19,904 research outputs found

    Radioisotope thermionic power supply for spacecraft

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    Power supply design for unmanned electric propulsion missions to outer planets utilizes a store of curium-244 in compact array of capsules as energy source. Supply subassemblies are: heat source, converter equipment which supplies power, and safety equipment. System is designed for a 72,000 hour mission

    Bats of Hot Springs National Park, Arkansas

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    A survey was conducted from June 1982 through January 1987 to determine the occurrence of bat species in Hot Springs National Park, Garland County, Arkansas; an area of approximately 2025 hectares. A total of 309 bats in the families Molossidae and Vespertilionidae were captured. Species represented included: Eptesicus fuscus, Lasiurus borealis, Lasiurus cinereus, Nycticeius humeralis, Pipistrellus subflavus, and Tadarida brasiliensis cynocephala

    Rehybridization of electronic structure in compressed two-dimensional quantum dot superlattices

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    Two-dimensional superlattices of organically passivated 2.6-nm silver quantum dots were prepared as Langmuir monolayers and transferred to highly oriented pyrolytic graphite substrates. The structural and electronic properties of the films were probed with variable temperature scanning tunneling microscopy. Particles passivated with decanethiol (interparticle separation distance of ∼1.1±0.2 nm) exhibited Coulomb blockade and staircase. For particles passivated with hexanethiol or pentanethiol (interparticle separation distance of ∼0.5±0.2 nm), the single-electron charging was quenched, and the redistribution of the density of states revealed that strong quantum mechanical exchange, i.e., wave-function hybridization, existed among the particles in these films

    Spatial Interference Cancelation for Mobile Ad Hoc Networks: Perfect CSI

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    Interference between nodes directly limits the capacity of mobile ad hoc networks. This paper focuses on spatial interference cancelation with perfect channel state information (CSI), and analyzes the corresponding network capacity. Specifically, by using multiple antennas, zero-forcing beamforming is applied at each receiver for canceling the strongest interferers. Given spatial interference cancelation, the network transmission capacity is analyzed in this paper, which is defined as the maximum transmitting node density under constraints on outage and the signal-to-interference-noise ratio. Assuming the Poisson distribution for the locations of network nodes and spatially i.i.d. Rayleigh fading channels, mathematical tools from stochastic geometry are applied for deriving scaling laws for transmission capacity. Specifically, for small target outage probability, transmission capacity is proved to increase following a power law, where the exponent is the inverse of the size of antenna array or larger depending on the pass loss exponent. As shown by simulations, spatial interference cancelation increases transmission capacity by an order of magnitude or more even if only one extra antenna is added to each node.Comment: 6 pages; submitted to IEEE Globecom 200

    Male secondary sexual characters in Aphnaeinae wings (Lepidoptera: Lycaenidae)

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    Male secondary sexual characters have been discovered on the hindwing verso of genera Aphnaeus Hübner, [1819], Cigaritis Donzel, 1847, Lipaphnaeus Aurivillius, 1916 and Pseudaletis Druce, 1888 representing the Palaeotropical subfamily Aphnaeinae Lycaenidae: Lepidoptera). Relevant wing parts are illustrated, described, and some observations on the organs are briefly annotated. With an appendix and 14 figures

    Marginalization of Regression-Adjusted Treatment Effects in Indirect Comparisons with Limited Patient-Level Data

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    Population adjustment methods such as matching-adjusted indirect comparison (MAIC) are increasingly used to compare marginal treatment effects when there are cross-trial differences in effect modifiers and limited patient-level data. MAIC is sensitive to poor covariate overlap and cannot extrapolate beyond the observed covariate space. Current outcome regression-based alternatives can extrapolate but target a conditional treatment effect that is incompatible in the indirect comparison. When adjusting for covariates, one must integrate or average the conditional estimate over the population of interest to recover a compatible marginal treatment effect. We propose a marginalization method based on parametric G-computation that can be easily applied where the outcome regression is a generalized linear model or a Cox model. In addition, we introduce a novel general-purpose method based on multiple imputation, which we term multiple imputation marginalization (MIM) and is applicable to a wide range of models. Both methods can accommodate a Bayesian statistical framework, which naturally integrates the analysis into a probabilistic framework. A simulation study provides proof-of-principle for the methods and benchmarks their performance against MAIC and the conventional outcome regression. The marginalized outcome regression approaches achieve more precise and more accurate estimates than MAIC, particularly when covariate overlap is poor, and yield unbiased marginal treatment effect estimates under no failures of assumptions. Furthermore, the marginalized regression-adjusted estimates provide greater precision and accuracy than the conditional estimates produced by the conventional outcome regression, which are systematically biased because the measure of effect is non-collapsible

    Tourism To Parks In Zimbabwe: 1969-1988

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    A GJZ (geographic Journal of Zimbabwe) article on tourism.International and domestic tourism creates considerable economic activity in Zimbabwe and is an important source of foreign currency. The Zimbabwean tourist industry is largely based upon marketing a ‘wilderness experience’ and relies heavily upon the national parks and other protected areas within the country. By providing visitor accommodation and other services within the areas it controls, the Department of National Parks and Wild Life Management (DNPWLM) is one of the country’s major tourist organizations

    The SSX Family of Cancer-Testis Antigens as Target Proteins for Tumor Therapy

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    Cancer-testis antigens (CTAs) represent an expanding class of tumor-associated proteins defined on the basis of their tissue-restricted expression to testis or ovary germline cells and frequent ectopic expression in tumor tissue. The expression of CTA in MHC class I-deficient germline cells makes these proteins particularly attractive as immunotherapeutic targets because they serve as essentially tumor-specific antigens for MHC class I-restricted CD8+ T cells. Moreover, because CTAs are expressed in many types of cancer, any therapeutic developed to target these antigens might have efficacy for multiple cancer types. Of particular interest among CTAs is the synovial sarcoma X chromosome breakpoint (SSX) family of proteins, which includes ten highly homologous family members. Expression of SSX proteins in tumor tissues has been associated with advanced stages of disease and worse patient prognosis. Additionally, both humoral and cell-mediated immune responses to SSX proteins have been demonstrated in patients with tumors of varying histological origin, which indicates that natural immune responses can be spontaneously generated to these antigens in cancer patients. The current review will describe the history and identification of this family of proteins, as well as what is known of their function, expression in normal and malignant tissues, and immunogenicity