101 research outputs found

    Evaluation of different sample preparation procedures using chemometrics: comparison among photo-fenton reaction, microwave irradiation, and direct determination of minerals in fruit juices.

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    In this work, an exploratory study about the mineral characteristic of some fruit juice (passion fruit, pineapple, orange, and grape) applying chemometric tools was made. The juices analyzed were separated in different groups by principal components analysis and hierarchical components analysis in accordance with their minerals contents. Barium, C, Ca, K, Mg, Mn, Na, and Sr were determined by inductively coupled plasma optical emission spectrometry. Addition and recovery methods were used for confirmation of the results. The recovery range for microwave sample preparation was from 81% (for K) to 111% (for Mn), for photo-Fenton from 102% (for Ca e Mg) to 128% (for Na), and the direct analysis, without sample preparation step, from 96% (for K) to 139% (for Mn). A new method based on photo-Fenton reaction coupled with microwave radiation for juice decomposition was proposed; the obtained results were satisfactory and compatible with the conventional methods of analysis in accordance with Student's statistic t test and chemometric tools

    Validation of rhinoplasty outcome evaluation (roe ) questionnaire to portuguese

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    Introdução: A cirurgia estética facial e os seus resultados continuam a ser um desafio, tanto para o doente como para o cirurgião. O Rhinoplasty Outcome Evaluation (ROE) é um questionário de fácil aplicação que abrange os principais aspetos que influenciam a satisfação do doente submetido a rinoplastia. O objetivo deste estudo foi proceder à tradução, adaptação cultural e validação deste questionário da língua inglesa para o Português de Portugal. Material e Métodos: Estudo retrospetivo com 40 doentes (22 mulheres e 18 homens) no pós-operatório de rinoplastia e 30 voluntários (18 mulheres e 12 homens) sem indicação ou vontade para efetuar rinoplastia ou qualquer outro tipo de cirurgia nasal. Resultados: O score médio no pós-operatório de 6 meses foi de 19.63 pontos no grupo de doentes, tendo sido de 22.51 pontos nos controles mostrando a validade do questionário (p < 0.05). Foi testada a reprodutibilidade teste-reteste intraentrevistador com 96h de intervalo (r=0,81) e a coerência interna foi alta (coeficiente α de Cronbach de 0,824). Assim, resultou a versão final do ROE, constituído por 6 questões que avaliam os principais fatores que influenciam o contentamento do doente em relação à rinoplastia. Conclusões: A versão Portuguesa do ROE é um instrumento válido na avaliação de doentes submetidos a rinoplastia, permitindo objetivar a sua satisfação.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Influence of the microstructure dispersion on the tribological properties of composite bronzes reinforced with steel dendrites

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    The possibility of creating composite bronze reinforced with martensitic and austenitic-ferritic stainless steel dendrites is considered. Compared to BrSn10 bronze, widely used in sliding friction pairs, BrFe12Ni7Al, BrFe12Ni7Cr5Si bronzes have a high complex of mechanical, technological and particularly tribological properties. For similar values of the coefficient of friction, the wear resistance of bronze BrFe12Ni7Al is a higher order. Unlike the classic bronze BrSn10, composite bronzes can be obtained in hot deformed state, deposited on steel and cast iron. The level of mechanical properties: σ0.2 = 220 MPa; σВ = 295 MPa; ψ = 38% is 1.5 to 3 times higher than that of the BrSn10. At the laboratory level for the first time the possibility of creating an industrial variant of composite steel with a particularly high level of tribological properties is based. © 2019 Latin American and Caribbean Consortium of Engineering Institutions. All rights reserved

    Direct in vivo evidence on the mechanism by which nanoparticles facilitate the absorption of a water insoluble, P-gp substrate

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    Here we examine the mechanisms by which nanoparticles enable the oral absorption of water-insoluble, P-glycoprotein efflux pump (P-gp) substrates, without recourse to P-gp inhibitors. Both 200 nm paclitaxel N-(2-phenoxyacetyl)-6-O-glycolchitosan (GCPh) nanoparticles (GCPh-PTX) and a simulated Taxol formulation, facilitate drug dissolution in biorelevant media, unlike paclitaxel nanocrystals. Verapamil (40 mg kg−1) increased the oral absorption from low dose Taxol (6 or 10 mg kg−1) by 100%, whereas the oral absorption from high dose Taxol (20 mg kg−1) or low dose GCPh-PTX (6 or 10 mg kg−1) was largely unchanged by verapamil. There was virtually no absorption from control paclitaxel nanocrystals (20 mg kg−1). Imaging of ex-vivo rat ileum samples showed that fluorescently labelled GCPh nanoparticles are mucoadhesive and are taken up by ileum epithelial cells. GCPh nanoparticles were also found to open Caco-2 cell tight junctions. In conclusion, mucoadhesive, drug solubilising GCPh nanoparticles enable the oral absorption of paclitaxel via the saturation of the P-gp pump (by high local drug concentrations) and by particle uptake and tight junction opening mechanisms

