477 research outputs found

    Integrated pest management of major pests and diseases in eastern Europe and the Caucasus

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    This book promotes Integrated Pest Management, to contribute to reduced reliance on pesticides and the avoidance of adverse impacts from pesticide use on the health and safety of farming communities, consumers and the environment. Through the IPM approach, technical advice is provided to help plan methods and measures to control major pests and diseases occurring or expected to occur in the countries of Western Asia and Eastern Europe. The specific descriptions contain a short summary of the biology of the species, completed with information on methods and tools of monitoring and control. Preventive control methods are also discussed

    Occurrence of double-stranded RNA species in champignon and their relation to Mushroom Virus X symptoms

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    Mycoviruses are known to infect fungi of different habitats and life style. Some of them, like the Mushroom Virus X (MVX) complex, cause abnormal development of fruiting bodies and severe yield losses in mushroom cultivation. Most mycoviruses have a double-stranded RNA (dsRNA) genome, therefore dsRNA-detection is frequently used as a first step to identify virus infection. In relation with MVX 23 dsRNAs species have been described, occurring in variable number and combination in diseased mushrooms. The aim of our experiments was to find out whether dsRNA-immunoblotting can be used to detect dsRNA in small samples of cultivated A. bisporus varieties and of wild growing Agaricus species. We found that by immunoblotting, the same dsRNA species were detected in apparently healthy cultivated champignon fruiting bodies and in MVX-infected reference samples, respectively, as by conventional CF11 chromatography, but for immunoblotting a much smaller sample size was needed. In two out of three deformed fruit bodies of cultivated A. bisporus from Hungary we detected a 4.1 kbp dsRNA species which was also present in the MVX infected reference samples. Diverse and variable dsRNA patterns were observed in apparently healthy samples of 12 wild growing Agaricus species, indicating that extreme care should be taken when non-cultivated Agaricus is used for breeding new varieties. Non-sterile cultures and environmental mushroom specimens are fairly often mixed with parasitic and endofungal organisms, therefore, we also tested fungi isolated from mushroom cultures. Here again, 1–7 dsRNA species were found in extracts of Trichoderma and Dactylium isolates and of Mycogone-infected sporophores. Our results demonstrate clearly that dsRNAs from very different origins can be present in cultivated champignon and support the view that the MVX symptom-associated dsRNAs are probably of polyphyletic origin and do not represent one defined virus

    Adsorption of organic acids on magnetite nanoparticles, pH-dependent colloidal stability and salt tolerance

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    The adsorption of different organic acids and their influence on the pH-dependent charging, salt tolerance and so the colloidal stability of magnetite nanoparticles are compared. Adsorption isotherms of citric acid - CA, gallic acid - GA, poly(acrylic acid) - PAA, poly(acrylic-co-maleic acid) - PAM and humic acid - HA were measured. The pH-dependent charge state of MNPs was characterized by electrophoretic mobility and their aggregation by dynamic light scattering. The salt tolerance was tested in coagulation kinetic experiments. Although the adsorption capacities, the type of bonding (either H-bonds or metal ion-carboxylate complexes) and so the bond strengths are significantly different, the following general trends have been found. Small amount of organic acids at pH. <. ~8 (the pH of PZC of magnetite) - relevant condition in natural waters - only neutralize. s the positive charges, and so promotes the aggregation and sedimentation of nanoparticles. Greater amounts of organic acid, above the charge neutralization, cause the sign reversal of particle charge, and at high overcharging promote stabilization and dispersing. The thicker layer of PAA, PAM and HA provides better electrosteric stability than CA and GA. GA undergoes surface polymerization, thereby improving stabilization. The organic acids studied here eliminate completely the pH sensitivity of amphoteric magnetite, but only the polyanionic coverage provides significant increase in resistance against coagulating effects of salts at neutral pH commonly prevailing in natural waters

    A politika új dimenziója, a régió (Regionális kohézió a Dél-Dunántúlon) = The new dimension of policy, the region (Regional cohesion in Southern Transdanubia)

