1,256 research outputs found

    The Perceptions and Lived Experiences of Leaders Practicing Mindfulness Meditation: A Phenomenological Investigation

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    Despite the gap between the demands of the global work environment and the maturity of its leaders, minimal research exists on the trend of the practice of mindfulness meditation and the developmental experiences of leaders, thereby resulting in a growing divide between theory and practice. Consequently, leadership scholars have little understanding of how an increasing number of leaders experience mindfulness meditation. The purpose of this phenomenological study was to understand the perceived impact mindfulness meditation had on leader development for 20 manager-leaders who had a regular (at least 3 days a week) mindfulness-meditation practice. The primary recruitment strategy included outreach to potential participants affiliated with professionally oriented mindfulness groups on the social networking site, LinkedIn (geographic location was not relevant in this study). The primary conceptual framework was Day\u27s conceptualization of leader development. The central research question addressed leaders\u27 perceptions and experiences of the impact of mindfulness meditation on their development as leaders. A modified Stevick-Colaizzi-Keen data analysis procedure was used in this study. Key results included the identification of 10 core themes and the associated conclusion that leaders who want to contribute solutions to global challenges will have to access more of their potential, which may require consideration of techniques that foster vertical learning. The primary recommendation includes the serious consideration of mindfulness meditation by leaders and organizational decision makers of development investments. This study has implications for positive social change in that a better understanding of how leaders experience mindfulness meditation may provide direction for leaders and organizations about developmental practices that support leadership effectiveness

    Chronicles of Oklahoma

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    Article explores the history of an American stagecoach donated to the Oklahoma Historical Society by the Miller Brothers of 101 Ranch in 1921. John and Mildred Frizzell also describe two other stagecoaches in Oklahoma today and provide pictures of the vehicle

    A Phenomenological Investigation of Leader Development and Mindfulness Meditation

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    Regardless of the gap between the demands of the global work environment and the maturity of leaders, minimal research exists on the trend of the practice of mindfulness meditation and the developmental experiences of leaders. Consequently, scholars have little understanding of how an increasing number of leaders experience mindfulness meditation. The purpose of this study was to understand the perceived impact mindfulness meditation had on leader development for 20 manager-leaders who had a regular (at least 3 days a week) mindfulness meditation practice. The primary recruitment strategy included outreach to potential participants affiliated with professionally oriented mindfulness groups on LinkedIn. The main conceptual framework was Dayā€™s conceptualization of leader development. The central research question addressed leadersā€™ perceptions and experiences of the impact of mindfulness meditation on their development as leaders. A modified Stevickā€“Colaizziā€“Keen data analysis procedure was used in this study. Key results included the identification of 10 core themes and the associated conclusion that leaders who want to contribute solutions to global challenges will have to access more of their potential, which may require engaging in contemplative practices such as mindfulness meditation. The principal recommendation includes the serious consideration of mindfulness meditation by leaders and organizational decision makers of development investments. This study has implications for positive social change, in that a better understanding of how leaders experience mindfulness meditation may provide direction for leaders and organizations about developmental practices that support leadership effectiveness

    Chronicles of Oklahoma

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    Article describes the experiences and work of the "covered wagon geologist" Charles N. Gould. Mildred Armor Frizzell provides context to excerpts of the pioneer's autobiography, where he discussed his work conducting geological surveys and teaching at the University of Oklahoma

    Regulation of Human Cystic Fibrosis Transmembrane Conductance Regulator (Cftr) by Serum- and Glucocorticoid-Inducible Kinase (Sgk1)

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    Background: Serum- and glucocorticoid-inducible kinase-1 (SGK1) increases CFTR Cl currents in Xenopus oocytes by an unknown mechanism. Because SGK increases the plasma membrane expression of other ion channels, the goal of this paper was to test the hypothesis that SGK1 stimulates CFTR Cl currents by increasing the number of CFTR Cl channels in the plasma membrane. Methods: CFTR Cl currents were measured in Xenopus oocytes by the two-electrode voltage clamp technique, and CFTR in the plasma membrane was determined by laser scanning confocal microscopy. Results: wt-SGK1 stimulated CFTR Cl currents by 42% and increased the amount of CFTR in the plasma membrane by 35%. A kinase-dead SGK mutant (K127N) had a dominant-negative effect on CFTR, reducing CFTR Cl currents by 38%. In addition, deletion of the C-terminal PDZ-interacting motif (SGK1-Ī”SFL) increased CFTR Cl currents by 108%. Thus, SGK1-Ī”SFL was more effective than wt-SGK1 in stimulating CFTR Cl currents. Neither wt-SGK nor the K127N mutant had any effect on Cl currents in oocytes when expressed alone in the absence of CFTR. Conclusion: SGK1 stimulates CFTR Cl currents in Xenopus oocytes by increasing the number of channels in the plasma membrane. Moreover, the effect of SGK may be mediated by protein-protein interactions involving the PDZ interacting motif

