427 research outputs found

    Review and Analysis of Models for a European Digital Building Logbook

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    The concept of a Digital Building Logbook (DBL) was first introduced with the European strategy ‘Renovation Wave’. It is considered as one of two fundamental parts of which the Building Renovation Passport is composed: the DBL and a Renovation Roadmap. As the implementation of the DBL is a European priority, this paper reviews the existing literature and analyses the most developed European Digital Building Logbook models. The analysis includes iBRoad, ALDREN, X-tendo, and the Study on the Development of a European Union Framework for Buildings’ Digital Logbook, from the perspective of seven key aspects: References used as a starting point for the model definition; Identification of the relevant stakeholders in the DBL; Identified potential user needs; Proposed structure of indicators; Data sources; Potential functionalities; and Operation and use. The results show that important advancement has been made, although there is still no consensus about crucial subjects, such as the indicators to be collected or how to collect and use them. This is probably due to the fact that the final functionalities (objective and scope) that the logbook should provide are not fully clear. © 2022 by the authors. Licensee MDPI, Basel, Switzerland

    Cadaveric and ultrasonographic validation of needling placement in the cervical multifidus muscle

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    Objective: The aim of this study was to determine if a needle is able to reach the cervical multifidus during the application of dry needling or acupuncture. Methods: Dry needling and ultrasound imaging of cervical multifidi was conducted on 5 patients (age: 32 ± 5 years) with mechanical neck pain and on 2 fresh cadavers (age: 64 ± 1 years). Dry needling was done using a needle of 40 mm in length inserted perpendicular to the skin about 1 cmlateral to the spinous process at C3-C4. The needlewas advanced from a posterior to anterior direction into the cervical multifidus with a slight inferior-medial angle (approximately 10°) to reach the vertebra lamina. For the cadaveric study, the multifidus was isolated by carefully resecting the superficial posterior cervical muscles: trapezius, splenius, and semispinalis. For the ultrasonographic study, a convex transducer was placed transversely over C3-C4 after the insertion of the needle into the muscle. Results: The results of both the cadaveric and ultrasonic studies found that the needle does pierce the cervical multifidus muscle during insertion and that the tip of the needle rests properly against the vertebral laminae, thereby guarding the sensitive underlying spinal structures from damage. Conclusion: This anatomical and ultrasound imaging study supports that dry needling of the cervical multifidus could be conducted clinically. (J Manipulative Physiol Ther 2017;xx:0-6)pre-print800 K

    Testing the Effect of Relative Pollen Productivity on the REVEALS Model: A Validated Reconstruction of Europe-Wide Holocene Vegetation

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    The following supporting information can be downloaded at: https://www.mdpi.com/article/10.3390/land12050986/s1. File S1 Glossary of abbreviations used in the paper.This research was funded by the TERRANOVA Project, H2020 Marie Sklodowska-Curie grant agreement no. 813904.Reliable quantitative vegetation reconstructions for Europe during the Holocene are crucial to improving our understanding of landscape dynamics, making it possible to assess the past effects of environmental variables and land-use change on ecosystems and biodiversity, and mitigating their effects in the future. We present here the most spatially extensive and temporally continuous pollen-based reconstructions of plant cover in Europe (at a spatial resolution of 1° × 1°) over the Holocene (last 11.7 ka BP) using the ‘Regional Estimates of VEgetation Abundance from Large Sites’ (REVEALS) model. This study has three main aims. First, to present the most accurate and reliable generation of REVEALS reconstructions across Europe so far. This has been achieved by including a larger number of pollen records compared to former analyses, in particular from the Mediterranean area. Second, to discuss methodological issues in the quantification of past land cover by using alternative datasets of relative pollen productivities (RPPs), one of the key input parameters of REVEALS, to test model sensitivity. Finally, to validate our reconstructions with the global forest change dataset. The results suggest that the RPPs.st1 (31 taxa) dataset is best suited to producing regional vegetation cover estimates for Europe. These reconstructions offer a long-term perspective providing unique possibilities to explore spatial-temporal changes in past land cover and biodiversity.H2020 Marie Sklodowska-Curie TERRANOVA Project 813904Swiss National Science FoundationSwiss Academy of SciencesU.S. National Science FoundationChinese Academy of ScienceLinnaeus University’sMERGE PRG323ETF PRG32

    Evaluación de la atención en deportistas de artes marciales : expertos vs. novatos

