36 research outputs found

    Лечение дистальных стенозов бронхов после двусторонней трансплантации легких

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    The effi ciency of lung transplantation is considerably limited by the complications associated with the bronchial pathologies. Despite the progress of the treatment methods, bronchial complications are still remaining as an actual problem in the postoperative period with frequency of occurrence from 7 to 29%. However, the bronchial stenosis are the most common bronchial complications after lung transplantation with mortality from 2 to 4%.Aim. To study an experience of our center of bronchial stenosis treatment in lung recipients. Materials and methods. 34 patients underwent lung transplantation from September 2014 to January 2017. 6 (16%) of them had a stenosis of lobar or segmental bronchi from 84 to 494 postoperative day. 5 (83%) of them have demonstrated multifocal lesions. In all of the cases there was performed an endoscopic bougienage, which involved a balloon dilatation and electrocoagulated incision of granular tissue under X-ray control. After that the patients were administrated by everolimus.Results. Restenosis was formed in 132,0 ± 94,2 postoperative day after primary treatment in all patients. In four cases (67%) we used nitinol stent placement under X-ray control. There were no complications. In 3 cases stents were dislocated distally, so we needed to use repeated endoscopic bougienage to replace the stent. Using of everolimus has allowed to decrease the rate of restenosis, but it need future research.Conclusion. Distal bronchial stenosis after lung transplantation can be managed with endoscopic bougienage and stent placement. Adding everolimus has not signifi cantly affected the risk of frequency of restenosis.Осложнения, связанные с патологией бронхов, в значительной степени ограничивают эффективность трансплантации легких. Несмотря на существенный прогресс в методах лечения, бронхиальные осложнения остаются актуальной проблемой посттрансплантационного периода с частотой возникновения от 7 до 29%. При этом стенозы бронхов составляют наибольшую часть бронхиальных осложнений после трансплантации легких, смертность при которых составляет от 2 до 4%.Цель. Оценить опыт лечения бронхиальных стенозов у реципиентов легких в нашем центре.Материалы и методы. С сентября 2014 г. по октябрь 2017 г. было выполнено 34 двусторонних трансплантации легких. У шести реципиентов (18%) развились стенозы долевых бронхов в период от 84 до 494 дней после операции. У пятерых (83%) из них отмечено мультифокальное поражение бронхов. Всем было проведено эндоскопическое бужирование стенозов бронхов, включающее в себя баллонную дилатацию и электрокоагуляцию рубцовой ткани, под рентгенологическим контролем и в последующем назначен эверолимус.Результаты. В течение 132,0 ± 94,2 дня после первичного лечения у всех пациентов развился рестеноз бронхов. В четырех случаях (67%) пациентам был установлен нитиноловый самораскрывающийся стент под рентгенологическим контролем. Процедуры проведены без осложнений. В трех случаях после постановки стента была отмечена дистальная дислокация эндопротеза, что потребовало проведения дополнительного эндоскопического бужирования для коррекции положения стента. Применение эверолимуса позволило снизить частоту рестеноза бронхов, но его влияние требует дополнительного изучения.Заключение. Дистальные стенозы бронхов после трансплантации легких поддаются лечению с помощью эндоскопического бужирования и постановки бронхиальных стентов. Добавление эверолимуса достоверно не уменьшает риска рестеноза и требует дополнительного изучения.

    Spectral-based mesh segmentation

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    In design and manufacturing, mesh segmentation is required for FACE construction in boundary representation (BRep), which in turn is central for featurebased design, machining, parametric CAD and reverse engineering, among others -- Although mesh segmentation is dictated by geometry and topology, this article focuses on the topological aspect (graph spectrum), as we consider that this tool has not been fully exploited -- We preprocess the mesh to obtain a edgelength homogeneous triangle set and its Graph Laplacian is calculated -- We then produce a monotonically increasing permutation of the Fiedler vector (2nd eigenvector of Graph Laplacian) for encoding the connectivity among part feature submeshes -- Within the mutated vector, discontinuities larger than a threshold (interactively set by a human) determine the partition of the original mesh -- We present tests of our method on large complex meshes, which show results which mostly adjust to BRep FACE partition -- The achieved segmentations properly locate most manufacturing features, although it requires human interaction to avoid over segmentation -- Future work includes an iterative application of this algorithm to progressively sever features of the mesh left from previous submesh removal

