109 research outputs found

    Strategi Peningkatan Praktik Pemberian Asi Eksklusif

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    STRATEGY TO IMPROVEMENT EXCLUSIVE BREASTFEEDING COVERAGEBackground: Exclusive breastfeeding practice in Indonesia not yet gratified, ranging from 3,6% up to 27,5%. Therefore require to be developed a promotion strategy to motivate the exclusive breastfeeding, by entangling target of besides mother with given by a complete information about exclusive breastfeeding. Objectlves: Knowing exclusive breastfeeding promotion impact to coverage of exclusive breastfeeding. Methods: This research represent the research observational, with kohort design. Sampel research is all pregnancy women which old age its pregnancy have entered the third trimester. All sampel research given the counselling with interpersonal communication and non-formal condition and also the discussion with husband, parent, grandmother. At this research the strategy counselling to motivate the exclusive breastfeeding by giving information about exclusive breastfeeding, creating condition and environment supporting, improving husband involvement, other family member, traditional birth attendant, cadre, and rural midwife (bidan di desa) and also lessen the negative consequence, like busy, baby rewel, and insufficient breastfeeding. Counselling conducted by special worker which have been trained, since the pregnant women in third trimester until the baby 4 month ages. Results: Total sampel in this research is 221 all family have been given the motivation for the pracllcaly of exclusive breastfeeding. From 221 sampel gave the motivation 110 sampel (49,8%) earning given exclusive breastfeeding during 4 month, while 111 sampel (50,2%) cannot given exclusive breastfeeding because some reason among other things: husband, arent, and or parent in law not support, feel too busy, child need the practice eat, fear later child become difficult eat. This applying counselling strategy can motivate the mother to give the exclusive breastfeeding during 4 month reach 49,8%. This matter indicate that this strategy is good enough to increase exclusive breastfeeding coverage. Conclusions: Counselling strategy with infonnal communications and while non-formal condition and given the complete information and also to combining discussion with the counselling target, is good enough to motivate and look after the exclusive breastfeeding gift behavior. Recommendations: Applying of strategy counselling in order to exclusive breastfeeding promotion need the commitment all of health worker to support and also have to entangle the husband, parent, parent in law, and traditional birth attendant as counselling target

    Status Gizi Murid Taman Kanak-kanak Dan Sekolah Dasar Di Sekolah Favorit Dan Bukan Favorit

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendapatkan gambaran tentang status gizi murid di sekolah favorit dan bukan favorit taman kanak-kanak (TK) maupun sekolah dasar (SD). Penelitian dilakukan di tiga provinsi/daerah yang berbeda keadaan geografi dan sosial budayanya, yaitu DKI Jakarta, DIY dan Lampung. Di tiap-tiap daerah tersebut diteliti tiga TK (satu TK favorit dan dua TK bukan favorit) dan tiga SD (satu SD favorit dan dua SD bukan favorit). Kecuali untuk DIY, jumlah SD yang menjadi lokasi penelitian adalah 4 SD (1 SD favorit dan 3 SD bukan favorit), dan dari ketiga TK yang dijadikan sebagai lokasi penelitian tidak ada yang berstatus TK favorit. Jumlah sampel untuk TK favorit dan bukan favorit masing-masing sebanyak 90 dan 349 murid, sedangkan untuk SD favorit dan bukan favorit masing-masing sebanyak 789 dan 1742 murid. Jumlah murid TK dan SD favorit yang berada diatas P>50 sebanyak 51.8%, sedangkan pada sekolah bukan favorit sebanyak 42.9%. Rata-rata BB murid TK maupun SD favorit lebih berat daripada murid sekolah bukan favorit. Jumlah murid TK favorit yang berstatus gizi kurang (dibawah P3) sebanyak 1.1% dan pada TK bukan favorit sebanyak 2.0%. Jumlah murid SD favorit yang berstatus gizi kurang sebesar 3.4% dan pada SD bukan favorit sebesar 4.7%. Jumlah murid yang berstatus gizi kurang pada TK dan SD bukan favorit lebih banyak daripada TK dan SD bukan favorit. Jumlah murid TK favorit yang berstatus gizi lebih (diatas P>97) sebanyak 12.2% dan pada TK bukan favorit sebanyak 6.0%, sedangkan pada SD favorit sebanyak 8.6% dan SD bukan favorit sebanyak 2.9%. Jumlah murid yang berstatus gizi lebih pada TK dan SD favorit lebih banyak daripada TK dan SD bukan favorit. Di DKI Jakarta, murid TK maupun SD yang berstatus gizi lebih masing-masing 19.5% dan 10.9%, lebih tinggi daripada di kedua daerah lainnya. Murid TK yang berstatus gizi-lebih lebih banyak berada di DIY dibandingkan dengan dua daerah lainnya, yaitu sebanyak 3.5%. Murid SD yang berstatus gizi kurang lebih banyak terdapat di DKI Jakarta, yaitu sebesar 5.0%. Pada umumnya dengan menggunakan KMS Anak Sekolah, pada sekolah favorit kecenderungan kurvanya terletak pada persentil yang sama, tetapi pada sekolah bukan favorit cenderung naik. Aspek positif dari KMS Anak Sekolah ini, tampaknya memotivasi peningkatan BB responden