    FASTER MT: Isolation of Pure Populations of a and Ī± Ascospores from Saccharomyces cerevisiae

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    The budding yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae has many traits that make it useful for studies of quantitative inheritance. Genome-wide association studies and bulk segregant analyses often serve as first steps toward the identification of quantitative trait loci. These approaches benefit from having large numbers of ascospores pooled by mating type without contamination by vegetative cells. To this end, we inserted a gene encoding red fluorescent protein into the MATa locus. Red fluorescent protein expression caused MATa and a/Ī± diploid vegetative cells and MATa ascospores to fluoresce; MATĪ± cells without the gene did not fluoresce. Heterozygous diploids segregated fluorescent and nonfluorescent ascospores 2:2 in tetrads and bulk populations. The two populations of spores were separable by fluorescence-activated cell sorting with little cross contamination or contamination with diploid vegetative cells. This approach, which we call Fluorescent Ascospore Technique for Efficient Recovery of Mating Type (FASTER MT), should be applicable to laboratory, industrial, and undomesticated, strains

    Comparison of branded rugby headguards on their effectiveness in reducing impact on the head

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    Aim: To compare the available brands of rugby headguards and evaluate their impact attenuation properties at various locations on the cranium, with regard to concussion prevention.Methods: Seven different branded headguards were fitted onto a rigid headform and drop-tested in three different positions. An accelerometer measured the linear acceleration the headform experienced on impact with the ground. Each test involved dropping the headform from a height that generated 103.8 g on average when bare, which is the closest acceleration to the upper limit of the concussion threshold of 100 g. A mean peak acceleration for each drop position was calculated and compared with the bare baseline measurement.Results: Each headguard demonstrated a significant decrease in the mean peak acceleration from the baseline value (all pā‰¤0.01). Overall the Canterbury Ventilator was the most effective headguard, decreasing the impact force on average by 47%. The least effective was the XBlades Elite headguard, averaging a force reduction of 27%. In five of the seven headguards, the right side of the headwear was the most effective at reducing impact force.Conclusion: Overall, the results indicate that it would be beneficial to wear a headguard during rugby in order to reduce the impact forces involved in head collisions. There was also a clear difference in performance between the tested brands, establishing the Canterbury headguard as the most effective. However, only one model of headguard from each brand was tested, so further research evaluating all other models should be considered.</p

    Acute ENaC Stimulation by cAMP in a Kidney Cell Line is Mediated by Exocytic Insertion from a Recycling Channel Pool

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    Acute hormonal regulation of the epithelial sodium channel (ENaC) in tight epithelia increases transcellular Na+ transport via trafficking of intracellular channels to the apical surface. The fate of the channels removed from the apical surface following agonist washout is less clear. By repetitively stimulating polarized mouse cortical collecting duct (mCCD, MPKCCD14) epithelia, we evaluated the hypothesis that ENaC recycles through an intracellular pool to be available for reinsertion into the apical membrane. Short circuit current (ISC), membrane capacitance (CT), and conductance (GT) were recorded from mCCD epithelia mounted in modified Ussing chambers. Surface biotinylation of ENaC demonstrated an increase in channel number in the apical membrane following cAMP stimulation. This increase was accompanied by a 83 Ā± 6% (n = 31) increase in ISC and a 15.3 Ā± 1.5% (n = 15) increase in CT. Selective membrane permeabilization demonstrated that the CT increase was due to an increase in apical membrane capacitance. ISC and CT declined to basal levels on stimulus washout. Repetitive cAMP stimulation and washout (āˆ¼1 h each cycle) resulted in response fatigue; Ī”ISC decreased āˆ¼10% per stimulationā€“recovery cycle. When channel production was blocked by cycloheximide, Ī”ISC decreased āˆ¼15% per stimulation cycle, indicating that newly synthesized ENaC contributed a relatively small fraction of the channels mobilized to the apical membrane. Selective block of surface ENaC by benzamil demonstrated that channels inserted from a subapical pool made up >90% of the stimulated ISC, and that on restimulation a large proportion of channels retrieved from the apical surface were reinserted into the apical membrane. Channel recycling was disrupted by brefeldin A, which inhibited ENaC exocytosis, by chloroquine, which inhibited ENaC endocytosis and recycling, and by latrunculin A, which blocked ENaC exocytosis. A compartment model featuring channel populations in the apical membrane and intracellular recycling pool provided an adequate kinetic description of the ISC responses to repetitive stimulation. The model supports the concept of ENaC recycling in response to repetitive cAMP stimulation
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