    Infrared quasi-fixed solutions in the NMSSM

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    The considerable part of the parameter space in the MSSM corresponding to the infrared quasi fixed point scenario is almost excluded by LEP II bounds on the lightest Higgs boson mass. In the NMSSM the mass of the lightest Higgs boson reaches its maximum value in the strong Yukawa coupling limit when Yukawa couplings are essentially larger than gauge ones at the Grand Unification scale. In this limit the solutions of the renormalisation group equations are attracted to the infrared and Hill type effective fixed lines or surfaces in the Yukawa coupling parameter space. They are concentrated in the vicinity of quasi fixed points for Yi(0)Y_i(0)\to\infty. However the solutions are attracted to such points rather weakly. For this reason when all Yi(0)1Y_i(0)\sim 1 the solutions of the renormalisation group equations are gathered near a line in the Hill type effective surface. In the paper the approximate solutions for the NMSSM Yukawa couplings are given. The possibility of bb--quark and τ\tau--lepton Yukawa coupling unification at the scale MXM_{X} is also discussed.Comment: 32 pages, 8 figures included, LaTeX 2

    Fractional Distillation of Organic Liquid Compounds Produced by Catalytic Cracking of Fats, Oils, and Grease

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    This work aims to investigate the fractional distillation of organic liquid products (OLP) obtained by catalytic cracking of palm oil (Elaeis guineensis Jacq.) at 450°C, 1.0 atm, with 5, 10, and 15% (wt) Na2CO3, using a stirred tank reactor of 143 L. The fractional distillations of OLP were carried out in laboratory scale with and without reflux using columns of different heights, and a pilot‐packed distillation column with internal reflux. OLP and distillation fractions (gasoline, kerosene, light diesel, and heavy diesel) were physicochemically characterized for density, kinematic viscosity, acid value, saponification value, refractive index, flash point, and copper strip corrosion. The OLP and light diesel fractions were analyzed by Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FT‐IR) and gas chromatography‐mass spectrometry (GC‐MS). For the experiments in laboratory scale, the yields of distillates decrease along with column height, with and without reflux, while those of bottoms products increase. The yields of distillates and gas increase with increasing Na2CO3 content, while those of bottoms products decrease. The densities of gasoline, kerosene, and light diesel produced in laboratory scale with reflux superpose exactly those of kerosene, light diesel, and heavy diesel produced in laboratory scale without reflux. The kinematic viscosity decreases with increasing column height for the experiments in laboratory scale. The acid values of distillation fractions decrease along with the column height for the experiments with and without reflux. The FT‐IR of distillation fractions in pilot and laboratory scales identified the presence of aliphatic hydrocarbons and oxygenates. The GC‐MS analysis identified OLP composition of 92.84% (area) hydrocarbons and 7.16% (area) oxygenates. The light diesel fraction contains 100% hydrocarbons with an acid value of 0.34 mg KOH/g, proving the technical feasibility of OLP de‐acidification by the fractional distillation process

    Banco ativo de germoplasma de abacaxi.

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    Centro de origem; Classificação botânica; Manejo de germoplasma; Coleta e introdução/intercâmbio; Quarentena; Conservação; Caracterização; Avaliação.bitstream/CNPMF/23162/1/documento_146.pd

    Comparative analysis of module-based versus direct methods for reverse-engineering transcriptional regulatory networks

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    We have compared a recently developed module-based algorithm LeMoNe for reverse-engineering transcriptional regulatory networks to a mutual information based direct algorithm CLR, using benchmark expression data and databases of known transcriptional regulatory interactions for Escherichia coli and Saccharomyces cerevisiae. A global comparison using recall versus precision curves hides the topologically distinct nature of the inferred networks and is not informative about the specific subtasks for which each method is most suited. Analysis of the degree distributions and a regulator specific comparison show that CLR is 'regulator-centric', making true predictions for a higher number of regulators, while LeMoNe is 'target-centric', recovering a higher number of known targets for fewer regulators, with limited overlap in the predicted interactions between both methods. Detailed biological examples in E. coli and S. cerevisiae are used to illustrate these differences and to prove that each method is able to infer parts of the network where the other fails. Biological validation of the inferred networks cautions against over-interpreting recall and precision values computed using incomplete reference networks.Comment: 13 pages, 1 table, 6 figures + 6 pages supplementary information (1 table, 5 figures

    Acylsugars protect Nicotiana benthamiana against insect herbivory and desiccation.

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    peer reviewedKEY MESSAGE: Nicotiana benthamiana acylsugar acyltransferase (ASAT) is required for protection against desiccation and insect herbivory. Knockout mutations provide a new resource for investigation of plant-aphid and plant-whitefly interactions. Nicotiana benthamiana is used extensively as a transient expression platform for functional analysis of genes from other species. Acylsugars, which are produced in the trichomes, are a hypothesized cause of the relatively high insect resistance that is observed in N. benthamiana. We characterized the N. benthamiana acylsugar profile, bioinformatically identified two acylsugar acyltransferase genes, ASAT1 and ASAT2, and used CRISPR/Cas9 mutagenesis to produce acylsugar-deficient plants for investigation of insect resistance and foliar water loss. Whereas asat1 mutations reduced accumulation, asat2 mutations caused almost complete depletion of foliar acylsucroses. Three hemipteran and three lepidopteran herbivores survived, gained weight, and/or reproduced significantly better on asat2 mutants than on wildtype N. benthamiana. Both asat1 and asat2 mutations reduced the water content and increased leaf temperature. Our results demonstrate the specific function of two ASAT proteins in N. benthamiana acylsugar biosynthesis, insect resistance, and desiccation tolerance. The improved growth of aphids and whiteflies on asat2 mutants will facilitate the use of N. benthamiana as a transient expression platform for the functional analysis of insect effectors and resistance genes from other plant species. Similarly, the absence of acylsugars in asat2 mutants will enable analysis of acylsugar biosynthesis genes from other Solanaceae by transient expression