoster mothers, the jobs offoster mothers and foster fathers, the motivation to be a foster family, and the number of bedrooms in a foster family home. These changes have been made in the hope of offering the highest quality of welfare forfoster children and theirfosterfamilies and achieving the best interests for both of them

    On Neutrosophic Crisp Semi Alpha Closed Sets

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    In this paper, we present another concept of neutrosophic crisp generalized closed sets called neutrosophic crisp semi alpha-closed sets and study their fundamental properties

    Reformulation of the strong-field approximation for light-matter interactions

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    We consider the interaction of hydrogen-like atoms with a strong laser field and show that the strong field approximation and all its variants may be grouped into a set of families of approximation schemes. This is done by introducing an ansatz describing the electron wave packet as the sum of the initial state wave function times a phase factor and a function which is the perturbative solution in the Coulomb potential of an inhomogeneous time-dependent Schr\"odinger equation. It is the phase factor that characterizes a given family. In each of these families, the velocity and length gauge version of the approximation scheme lead to the same results at each order in the Coulomb potential. By contrast, irrespective of the gauge, approximation schemes belonging to different families give different results. Furthermore, this new formulation of the strong field approximations allows us to gain deeper insight into the validity of the strong field approximation schemes. In particular, we address two important questions: the role of the Coulomb potential in the output channel and the convergence of the perturbative series in the Coulomb potential. In all the physical situations we consider here, our results are compared to those obtained by solving numerically the time-dependent Schr\"odinger equation.Comment: 19 pages, 9 figures, submitted for publicatio

    Sturmian bases for two-electron systems in hyperspherical coordinates

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    We give a detailed account of an ab\it{ab} initio\it{initio} spectral approach for the calculation of energy spectra of two active electron atoms in a system of hyperspherical coordinates. In this system of coordinates, the Hamiltonian has the same structure as the one of atomic hydrogen with the Coulomb potential expressed in terms of a hyperradius and the nuclear charge replaced by an angle dependent effective charge. The simplest spectral approach consists in expanding the hyperangular wave function in a basis of hyperspherical harmonics. This expansion however, is known to be very slowly converging. Instead, we introduce new hyperangular sturmian functions. These functions do not have an analytical expression but they treat the first term of the multipole expansion of the electron-electron interaction potential, namely the radial electron correlation, exactly. The properties of these new functions are discussed in detail. For the basis functions of the hyperradius, several choices are possible. In the present case, we use Coulomb sturmian functions of half integer angular momentum. We show that, in the case of H−^-, the accuracy of the energy and the width of the resonance states obtained through a single diagonalization of the Hamiltonian, is comparable to the values given by state-of-the-art methods while using a much smaller basis set. In addition, we show that precise values of the electric-dipole oscillator strengths for S→PS\rightarrow P transitions in helium are obtained thereby confirming the accuracy of the bound state wave functions generated with the present method.Comment: 28 pages, 4 figure

    A review of ECG-based diagnosis support systems for obstructive sleep apnea

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    Humans need sleep. It is important for physical and psychological recreation. During sleep our consciousness is suspended or least altered. Hence, our ability to avoid or react to disturbances is reduced. These disturbances can come from external sources or from disorders within the body. Obstructive Sleep Apnea (OSA) is such a disorder. It is caused by obstruction of the upper airways which causes periods where the breathing ceases. In many cases, periods of reduced breathing, known as hypopnea, precede OSA events. The medical background of OSA is well understood, but the traditional diagnosis is expensive, as it requires sophisticated measurements and human interpretation of potentially large amounts of physiological data. Electrocardiogram (ECG) measurements have the potential to reduce the cost of OSA diagnosis by simplifying the measurement process. On the down side, detecting OSA events based on ECG data is a complex task which requires highly skilled practitioners. Computer algorithms can help to detect the subtle signal changes which indicate the presence of a disorder. That approach has the following advantages: computers never tire, processing resources are economical and progress, in the form of better algorithms, can be easily disseminated as updates over the internet. Furthermore, Computer-Aided Diagnosis (CAD) reduces intra- and inter-observer variability. In this review, we adopt and support the position that computer based ECG signal interpretation is able to diagnose OSA with a high degree of accuracy