    Первая успешная в РФ двусторонняя трансплантация легких ребенку с муковисцидозом

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    Lung transplantation is not a routine treatment option of the pediatric lung diseases. Nowadays, there are performed not more than 100 of these operations per year worldwide due to the obvious diffi culty of obtaining the pediatric donor organs. One of the ways to solve this problem is using the adult donor lungs which have been previously reduced or anatomically partitioned. This is not a standard method of pediatric lung transplantation, but in case of the donor organs defi ciency it takes its place in the world medical practice. In this case we report the fi rst successful pediatric lung transplantation from adult donor in Russian Federation.Трансплантация легких у детей не является широко распространенным методом лечения, в мире ежегодно выполняется не более 100 подобных операций, что связано с очевидной сложностью в получении детских донорских органов. Одним из путей решения этой проблемы является использование редуцированных или анатомически разделенных донорских легких, полученных от взрослого донора. Подобная методика трансплантация легких детям не является стандартной, но ввиду дефицита органов находит свое применение в мировой практике. Мы приводим наше наблюдение первой в РФ успешной трансплантации легких ребенку от взрослого трупного донора

    Динамика показателей функции внешнего дыхания у больных муковисцидозом после трансплантации легких

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    The aim of this study was to evaluate changes in lung ventilation and lung diffusing capacity (DLCO) of cystic fibrosis (CF) patients during 1 year after lung transplantation. Methods. Complex lung function was monitored in CF patients underwent bilateral lung transplantation in 2012 – 2016. Results. CF patients (n = 12; mean age, 26.4 ± 4.4 years) were included in the study. Median follow-up after the lung transplantation was 19 (12–57) months. Consistent improvement in lung function parameters and DLCO was observed in 3 months after lung transplantation and maintained during 1 year. The ratio of forced expiratory volume in 1 sec to forced vital capacity was higher the normal level and the bronchial resistance was lower the cut-off values, i.e. the patients did not have bronchial obstruction. The total lung capacity (TLC) decreased to normal according to the anthropometric characteristics of the recipient. Meanwhile, change in the TLC structure, such as non-significant reduction in the vital capacity (VC) together with increase in the functional residual capacity (FRC), residual volume (RV) and RV/TLC ratio, have been developed. Consistent increase in FRC and RV could be explained by changes in the shape and the elasticity of the chest wall after the surgery. DLCO also improved, but was still slightly decreased. Conclusion. The lung function and DLCO improved in a year after bilateral lung transplantation in CF patients. Effects of different factors on postoperative lung function parameters need to be further investigated.Цель. Оценка изменений вентиляционной (ВСЛ) и диффузионной (DLCO) способности легких у больных муковисцидозом (МВ) в течение 1 года после трансплантации легких. Материалы и методы. Проанализированы результаты комплексного исследования функции внешнего дыхания (ФВД) больных МВ 19–37 лет (n = 12; средний возраст – 26,4 ± 4,4 года), которым проведена двусторонняя трансплантация легких (2012–2016) в Государственном бюджетном учреждении здравоохранения города Москвы «Научно-исследовательский институт скорой помощи имени Н.В.Склифосовского Департамента здравоохранения города Москвы», в настоящее время находящихся под наблюдением специалистов Федерального государственного бюджетного учреждения «Научно-исследовательский институт пульмонологии Федерального медико-биологического агентства России». Медиана времени наблюдения после трансплантации легких составила 19 (12–57) мес. Результаты. После двусторонней трансплантации легких у больных МВ отмечалось стойкое улучшение ВСЛ и DLCO уже через 3 мес. после операции, которое сохранялось в течение 1-го года наблюдения. Отношение показателей объема форсированного выдоха за 1-ю секунду и форсированной жизненной емкости легких было выше нормы, а бронхиальное сопротивление – ниже порогового значения, что свидетельствовало об отсутствии бронхиальной обструкции. Общая емкость легких (ОЕЛ) снижалась до нормальных значений в соответствии с антропометрическими характеристиками реципиента. Однако установлено изменение структуры ОЕЛ – незначительное снижение жизненной емкости легких при увеличении функциональной остаточной емкости (ФОЕ), остаточного объема легких (ООЛ) и соотношения ООЛ / ОЕЛ. Стойкое повышение ФОЕ и ООЛ, по-видимому, обусловлено изменением формы грудной клетки и эластичности ее стенки. Показатели DLCO улучшилась, оставаясь незначительно сниженными. Заключение. Продемонстрировано улучшение ВСЛ и DLCO в течение 1 года после двусторонней трансплантации легких. Отмечено, что в будущих исследованиях необходимо оценить значимость различных факторов, влияющих на послеоперационные показатели ФВД.

