11 research outputs found

    Perancangan Commercial Campaign untuk Brand Futuru yang Mengangkat Kebudayaan Maluku Utara

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    Perancangan commercial campaign yang bertujuan untuk mempromosikan brand Futuru dan mengangkat kebudayaan Maluku Utara yang telah dilakukan menargetkan khusus kepada mahasiswa diaspora asal Maluku Utara yang berkuliah di wilayah Jabodetabek. Perancangan tersebut juga melibatkan target sebagai responden, karena mereka memiliki keterkaitan serta kesadaran yang tinggi terhadap permasalahan kebudayaan yang mulai luntur. Metode penelitian menggunakan mix method perpaduan kualitatif dengan kuantitatif. Sementara metode perancangan kampanye yang digunakan dari Dr. Antar Venus dan model komunikasi menggunakan AISAS. Media massa dan media sosial dipilih sebagai saluran utama untuk menyebarkan pesan kampanye ini. Pendekatan media tersebut dipilih sesuai dengan target audiens dan permasalahan yang ingin diselesaikan. Dengan melalui perancangan kampanye ini, diharapkan kesadaran tentang brand Futuru dan pemahaman tentang kebudayaan Maluku Utara dapat meningkat. Selain itu, generasi muda juga dapat terinspirasi untuk berperan aktif dalam melestarikan dan mempromosikan kebudayaan mereka sendiri. Kampanye ini menjadi langkah awal untuk menciptakan perubahan positif dalam menjaga dan mengangkat warisan budaya. Selain meningkatkan kesadaran dan pemahaman mengenai brand Futuru dan kebudayaan Maluku Utara, perancangan ini juga bertujuan untuk meningkatkan omset penjualan produk dari Futuru

    The impacts of watershed management on land use and land cover dynamics in Eastern Tigray (Ethiopia)

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    Integrated watershed management (IWSM) was implemented to address issues of poverty and land resource degradation in the 14,500 ha upper Agula watershed, in semi-arid Eastern Tigray (Ethiopia), an area known for poverty and resource degradation caused by natural and man-made calamities. The purpose of this study was to assess the impact of IWSM and determine the land use and cover dynamics that it has induced. The change in land use and cover was assessed by integrating remote sensing and geographic information systems (GIS). Two sets of aerial photographs (taken in 1965 and 1994 at scale of 1:50,000) and Landsat ETM+ image (taken in 2000 with 30 m resolution) were used to produce the land use/land cover map and assess land use change. The results reveal significant modification and conversion of land use and cover of the watershed over the last four decades (1965-2005). A significant portion of the watershed was continuously under intensively cultivated (tainted) land. The area under irrigation increased from 7 ha to 222.4 ha post-intervention. The area under dense forest increased from 32.4 ha to 98 ha. The study further shows that IWSM decreased soil erosion. increased soil moisture, reduced sedimentation and run off, set the scene for a number of positive knock-on effects Such as stabilization of gullies and river banks, rehabilitation of degraded lands. IWSM also resulted in increased recharge in the subsurface water. This study reconfirms the importance of IWSM as a key to improve the land cover of watersheds, as a contribution to poverty alleviation and sustainable livelihood.status: publishe

    Gut-Brain cross talk: The pathogenesis of neurodevelopmental impairment in necrotizing enterocolitis

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    Necrotizing enterocolitis (NEC) is a devastating condition of multi-factorial origin that affects the intestine of premature infants and results in high morbidity and mortality. Infants that survive contend with several long-term sequelae including neurodevelopmental impairment (NDI)-which encompasses cognitive and psychosocial deficits as well as motor, vision, and hearing impairment. Alterations in the gut-brain axis (GBA) homeostasis have been implicated in the pathogenesis of NEC and the development of NDI. The crosstalk along the GBA suggests that microbial dysbiosis and subsequent bowel injury can initiate systemic inflammation which is followed by pathogenic signaling cascades with multiple pathways that ultimately lead to the brain. These signals reach the brain and activate an inflammatory cascade in the brain resulting in white matter injury, impaired myelination, delayed head growth, and eventual downstream NDI. The purpose of this review is to summarize the NDI seen in NEC, discuss what is known about the GBA, explore the relationship between the GBA and perinatal brain injury in the setting of NEC, and finally, highlight the existing research into possible therapies to help prevent these deleterious outcomes

