217 research outputs found


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    In this study, the physicochemical properties of Italian and German bentonites were evaluated, including the physicochemical characteristics of white wine vinegar. Once established, the optimal clarification regime and its physical parameters were determined. After establishing the optimized sedimentation parameters, the influence of different doses of bentonite on the physicochemical and organoleptic characteristics of the analyzed vinegar was investigated. With this was determined the influence of the different contact periods of vinegar with bentonite, on the physicochemical parameters of clarified wine vinegar. Thus, for the Italian bentonite, the optimal conditions for the clarification process were: dose of bentonite — 2.03 g · 25L-1, time — 45 min, temperature — 20 ± 1 °C, stirring time — 60 s, centrifugation time — 3 min and spin speed of 300 min-1. Moreover, when using the German bentonite, the optimal parameters were: bentonite dose — 1.96 g · L-1, contact time — 45 min, temperature — 20 ± 1 °C, stirring time — 300 s, centrifugation time — 3 min and spin speed of 300 min-1. Finally, the sensory analysis of wine vinegar was performed and it was established, from the data, which of the analyzed bentonites has properties that are more efficient on the clarification process.In this study, the physicochemical properties of Italian and German bentonites were evaluated, including the physicochemical characteristics of white wine vinegar. Once established, the optimal clarification regime and its physical parameters were determined. After establishing the optimized sedimentation parameters, the influence of different doses of bentonite on the physicochemical and organoleptic characteristics of the analyzed vinegar was investigated. With this was determined the influence of the different contact periods of vinegar with bentonite, on the physicochemical parameters of clarified wine vinegar. Thus, for the Italian bentonite, the optimal conditions for the clarification process were: dose of bentonite — 2.03 g · 25L-1, time — 45 min, temperature — 20 ± 1 °C, stirring time — 60 s, centrifugation time — 3 min and spin speed of 300 min-1. Moreover, when using the German bentonite, the optimal parameters were: bentonite dose — 1.96 g · L-1, contact time — 45 min, temperature — 20 ± 1 °C, stirring time — 300 s, centrifugation time — 3 min and spin speed of 300 min-1. Finally, the sensory analysis of wine vinegar was performed and it was established, from the data, which of the analyzed bentonites has properties that are more efficient on the clarification process

    Electromagnetic and Gravitational Radiation of Graviatoms

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    Graviatom existence conditions have been found. The graviatoms (quantum systems around mini-black-holes) satisfying these conditions contain the following charged particles: the electron, muon, tau lepton, wino, pion and kaon. Electric dipole and quadrupole and gravitational radiations are calculated for the graviatoms and compared with Hawking's mini-hole radiation.Comment: 7 pages, 1 figure, 3 tables; accepted in "Astronomical and Astrophysical Transactions

    Instability of the massive Klein-Gordon field on the Kerr spacetime

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    We investigate the instability of the massive scalar field in the vicinity of a rotating black hole. The instability arises from amplification caused by the classical superradiance effect. The instability affects bound states: solutions to the massive Klein-Gordon equation which tend to zero at infinity. We calculate the spectrum of bound state frequencies on the Kerr background using a continued fraction method, adapted from studies of quasinormal modes. We demonstrate that the instability is most significant for the l=1l = 1, m=1m = 1 state, for Mμ0.5M \mu \lesssim 0.5. For a fast rotating hole (a=0.99a = 0.99) we find a maximum growth rate of τ11.5×107(GM/c3)1\tau^{-1} \approx 1.5 \times 10^{-7} (GM/c^3)^{-1}, at Mμ0.42M \mu \approx 0.42. The physical implications are discussed.Comment: Added references. 27 pages, 7 figure