    The Effect of Irrigation Rate on the Water Relations of Young Citrus Trees in High-Density Planting

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    The availability and proper irrigation scheduling of water are some of the most significant limitations on citrus production in Florida. The proper volume of citrus water demand is vital in evaluating sustainable irrigation approaches. The current study aims to determine the amount of irrigation required to grow citrus trees at higher planting densities without detrimental impacts on trees’ water relation parameters. The study was conducted between November 2017 and September 2020 on young sweet orange (Citrus sinensis) trees budded on the ‘US-897’ (Cleopatra mandarin x Flying Dragon trifoliate orange) citrus rootstock transplanted in sandy soil at the Southwest Florida Research and Education Center (SWFREC) demonstration grove, near Immokalee, Florida. The experiment contained six planting densities, including 447, 598, and 745 trees per ha replicated four times, and 512, 717, and 897 trees per ha replicated six times. Each density treatment was irrigated at 62% or 100% during the first 15 months between 2017 and 2019 or one of the four irrigation rates (26.5, 40.5, 53, or 81%) based on the calculated crop water supplied (ETc) during the last 17 months of 2019–2020. Tree water relations, including soil moisture, stem water potential, and water supplied, were collected periodically. In addition, soil salinity was determined. During the first year (2018), a higher irrigation rate (100% ETc) represented higher soil water contents; however, the soil water content for the lower irrigation rate (62% ETc) did not represent biological stress. One emitter per tree regardless of planting density supported stem water potential (Ψstem) values between −0.80 and −0.79 MPa for lower and full irrigation rates, respectively. However, when treatments were adjusted from April 2019 through September 2020, the results substantially changed. The higher irrigation rate (81% ETc) represented higher soil water contents during the remainder of the study, the lower irrigation rate (26.5% ETc) represents biological stress as a result of stem water potential (Ψstem) values between −1.05 and −0.91 MPa for lower and higher irrigation rates, respectively. Besides this, increasing the irrigation rate from 26.5% to 81%ETc decreased the soil salinity by 33%. Although increasing the planting density from 717 to 897 trees per hectare reduced the water supplied on average by 37% when one irrigation emitter was used to irrigate two trees instead of one, applying an 81% ETc irrigation rate in citrus is more efficient and could be managed in commercial groves

    Effect of Various Irrigation Rates on Growth and Root Development of Young Citrus Trees in High-Density Planting

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    Citrus yields have declined by almost 56% since Huanglongbing (HLB) was first found in Florida (2005). That reduction forced citrus growers to replant trees at much higher densities to counter-balance tree loss. The current project aims to determine how much water is required to grow citrus trees at higher planting densities without reducing their productivity. The study was initiated in November 2017 on eight-month-old sweet orange (Citrus sinensis) trees grafted on the ‘US-897′ (Cleopatra mandarin × Flying Dragon trifoliate orange) citrus rootstock planted in the University of Florida, Southwest Florida Research and Education Center (SWFREC) demonstration grove, in Immokalee, FL (lat. 26.42° N, long. 81.42° W). The soil in the grove is Immokalee fine sand (Sandy, siliceous, hyperthermic Arenic Alaquods). The demonstration grove included three densities on two rows of beds (447, 598, and 745 trees per ha) replicated four times each and three densities of three rows of beds (512, 717, 897 trees per ha) replicated six times. Each density treatment was irrigated at one of two irrigation rates (62% or 100%) during the first 15 months (2017–2019) then adjusted (2019–2020) to represent 26.5, 40.5, 53, and 81% based on recommended young citrus trees evapotranspiration (ETc). Tree growth measurements including trunk diameter, height, canopy volume, leaf area, and root development were evaluated. During the first year, reducing the irrigation rate from 100% to 62% ETc did not significantly reduce the young citrus tree growth. Conversely, the lower irrigation rate (62% ETc) had increased citrus tree’s leaf area, canopy volume and tree heights, root lifespan, and root length by 4, 9, 1, 2, and 24% compared with the higher irrigation rate (100%), respectively. Furthermore, the root lifespan was promoted by increasing planting density. For instance, the average root lifespan increased by 12% when planting density increased from 447 to 897 trees per ha, indicating that planting young trees much closer to each other enhanced the root’s longevity. However, when treatments were adjusted from April 2019 through June 2020, results changed. Increasing the irrigation rate from 26.5% to 81% ETc significantly enhanced the young citrus tree growth by increasing citrus tree’s canopy volume (four fold), tree heights (29%), root lifespan (86%), and root length (two fold), respectively. Thus, the application of 81% ETc irrigation rate in commercial citrus groves is more efficient for trees from two to four years of age