    Stem cell derived therapies to preserve and repair the developing intestine

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    Stem cell research and the use of stem cells in therapy have seen tremendous growth in the last two decades. Neonatal intestinal disorders such as necrotizing enterocolitis, Hirschsprung disease, and gastroschisis have high morbidity and mortality and limited treatment options with varying success rates. Stem cells have been used in several pre-clinical studies to address various neonatal disorders with promising results. Stem cell and patient population selection, timing of therapy, as well as safety and quality control are some of the challenges that must be addressed prior to the widespread clinical application of stem cells. Further research and technological advances such as the use of cell delivery technology can address these challenges and allow for continued progress towards clinical translation

    Recent Development of the Molecular and Cellular Mechanisms of Hydrogen Sulfide Gasotransmitter

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    Hydrogen sulfide has been recently identified as the third biological gasotransmitter, along with the more well studied nitric oxide (NO) and carbon monoxide (CO). Intensive studies on its potential as a therapeutic agent for cardiovascular, inflammatory, infectious and neuropathological diseases have been undertaken. Here we review the possible direct targets of H2S in mammals. H2S directly interacts with reactive oxygen/nitrogen species and is involved in redox signaling. H2S also reacts with hemeproteins and modulates metal-containing complexes. Once being oxidized, H2S can persulfidate proteins by adding -SSH to the amino acid cysteine. These direct modifications by H2S have significant impact on cell structure and many cellular functions, such as tight junctions, autophagy, apoptosis, vesicle trafficking, cell signaling, epigenetics and inflammasomes. Therefore, we conclude that H2S is involved in many important cellular and physiological processes. Compounds that donate H2S to biological systems can be developed as therapeutics for different diseases

    Chondroitin sulfate supplementation improves clinical outcomes in a murine model of necrotizing enterocolitis

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    Abstract Necrotizing enterocolitis (NEC) continues to be a devastating disease in preterm neonates and has a paucity of medical management options. Chondroitin sulfate (CS) is a naturally occurring glycosaminoglycan (GAG) in human breast milk (HM) and has been shown to reduce inflammation. We hypothesized that supplementation with CS in an experimental NEC model would alter microbial diversity, favorably alter the cytokine profile, and (like other sulfur compounds) improve outcomes in experimental NEC via the eNOS pathway. NEC was induced in 5‐day‐old pups. Six groups were studied (n = 9–15/group): (1) WT breastfed and (2) Formula fed controls, (3) WT NEC, (4) WT NEC + CS, (5) eNOS KO (knockout) NEC, and (6) eNOS KO NEC + CS. Pups were monitored for clinical sickness score and weights. On postnatal day 9, the pups were killed. Stool was collected from rectum and microbiome analysis was done with 16 s rRNA sequencing. Intestinal segments were examined histologically using a well‐established injury scoring system and segments were homogenized and analyzed for cytokine profile. Data were analyzed using GraphPad Prism with p < 0.05 considered significant. CS supplementation in formula improved experimental NEC outcomes when compared to NEC alone. CS supplementation resulted in similar improvement in NEC in both the WT and eNOS KO mice. CS supplementation did not result in microbial changes when compared to NEC alone. Our data suggest that although CS supplementation improved outcomes in NEC, this protection is not conferred via the eNOS pathway or alteration of microbial diversity. CS therapy in NEC does improve the intestinal cytokine profile and further experiments will explore the mechanistic role of CS in altering immune pathways in this disease