442 research outputs found

    Radio Occultation Measurements of Europa's Ionosphere From Juno's Close Flyby

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    On 29 September 2022 the Juno spacecraft flew within 354 km of Europa's surface while several instruments probed the moon's surroundings. During the close flyby, radio occultations were performed by collecting single-frequency Doppler measurements. These investigations are essential to the study of Europa's ionosphere and represent the first repeat sampling of any set of conditions since the Galileo era. Ingress measurements resulted in a marginal detection with a peak ionospheric density of 4,000 Â± 3,700 cm−3 (3σ) at 22 km altitude. A more significant detection emerged on egress, with a peak density of 6,000 Â± 3,000 cm−3 (3σ) at 320 km altitude. Comparison with Galileo measurements reveals a consistent picture of Europa's ionosphere, and confirms its dependence on illumination conditions and position within Jupiter's magnetosphere. However, the overall lower densities measured by Juno suggest a dependence on time of observation, with implications for the structure of the neutral atmosphere

    PARSIFAL: a toolkit for triple-GEM parametrized simulation

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    PARSIFAL (PARametrized SImulation) is a tool which reproduces a triple-GEM detector full response to the passage of a charged particle, taking into account most of the involved physical effects. A triple-GEM is a gaseous detector that amplifies the primary ionization, generated by the incoming radiation interacting with the gas, through three amplification stages, providing position measurement with a resolution around 100 micron, energy resolution better than 20% and time resolution below 10 ns. Despite well known and robust software such as GARFIELD++ can simulate the electron propagation in gas and the interaction with the electric field, considering the avalanche formation and signal creation, they are CPU-time consuming. The necessity to reduce the processing time while maintaining the precision of a full simulation is the main driver of this work. PARSIFAL takes into account the main processes involved in the signal formation, starting from ionization, spatial and temporal diffusion, the effect of the magnetic field, if any, and GEM amplification properties. The induction of the signal and the electronics response are also present. PARSIFAL parameters are evaluated by means of GARFIELD++ simulations; the results of the simulation are compared to experimental data from testbeam and tuning factors are applied to improve the matching.Comment: submitted to JINS

    Track-based alignment for the BESIII CGEM detector in the cosmic-ray test

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    The Beijing Electron Spectrometer III (BESIII) is a multipurpose detector operating on the Beijing Electron Positron Collider II (BEPCII). After more than ten year's operation, the efficiency of the inner layers of the Main Drift Chamber (MDC) decreased significantly. To solve this issue, the BESIII collaboration is planning to replace the inner part of the MDC with three layers of Cylindrical triple-Gas Electron Multipliers (CGEM). The new features of the CGEM detector will improve the spatial resolution to 130 μ\mum. To meet this goal, a careful calibration of the detector is necessary to fully exploit the potential of the CGEM detector. In all the calibrations, the detector alignment plays an important role to improve the detector precision. The track-based alignment for the CGEM detector with the Millepede algorithm is implemented to reduce the uncertainties of the hit position measurement. Using the cosmic-ray data taken in 2020 with the two layers setup, the displacement of the outer layer with respect to the inner layer is determined by a simultaneous fit applied to more than 160000 tracks. A good alignment precision has been achieved that guarantees the design request could be satisfied in the future. A further alignment will be performed using the combined information of tracks from cosmic-ray and collisions after the CGEM is installed into the BESIII detector

    Evidence for multi-fragmentation and mass shedding of boulders on rubble-pile binary asteroid system (65803) Didymos.

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    Asteroids smaller than 10 km are thought to be rubble piles formed from the reaccumulation of fragments produced in the catastrophic disruption of parent bodies. Ground-based observations reveal that some of these asteroids are today binary systems, in which a smaller secondary orbits a larger primary asteroid. However, how these asteroids became binary systems remains unclear. Here, we report the analysis of boulders on the surface of the stony asteroid (65803) Didymos and its moonlet, Dimorphos, from data collected by the NASA DART mission. The size-frequency distribution of boulders larger than 5 m on Dimorphos and larger than 22.8 m on Didymos confirms that both asteroids are piles of fragments produced in the catastrophic disruption of their progenitors. Dimorphos boulders smaller than 5 m have size best-fit by a Weibull distribution, which we attribute to a multi-phase fragmentation process either occurring during coalescence or during surface evolution. The density per km2 of Dimorphos boulders ≥1 m is 2.3x with respect to the one obtained for (101955) Bennu, while it is 3.0x with respect to (162173) Ryugu. Such values increase once Dimorphos boulders ≥5 m are compared with Bennu (3.5x), Ryugu (3.9x) and (25143) Itokawa (5.1x). This is of interest in the context of asteroid studies because it means that contrarily to the single bodies visited so far, binary systems might be affected by subsequential fragmentation processes that largely increase their block density per km2. Direct comparison between the surface distribution and shapes of the boulders on Didymos and Dimorphos suggest that the latter inherited its material from the former. This finding supports the hypothesis that some asteroid binary systems form through the spin up and mass shedding of a fraction of the primary asteroid

    Fast boulder fracturing by thermal fatigue detected on stony asteroids.

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    Spacecraft observations revealed that rocks on carbonaceous asteroids, which constitute the most numerous class by composition, can develop millimeter-to-meter-scale fractures due to thermal stresses. However, signatures of this process on the second-most populous group of asteroids, the S-complex, have been poorly constrained. Here, we report observations of boulders' fractures on Dimorphos, which is the moonlet of the S-complex asteroid (65803) Didymos, the target of NASA's Double Asteroid Redirection Test (DART) planetary defense mission. We show that the size-frequency distribution and orientation of the mapped fractures are consistent with formation through thermal fatigue. The fractures' preferential orientation supports that these have originated in situ on Dimorphos boulders and not on Didymos boulders later transferred to Dimorphos. Based on our model of the fracture propagation, we propose that thermal fatigue on rocks exposed on the surface of S-type asteroids can form shallow, horizontally propagating fractures in much shorter timescales (100 kyr) than in the direction normal to the boulder surface (order of Myrs). The presence of boulder fields affected by thermal fracturing on near-Earth asteroid surfaces may contribute to an enhancement in the ejected mass and momentum from kinetic impactors when deflecting asteroids
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