239 research outputs found

    Study of clonal variation of 'Bidaneh Ghermez' grapevine cultivar in Iran

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    ArticleGrapevine (Vitis vinifera L.) is a well - known plant including different cultivars and clones. In spite of the extensive works at the cultivar level, identification and determination of clonal genetic variation has remained as a challenge. To assess the genetic variation between clones of grapevine cv. 'Bidaneh Ghermez', 20 selected clones were analyzed for cluster weight (CW), cluster length (CL), cluster width (CWI), berry weight (BW), berry length (BL), berry width (BWI) and total soluble solids (TSS) in randomized complete block design with three replications. Analysis of variance reveale d considerable genetic variation for all measured traits (except cluster width) among clones. Cluster analysis, discriminant function analysis and principal component analysis (PCA) showed same results and all clones assigned in 2 groups. First group was including 9 clones and second group was including 11 clones. Overall, our results indicated C7, C10, C12 and C14 clones were best clones and have potential to introduce promising clones for stablishing new vineyard with high yield

    Comparison of serum zinc in children younger than 5 years old with febrile convulsion, children with seizures without fever and normal children

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    Background: Febrile seizures are the most common seizure disorder in children and have a good prognosis. Many theories about the role of neurotransmitters and trace elements in serum and cerebrospinal fluid are introduced as the pathogenesis of febrile seizures. Among these elements, the element can be noted. The purpose of this study to comparison of serum zinc in children younger than 5 years old with febrile convulsion, children with seizures without febrile and normal children.Methods: In this study, 180 children were studied in three groups. 60 children with seizures without fever and 60 children with febrile convulsions admitted to hospital and 60 healthy children without a history of seizures. Afzalipour who were referred to health centers in the city of Kerman. Serum zinc levels in all three groups were measured by atomic absorption spectrophotometry.Results: The mean serum zinc levels in children with febrile seizures in this investigation was 48.4 µg/dl, compared with the other two tense children without fever (64.61 µg/dl) and healthy children (67.33 µg/dl) was significantly lower.Conclusion:Results of this study showed reduced serum zinc levels during febrile seizure. The need for continued research on surface tension in febrile children over several months is recommended.

    Assessment of Sieve Slope, Sieve Range and Fan Suction on Cleaning Efficiency and Loss Rate of Peanut Thresher

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    IntroductionPeanut (Arachis hypogaea L.) is an annual plant of the legume genus that is cultivated in 109 countries due to its high-quality oil and seed protein. In Iran, this crop is cultivated on an area of 3000 hectares, with an average yield of 4 tons per hectare. Threshing performance significantly affects seed loss and physical damage, including cracking and crushing of seeds during harvest. Therefore, over the last century, extensive research has been conducted on different types of threshing methods, as well as the design and development of various threshing machines.Research on seed crops such as cereals and seeds suggest that factors such as the rotational speed of the thresher, threshing-concave distance, feeding rate, and shape of threshing teeth play a crucial role in determining the threshing efficiency and quality of the threshed seeds. Although limited research has been conducted on peanut threshing, there are currently no combine-machines available for this crop on global markets. Therefore, this study aims to investigate several working parameters of an experimental peanut thresher, including the effect of sieve angle, sieve range of movement, and suction speed on the separation unit.Materials and MethodsThe relevant experiments were conducted in the Parsabad Moghan region of Ardabil province (latitude 39.65 North, longitude 47.91 East). To conduct the experiments and separate the seeds from the pods, we used a peanut threshing machine cultivar Nc2, which is commonly cultivated under agricultural conditions in Ardabil and Gilan Agricultural Research Centers.To achieve the aims of this research, we investigated several effective parameters in the performance of the machine, including sieve angle, sieve movement range, and fan suction speed, to obtain the best settings for maximum threshing performance and separation efficiency. It is worth noting that the average seed weight per kilogram of peanut plant was between 300-400 grams, and the moisture content of the seeds in the tested cultivar was 45%. Before using the machine, workers must first dig up the plants and place them on the ground in a coupe, after which another worker must feed the plants into the machine through the feeder.Results and DiscussionThe study found that changes in sieve angle, sieve movement range, and suction speed significantly affect the separation efficiency and peanut loss rate at a 1% significance level. Increasing the sieving angle leads to a higher speed of material movement on the sieve, which results in insufficient time for separating straw from the seed. Similarly, increasing the sieve movement range causes a rapid decrease in cleaning efficiency. To achieve better straw-seed separation, it is necessary to apply impact shocks to the products located on the sieve within a short period. However, as the range of movement increases, the time interval between impact shocks also increases, which disrupts the straw's separation from the seed.The study found that increasing the sieve range and suction speed leads to a higher rate of peanut loss. This is due to the fact that when the suction speed and sieve movement range are increased, the product spends less time on the sieve, which results in insufficient time for proper separation. Additionally, high speed may exceed the limit of peanut seed and cause it to move out of the machine with the straw. Increasing the sieve movement range leads to a more uniform movement of straw and seed on the sieve; however, achieving better separation of straw from the sieve requires dynamic shocks and sudden acceleration, which decreases as the sieve movement range increases. The optimal farm capacity and material capacity were achieved with a 5-degree slope at 0.55 hectares per hour and 509 kilograms per hectare, respectively, using a sieve range of 3.5 centimeters and a fan suction speed of 8 meters per second.ConclusionThe study concluded that the sieve movement range has the most significant impact on cleaning efficiency, while the sieve angle has the least effect. Similarly, the sieve movement range has the most significant influence on the rate of peanut loss, while the sieve angle has the least effect