    Perlindungan Hukum terhadap Konsumen Atas Penggunaan Gas Elpiji Tiga Kg Ditinjau dari UU No. 8 Tahun 1999 (Studi pada Masyarakat Kota Medan)

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    Nowadays, people begin to shift from the use of kerosene to 3 kg elpiji (liquid natural gas) gas, and the government provides and distributes 3 kg elpiji to the people. In this case, the government is expected to maintain the quality of the product because it becomes the most important thing for consumers' safety. If consumers' right as stipulated in Law on Consumer Protection is not fulfilled, they have the right to file a complaint about the responsibility of PT. Pertamina for their loss in using 3 kg elpiji gas. The result of the research showed that why consumers' right were not fulfilled was because of their lack of knowledge, education, and intensity and their indifference/apathy in using 3 kg elpiji gas, in handling its danger, and in consumer protection. This fact was supported by their lack of knowledge of how to handle its possible danger. They ignored the security in using 3 kg elpiji gas because they still used devices from conversion program. Article 19 of Law No 8/1999 on Consumer Protection states that business people are responsible for the compensation on damage, disgrace, and financial loss of consumers because of consuming produced or sold goods and services. The settlement of dispute between both parties is through the Court and settlement outside the Court is through BPSK (Consumer Dispute Settlement Board)

    The Use of Municipal Solid Waste Composition in Degradated Waste Soil Effectiveness in Aras Kabu Village, Beringin Subdistrict, Deli Serdang District

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    Introduction: This study aims to examine alternative management of paddy fields through the giving of municipal waste compost organic fertilizer in Aras Kabu Village, Beringin Subdistrict, Deli Serdang District. Materials and Methods: This research was conducted in Aras Kabu Village, Beringin Subdistrict, Deli Serdang District with an altitude of 11 meters above sea level. Soil analysis was carried out at the Laboratory of Soil Physics, Conservation of Soil and Water, and Technology Research in the Faculty of Agriculture, Universitas Sumatera Utara. This research was conducted in March until July 2017. This research used the non-factorial randomized block design with doses of organic matter (B) municipal waste compost, such as B0 = Control, B1 = 1.5% (28.70 ton.ha-1), B2 = 3.0% (37.40 ton.ha-1), B3 = 4.5% (96.10 ton.ha-1), B4 = 6.0% (104.80 ton.ha-1) Results: The provision of municipal waste compost organic fertilizer at the doses of 96.10 until 104.80 ton.ha-1 can improve the soil characteristic in Aras Kabu Village, Beringin Subdistrict so that the soil organic matter content reaches 3%

    Norma Perkembangan Motor Milestone Anak Sehat Dan Bergizi Baik Dalam Rangka Pengembangan Suatu Rujukan

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    Norm of Motor Milestone Achievements In Healthy and Well Nourished Children Leading To The Development A Reference.Background: The prevalence of malnutrition is still high in Indonesia, and one of its functional consequences is level of the intelectual capacity of children. Motor development is an essential of cognitive performance, and it is generally believed related with nutritional status of children, however very few studies had been carried out in the field condition.Objectlves: To describe the ceiling of motor milestone achievements of healthy and well nourished children aged 3-18 months in the development of norms for Indonesian children.Methods: The study was conducted in 4 big cities: Surabaya, Malang, Bandung and Bogor in 2100 healthy and well nourished children aged 3-18 months came from high SES (socio-economic status) families who had no constraints on achieving normal growth and development. There were 17 milestones observed by well trainned enumerators following standard procedure. Analysis of percentiles 5, 10, 50, 90, and 95 for age against motor achievement were carried out for all children.Results: The difference in the attainment of the ceiling of motor milestones between males and females were not significant at any points of observation, therefore sex combined norm curve of motor development for children aged 3-18 months was ilustrated.Conclusions: The norm of motor milestone development for Indonesian children aged 3-18 months has been developed. Before being used as a reference, it needs to be evaluated or it is reliability and feasibility

    Sustainable strength improvement of soft clay stabilized with two sizes of recycled additive