    The Effect of Irrigation Rate on the Water Relations of Young Citrus Trees in High-Density Planting

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    The availability and proper irrigation scheduling of water are some of the most significant limitations on citrus production in Florida. The proper volume of citrus water demand is vital in evaluating sustainable irrigation approaches. The current study aims to determine the amount of irrigation required to grow citrus trees at higher planting densities without detrimental impacts on trees’ water relation parameters. The study was conducted between November 2017 and September 2020 on young sweet orange (Citrus sinensis) trees budded on the ‘US-897’ (Cleopatra mandarin x Flying Dragon trifoliate orange) citrus rootstock transplanted in sandy soil at the Southwest Florida Research and Education Center (SWFREC) demonstration grove, near Immokalee, Florida. The experiment contained six planting densities, including 447, 598, and 745 trees per ha replicated four times, and 512, 717, and 897 trees per ha replicated six times. Each density treatment was irrigated at 62% or 100% during the first 15 months between 2017 and 2019 or one of the four irrigation rates (26.5, 40.5, 53, or 81%) based on the calculated crop water supplied (ETc) during the last 17 months of 2019–2020. Tree water relations, including soil moisture, stem water potential, and water supplied, were collected periodically. In addition, soil salinity was determined. During the first year (2018), a higher irrigation rate (100% ETc) represented higher soil water contents; however, the soil water content for the lower irrigation rate (62% ETc) did not represent biological stress. One emitter per tree regardless of planting density supported stem water potential (Ψstem) values between −0.80 and −0.79 MPa for lower and full irrigation rates, respectively. However, when treatments were adjusted from April 2019 through September 2020, the results substantially changed. The higher irrigation rate (81% ETc) represented higher soil water contents during the remainder of the study, the lower irrigation rate (26.5% ETc) represents biological stress as a result of stem water potential (Ψstem) values between −1.05 and −0.91 MPa for lower and higher irrigation rates, respectively. Besides this, increasing the irrigation rate from 26.5% to 81%ETc decreased the soil salinity by 33%. Although increasing the planting density from 717 to 897 trees per hectare reduced the water supplied on average by 37% when one irrigation emitter was used to irrigate two trees instead of one, applying an 81% ETc irrigation rate in citrus is more efficient and could be managed in commercial groves

    Harvesting Method Affects Water Dynamics and Yield of Sweet Orange with Huanglongbing

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    Changes in grove management practices may change crop water dynamics. The objective of this study was to estimate sap flow, stem water potential (Ψstem), and citrus yield as affected by harvesting methods in sweet orange (Citrus sinensis) trees affected by Huanglongbing. The study was initiated in March 2015 for two years on five-year-old commercial sweet orange trees at a commercial grove located at Felda, Florida (26.61° N, 81.48° W) on Felda fine sand soil (Loamy, siliceous, superactive, hyperthermic Arenic Endoaqualfs). All measurements were replicated before and after harvest in four experiments (A, B, C and D) under hand and mechanical harvesting treatments. Sap flow measurements were taken on four trees per treatment with two sensors per tree. Sap flow measured by the heat balance method at hourly intervals during March and April of 2015 and 2016 significantly declined after harvesting by 25% and 35% after hand and mechanical harvesting, respectively. Ψstem measured after harvest was significantly higher than measurements before harvest. The average value of Ψstem measured increased by 10% and 6% after hand and mechanical harvesting, respectively. Mechanical harvesting exhibited lower fruit yields that averaged between 83%, 63%, 49% and 36% of hand-harvested trees under A, B, C and D experiments, respectively. It is concluded that the hand harvesting method is less stressful and less impactful on tree water uptake and fruit yield compared with mechanical harvesting