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    Hepatic is the largest gland in the body. Hepatic function in the metabolism and detoxification of a wide variety of compounds into the body. Infusion extract of bitter melon (M. charantia L.) fruit is a herbal preparation containing chemical compounds such as flavonoids, glycosides, triterpenoids, polyphenols, alkaloids, saponins, and tannins. Excessive drug dosing in a long period of time, can make liver damage acute, subacute or chronic. Toxic effects of drugs often seen in the tissues, especially the liver and kidneys are on histology, appearing as inflammatory cell infiltration, hidropic degeneration, fatty degeneration and necrosis. The purpose of this study is to determine the effect of variations in dose infusion extract of bitter melon fruit (M. charantia L.) locally NTT against white picture rat liver histopathology (R. norvegicus) male and determine the effective dose infusion extract of bitter melon fruit (M. charantia L.) NTT local who gave a response, or effects on fertility drugs white rat (R. norvegicus) male. The method used in this study is completely randomized design method namely by dividing the mice randomized into two treatment groups with different doses variations. Analysis of the data used is descriptive. The results obtained showed that the average infiltration in P1 was 5.8 ± 6.7, while the P2 is 3.7 ± 5.5. Hydropic degeneration in P1 was 17.3 ± 10.7 and in P2 was 63.5 ±32.7. fatty degeneration in P1 was 2.3 ± 4.4 and 10.2 ± At P2 is 9.5. Necrosis of P1 was 0.5 ± 0.8, while the P2 is 4.2 ± 2.9


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    Some of the chemical compounds in bitter melon fruit that acts as infertility for males, namely saponins, tannins, alkaloids, flavonoids and triterpenoids were able to reduce the number of spermatogenic cells. Renal excretory function in carrying out this gets tough task, because almost 25% of all blood flow to the two kidneys. The amount of blood flow to the kidney causes renal exposure to the material circulating in the circulation system is quite high, so that the toxic material will easily cause damage to the kidney tissue. This study aimed to determine the effect of dose delivery infusion of local bitter melon fruit on the island of Timor, East Nusa Tenggara against renal histopathology description of male white rat (Rattus norvegicus). The study was conducted in the 2 treatment groups, namely (P1) bitter melon infusion at a dose of 1250 mg/kgBB/day and (P2) bitter melon infusion at a dose of 2500 mg/kgBB/day. Each treatment group consisted of 6 rats administered for 48 days. Microscopic changes that occur in the kidneys of mice include glomerular congestion, atrophy of the glomerulus, tubular hemorrhage, necrosis of the tubules are composed of cells piknosis, Karyorrhexis cells, karyolysis cells and tubular protein deposits. The average glomerular damage and kidney tubules was higher in treatment P2 than P1 which indicates the ravages caused by high dose bitter melon infusion given to the treatment group P1 and P2 so that the chemical substances to be excessive and toxic, accumulate in the kidneys and cause damage to the kidney

    Exploring the String Axiverse with Precision Black Hole Physics

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    It has recently been suggested that the presence of a plenitude of light axions, an Axiverse, is evidence for the extra dimensions of string theory. We discuss the observational consequences of these axions on astrophysical black holes through the Penrose superradiance process. When an axion Compton wavelength is comparable to the size of a black hole, the axion binds to the black hole "nucleus" forming a gravitational atom in the sky. The occupation number of superradiant atomic levels, fed by the energy and angular momentum of the black hole, grows exponentially. The black hole spins down and an axion Bose-Einstein condensate cloud forms around it. When the attractive axion self-interactions become stronger than the gravitational binding energy, the axion cloud collapses, a phenomenon known in condensed matter physics as "Bosenova". The existence of axions is first diagnosed by gaps in the mass vs spin plot of astrophysical black holes. For young black holes the allowed values of spin are quantized, giving rise to "Regge trajectories" inside the gap region. The axion cloud can also be observed directly either through precision mapping of the near horizon geometry or through gravitational waves coming from the Bosenova explosion, as well as axion transitions and annihilations in the gravitational atom. Our estimates suggest that these signals are detectable in upcoming experiments, such as Advanced LIGO, AGIS, and LISA. Current black hole spin measurements imply an upper bound on the QCD axion decay constant of 2 x 10^17 GeV, while Advanced LIGO can detect signals from a QCD axion cloud with a decay constant as low as the GUT scale. We finally discuss the possibility of observing the gamma-rays associated with the Bosenova explosion and, perhaps, the radio waves from axion-to-photon conversion for the QCD axion.Comment: 54 pages, 15 figures; v2: PRD version, small correction in eq. 48 and 53 as well as fig. 10, conclusions unchange

