144 research outputs found

    How Close to Two Dimensions Does a Lennard-Jones System Need to Be to Produce a Hexatic Phase?

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    We report on a computer simulation study of a Lennard-Jones liquid confined in a narrow slit pore with tunable attractive walls. In order to investigate how freezing in this system occurs, we perform an analysis using different order parameters. Although some of the parameters indicate that the system goes through a hexatic phase, other parameters do not. This shows that to be certain whether a system has a hexatic phase, one needs to study not only a large system, but also several order parameters to check all necessary properties. We find that the Binder cumulant is the most reliable one to prove the existence of a hexatic phase. We observe an intermediate hexatic phase only in a monolayer of particles confined such that the fluctuations in the positions perpendicular to the walls are less then 0.15 particle diameters, i. e. if the system is practically perfectly 2d

    Novel technologies and theoretical models in radiation therapy of cancer patients using 6.3 MeV fast neutrons produced by U-120 cyclotron

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    The analysis of clinical use of neutron therapy with 6 MeV fast neutrons compared to conventional radiation therapy was carried out. The experience of using neutron and mixed neutron and photon therapy in patients with different radio-resistant malignant tumors shows the necessity of further studies and development of the novel approaches to densely-ionizing radiation. The results of dosimetry and radiobiological studies have been the basis for planning clinical programs for neutron therapy. Clinical trials over the past 30 years have shown that neutron therapy successfully destroys radio-resistant cancers, including salivary gland tumors, adenoidcystic carcinoma, inoperable sarcomas, locally advanced head and neck tumors, and locally advanced prostate cancer. Radiation therapy with 6.3 MeV fast neutrons used alone and in combination with photon therapy resulted in improved long-term treatment outcomes in patients with radio-resistant malignant tumors

    Close Gap Test Strategies for Students with Severe Speech Impairment

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    Introduction. The level of formedness of text competence at secondary school in the aspect of understanding the text’s factual information ensures the successful grasping of the learning content. The purpose of the research was to identify the specifics of the functioning of linear deployment mechanisms and probabilistic forecasting among learners of 5–10th grade (form) with specific language impairment. Материалы и методы. The modified close gap test method was used as the main research method at the level of the ascertaining experiment. The results of the close gap tests, filled by learners, were exposed to quantitative and qualitative analysis. The research was conducted by applying theoretical (interpretive) and empirical (ascertaining experiment based on author’s method) methods. The analytical stage involved the use of the method of correlation analysis, the mathematical processing was carried out with the help of one-way analysis of variance (ANOVA). Results. Analysis of experimental data helped determine the close gap test strategies in adolescent students with specific language impairment. The qualitative and quantitative analysis of studentsʼ work was applied to determine three main groups of strategies for linear deployment and probabilistic forecasting: strategies for establishing semantic links at the level of the lexical component, a strategy for establishing links at the level of associations, and no strategy. Furthermore, the analysis of substitutes with regard to their compliance with grammatical requirements revealed the following typology of manifestations of agrammatism: the use of an inadequate part of speech, deficiencies of grammatical presentation in phrases, non-compliance of the grammatical form of the substitute with the requirements for the grammatical design of the sentence. Correlation analysis was applied to establish links between different types of close gap test strategies used by adolescents with specific language impairment, as well as their relationship with the levels of understanding the factual content of the text. Discussion and Conclusion. The results obtained contribute to the development of developmental psycholinguistics, special pedagogy, speech therapy and school methods of speech development

    Neutron Therapy for Salivary and Thyroid Gland Cancer

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    The purpose of this study was to analyze the results of the combined modality treatment and radiation therapy using 6.3 MeV fast neutrons for salivary gland cancer and prognostically unfavorable thyroid gland cancer. The study group comprised 127 patients with salivary gland cancer and 46 patients with thyroid gland cancer, who received neutron therapy alone and in combination with surgery. The results obtained demonstrated that the combined modality treatment including fast neutron therapy led to encouraging local control in patients with salivary and thyroid gland cancers

    Physical therapy methods in the treatment and rehabilitation of cancer patients

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    The results of the effective use of magnetic laser therapy in the treatment and rehabilitation of cancer patients were presented. The effect of magnetic-laser therapy in the treatment of radiation-induced reactions in the patients with head and neck cancer and in the patients with breast cancer was analyzed. High efficiency of lymphedema and lymphorrhea treatment in the postoperative period in the patients with breast cancer was proved. The results of rehabilitation of the patients with gastric cancer after surgical treatment were presented. These data indicate a high effectiveness of different physical methods of treatment and rehabilitation of cancer patients

    Concurrent thermochemoradiotherapy for brain high-grade glioma

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    Despite the achievements in the current strategies for treatment, the prognosis in malignant glioma patients remains unsatisfactory. Hyperthermia is currently considered to be the most effective and universal modifier of radiotherapy and chemotherapy. Preliminary treatment outcomes for 28 patients with newly diagnosed (23) and recurrent (5) high-grade gliomas were presented. All the patients received multimodality treatment including surgery, thermoche-moradiotherapy followed by 4 cycles of adjuvant chemotherapy. All the patients endured thermochemoradiotherapy well. A complication, limited skin burn (II stage), was diagnosed in two cases and treated conservatively without treatment interruption. A month after thermochemoradiotherapy the results were as follows: complete regression was achieved in 4 cases, partial regression in 4 cases, stable disease in 14 cases and disease progression in 6 cases (one of them is pseudo-progression). After completing the adjuvant chemotherapy 2 more patients demonstrated complete response and 1 patient had disease progression. Introduction of local hyperthermia in multimodal therapy of malignant glioma does not impair the combined modality treatment tolerability of patients with malignant gliomas. A small number of studied patients and short follow-up time do not allow making reliable conclusions about the impact of local hyperthermia on the treatment outcomes; however, there is a tendency towards the increase in disease-free survival in the patients with newly diagnosed malignant gliomas

    Replica analysis of the generalized p-spin interaction glass model

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    We investigate stability of replica symmetry breaking solutions in generalized pp-spin models. It is shown that the kind of the transition to the one-step replica symmetry breaking state depends not only on the presence or absence of the reflection symmetry of the generalized "spin"-operators U^\hat{U} but on the number of interacting operators and their individual characteristics.Comment: 14 pages, 1 figur

    Numerical Simulation of the Medical Linear Accelerator Electron Beams Absorption by ABS-Plastic doped with Metal

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    In this paper the numerical simulation results of the dose spatial distribution of the medical electron beams in ABS-plastic doped with different concentrations of lead and zinc are shown. The dependences of the test material density on the lead and zinc mass concentrations are illustrated. The depth dose distributions of the medical electron beams in the modified ABS-plastic for three energies 6 MeV, 12 MeV and 20 MeV are tested. The electron beam shapes in the transverse plane in ABS-plastic doped with different concentrations of lead and zinc are presented