301 research outputs found

    The Masked Duck in the United States

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    Reports on the first-known accounts of masked duck breeding in the United States

    The Masked Duck in the United States

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    Reports on the first-known accounts of masked duck breeding in the United States

    Correlates of Bird Collisions With Buildings Across Three North American Countries

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    Collisions with buildings cause up to 1 billion bird fatalities annually in North America. Bird-building collisions have recently received increased conservation, research, and policy attention. However, efforts to reduce collisions would benefit from studies conducted at large spatial scales across multiple study sites, with standardized methods, and with consideration of species- and life history-related variation and correlates of collisions. We addressed these research needs with a coordinated data collection effort at 40 sites across North America. We estimated collision vulnerability for 40 bird species by accounting for their North American population abundance, distribution overlap with study sites, and sampling effort. Of 10 species we identified as most vulnerable to collisions, some have been identified in past studies (e.g., Black-throated Blue Warbler [Setophaga caerulescens]) while others emerged for the first time (e.g., White-breasted Nuthatch [Sitta carolinensis]), possibly because we used a more standardized sampling approach than past studies. Analyses of species-specific collision correlates revealed that building size and glass area were positively associated with numbers of collisions for 5 of 8 species with enough observations to analyze independently. Vegetation around buildings influenced collisions for only 1 of those 8 species (Swainson\u27s Thrush [Catharus fuscescens]). We also found that life history predicted collisions; numbers of collisions were greatest for migratory, insectivorous, and woodland-inhabiting species. This coordinated, continent-wide study provides new insight into the species most vulnerable to building collisions, making them potentially in greatest need of conservation attention to reduce collisions. This study also lends insight into species- and life history-related variation and correlates of building collisions, information that can help refine collision management efforts

    Using Weibull Distribution Analysis to Evaluate ALARA Performance

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    Abstract -As Low as Reasonably Achievable (ALARA) is the underlying principle for protecting nuclear workers from potential health outcomes related to occupational radiation exposure. Radiation protection performance is currently evaluated by measures such as collective dose and average measurable dose, which do not indicate ALARA performance. The purpose of this work is to show how statistical modeling of individual doses using the Weibull distribution can provide objective supplemental performance indicators for comparing ALARA implementation among sites and for insights into ALARA practices within a site. Maximum likelihood methods were employed to estimate the Weibull shape and scale parameters used for performance indicators. The shape parameter reflects the effectiveness of maximizing the number of workers receiving lower doses and is represented as the slope of the fitted line on a Weibull probability plot. Additional performance indicators derived from the model parameters include the 99 th percentile and the exceedance fraction. When grouping sites by collective total effective dose equivalent (TEDE) and ranking by 99 th percentile with confidence intervals, differences in performance among sites can be readily identified. Applying this methodology will enable more efficient and complete evaluation of the effectiveness of ALARA implementation

    Occupational Radiation Exposure at Commercial Nuclear Power Reactors and Other Facilities 2010, Prepared for the Nuclear Regulatory Commission, Office of Nuclear Regulatory Research, May 2012

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    This report summarizes the occupational exposure data that are maintained in the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission’s (NRC) Radiation Exposure Information and Reporting System (REIRS). The bulk of the information contained in the report was compiled from the 2010 annual reports submitted by five of the seven categories of NRC licensees subject to the reporting requirements of 10 CFR 20.2206. Because there are no geologic repositories for high-level waste currently licensed and no NRC-licensed low-level waste disposal facilities currently in operation, only five categories will be considered in this report. The annual reports submitted by these licensees consist of radiation exposure records for each monitored individual. These records are analyzed for trends and presented in this report in terms of collective dose and the distribution of dose among the monitored individuals. Annual reports for 2010 were received from a total of 190 NRC licensees. The summation of reports submitted by the 190 licensees indicated that 192,424 individuals were monitored, 81,961 of whom received a measurable dose. When adjusted for transient workers who worked at more than one licensee during the year, there were actually 142,471 monitored individuals and 62,782 who received a measurable dose. The collective dose incurred by these individuals was 10,617 person-rem, which represents a 12% decrease from the 2009 value. This decrease was primarily due to the decrease in collective dose at commercial nuclear power reactors, as well as a decrease in the collective dose for most of the other categories of NRC licensees. The number of individuals receiving a measurable dose also decreased, resulting in an average measurable dose of 0.13 rem for 2010. The average measurable dose is defined as the total effective dose equivalent (TEDE) divided by the number of individuals receiving a measurable dose. In calendar year 2010, the average annual collective dose per reactor for light water reactor (LWR) licensees was 83 person-rem. This represents a 14% decrease from the value reported for 2009 (96 person-rem). The decrease in collective dose for commercial nuclear power reactors was due to an 11% decrease in total outage hours in 2010. During outages, activities involving increased radiation exposure such as refueling and maintenance are performed while the reactor is not in operation. The average annual collective dose per reactor for boiling water reactors (BWRs) was 137 personrem for 35 BWRs, and 55 person-rem for 69 pressurized water reactors (PWRs). Analyses of transient individual data indicate that 29,333 individuals completed work assignments at two or more licensees during the monitoring year. The dose distributions are adjusted each year to account for the duplicate reporting of transient individuals by multiple licensees. The adjustment to account for transient individuals has been specifically noted in footnotes in the figures and tables for commercial nuclear power reactors. In 2010, the average measurable dose per individual for all licensees calculated from reported data was 0.13 rem. Although the average measurable dose per individual from data submitted by licensees was 0.13 rem, a corrected dose distribution resulted in an average measurable dose per individual of 0.17 rem

