20 research outputs found

    Modeling of titanium oxide nanostructures formation process by local anodic oxidation

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    This work was supported by Grant of the President of the Russian Federation No. MK-2721.2018.8. and by RFBR according to the research project № 18-37-00299

    The relationship of cytokine status with left ventricular hypertrophy in patients with arterial hypertension

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    Aim. To study the relationship of tumor necrosis factor α and interleukin-10 levels with the presence of left ventricular hypertrophy and myocardial remodeling in patients with arterial hypertension. Metods. 156 patients with hypertension aged 40 to 75 years (mean age 55.8±7.5 years), including 57 women and 99 men were examined. All patients were divided into two groups. Group 1 included 83 patients without left ventricular hypertrophy (55.5±7.5 years), group 2 included 73 patients with left ventricular hypertrophy (56.2±7.8 years), established by echocardiographic signs. All patients in addition to the general clinical examination and biochemical studies had echocardiography and Doppler echocardiography performed, as well as measurement of the concentration of tumor necrosis factor α and interleukin-10 by solid-phase enzyme immunoassay using specialized «Cytokine-Stimulus-Best» kit (Novosibirsk, Russia). Results. The concentration of tumor necrosis factor α in patients without left ventricular hypertrophy was 8.43±1.36 pg/ml and was comparable with the concentration of this cytokine in patients with left ventricular hypertrophy (8.54±1.58 pg/ml, p >0.05). This pattern was typical for both men and women. The concentration of interleukin-10 in both groups was also comparable (15.4±3.6 pg/ml in group 1 and 14.7±3.4 pg/ml in group 2, p >0.05). However, we identified gender-specific features in the relationship of interleukin-10 with the presence of left ventricular hypertrophy in patients with hypertension. Thus, while in women the concentration of cytokine in groups with/without left ventricular hypertrophy did not differ significantly, in men without hypertrophy the level of interleukin-10 of 15.7±3.6 pg/ml, was significantly higher than the value of the same indicator in the group of men with left ventricular hypertrophy (14.8±2.9 pg/ml, p <0.025). Multivariate regression analysis showed that tumor necrosis factor α and interleukin-10 concentrations correlated to left ventricular wall thickness in patients without left ventricular hypertrophy. No such pattern was revealed for patients with hypertrophy. Conclusion. The results demonstrate the modulating role of tumor necrosis factor α and interleukin-10 in myocardial remodeling processes in arterial hypertension

    Phase composition distribution simulation of titanium oxide nanosize structures obtained by the local anodic oxidation method

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    This work was supported by Grant of the President of the Russian Federation No. MK-2721.2018.8. and by RFBR according to the research project № 18-37-00299

    Results of a 7-year prospective follow-up in the Interepid study: factors influencing all-cause and cardiovascular mortality in rural residents of Russia and the Kyrgyz Republic

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    Aim. To assess the 7-year survival rate and the association of risk factors (RFs) with all-cause and cardiovascular mortality among rural residents in Russia and the Kyrgyz Republic, as well as to analyze ethnic characteristics (according to the Interepid study).Material and methods. This study was carried out within the Interepid international project, which included a cross-sectional epidemiological study of the prevalence of major noncommunicable diseases and their risk factors in 2011- 2012, and a prospective stage among rural residents of two countries (Russia, the Kyrgyz Republic). In 2019, the vital status of respondents was reassessed (7 years after the initial examination), and endpoints were collected, including all-cause and cardiovascular deaths.Results. A significant similarity of rural residents of the analyzed regions in relation to the factors associated with mortality was revealed. Smoking in men, obesity in women, and hypertension in both sexes were associated with an increased death risk. Country differences were found only in relation to low physical activity and dietary habits. Ethnic developments in the population of the Kyrgyz Republic also concerned only the contribution of food habits.Conclusion. The results obtained are important for planning, implementing and evaluating the effectiveness of public health promotion programs. It is also necessary to develop differentiated treatment and prevention measures in the Russian population and among the indigenous inhabitants of the Kyrgyz Republic, including taking into account the prevalence of CVD risk factors and their impact on life prognosis

    Age and gender aspects of the association of generalized obesity with development of fatal and nonfatal cardiovascular events (results of the prospective cohort study “Interepepid”)