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    High amounts of ceramic waste is accumulated every year in the disposal and construction sites due to the rejection of all smashed, cracked, and broken tiles. The usage of recycled ceramic crushed tiles (RCT) in improving soft soil is considered an environmentally-friendly, economical and sustainable solution. Soft soils are characterized as problematic soils that are always associated with weak performance when loaded. It is a common practice to excavate, transport and dispose this kind of soil into landfills and replace it with a soil that meets the engineering requirements. Due to shortage of space in landfills and the high costs involved in this processes, soft soils are always treated at construction sites. In this study, two sizes of RCT (0.3 and 1.18 mm) are used to improve the physical and mechanical properties of soft soil. The size and percentage of RCT are investigated and its influence on unconfined compressive strength (UCS) and compaction is evaluated. Microstructural tests included scanning electron microscopic (SEM) and energy dispersive X-ray spectroscopy (EDS) were also conducted on samples treated with RCT. Noticeable increment in both density and unconfined compressive strength was achieved. The maximum dry density increased from 1.59 Mg/m3 to 1.82 Mg/m3 and 1.77 Mg/m3 at the addition of 40% 1.18 mm and 0.3 mm RCT, respectively. Whereas the unconfined compressive strength increased from 50 kPa to 250 kPa and 225 kPa at 10% addition of 1.18 mm RCT and 40% 0.3 mm RCT, respectively. The optimum value of RCT to treat soft clay was found to be 10% and 40% for 1.18 mm and 0.3 mm RCT, respectively. The remarkable improvement in the strength of soil is due to the development of cementation compounds that acts as a binder between the RCT and soil particles. This study would help in reducing the impacts created by disposing of both problematic soil and waste tiles. Besides, cement is the most traditional material used to stabilize soil. This research would contribute to reducing the CO2 produced during the production of cement

    Simulation of Gas-Solid-Liquid Flow in Membrane Bioreactor Submerged

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    Hydrodynamics characteristic for the mixing of gas-solid-liquid in membrane bioreactor submerged (MBRs) and its influence on mass transfer was studied computationally at various solid concentration, incoming gas rate, and the baffle distance. Computational method was conducted by using software GAMBIT 2.1.6. for the making of the grid which represents the calculation domain and conduct the simulation using CFD software FLUENT commercial code 6.2.16. The calculation result was recorded after the iteration reach the certain convergence level. Multiphase flow in reactor was simulated with mixture model, while to model the turbulence characteristic of the flow standard k-ε model was used. The geometric system studied is bioreactor in the form of box with flat bottom, 2 baffles, submerged hollow fiber membrane and air passage at the bottom of the reactor. For the membrane modeling, it is used two approaches that is membrane as black box and membrane as porous media. The liquid used is water, and the solid is activated sludge, and air acts as gas phase. The result indicates that gas-solidliquid system with the nearest baffle location from the membrane cause, the liquid dispersion process goes faster, so that fluid in the tank can be mixed perfectly and it can increase the gas-liquid mass transfer rate and the flux at MBRs. The increase of the solid concentration does not significantly affect the change of gas-liquid mass transfer rate and flux through the membrane, but the increase of air flow rate can increase the gas-liquid mass transfer and the flux. Porous media approach give the prediction of the gas hold up distribution more over all than black box approach. The position of baffle 9 cm from tank wall is the best position viewed from the balance between the of air flow with the circulating fluid flow. Considered from the solid distribution, double inlet MBRs is better compared to that of single inlet. Flux obtained does not show significant difference. From both approaches of the membrane model, membrane model as porous media give the simulation results closer to the experimental data

    Disentangling Climate and LAI Effects on Seasonal Variability in Water Use Efficiency Across Terrestrial Ecosystems in China

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    ©2018. American Geophysical Union. All Rights Reserved. Water use efficiency (WUE), the ratio of gross primary productivity (GPP) over evapotranspiration (ET), is a critical ecosystem function. However, it is difficult to distinguish the individual effects of climatic variables and leaf area index (LAI) on WUE, mainly due to the high collinearity among these factors. Here we proposed a partial least squares regression-based sensitivity algorithm to confront the issue, which was first verified at seven ChinaFlux sites and then applied across China. The results showed that across all biomes in China, monthly GPP (0.42–0.65), ET (0.33–0.56), and WUE (0.01–0.31) showed positive sensitivities to air temperature, particularly in croplands in northeast China and forests in southwest China. Radiation exerted stronger effects on ET (0.55–0.78) than GPP (0.19–0.65), resulting in negative responses (−0.44 to 0.04) of WUE to increased radiation among most biomes. Increasing precipitation stimulated both GPP (0.06–0.17) and ET (0.05–0.12) at the biome level, but spatially negative effects of excessive precipitation were also found in some grasslands. Both monthly GPP (−0.01 to 0.29) and ET (0.02–0.12) showed weak or moderate responses to vapor pressure deficit among biomes, resulting in weak response of monthly WUE to vapor pressure deficit (−0.04 to 0.08). LAI showed positive effects on GPP (0.18–0.60), ET (0–0.23), and WUE (0.13–0.42) across biomes, particularly on WUE in grasslands (0.42 ± 0.30). Our results highlighted the importance of LAI in influencing WUE against climatic variables. Furthermore, the sensitivity algorithm can be used to inform the design of manipulative experiments and compare with factorial simulations for discerning effects of various variables on ecosystem functions