    New method of tracheal allotransplantation

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    Most tracheal lesions can be resected and primary reconstruction safely effected. But reconstruction of long-segment tracheal defects requires a vascularized allograft. We report result our experimental and anatomical studies and successful tracheal allotransplantation in a clinic. Our method of tracheal transplantation uses the composite thyrotracheal allograft revascularized by both inferior thyroid arteries and veins. The first step includes harvesting the trachea from a donor. For this purpose the aortic arch cannulation was performed, and then it was ligated on the level of ascending and descending branches, the superior vena cava was ligated and dissected above the ligated site. Through the aortal catheter stream introduction of the preservative solution was performed. Simultaneously a perfusion of shoulder-girdle, head, and neck and mediastinum organs (including the trachea) was performed. This enabled quick removal of the donor complex together with muscles, vessels and mediastinum cellular tissue. Further preparation of the graft was performed ex vivo. The next step includes tracheal resection and thyrotracheal complex transplantation. The graft revascularization was performed through the brachiocephalic trunk or carotid arteries of the recipient. Venous drainage was restored by means of suturing the inferior thyroid vein of the grafted complex with the left brachiocephalic vein of the recipient. Results: The findings of the experimental anatomical study made it possible to conduct this operation in a clinical setting in a patient with subtotal tracheal pathology. The thyrotracheal complex removal was completed using our protocol. Organ perfusion was performed using the Custodiol solution (Dr Franz Kohler Chemia GMBH, Germany). The trachea of the recipient was dissected at the level of the first intercartilaginous gap. In the caudal segment, the trachea was resected from the right edge of the last cartilagenous tracheal ring, and resection of the tracheobronchial triangle was performed on the left wall. After revascularization of the graft, pulsation of the lower thyroid arteries was satisfactory, quick filling of the lower thyroid vein was noted. Fibrotracheoscopy was confirmed restoration of the blood flow by the changed coloring of the tracheal mucosa. To prevent postoperative complications the patient received antibacterial, antimycotic, antiviral and immunosuppressing therapy. Since the discharge, the patient has had no further episodes of dyspnoea .Three years after tracheal reconstruction, the patient was satisfied with the outcome. Conclusion: Our experimental studies have paved the way for transplantation of the trachea with adequate supportive blood flow in a clinical setting. The practical experience supported the feasibility of the concept that tracheal transplantation is a viable option. This method of treatment might help patients who are currently considered incurable

    Shape Segmentation by Approximate Convexity Analysis

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    Treatment of distal bronchial stenosis after bilateral lung transplantation

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    The effi ciency of lung transplantation is considerably limited by the complications associated with the bronchial pathologies. Despite the progress of the treatment methods, bronchial complications are still remaining as an actual problem in the postoperative period with frequency of occurrence from 7 to 29%. However, the bronchial stenosis are the most common bronchial complications after lung transplantation with mortality from 2 to 4%.Aim. To study an experience of our center of bronchial stenosis treatment in lung recipients. Materials and methods. 34 patients underwent lung transplantation from September 2014 to January 2017. 6 (16%) of them had a stenosis of lobar or segmental bronchi from 84 to 494 postoperative day. 5 (83%) of them have demonstrated multifocal lesions. In all of the cases there was performed an endoscopic bougienage, which involved a balloon dilatation and electrocoagulated incision of granular tissue under X-ray control. After that the patients were administrated by everolimus.Results. Restenosis was formed in 132,0 ± 94,2 postoperative day after primary treatment in all patients. In four cases (67%) we used nitinol stent placement under X-ray control. There were no complications. In 3 cases stents were dislocated distally, so we needed to use repeated endoscopic bougienage to replace the stent. Using of everolimus has allowed to decrease the rate of restenosis, but it need future research.Conclusion. Distal bronchial stenosis after lung transplantation can be managed with endoscopic bougienage and stent placement. Adding everolimus has not signifi cantly affected the risk of frequency of restenosis