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    Background. Currently, obesity has become one of the most important medical and social problems in the world due to its high prevalence. Numerous literature data indicate that high BMI is associated with increased mortality from cardiovascular diseases.The aim: to study the relationship between overweight and generalized obesity with the development of fatal and non-fatal cardiovascular events among residents of the Chui region of the Kyrgyz Republic, taking into account gender and age.Material and methods. This study was carried out as part of the international crosssectional epidemiological study “Interepid”. The total follow-up period was 7 years. Life status at the end of the follow-up period was monitored in 1096 respondents out of 1341 initial cohorts (response – 82.1 %). The endpoints were cases of fatal and non-fatal cardiovascular events. The frequency of events was assessed using methods of analysis of survival (Cox proportional hazard regression model, parametric survival models, survival by the Kaplan – Meier method).Results. A total of 181 cases of fatal and non-fatal cardiovascular events (16.44 %) were recorded during the follow-up. In persons with normal body weight, the incidence of cardiovascular complications was 10 %. In overweight individuals, the value of this indicator increased and reached 17.99 % (p˂ 0.001), and in individuals with obesity – 24.5 % (p˂ 0.0001). The increase in the frequency of events with the increase in body mass index did not depend on the gender of the respondents but was typical only for people under 60 years of age. For elderly patients, there was no relationship between BMI and the development of cardiovascular complications. In contrast, the relative risk had an insignificant tendency to decrease by 2.6 % for every 1 kg/m2 increase in body mass index (RR – 0.974; 95% CI: 0.924–1.025).Conclusion. The increase of body mass index above 25 kg/m2 is an independent risk factor for the development of fatal and non-fatal cardiovascular events in the analyzed cohort of the Chui region residents, regardless of gender, but only in persons under 60 years of age

    Children’s exposure to television advertising of unhealthy foods and beverages across four countries of WHO European Region

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    Abstract Objective: To compare the frequency and healthfulness of foods being advertised to children and adolescents in four countries of WHO European region. Design: Cross-sectional quantitative study, guided by an adapted version of the WHO protocol. All recorded food advertisements were categorised by categories and as either ‘permitted’ or ‘not permitted’ for advertising to children in accordance with WHO Regional Office for Europe Nutrient Profile Model. Settings: Four countries: Russia, Turkey, Kazakhstan and Kyrgyzstan Participants: TV channels most popular among children and adolescents Results: Analysis included 70 d of TV broadcasting for all channels, during which time there were 28 399 advertisements. The mean number of advertisements per hour varied from eleven in Turkey and Kazakhstan to eight and two in Russia and Kyrgyzstan. In all countries, the majority of the food and beverages advertised should not be permitted for advertising to children according to the WHO Nutrient Profile Model. The mean number of non-permitted food and beverage advertisements per hour was high in Turkey and Kazakhstan (8·8 and 8·5 ads) compared with Russia (5·1) and Kyrgyzstan (1·9). Turkey was the only country where nutritional information was fully available, and no values were missing that prevented coding for some product categories. Conclusions: Results revealed that children and adolescents in four countries are exposed to a considerable volume of food and beverage advertisements, including sugary products on broadcast television. As such, policymakers should consider protecting youth by developing regulations to restrict these marketing activities within media popular with children. </jats:sec

    Глобальное исследование потребления табака среди молодежи в Кыргызской Республике (исследование GYTS, 2019)

