11 research outputs found

    Pengaruh Return on Asset, Return on Equity dan Earning Per Share Terhadap Harga Saham pada Perusahaan Sektor Barang Konsumsi yang Terdaftar di Bursa Efek Indonesia

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    The research carried out in the Consumer Goods Sector Company iaims ito ianalyze ithe iEffects iof iReturn ion iAssets, iReturn ion iEquity iand iEarning iPer iShare ion iShare iPrices iin iConsumer iGoods iSector iCompanies iListed ion ithe iIndonesia iStock iExchange.iThe iresearch ipopulation iis i41 icompanies iand ionly i21 icompanies ithat imeet ithe icriteria ias ia isample iusing ipurposive isampling itechnique.iThe iresearch imethod iuses imultiple ilinear iregressionianalysis iwith ithe iclassic iassumption itest.iThe iresults iof ithe iF itest iare iobtained ithat iReturn ion iAssets, iReturn ion iEquity iand iEarning iPer iShare iaffect ithe iStock iPrices iof iConsumers' iGoods iSector iCompanies iListed ion ithe iIndonesia iStock iExchange. In the t test the variable Return on Assets idoes inot iaffect ithe istock iprice iof iconsumer igoods icompanies ilisted ion ithe iIndonesia iStock iExchange.iReturn ion iEquity iaffects istock iprices ion iconsumer igoods icompanies ilisted ion ithe iIndonesia iStock iExchange.iEarning iPer iShare iaffects ithe iprice iof ishares iin iconsumer igoods icompanies ilisted ion ithe iIndonesia iStock iExchange. 

    Pengaruh Return On Asset, Return On Equity dan Earning Per Share terhadap Harga Saham pada Perusahaan Sektor Barang Konsumsi yang Terdaftar di Bursa Efek Indonesia

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    The research carried out in the Consumer Goods Sector Company iaims ito ianalyze ithe iEffects iof iReturn ion iAssets, iReturn ion iEquity iand iEarning iPer iShare ion iShare iPrices iin iConsumer iGoods iSector iCompanies iListed ion ithe iIndonesia iStock iExchange.iThe iresearch ipopulation iis i41 icompanies iand ionly i21 icompanies ithat imeet ithe icriteria ias ia isample iusing ipurposive isampling itechnique.iThe iresearch imethod iuses imultiple ilinear iregressionianalysis iwith ithe iclassic iassumption itest.iThe iresults iof ithe iF itest iare iobtained ithat iReturn ion iAssets, iReturn ion iEquity iand iEarning iPer iShare iaffect ithe iStock iPrices iof iConsumers' iGoods iSector iCompanies iListed ion ithe iIndonesia iStock iExchange. In the t test the variable Return on Assets idoes inot iaffect ithe istock iprice iof iconsumer igoods icompanies ilisted ion ithe iIndonesia iStock iExchange.iReturn ion iEquity iaffects istock iprices ion iconsumer igoods icompanies ilisted ion ithe iIndonesia iStock iExchange.iEarning iPer iShare iaffects ithe iprice iof ishares iin iconsumer igoods icompanies ilisted ion ithe iIndonesia iStock iExchange

    Neuromuscular rehabilitation and electrodiagnosis. 2. Peripheral neuropathy

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    This self-directed learning module highlights peripheral neuropathies. It is part of the chapter on neuromuscular rehabilitation and electrodiagnosis in the Self-Directed Physiatric Education Program for practitioners and trainees in physical medicine and rehabilitation. This article specifically focuses on diagnostic criteria and classifications of peripheral neuropathy, including diabetic, alcoholic, carcinomatous, human immunodeficiency virus-associated, and critical illness polyneuropathies. Treatment options are reviewed. The causes for difficult to obtain nerve conduction studies are highlighted. OVERALL ARTICLE OBJECTIVE: To summarize the diagnosis, classification, and treatment of peripheral neuropathies

    Neuromuscular rehabilitation and electrodiagnosis. 4. Pediatric issues

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    This self-directed learning module highlights the physician\u27s role in the diagnosis and treatment of neuromuscular disorders in pediatric populations. It is part of the chapter on neuromuscular rehabilitation and electrodiagnosis in the Self-Directed Physiatric Education Program for practitioners and trainees in physical medicine and rehabilitation. This article discusses both clinical and electrodiagnostic features of common neuromuscular disorders in pediatric populations. The diagnostic value of somatosensory evoked potential is reviewed in a case of traumatic spinal cord injury without radiographic abnormality. Therapeutic interventions of progressive muscular dystrophy are discussed, as well as the differential diagnosis of floppy infant syndrome, the most common pediatric electrodiagnostic referral. OVERALL ARTICLE OBJECTIVES: (a) To become familiar with electrodiagnosis and rehabilitation for common neuromuscular disorders in the pediatric population, (b) to undrstand electrodiagnostic findings of Guillain-Barre syndrome corresponding to pathophysiology, (c) to become familiar with somatosensory evoked potentials, and (d) to be able to make differential diagnosis of floppy infant syndrome based on clinical findings as well as electrodiagnosis

    Neuromuscular rehabilitation and electrodiagnosis. 1. Mononeuropathy

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    This self-directed learning module highlights mononeuropathies. It is part of the chapter on neuromuscular rehabilitation and electrodiagnosis in the Self-Directed Physiatric Education Program for practitioners and trainees in physical medicine and rehabilitation. This article specifically focuses on diagnostic criteria and classifications of mononeuropathies, including carpal tunnel, brachial neuritis, and lumbosacral plexopathy. The timeline status post nerve injury is discussed in relation to findings on electrodiagnostic studies. The differential diagnosis and electrodiagnostic design and interpretation is detailed in the chapter. Treatment options are reviewed. OVERALL ARTICLE OBJECTIVE: To summarize the diagnosis, classification, and treatment of mononeuropathies, from an electrodiagnostic perspective

    Neuromuscular rehabilitation and electrodiagnosis. 3. Diseases of muscles and neuromuscular junction

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    This self-directed learning module highlights formation of a differential diagnosis as well as electrodiagnostic evaluation for those patients who present with the common complaint of weakness. It is part of the chapter on neuromuscular rehabilitation and electrodiagnosis in the Self-Directed Physiatric Education Program for practitioners and trainees in physical medicine and rehabilitation. This article specifically focuses on the common symptoms and typical clinical findings that allow the clinician to narrow the differential diagnosis. This is followed by the diagnostic evaluation, with emphasis on the technical aspects and interpretation of electrodiagnostic studies. OVERALL ARTICLE OBJECTIVE: To summarize the clinical presentation and electrodiagnostic findings in persons with disorders of muscle or disorders of the neuromuscular junction

    Reproducibility Project: Cancer Biology

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    The Reproducibility Project: Cancer Biology was an initiative to independently replicate selected experiments from a number of high-profile papers in the field of cancer biology. In the end 50 experiments from 23 papers were repeated. The final two outputs from the project recount in detail the challenges the project team encountered while repeating these experiments ('Challenges for assessing replicability in preclinical cancer biology': https://elifesciences.org/articles/67995), and report the results of a meta-analysis that combined the results from all the experiments ('Investigating the replicability of preclinical cancer biology': https://elifesciences.org/articles/71601). The project was a collaboration between the Center for Open Science and Science Exchange with all papers published by eLife