35 research outputs found


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    Faced with the current economies, characterised by a combination of complex factors, competitiveness of small and medium enterprises (SME) in countries like the Democratic Republic of Congo has become a necessity for the the sustainability of the private sector. In spite of the prevalence of family businesses in several countries in the sub-Saharan Africa and their proven role in developing economies, operational issues of familiarism and performance are not still clearly elucidated in the context of SME family businesses, nor submitted to the stock market. The objective of this study was to elucidate and operationalise the \u201c family effect \u201cand\u201d performance \u201c in the context of SME which are not subjected to the stock market as perceived by family entrepreneurs. Applying the inter-site comparison case study method on the basis of semi-structured interviews organised with 32 family entrepreneurs from two towns and two cities in the provinces of North and South Kivu in the Democratic Republic of Congo, the results indicate that, apart from the deeply modified family effect indicators, the dimensions of the construct are identical to previous works. Meanwhile, the performance perceived by economic operators greatly diverges from theoretical considerations.Cette \ue9tude identifie les attributs du familiarisme en contexte de petites et moyennes entreprises familiales (PMEF) et definit la performance telle que per\ue7ue par les entrepreneurs familiaux dans un contexte sans march\ue9 financier. Appliquant la m\ue9thode d\u2019\ue9tude de cas par comparaison inter-sites sur la base d\u2019entretiens semi-directifs organis\ue9s avec 32 entrepreneurs familiaux de deux villes et de deux cit\ue9s de province du Nord et du Sud-Kivu, en R\ue9publique D\ue9mocratique du Congo, les r\ue9sultats indiquent que, comparativement aux indicateurs de l\u2019effet famille assortis de travaux ant\ue9rieurs, l\u2019op\ue9rationnalisation de ce construit s\u2019appr\ueate l\ue9g\ue8rement moins dans le contexte congolais. Pendant ce temps, la performance per\ue7ue par les op\ue9rateurs \ue9conomiques s\u2019\ue9loigne consid\ue9rablement des consid\ue9rations th\ue9oriques


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    Small and Medium Enterprises (SME) exploit the environment in a perpetual evolution. This aspect obliges the Managers to implement action plans to direct the exploitation according to the fixed aims, in order to become competitive and create richness. The objective of this study was to analyse and measure the family SME gouvernance of Bukavu in Democratic Republic of Congo. The scale used for measuring family SME gouvernance shows the good psychometric properties (X2=19.42 ; P=0.6766 ; X2/df= 0.84 CFI=0.99; IFI=0.99; RMSEA=0.000; NFI=0.92; GFI=0.97 et AGFI=0.94). This study analysed the primary data collected on 132 PMEF of Bukavu. The data processing was obtained through the exploratory and confirmatory factor analysis. The results indicate that the gouvernance is a construct with nine items gathered in four dimensions (parsimony, particularism, the personification and the system of management) which explain 68.394 percent of the total variance. They show that the convergent and discriminating validities are assured (CR=0.828; AVE=0.6 and AVE higher than the partial coefficient of correlation between the variables). They also reveal that the family SME managers lay out the divided opinions on the importance of the gouvernance and have the difficulty in setting up a good gouvernance.Les PME \ue9voluent dans un environnement en perp\ue9tuelle \ue9volution, celui-ci oblige les dirigeants de mettre en oeuvre des plans d\u2019actions susceptibles d\u2019orienter les actions vers les objectifs vis\ue9s, de mani\ue8re \ue0 \ueatre comp\ue9titif et cr\ue9er de la richesse. L\u2019objectif decette \ue9tude \ue9tait d\u2019analyser et mesurer la gouvernance des PMEF de la ville de Bukavu en R\ue9publique D\ue9mocratique du Congo. L\u2019\ue9chelle utilis\ue9e montre les bonnes propri\ue9t\ue9s psychom\ue9triques(X2>=19.42 ; P=0.6766 ; X2>/ddl= 0.84 CFI=0.99; IFI=0.99; RMSEA=0.000; NFI=0.92; GFI=0.97 et AGFI=0.94).Cette \ue9tude a analys\ue9 les donn\ue9es primaires collect\ue9es sur 132PMEFde la ville de Bukavu. Le traitement des donn\ue9es a \ue9t\ue9 obtenu en recourant \ue0 l\u2019analyse factorielle exploratoire et confirmatoire et au tri \ue0 plat. Les r\ue9sultats indiquent que la gouvernance est un construit \ue0 neuf items regroup\ue9s en quatre dimensions (la parcimonie, leparticularisme, la personnification et le syst\ue8me de gestion)qui expliquent 68.394 pourcent de la variance totale. Ils montrent que les validit\ue9s convergente et discriminante sont assur\ue9es (CR=0.826 et AVE=0.6 ; et AVE sup\ue9rieure au coefficient de corr\ue9lation partielle entre les variables). Ils r\ue9v\ue8lent aussi que les PMEF disposent les avis partag\ue9s sur l\u2019importance de la gouvernance et leurs dirigeants disposent la difficult\ue9 de mettre en place une bonne gouvernance

    Dianthracenylazatrioxa[8]circulene: synthesis, characterization and application in OLEDs

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    A soluble, green-blue fluorescent, pi-extended azatrioxa[8]circulene was synthesized by oxidative condensation of a 3,6-dihydroxycarbazole and 1,4-anthraquinone by using benzofuran scaffolding. This is the first circulene to incorporate anthracene within its carbon framework. Solvent-dependent fluorescence and bright green electroluminescence accompanied by excimer emission are the key optical properties of this material. The presence of sliding pi-stacked columns in the single crystal of dianthracenylazatrioxa[8]circulene is found to cause a very high electron-hopping rate, thus making this material a promising n-type organic semiconductor with an electron mobility predicted to be around 2.26 cm(2) V-1 s(-1). The best organic light-emitting diode (OLED) device based on the dianthracenylazatrioxa[8]circulene fluorescent emitter has a brightness of around 16 000 Cd m(-2) and an external quantum efficiency of 3.3 %. Quantum dot-based OLEDs were fabricated by using dianthracenylazatrioxa[8]circulene as a host matrix material.Peer reviewe

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