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    The aim of the study was to assess the situation related to tobacco consumption among adolescents aged 13 – 15 in the Kyrgyz Republic.Materials and Methods. The study used a two-stage selection of schoolchildren in grades 7 – 9 (teenagers 13 – 15 years old) to conduct the survey. At the 1st stage, information was collected about all schools of the republic, where children of the target group study. the schools in which the survey was subsequently conducted were selected by the statistical sampling method according to the number of students in grades 7 – 9. The grades whose students participated in the questionnaire were set at stage 2 by random sampling in each school The survey includes 43 questions from the Standard main Questionnaire of the Global Youth Tobacco Survey (GYTS) and 30 supplementary questions (73 in total) with multiple choice of answers. The statistical processing was performed using the SUDAAN software package (US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention); a 95% confidence interval was calculated to calculate weighted prevalence estimates and standard errors (SE).Results. The survey found that 6.0% of schoolchildren (9.5% of boys and 2.4% of girls) currently use various types of tobacco; 4.4% of schoolchildren currently use tobacco (6.8% of boys and 2.0% of girls); 2.4% of schoolchildren smoke cigarettes; 2.4% use smokeless tobacco, 2.8% use other tobacco products (hookah); 2.8% of schoolchildren smoke electronic cigarettes (3.9% of boys and 1.7% of girls). Tobacco use most often begins before age 7 or after age 12. 16.8% of schoolchildren are exposed to tobacco smoke at home, of which 14.2% are in closed places and 14.8% in open public places. 87.2% of schoolchildren purchase cigarettes in a shop, kiosk, from a street vendor, and in the market. During the visit to the point of sale 26.7% noticed tobacco advertising and promotions; 49.7% saw anti-tobacco messages in the mass media. Definitely think that smoking tobacco by other people is bad for them, 71.2% of schoolchildren.Conclusion. A high percentage of teenagers consuming e-cigarettes, hookah, and smokeless tobacco products has been noted, although &gt; 50% of them are aware of the dangers of tobacco use. Every 6th student is a passive smoker. The vast majority of schoolchildren aged 13 – 15 who try to quit smoking do not receive professional help in quitting tobacco use, and are exposed to protobacco media marketing campaigns.Целью исследования явилась оценка ситуации, связанной с потреблением табачных изделий среди подростков 13–15 лет в Кыргызской Республике.Материалы и методы. В исследовании использовался двухстадийный отбор школьников 7–9-х классов (подростки 13–15 лет) для проведения анкетирования. На 1-й стадии собиралась информация обо всех школах республики, в которых обучаются дети целевой группы. Методом статистической выборки в соответствии с числом учащихся 7–9-х классов были отобраны школы, в которых в дальнейшем проводилось анкетирование. На 2-й стадии методом случайной выборки в каждой школе устанавливались классы, учащиеся которых приняли участие в анкетном опросе. В обследование включены 43 вопроса из Стандартного основного вопросника Глобального исследования потребления табака среди молодежи (Global Youth Tobacco Survey – GYTS) и 30 дополнительно выбранных вопросов (всего 73 вопроса) с несколькими вариантами ответа. Статистическая обработка проводилась с использованием пакета программного обеспечения SUDAAN (Центр по контролю и профилактики заболеваний США); для расчета взвешенных оценок распространенности и стандартных ошибок (SE) рассчитывался 95%-ный доверительный интервал.Результаты. По результатам опроса установлено, что в настоящее время различные виды табака используют 6,0 % школьников (9,5 % мальчиков и 2,4 % девочек); 4,4 % школьников в настоящее время потребляют табак (6,8 % мальчиков и 2,0 % девочек); 2,4 % школьников курят сигареты; 2,4 % потребляют бездымный табак, 2,8 % – другие табачные изделия (кальян); 2,8 % школьников курят электронные сигареты (3,9 % мальчиков и 1,7 % девочек). Наиболее часто потребление табачных изделий начинается в возрасте либо до 7 лет, либо после 12 лет. Воздействию табачного дыма в домашних условиях подвергаются 16,8 % школьников, из них 14,2 % – в закрытых, 14,8 % – в открытых общественных местах. Приобретают сигареты в магазине, киоске, у уличного торговца и на рынке 87,2 % школьников. Во время посещения пункта продаж рекламу табака и акции заметили 26,7 %; 49,7 % увидели антитабачные сообщения в средствах массовой информации. Определенно думают, что курение табака другими людьми вредно для них, 71,2 % школьников.Заключение. Отмечена высокая доля подростков, потребляющих электронные сигареты, кальян и бездымные табачные изделия, хотя &gt; 50 % из них осведомлены об опасностях потребления табака. Каждый 6-й школьник является пассивным курильщиком. Подавляющее большинство школьников 13–15 лет, пытающихся бросить курить, не получают помощи специалиста при отказе от потребления табака, к тому же подвергаются воздействию протабачных маркетинговых кампаний в средствах массовой информации

    Children’s exposure to television advertising of unhealthy foods and beverages across four countries of WHO European Region

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    Abstract Objective: To compare the frequency and healthfulness of foods being advertised to children and adolescents in four countries of WHO European region. Design: Cross-sectional quantitative study, guided by an adapted version of the WHO protocol. All recorded food advertisements were categorised by categories and as either ‘permitted’ or ‘not permitted’ for advertising to children in accordance with WHO Regional Office for Europe Nutrient Profile Model. Settings: Four countries: Russia, Turkey, Kazakhstan and Kyrgyzstan Participants: TV channels most popular among children and adolescents Results: Analysis included 70 d of TV broadcasting for all channels, during which time there were 28 399 advertisements. The mean number of advertisements per hour varied from eleven in Turkey and Kazakhstan to eight and two in Russia and Kyrgyzstan. In all countries, the majority of the food and beverages advertised should not be permitted for advertising to children according to the WHO Nutrient Profile Model. The mean number of non-permitted food and beverage advertisements per hour was high in Turkey and Kazakhstan (8·8 and 8·5 ads) compared with Russia (5·1) and Kyrgyzstan (1·9). Turkey was the only country where nutritional information was fully available, and no values were missing that prevented coding for some product categories. Conclusions: Results revealed that children and adolescents in four countries are exposed to a considerable volume of food and beverage advertisements, including sugary products on broadcast television. As such, policymakers should consider protecting youth by developing regulations to restrict these marketing activities within media popular with children