442 research outputs found

    The Relativistic Generalization of the Gravitational Force for Arbitrary Spacetimes

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    It has been suggested that re-expressing relativity in terms of forces could provide fresh insights. The formalism developed for this purpose only applied to static, or conformally static, space-times. Here we extend it to arbitrary space-times. It is hoped that this formalism may lead to a workable definition of mass and energy in relativity.Comment: 16 page

    Using Open Source Libraries in the Development of Control Systems Based on Machine Vision

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    The possibility of the boundaries detection in the images of crushed ore particles using a convolutional neural network is analyzed. The structure of the neural network is given. The construction of training and test datasets of ore particle images is described. Various modifications of the underlying neural network have been investigated. Experimental results are presented. © 2020, IFIP International Federation for Information Processing.Foundation for Assistance to Small Innovative Enterprises in Science and Technology, FASIEFunding. The work was performed under state contract 3170ΓC1/48564, grant from the FASIE

    Maximum Mass-Radius Ratios for Charged Compact General Relativistic Objects

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    Upper limits for the mass-radius ratio and total charge are derived for stable charged general relativistic matter distributions. For charged compact objects the mass-radius ratio exceeds the value 4/9 corresponding to neutral stars. General restrictions for the redshift and total energy (including the gravitational contribution) are also obtained.Comment: 6 pages, 2 figures, RevTex. To appear in Europhys. Let

    Minimum mass-radius ratio for charged gravitational objects

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    We rigorously prove that for compact charged general relativistic objects there is a lower bound for the mass-radius ratio. This result follows from the same Buchdahl type inequality for charged objects, which has been extensively used for the proof of the existence of an upper bound for the mass-radius ratio. The effect of the vacuum energy (a cosmological constant) on the minimum mass is also taken into account. Several bounds on the total charge, mass and the vacuum energy for compact charged objects are obtained from the study of the Ricci scalar invariants. The total energy (including the gravitational one) and the stability of the objects with minimum mass-radius ratio is also considered, leading to a representation of the mass and radius of the charged objects with minimum mass-radius ratio in terms of the charge and vacuum energy only.Comment: 19 pages, accepted by GRG, references corrected and adde

    Sex estimation of teeth at different developmental stages using dimorphic enamel peptide analysis

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    Objectives This study tests, for the first time, the applicability of a new method of sex estimation utilizing enamel peptides on a sample of deciduous and permanent teeth at different stages of mineralization, from nonadults of unknown sex, including perinates. Materials and methods A total of 43 teeth from 29 nonadult individuals aged from 40 gestational weeks to 19 years old were analyzed. The sample included pairs of fully mineralized and just developing teeth from the same individual. The individuals were from four archaeological sites in England: Piddington (1st–2nd centuries AD), Coach Lane, Victoria Gate, and Fewston (all 18th–19th centuries). A method that identifies sex chromosome‐linked isoforms of the peptide amelogenin from human tooth enamel was applied. The method utilizes a minimally destructive acid etching procedure and subsequent nano liquid chromatography tandem mass spectrometry. Results It was possible to determine the sex of 28 of the nonadult individuals sampled (males = 20, females = 8, undetermined = 1). Only one sample failed (CL9), due to insufficient mineralization of the sampled tooth enamel. Data are available via ProteomeXchange with identifier PXD021683. Discussion Sufficient peptide material to determine sex can be recovered even from the crowns of developing perinatal teeth that are not fully mineralized. The minimally destructive and inexpensive (compared to ancient DNA) nature of this procedure has significant implications for bioarchaeological studies of infancy and childhood

    Bounds on the basic physical parameters for anisotropic compact general relativistic objects

