695 research outputs found

    Sleep Disturbances and Fatigue in Adolescents with Cancer Receiving Chemotherapy

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    Sleep disturbances and fatigue are frequently complained by adolescents with cancer. These problems will lead to a variety of changes that may affect adolescents’ development. However, there is very limited data concerning adolescents with cancer in Indonesia. The research aims to explore sleep disturbances and fatigue in adolescents with cancer who are receiving chemotherapy. The research applies a qualitative design with phenomenology approach. Data were collected using in-depth interviews with seven adolescents with cancer in Jakarta, Bogor, and Bekasi. The interviews involved open questions on seven aspects, consisting of level of fatigue, responses to psychological drives, sleep disturbances, sleep disruption due to illness and chemotherapy, disruptions in some aspects of daily life, responses to problematic situations, and general perspective on life. Participants stated that chemotherapy induced sleep disturbances and fatigue, and this situation greatly influenced their overall quality of life. These problems are interrelated to each other and may affect the success of chemotherapy program. In terms of nursing, this research also shows the importance of developing a more effective system for managing sleep disturbances and fatigue during chemotherapy program

    Fluctuation-induced Kerr Effect in Chiral Smectic-a Liquid Crystal Phase

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    FLUCTUATION-INDUCED KERR EFFECT IN CHIRAL SMECTIC-A LIQUID CRYSTAL PHASE. The second-order electrooptic responses under large orientational fluctuations in a chiral smectic-A liquid crystal phase has been studied theoretically. The formula for analyzing the frequency dispersion of Kerr effect considering the fluctuations has been derived. The possibility of the nonlinear electrooptic response observing the soft mode condensation inducing the smectic-Cα* phase in the smectic-A phase by using the fluctuation-induced Kerr effect has been explored

    Analisis Interaksi Simbolik yang Membentuk Pola Komunikasi Dinamis pada Komunitas Pesisir Kabupaten Jember

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    In the economy aspect, ocean resources are main potential that was activated the rural economy in coastal area, which is in general, the rural economy activity in coastal area was fluctuated. Location of the research was chosen by purposive method, that located in Puger Sub district Jember District. Type of the research will use descriptive qualitative. Interaction that was happened in fisherman correlation caused by social contact in coastal area activity, which is about profession as fisherman although in social society activity. The presence of consideration, attitude, and measure of condition in south coastal fisherman community in Jember District, have tight correlation with culture value system in community. The presence of symbol status will strengthen the position of the person in community of coastal society, so it can be sign of self existence (identity). Reciprocity norm in managing social correlation have been showed to each side.Keywords : Coastal area, Social exchange, interaction, social network

    Fenomena Operasi Plastik di Jepang dalam Serial Drama Cleopatra Na Onnatachi Karya Ooishi Shizuka

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    Fajar, Achmad. 2014. Fenomena Operasi Plastik Di Jepang Dalam Serial Drama Cleopatra Na Onnatachi Karya Ooishi Shizuka. Program Studi Sastra Jepang, Universitas Brawijaya.Pembimbing : (I) Fitriana Puspita Dewi (II) Nadya Inda SyartantiKata kunci : Operasi Plastik, Serial Drama, Sosiologi SastraDrama merupakan refleksi kehidupan manusia, dan drama yang ditampilkan melalui media televisi disebut drama televisi atau serial drama. Serial drama Cleopatra na Onnatachi menggambarkan sebuah fenomena dari dunia nyata yang melingkupi tempat karya sastra itu dibuat, yakni fenomena operasi plastik pada masyarakat Jepang. Oleh karena itu, penelitian mengenai Fenomena Operasi Plastik di Jepang dalam Serial Drama Cleopatra Na Onnatachi ini dilakukan. Untuk menjawab rumusan masalah bagaimana bentuk fenomena operasi plastik di Jepang yang tergambar dalam serial drama Cleopatra na Onnatachi. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan sosiologi sastra. Sosiologi sastra adalah pendekatan terhadap sastra yang mempertimbangkan segi-segi kemasyarakatan. Adapun beberapa unsur dari teori mise-en-scene yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini, yaitu acting, setting, lighting dan costum. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan dalam serial drama ini terdapat 4 jenis operasi plastik yang populer di Jepang yaitu operasi perbaikan hidung (rhinoplasty), pelebaran kelopak mata (blepharoplasty), sedot lemak (liposuction) dan implan payudara (breast implant). Motif melakukan operasi plastik adalah kurangnya rasa percaya diri, adanya persaingan untuk tampil sempurna, dan adanya definisi kecantikan modern yang tinggi. Dalam penelitian berikutnya diharapkan ada penelitian seperti rentang usia dan gender pelaku operasi plastik, dampak negatif operasi plastik atau pengaruh operasi plastik pada gaya hidup masyarakat Jepang. Objek kajian selain drama juga dapat dilakukan