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    A kutatás a Dél-dunántúlon végzett empirikus vizsgálatokra épül. Sor került a térségben végrehajtott regionalizációs reform értékelésére, a regionális közszolgáltatások helyzetének számbavételére, sajtóelemzésre a regionális identitás körében, a régió főbb társadalmi, gazdasági folyamatainak elemzésére, a regionális fejlesztési tanács és a civil szektor működésének vizsgálatára. az uniós kapcsolatok feltérképezésére. A kutatás legújszerűbb, s a legtöbb munkát, energiát igénylő metszete a kérdőíves felmérés volt. Célja az intézményi elit-hálózatok feltárása illetve identitásának és a regionális reformhoz való viszonyának az értékelése. Megindult a fontosabb politikai, közhatalmi, közszolgáltatási, gazdasági, média és civil intézmények körében a regionális hálózatosodás, amelyben központi helyet foglalnak el a fejlesztéspolitikai szervezetek, az önkormányzatok. A hálózatoknak továbbra is a perifériáján helyezkednek el a civil szervezetek, a gazdasági szereplők, gyenge a média regionális identitást támogató hatása. A pártelit csak közhatalmi, közpolitika funkciókat birtokolva válik a regionális politika egyáltalán nem a legbefolyásosabb szereplőjévé. Az elit már elfogadja a régió határait, nem vitatott a régió székhelyének kérdése. Negatív kép alakult ki a kormányzat regionalizációs törekvéseiről, ezek végrehajtási módjáról. A régióépítésben nem az alulról induló elemek, hanem a felülről érkező ingerekre való reakciók a jellemzőek. A politikai, intézményi elit nem képes a reformot alulról mozgatni. Érzékelhető az uniós csatlakozás nyomán a regionális fejlesztési szervezetek pozícióvesztése. | The research has been built on the empirical investigations in the South-Transdanubian region. We have evaluated the regional reform steps, the regional public services, utilities. We have made media-analyis on the regional identity, investigated the main economic and social processes, the functioning of the regional development council and the civic sphere, the international policy mostly towards the EU. The most innovative element of the research needed the most efforts was the survey among the regional institutional elite. The aim was to identify the regional networks of the elite and to evaluate the identity and relation/ attitude towards the regional reform. The research have found that the regional networking among the institutions have already launched. In the middle of the networks are the development organisations and the local governments. The civil organisations, economic actors are still on the periphery, and there is no strong effect of the media on the regional identity-building. The partisan elite just possessing public pollicy positions are able to become influencial actors. The elite has already accepted the borders and the sit of the region. We have found a negative picture on the role of the government in the regionalisations processes and the way of implementation. In the region-building the top down elements are still dominant, the elite is not able to move the regionalisation from the bottom. The power of the regional development council has been decreased after the EU accession

    Comparison of clinical characteristics of patients with pandemic SARS-CoV-2-related and community-acquired pneumonias in Hungary – a pilot historical case-control study

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    The distinction between severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2)–related and community-acquired pneumonias poses significant difficulties, as both frequently involve the elderly. This study aimed to predict the risk of SARS-CoV-2-related pneumonia based on clinical characteristics at hospital presentation. Case-control study of all patients admitted for pneumonia at Semmelweis University Emergency Department. Cases (n = 30) were patients diagnosed with SARS-CoV-2-related pneumonia (based on polymerase chain reaction test) between 26 March 2020 and 30 April 2020; controls (n = 82) were historical pneumonia cases between 1 January 2019 and 30 April 2019. Logistic models were built with SARS-CoV-2 infection as outcome using clinical characteristics at presentation. Patients with SARS-CoV-2-related pneumonia were younger (mean difference, 95% CI: 9.3, 3.2–15.5 years) and had a higher lymphocyte count, lower C-reactive protein, presented more frequently with bilateral infiltrate, less frequently with abdominal pain, diarrhoea, and nausea in age- and sex-adjusted models. A logistic model using age, sex, abdominal pain, C-reactive protein, and the presence of bilateral infiltrate as predictors had an excellent discrimination (AUC 0.88, 95% CI: 0.81–0.96) and calibration (p = 0.27–Hosmer-Lemeshow test). The clinical use of our screening prediction model could improve the discrimination of SARS-CoV-2 related from other community-acquired pneumonias and thus help patient triage based on commonly used diagnostic approaches. However, external validation in independent datasets is required before its clinical use

    Tapasztalatok es motiváltság: magyar középiskolások véleménye az egészségvédő programokról.

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    INTRODUCTION: Health-related attitudes can be encouraged most effectively at young ages. Young generations would require more interactive methods in programs engaged in health promotion. AIM: The aim of the authors was to get an insight into the attitudes, experience and motivation of youngsters in connection with health promotion programs and the community service work. METHOD: The questionnaires were filled in by high school students studying in Budapest and in the countryside (N = 898). RESULTS: 44.4% of the students did not have lessons or extracurricular activities dealing with health promotion. Concerning health promotion programs, youngsters in Budapest had more positive experience, while female students showed a more adoptive attitude. CONCLUSIONS: It was concluded that in one of the most susceptible life stages, many youngsters either do not participate in programs dealing with health promotion, or participate in programs that are within the framework of school subjects or extracurricular activities building on traditional teaching methods. Orv. Hetil., 2016, 157(2), 65-69

    Designed polyelectrolyte shell on magnetite nanocore for dilution-resistant biocompatible magnetic fluids.

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    Magnetite nanoparticles (MNPs) coated with poly(acrylic acid-co-maleic acid) polyelectrolyte (PAM) have been prepared with the aim of improving colloidal stability of core-shell nanoparticles for biomedical applications and enhancing the durability of the coating shells. FTIR-ATR measurements reveal two types of interaction of PAM with MNPs: hydrogen bonding and inner-sphere metal-carboxylate complex formation. The mechanism of the latter is ligand exchange between uncharged -OH groups of the surface and -COO(-) anionic moieties of the polyelectrolyte as revealed by adsorption and electrokinetic experiments. The aqueous dispersion of PAM@MNP particles (magnetic fluids - MFs) tolerates physiological salt concentration at composition corresponding to the plateau of the high-affinity adsorption isotherm. The plateau is reached at small amount of added PAM and at low concentration of nonadsorbed PAM, making PAM highly efficient for coating MNPs. The adsorbed PAM layer is not desorbed during dilution. The performance of the PAM shell is superior to that of poly(acrylic acid) (PAA), often used in biocompatible MFs. This is explained by the different adsorption mechanisms; metal-carboxylate cannot form in the case of PAA. Molecular-level understanding of the protective shell formation on MNPs presented here improves fundamentally the colloidal techniques used in core-shell nanoparticle production for nanotechnology applications