5,145 research outputs found


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    Integer Programming determined an optimum windbreak pattern for corn and soybean production. Direct costs included windbreak establishment, annual maintenance, and removal. Crop yields were included as a linearized function. The net return results for the optimum pattern were 12 and 16 percent over conventional production for corn and soybean respectively.Land Economics/Use,

    Quantum information transfer and models for black hole mechanics

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    General features of information transfer between quantum subsystems, via unitary evolution, are investigated, with applications to the problem of information transfer from a black hole to its surroundings. A particularly direct form of quantum information transfer is "subspace transfer," which can be characterized by saturation of a subadditivity inequality. We also describe more general unitary quantum information transfer, and categorize different models for black hole evolution. Evolution that only creates paired excitations inside/outside the black hole is shown not to extract information, but information-transferring models exist both in the "saturating" and "non-saturating" category. The former more closely capture thermodynamic behavior; the latter generically have enhanced energy flux, beyond that of Hawking.Comment: 31 pages, harvmac. v2: nomenclature change, minor added explanation. v3: small corrections/rewordings; improved figure; version to match publication in PR

    Effective Constraints for Relativistic Quantum Systems

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    Determining the physical Hilbert space is often considered the most difficult but crucial part of completing the quantization of a constrained system. In such a situation it can be more economical to use effective constraint methods, which are extended here to relativistic systems as they arise for instance in quantum cosmology. By side-stepping explicit constructions of states, such tools allow one to arrive much more feasibly at results for physical observables at least in semiclassical regimes. Several questions discussed recently regarding effective equations and state properties in quantum cosmology, including the spreading of states and quantum back-reaction, are addressed by the examples studied here.Comment: 27 pages, 2 figures; v2: new appendix comparing effective constraints and physical coherent states by an exampl

    Real Estate Agent Remarks: Help or Hype?

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    This article groups the remarks of a multiple listing service listing into common themes and then uses a hedonic pricing model to determine whether such comments are priced in a meaningful way. The comments provide information on the motivation of the seller, location of the property and physical improvements or defects. Most of the comments analyzed are statistically significant. Negative comments are associated with lower sales prices suggesting the helpful nature of comments. Some of the positive comments, however, including "new paint" and "good location" are also associated with lower sales prices suggesting that some comments may be better classified as hype.

    Tensorial Central Charges and New Superparticle Models with Fundamental Spinor Coordinates

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    We consider firstly simple D=4 superalgebra with six real tensorial central charges ZμνZ_{\mu\nu}, and discuss its possible realizations in massive and massless cases. Massless case is dynamically realized by generalized Ferber-Shirafuji (FS) model with fundamental bosonic spinor coordinates. The Lorentz invariance is not broken due to the realization of central charges generators in terms of bosonic spinors. The model contains four fermionic coordinates and possesses three kappa-symmetries thus providing the BPS configuration preserving 3/4 of the target space supersymmetries. We show that the physical degrees of freedom (8 real bosonic and 1 real Grassmann variable) of our model can be described by OSp(8|1) supertwistor. The relation with recent superparticle model by Rudychev and Sezgin is pointed out. Finally we propose a higher dimensional generalization of our model with one real fundamental bosonic spinor. D=10 model describes massless superparticle with composite tensorial central charges and in D=11 we obtain 0-superbrane model with nonvanishing mass which is generated dynamically.Comment: 14 pages, latex, no figures, misprints correcte

    Wightman Functions' Behaviour on the Event Horizon of an Extremal Reissner-Nordstr\"om Black Hole