    Massive vector fields on the Schwarzschild spacetime: quasinormal modes and bound states

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    We study the propagation of a massive vector or Proca field on the Schwarzschild spacetime. The field equations are reduced to a one-dimensional wave equation for the odd-parity part of the field and two coupled equations for the even-parity part of the field. We use numerical techniques based on solving (scalar or matrix-valued) three-term recurrence relations to compute the spectra of both quasi-normal modes and quasi-bound states, which have no massless analogue, complemented in the latter case by a forward-integration method. We study the radial equations analytically in both the near-horizon and far-field regions and use a matching procedure to compute the associated spectra in the small-mass limit. Finally, we comment on extending our results to the Kerr geometry and its phenomenological relevance for hidden photons arising e.g. in string theory compactifications.Comment: 15 pages, 8 figures; minor corrections, to be published in Phys. Rev.

    Daya Tahan Spermatozoa Dalam Semen Cair Babi Landrace Pada Metode Penyimpanan Berbeda

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    Tujuan dilaksanakan penelitian ini untuk melihat pengaruh metode penyimpanan preservasi yang berbeda terhadap viabilitas spermatozoa semen babi landrace dalam pengencer alami air buah lontar (AL) dengan penambahan kuning telur ayam kampung (KT).  Semen diambil dari 5 ekor pejantan landrace yang telah dewasa kelamin. Setelah itu dilakukan pemeriksaan makros-mikros dari semen segar, semen dengan kriteria  motilitas , konsentrasi dan abnormalitas spermatozoa berturt-turut: >70%, >200 juta spermatozoa/ml, <20% yang layak untuk dijadikan semen cair. Perlakuan dalam penelitian:, P1(AL 95%+5% KT), P2(AL 85%+15% KT), P3(AL 75%+25% KT) yang simpan pada metode water jacket (WJ) dan P4(AL 95%+5% KT), P5(AL 85%+15% KT), P6(AL 75%+25% KT) yang disimpan dengan metode non water jacket (NWJ),  semen dikemas dalam mikrotube 1 ml dan disimpan pada suhu preservasi. Pada penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa viabilitas spermatozooa dalam pengencer alami air buah lontar yang ditambahkan dengan kuning telur ayam kampung memperlihatkan hasil yang baik pada kombinasi AL 85% dan KT25% pada penyimpanan water jacket.  Semen cair pada pengencer kombinasi tersebut diatas mampu bertahan hingga 28 jam penyimpanan

    Bound states of the Dirac equation on Kerr spacetime

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    We formulate the Dirac equation for a massive neutral spin-half particle on a rotating black hole spacetime, and we consider its (quasi)bound states: gravitationally-trapped modes which are regular across the future event horizon. These bound states decay with time, due to the absence of superradiance in the (single-particle) Dirac field. We introduce a practical method for computing the spectrum of energy levels and decay rates, and we compare our numerical results with known asymptotic results in the small-Mμ and large-Mμ regimes. By applying perturbation theory in a horizon-penetrating coordinate system, we compute the 'fine structure' of the energy spectrum and find good agreement with numerical results. We obtain data for a hyperfine splitting due to black hole rotation. We evolve generic initial data in the time domain, and show how Dirac bound states appear as spectral lines in the power spectra. In the rapidly-rotating regime, we find that the decay of low-frequency co-rotating modes is suppressed in the (bosonic) superradiant regime. We conclude with a discussion of physical implications and avenues for further work