392 research outputs found

    Nonlinear terahertz coherent excitation of vibrational modes of liquids

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    We report the first coherent excitation of intramolecular vibrational modes via the nonlinear interaction of a TeraHertz (THz) light field with molecular liquids. A terahertz-terahertz-Raman pulse sequence prepares the coherences with a broadband, high-energy, (sub)picosecond terahertz pulse, that are then measured in a terahertz Kerr effect spectrometer via phase-sensitive, heterodyne detection with an optical pulse. The spectrometer reported here has broader terahertz frequency coverage, and an increased sensitivity relative to previously reported terahertz Kerr effect experiments. Vibrational coherences are observed in liquid diiodomethane at 3.66 THz (122 cm^(−1)), and in carbon tetrachloride at 6.50 THz (217 cm^(−1)), in exact agreement with literature values of those intramolecular modes. This work opens the door to 2D spectroscopies, nonlinear in terahertz field, that can study the dynamics of condensed-phase molecular systems, as well as coherent control at terahertz frequencies

    Discovery of the Interstellar Chiral Molecule Propylene Oxide (CH3_3CHCH2_2O)

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    Life on Earth relies on chiral molecules, that is, species not superimposable on their mirror images. This manifests itself in the selection of a single molecular handedness, or homochirality, across the biosphere. We present the astronomical detection of a chiral molecule, propylene oxide (CH3_3CHCH2_2O), in absorption toward the Galactic Center. Propylene oxide is detected in the gas phase in a cold, extended molecular shell around the embedded, massive protostellar clusters in the Sagittarius B2 star-forming region. This material is representative of the earliest stage of solar system evolution in which a chiral molecule has been found

    Here’s Looking at You: Public- Versus Elite-Driven Models of Presidential Primary Elections

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    Objective. This study advances the presidential primary literature in two ways. First, since many studies in this literature advocate for more detailed theoretical development, we incorporate an interdisciplinary approach by utilizing social contagion theory from the field of sociology. Second, presidential primaries do not adequately explore what role the public plays during the invisible primary. We thus incorporate Google Trends data into presidential primary models to account for the relative amount of public attention for each presidential primary candidate. Methods. We use fixed effects regression to determine the impact of public attention on a candidate’s share of the contested primary vote (CPV). Results. We find that increased public attention leads to higher levels of support for a candidate in the Iowa caucuses, New Hampshire primary, and CPV. Conclusion. These findings illustrate the extra-voting role the public plays in presidential primary elections and helps us further distinguish how party elites, voters, and candidates uniquely determine the selection of our executive

    Microwave spectrum of the ethanol-methanol dimer

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    The hydrogen bond donor/acceptor competition in mixed alcohol clusters remains a fundamental question in physical chemistry. Previous theoretical work on the prototype ethanol-methanol dimer has been inconclusive in predicting the energetically preferred structure. Here, we report the microwave spectrum of the ethanol-methanol dimer between 8-18 GHz, using a chirped pulse Fourier transform microwave spectrometer. With the aid of ab initio calculations, 36 transitions have been fit and assigned to a t-ethanol-acceptor, methanol-donor structure in an argon-backed expansion. In a helium-backed expansion, a second excited conformer has been observed, and tentatively assigned to a g-ethanol-acceptor, methanol-donor structure. No ethanol-donor, methanol-acceptor structures have been found, suggesting such structures are energetically disfavored

    Hydrogen bonding in the ethanol–water dimer

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    We report the first rotational spectrum of the ground state of the isolated ethanol–water dimer using chirped-pulse Fourier transform microwave spectroscopy between 8–18 GHz. With the aid of isotopic substitutions, and ab initio calculations, we identify the measured conformer as a water-donor/ethanol-acceptor structure. Ethanol is found to be in the gauche conformation, while the monomer distances and orientations likely reflect a cooperation between the strong (O–H⋯O) and weak (C–H⋯O) hydrogen bonds that stabilizes the measured conformer. No other conformers were assigned in an argon expansion, confirming that this is the ground-state structure. This result is consistent with previous vibrationally-resolved Raman and infrared work, but sheds additional light on the structure, due to the specificity of rotational spectroscopy

    Hydrogen bond competition in the ethanol–methanol dimer

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    Previous theoretical work on the ethanol–methanol dimer has been inconclusive in predicting the preferred hydrogen bond donor/acceptor configuration. Here, we report the microwave spectrum of the dimer using a chirped pulse Fourier transform microwave spectrometer from 8–18 GHz. In an argon-backed expansion, 50 transitions have been assigned to a trans-ethanol-acceptor/methanol-donor structure that is likely stabilized by a secondary weak C–H⋯O hydrogen bond. A higher energy conformer was observed in a helium-backed expansion and tentatively assigned to a gauche-ethanol-acceptor/methanol-donor structure. No ethanol-donor/methanol-acceptor dimers have been found, suggesting such interactions are energetically disfavored. A preliminary analysis of the A–E splitting due to the internal rotation of the methanol methyl group in the ground state species is also presented. We find evidence of the Ubbelohde effect in the measured A–E splittings of three deuterated isotopologues and the normal species of this conformer


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    The ultrafast TeraHertz Kerr effect (TKE) has recently been demonstrated as a nonlinear spectroscopic technique capable of measuring the dielectric relaxation of liquids. The true power of this technique lies in its ability to provide complementary information to measurements taken using heterodyne-detected optical Kerr effect (OKE) spectroscopy. The optical pulses in OKE measurements interact with the sample via the molecular polarizability, a rank-two tensor, in contrast with THz pulses that interact with the molecules via the dipole moment, a rank-one tensor. Given the different light-matter interactions in the two techniques, TKE measurements help complete the physical picture of intermolecular interactions at short timescales. We report here our implementation of heterodyne-detected TKE spectroscopy, along with measurements of pure liquids, and binary mixtures. Some of the liquids presented here were previously believed to be TKE inactive, thus showing that we have achieved a greater sensitivity than the previous implementation in the literature. In addition, we will discuss a variety of binary mixtures and show how the TKE data can be compared with OKE data to deepen our physical understanding of intermolecular interactions in liquids


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    We report the generation and detection of a decade-spanning TeraHertz (THz) frequency comb (0.15-2.4 THz) using two Ti:Sapphire femtosecond laser oscillators and ASynchronous OPtical Sampling THz Time-Domain Spectroscopy (ASOPS-THz-TDS). The measured linewidth of the comb at 1.5 THz is 3 kHz over a 60 second acquisition. With time-domain detection of the comb, we measure three transitions of water vapor at 10 mTorr between 1-2 THz with an average Doppler-limited fractional uncertainty of 5.9times10−85.9times10^{-8}. Significant improvements in bandwidth, resolution, and sensitivity are possible with existing technologies and will enable future studies of jet-cooled hydrogen-bonded clusters


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    Ultrafast Terahertz Kerr Effect (TKE) spectroscopy is a relatively new nonlinear THz technique that is sensitive to the orientational dynamics of anisotropic, condensed-phase samples. The sample is excited by a single high field strength simsim1 picosecond THz pulse, and the resulting transient birefringence is measured by a simsim40 femtosecond 800 nm probe pulse. We have measured the TKE response of several aromatic liquids at room temperature, including benzene, benzene-d6, hexafluorobenzene, pyridine, and toluene. The measured decay constants range from simsim1-10 ps, and, along with previous optical Kerr effect results in the literaturefootnote{Loughnane et al. JPCB 110.11 (2006): 5708-5720.}, give insights into intermolecular interactions in these liquids
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