    Exploration of REE Using Radioactivity; Case Study: Baghak Mine, Sangan

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    In current study, sampling from Baghak mine in Sangan mines has been carried out based on radioactivity and radiation measurement method. In most projects that have been carried out in Iran for the uranium prospecting, especially in the central part of Iran, enrichment of rare earth elements (REEs) are known in keeping with uranium as a common feature. The association of these elements with U has caused to investigate their connections with other types of mineralizations. In fact the goal of this study is to survey the presence or absence of such a connection in a skarn mine which is a different case study from the central part of Iran. In case of their presence, this will lead to a new exploration method and sampling pattern for REEs. The results show that in addition to existence of this connection in some mineralizations of the Central Iran, an acceptable correlation is also observed between the REEs and radioactive elements in another iron skarn deposit. Finally, it can be explained that according to existence of such a connection between rare earth and radioactive elements in several different types of mineralizations, and based on the geochemical similarities, the need for more accurate studies is completely felt in order to introduce radiation measurement methods as effective approaches to explore REEs. The idea and the introduced method for the exploration of REEs in this study can provide a new viewpoint for the decision makers in this industry upon using further studies in this respect

    Multi-period Project Portfolio Selection under Risk considerations and Stochastic Income

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    This paper deals with multi-period project portfolio selection problem. In this problem, the available budget is invested on the best portfolio of projects in each period such that the net profit is maximized. We also consider more realistic assumptions to cover wider range of applications than those reported in previous studies. A novel mathematical model is presented to solve the problem, considering risks, stochastic incomes, and possibility of investing extra budget in each time period. Due to the complexity of the problem, an effective meta-heuristic method hybridized with a local search procedure is presented to solve the problem. The algorithm is based on genetic algorithm (GA), which is a prominent method to solve this type of problems. The GA is enhanced by a new solution representation and well selected operators. It also is hybridized with a local search mechanism to gain better solution in shorter time. The performance of the proposed algorithm is then compared with well-known algorithms, like basic genetic algorithm (GA), particle swarm optimization (PSO), and electromagnetism-like algorithm (EM-like) by means of some prominent indicators. The computation results show the superiority of the proposed algorithm in terms of accuracy, robustness and computation time. At last, the proposed algorithm is wisely combined with PSO to improve the computing time considerably

    Toolkit for exploring ethical aspects of digital social and affective touch interactions

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    In this hands-on demonstration, people are invited to use a newly developed toolkit to scrutinize their attitude and preferences towards digital social and affective touch interactions

    Toolkit for exploring ethical aspects of digital social and affective touch interactions

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    In this hands-on demonstration, people are invited to use a newly developed toolkit to scrutinize their attitude and preferences towards digital social and affective touch interactions