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    El objetivo del estudio fue determinar las diferencias en el desempeño de una tarea de atención en relación con la pericia en artes marciales. Participaron 12 deportistas de artes marciales expertos y 13 novatos. Se les aplicó el Test of Variables of Attention (Greenberg, 1996) y se analizaron los datos de la prueba para cada variable, condición y segmentos en los que se divide, con un método estadístico no-paramétrico de permutaciones. Las comparaciones intergrupos indicaron una tendencia a que el puntaje global de Trastorno por Déficit de Atención e Hiperactividad (TDAH) de la prueba fuera mejor en los expertos que en los novatos. Se hizo un análisis intragrupo para conocer el comportamiento de cada grupo a lo largo de la prueba; los resultados indicaron que los deportistas expertos muestran mayor consistencia en el número de aciertos y tiempos de reacción a lo largo de la prueba, lo que se traduce como un mejor desempeño cuando se compara con la forma en que los deportistas novatos responden a la tarea. Los resultados sugieren que el entrenamiento físico y mental de las disciplinas de artes marciales podría producir una mejora en las capacidades de atención de los deportistas.The aim of this study is to determine differences in the performance of an attention-related task involving martial arts skills. 12 expert martial arts athletes and 13 novices took part, performing the Test of Variables of Attention (Leark, Greenberg, Kindschi, Dupuy and Hughes, 2007). Using a non-parametric statistical permutation method, the test data for each variable, condition and segment of the test was analysed. Comparisons of the groups showed a trend toward a higher global Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) score by the expert athletes as compared with the novices. In order to find out each group's performance during the test, a statistical intra-group analysis was performed. Generally, the results revealed more consistent accuracy and response times by the experts than by the novice athletes. The results suggest that physical and mental training in the martial arts may increase the attention skills of sportsmen and women.O objectivo do estudo foi determinar as diferenças no desempenho de uma tarefa atencional tendo em conta a perícia em artes marciais.Participaram no estudo 12 desportistas especialistas em artes marciais e 13 iniciantes. Foi aplicado aos participantes o Test of Variables of Attention (Greenberg, 1996) e analisaram-se os dados do teste para cada variável, condição e segmentos em que se dividem, através de um método estatístico nãoparamétrico de permutações. As comparações intergrupos indicaram uma tendência para que a pontuação global de Transtorno do Défice de Atenção e Hiperactividade (TDAH) fosse maior nos especialistas do que nos iniciantes. Foi realizada uma análise intragrupo para conhecer o comportamento de cada grupo ao longo da prova; os resultados indicaram que os desportistas especialistas revelaram maior consistência no número de acertos e tempos de reacção ao longo da prova, o que se traduz num melhor desempenho quando comparados com a forma como os desportistas iniciantes respondem à tarefa. Os resultados sugerem que o treino físico e mental das disciplinas de artes marciais poderia produzir uma melhoria nas capacidades atencionais dos desportistas

    El papel de la historia de la matemática en el proceso formativo del estudiante

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    En este artículo se presenta una reflexión que contribuye al proceso de formación del estudiante a través de la historia de la matemática; la misma se sustenta en un modelo teórico para el desarrollo del proceso educativo de la enseñanza de la matemática y se constituye en una alternativa que prepara a los profesores para dirigir mecanismos participativos y desarrolladores de la matemática escolar en nuestro actual sistema educativo

    Rene descartes, un nuevo método y una nueva ciencia

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    En este artículo se toma como referencia la vida y obra del filósofo y matemático francés Rene Descartes, para mostrar el nacimiento del método cartesiano vigente en muchas áreas del saber científico, así como también la génesis de una ciencia a partir de tres que hasta la época del filósofo se consideraban ajenas y se presenta una reflexión sobre su fallido intento por la creación de una ciencia universal

    Short-term effects of hyaluronic acid on the subgingival microbiome in peri-implantitis: A randomized controlled clinical trial

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    This study was supported by Ricerfarma srl (Milan, Italy) in collaboration with Research Groups #CTS 583 and #BIO-344 (Junta de Andalucía, Spain) (reference: OTRI-3300). Ana Soriano-Lerma was supported by a fellowship from the Ministry of Education, Culture and Sport (FPU 17/05413). José A. García-Salcedo was supported by “Programa Estatal de Inves-tigación, Desarrollo e Innovación Orientada a los Retos de la Sociedad” (grant SAF-SAF2015-71714-RMINECO/FEDER) and The Network of Tropical Diseases Research—RICET (Instituto de Salud Carlos III).Background: The aim of our study was to evaluate the effects of a hyaluronic acid gel at 45 days on the microbiome of implants with peri-implantitis with at least one year of loading. Methods: A randomized controlled trial was conducted in peri-implantitis patients. Swabs containing the samples were collected both at baseline and after 45 days of treatment. 16S rRNA sequencing techniques were used to investigate the effect of hyaluronic acid gel on the subgingival microbiome. Results: 108 samples of 54 patients were analyzed at baseline and after follow-up at 45 days. Three strata with different microbial composition were obtained in the samples at baseline, representing three main microbial consortia associated with peri-implantitis. Stratum 1 did not show any difference for any variable after treatment with hyaluronic acid, whereas in stratum 2, Streptococcus, Veillonella, Rothia and Granulicatella did decrease (p<0.05). Similarly, Prevotella and Campylobacter (p< 0.05) decreased in stratum 3 after treatment with hyaluronic acid. Microbial diversity was found to be decreased in stratum 3 (p<0.05) after treatment with hyaluronic acid compared to the control group, in which an increase was found (p<0.05). Conclusions: Hyaluronic acid reduced the relative abundance of peri-implantitis-related microorganisms, especially the early colonizing bacteria, suggesting a specific action during the first stages in the development of the disease. Hyaluronic acid did not alter relative abundances of non-oral genera. The use of hyaluronic acid in advanced stages of peri-implantitis resulted in a decrease in microbial alpha diversity, suggesting a protective action of the peri-implant site against bacteria colonization.Ricerfarma srl (Milan, Italy)Junta de Andalucía, Spain Research Groups OTRI-3300: #CTS 583, #BIO-344Ministry of Education, Culture and Sport (FPU 17/05413)SAF-SAF2015-71714-RMINECO/FEDERInstituto de Salud Carlos II