    Chemoenzymatic surface decoration of Nisin-shelled nanoemulsions: novel targeted drug-nanocarriers for cancer applications

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    Nisin, a peptide used as a natural food preservative, is employed in this work for the development of a novel nanocarrier system. Stable and uniform nisin-shelled nanoemulsions (NSNE) with a diameter of 100 Â± 20 nm were successfully prepared using 20 kHz flow-through ultrasonication technique. The NSNE showed limited toxicity, high bactericidal activity and high drug loading capacity (EE 65 % w/w). In addition, the nisin shell was exploited for the site-specific attachment of a recombinantly produced cancer targeting ligand (αHER2LPETG IgG). Employing a unique two phases (bio-click) approach which involved both Sortase A mediated Azide Bioconjugation (SMAB) and Strain Promoted Azide Alkyne Cycloaddition (SPAAC) reactions, targeted NSNE (NSNEDOX-αHER2 IgG) were successfully assembled and loaded with the chemotherapeutic drug Doxorubicin (DOX). Finally, NSNEDOX-αHER2 IgG showed cancer-specific binding and augmented cytotoxicity to HER2 expressing tumour cells

    Diagnostic yield and cost analysis of electrocardiographic screening in Swiss paediatric athletes

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    OBJECTIVES Athletes performing sports on high level are at increased risk for sudden cardiac death. This includes paediatric athletes, even though data on screening strategies in this age group remain scarce. This study aimed to assess electrocardiogram interpretation criteria in paediatric athletes and to evaluate the cost of screening. METHODS National, multicentre, retrospective, observational study on 891 athletes of paediatric age (<18 years) evaluated by history, physical examination and 12-lead electrocardiogram. The primary outcome measure was abnormal electrocardiogram findings according to the International Recommendations for Electrographic Interpretation in Athletes. The secondary outcome measure was cost of screening. RESULTS 19 athletes (2.1%) presented abnormal electrocardiogram findings requiring further investigations, mainly abnormal T-wave inversion. These 19 athletes were predominantly males, performing endurance sports with a mean volume of 10 weekly hours for a mean duration of 6 years of training. Further investigations did not identify any relevant pathology. All athletes were cleared for competition with regular follow-up. Total costs of the screening were 108,860 USD (122 USD per athlete). CONCLUSIONS Our study using the International Recommendations for Electrographic Interpretation in Athletes identified a low count of abnormal findings in paediatric athletes, yet raising substantially the cost of screening. Hence, the utility of electrocardiogram-inclusive screening of paediatric athletes remains to be elucidated by longitudinal data

    Erythropoietin (EPO) increases myelin gene expression in CG4 oligodendrocyte cells through the classical EPO receptor

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    Erythropoietin (EPO) has protective effects in neurodegenerative and neuroinflammatory diseases, including in animal models of multiple sclerosis, where EPO decreases disease severity. EPO also promotes neurogenesis and is protective in models of toxic demyelination. In this study, we asked whether EPO could promote neurorepair by also inducing remyelination. In addition, we investigated whether the effect of EPO could be mediated by the classical erythropoietic EPO receptor (EPOR), since it is still questioned if EPOR is functional in non-hematopoietic cells. Using CG4 cells, a line of rat oligodendrocyte precursor cells, we found that EPO increases the expression of myelin genes (myelin oligodendrocyte glycoprotein (MOG) and myelin basic protein (MBP)). EPO had no effect in wild-type CG4 cells, which do not express EPOR, whereas it increased MOG and MBP expression in cells engineered to overexpress EPOR (CG4-EPOR). This was reflected in a marked increase in MOG protein levels, as detected by western blot. In these cells, EPO induced by 10-fold the early growth response gene 2 (Egr2), which is required for peripheral myelination. However, Egr2 silencing with a siRNA did not reverse the effect of EPO, indicating that EPO acts through other pathways. In conclusion, EPO induces the expression of myelin genes in oligodendrocytes and this effect requires the presence of EPOR. This study demonstrates that EPOR can mediate neuroreparative effects

    Functional brush poly(2-ethyl-2-oxazine)s : synthesis by CROP and RAFT, thermoresponsiveness and grafting onto iron oxide nanoparticles

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    Brush polymers are highly functional polymeric materials combining the properties of different polymer classes and have found numerous applications, for example, in nanomedicine. Here, the synthesis of functional phosphonate‐ester‐bearing brush polymers based on poly(2‐oxazine)s is reported through a combination of cationic ring‐opening polymerization (CROP) of 2‐ethyl‐2‐oxazine and reversible addition‐fragmentation chain transfer (RAFT) polymerization. In this way, a small library of well‐defined (Đ ≀ 1.17) poly(oligo(2‐ethyl‐2‐oxazine) methacrylate) P(OEtOzMA)n brushes with tunable lower critical solution temperature (LCST) behavior and negligible cell toxicity is prepared. Upon deprotection, the phosphonic acid end‐group of the P(OEtOzMA)n brush enables the successful grafting‐onto iron oxide nanoparticles (IONPs). Colloidal stability of the particle suspension in combination with suitable magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) relaxivities demonstrates the potential of these particles for future applications as negative MRI contrast agents