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    A weaker Haag, Narnhofer and Stein prescription as well as a weaker Hessling Quantum Equivalence Principle for the behaviour of thermal Wightman functions on an event horizon are analysed in the case of an extremal Reissner-Nordstr\"{o}m black hole in the limit of a large mass. In order to avoid the degeneracy of the metric in the stationary coordinates on the horizon, a method is introduced which employs the invariant length of geodesics which pass the horizon. First the method is checked for a massless scalar field on the event horizon of the Rindler wedge, extending the original procedure of Haag, Narnhofer and Stein onto the {\em whole horizon} and recovering the same results found by Hessling. Afterwards the HNS prescription and Hessling's prescription for a massless scalar field are analysed on the whole horizon of an extremal Reissner-Nordstr\"{o}m black hole in the limit of a large mass. It is proved that the weak form of the HNS prescription is satisfyed for all the finite values of the temperature of the KMS states, i.e., this principle does not determine any Hawking temperature. It is found that the Reissner-Nordstr\"{o}m vacuum, i.e., T=0T=0 does satisfy the weak HNS prescription and it is the only state which satisfies weak Hessling's prescription, too. Finally, it is suggested that all the previously obtained results should be valid dropping the requirements of a massless field and of a large mass black hole.Comment: 27 pages, standard LaTex, no figures, final version containing the results following from Hessling's principle as they appeared in the other paper gr-qc/9510016, minor changes in the text and in references, it will appear on Class. Quant. Gra

    A common directional tuning mechanism of Drosophila motion-sensing neurons in the ON and in the OFF pathway

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    In the fruit fly optic lobe, T4 and T5 cells represent the first direction-selective neurons, with T4 cells responding selectively to moving brightness increments (ON) and T5 cells to brightness decrements (OFF). Both T4 and T5 cells comprise four subtypes with directional tuning to one of the four cardinal directions. We had previously found that upward-sensitive T4 cells implement both preferred direction enhancement and null direction suppression (Haag et al., 2016). Here, we asked whether this mechanism generalizes to OFF-selective T5 cells and to all four subtypes of both cell classes. We found that all four subtypes of both T4 and T5 cells implement both mechanisms, that is preferred direction enhancement and null direction inhibition, on opposing sides of their receptive fields. This gives rise to the high degree of direction selectivity observed in both T4 and T5 cells within each subpopulation


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    Detecting the direction of image motion is a fundamental component of visual computation, essential for survival of the animal. However, at the level of individual photoreceptors, the direction in which the image is shifting is not explicitly represented. Rather, directional motion information needs to be extracted from the photoreceptor array by comparing the signals of neighboring units over time. The exact nature of this process as implemented in the visual system of the fruit fly Drosophila melanogaster has been studied in great detail, and much progress has recently been made in determining the neural circuits giving rise to directional motion information. The results reveal the following: (1) motion information is computed in parallel ON and OFF pathways. (2) Within each pathway, T4 (ON) and T5 (OFF) cells are the first neurons to represent the direction of motion. Four subtypes of T4 and T5 cells exist, each sensitive to one of the four cardinal directions. (3) The core process of direction selectivity as implemented on the dendrites of T4 and T5 cells comprises both an enhancement of signals for motion along their preferred direction as well as a suppression of signals for motion along the opposite direction. This combined strategy ensures a high degree of direction selectivity right at the first stage where the direction of motion is computed. (4) At the subsequent processing stage, tangential cells spatially integrate direct excitation from ON and OFF-selective T4 and T5 cells and indirect inhibition from bi-stratified LPi cells activated by neighboring T4/T5 terminals, thus generating flow-field-selective responses

    Nickel hydrogen low Earth orbit test program update and status

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    The current status of nickel-hydrogen (NiH2) testing ongong at NWSC, Crane In, and The Aerospace Corporation, El Segundo, Ca are described. The objective of this testing is to develop a database for NiH2 battery use in Low Earth Orbit (LEO) and support applications in Medium Altitude Orbit (MAO). Individual pressure vessel-type cells are being tested. A minimum of 200 cells (3.5 in diameter and 4.5 in diameter) are included in the test, from four U.S. vendors. As of this date (Nov. 18, 1986) approximately 60 cells have completed preliminary testing (acceptance, characterization, and environmental testing) and have gone into life cycling