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    We derive upper and lower limits for the basic physical parameters (mass-radius ratio, anisotropy, redshift and total energy) for arbitrary anisotropic general relativistic matter distributions in the presence of a cosmological constant. The values of these quantities are strongly dependent on the value of the anisotropy parameter (the difference between the tangential and radial pressure) at the surface of the star. In the presence of the cosmological constant, a minimum mass configuration with given anisotropy does exist. Anisotropic compact stellar type objects can be much more compact than the isotropic ones, and their radii may be close to their corresponding Schwarzschild radii. Upper bounds for the anisotropy parameter are also obtained from the analysis of the curvature invariants. General restrictions for the redshift and the total energy (including the gravitational contribution) for anisotropic stars are obtained in terms of the anisotropy parameter. Values of the surface redshift parameter greater than two could be the main observational signature for anisotropic stellar type objects.Comment: 18 pages, no figures, accepted for publication in CQ

    Causality-Violating Higgs Singlets at the LHC

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    We construct a simple class of compactified five-dimensional metrics which admits closed timelike curves (CTCs), and derive the resulting CTCs as analytic solutions to the geodesic equations of motion. The associated Einstein tensor satisfies all the null, weak, strong and dominant energy conditions. In particular, no negative-energy "tachyonic" matter is required. In extra-dimensional models where gauge charges are bound to our brane, it is the Kaluza-Klein (KK) modes of gauge-singlets that may travel through the CTCs. From our brane point of view, many of these KK modes would appear to travel backward in time. We give a simple model in which time-traveling Higgs singlets can be produced by the LHC, either from decay of the Standard Model (SM) Higgs or through mixing with the SM Higgs. The signature of these time-traveling singlets is a secondary decay vertex pre-appearing before the primary vertex which produced them. The two vertices are correlated by momentum conservation. We demonstrate that pre-appearing vertices in the Higgs singlet-doublet mixing model may well be observable at the LHC.Comment: 55 pages, 5 figures, v4: Version updated to include in single manuscript the contents of Erratum [Phys. Rev. D 88, 069901(E) (2013)], Reply [Phys. Rev. D 88, 068702 (2013)], Comment [Phys. Rev. D 88, 068701 (2013), arXiv:1302.1711], and original published article [Phys. Rev. D 87, 045004 (2013), arXiv:1103.1373]. Positive conclusions remain unchange

    Thermodynamics and Kinetic Theory of Relativistic Gases in 2-D Cosmological Models

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    A kinetic theory of relativistic gases in a two-dimensional space is developed in order to obtain the equilibrium distribution function and the expressions for the fields of energy per particle, pressure, entropy per particle and heat capacities in equilibrium. Furthermore, by using the method of Chapman and Enskog for a kinetic model of the Boltzmann equation the non-equilibrium energy-momentum tensor and the entropy production rate are determined for a universe described by a two-dimensional Robertson-Walker metric. The solutions of the gravitational field equations that consider the non-equilibrium energy-momentum tensor - associated with the coefficient of bulk viscosity - show that opposed to the four-dimensional case, the cosmic scale factor attains a maximum value at a finite time decreasing to a "big crunch" and that there exists a solution of the gravitational field equations corresponding to a "false vacuum". The evolution of the fields of pressure, energy density and entropy production rate with the time is also discussed.Comment: 23 pages, accepted in PR

    Inflationary Cosmologies in an Anisotropic Brane World

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    A new cosmological solution of the gravitational field equations in the generalized Randall-Sundrum model for an anisotropic brane with Bianchi I geometry and with perfect fluid as matter sources is presented. The matter is described by a scalar field. The solution admits inflationary era and at a later epoch the anisotropy of the universe washes out. We obtain two classes of cosmological scenario, in the first case universe evolves from singularity and in the second case universe expands without singularity.Comment: 15 pages, no figures, LaTe

    Self-forces in the Spacetime of Multiple Cosmic Strings

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    We calculate the electromagnetic self-force on a stationary linear distribution of four-current in the spacetime of multiple cosmic strings. It is shown that if the current is infinitely thin and stretched along a line which is parallel to the strings the problem admits an explicit solution.Comment: This paper has been produced in Latex format and has 18 page