    Perlindungan Hukum Bagi Pembeli Terhadap Jual Beli Hak Atas Tanah Yang Dilakukan Secara Di Bawah Tangan (Studi Kasus Di Kota Malang)

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    Legal institutions known as Customary Law are generally institutions required to meet the needs of people who are still antiquated, so in order to meet modern society need, the institution of the sale and purchase of land rights for example, undergoes modernization and adjustment, without changing the essence as legal act of buying and selling land rights to the payment of the price in cash, and the nature and character as a real deeds and clear. A change which aims to improve the quality of evidence in legal actions carried out according to customary law public limited personal and territorial scope, the seller itself simply made the deed and is known by the Village Head. Average selling rights to land according to Regulation No. 24 of 1997 shall be evidenced by a deed made by a PPAT. Changes in this procedure does not negate the provisions of customary law governing the institution in terms of material and selling land rights. But people still buy and sell land rights under hand. One example of the results of the study authors found cases of buying and selling land rights conducted under the hand of the study sites namely residential areas in the village area Madyopuro Kedungkandang subdistrict, Malang. Sale and purchase of land rights are carried out under the hand has problems, especially for buyers who will make the process to change the name of the certificate to be registered to the Land Office of Malang. Therefore, if the sale and purchase of land rights is conducted under the hand, it can not be registered at the Land Office of Malang to be processed to change the name in the certificate. Research conducted in this thesis is an empirical study using sociological juridical approach. Based on these results above regarding legal protection for the buyer to do a sale and purchase of land rights under hand it can be concluded (1) the buyer does not get the legal protection of land he had bought; (2) the buyer does not obtain legal certainty on the land he had bought; (3) the buyer does not get strong evidence right on land bought. This of course would be detrimental to the buyer who purchases land rights committed under hand. This event is expected to bring to the community, especially for the buyers when buying and selling land rights should be conducted in the presence of PPAT so get protection and legal certainty of land bought

    Studi Mekanisme Kegagalan Las pada Riser Wall Tube Nomor 2 ASTM A210 Grade A-1 pada Pembangkit Listrik Tenaga Uap Unit 2 PT X

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    Riser wall tube merupakan salah satu bagian yang sangat penting pada boiler di PLTU PT X dimana fungsinya adalah menyalurkan uap dari furnace menuju steamdrum. Kasus yang didapatkan pada boiler ini adalah bocornya riser wall tube nomor dua pada saat proses sedang berjalan. Untuk mengetahui penyebab bocornya tube tersebut dan mencegah terjadinya kasus yang sama, maka analisa kegagalan terhadap riser wall tube tersebut perlu dilakukan. Pada penelitian ini dibuat spesimen pembanding sebagai acuan. Beberapa pengujian seperti pengujian liquid dye penetrant, pengujian tarik dilakukan pada spesimen las pembanding serta pengujian metalografi dan pengujian kekerasan dilakukan pada kedua spesimen juga dengan tambahan pengujian spektrometri, pengujian SEM dan pengujian XRD untuk spesimen yang mengalami kegagalan. Spesimen las pembanding dibuat sesuai dengan WPS yang ada. Dari hasil pengujian yang telah dilakukan terdapat perbedaan pada daerah las di kedua spesimen. Keduanya memiliki struktur mikro dan nilai kekerasan yang berbeda. Pengujian SEM pada spesimen las yang mengalami kegagalan menunjukkan adanya porositas dan hasil pengujian XRD-nya menunjukkan adanya senyawa korosi. Porositas, korosi, serta hasil las yang tidak memenuhi standar menyebabkan kualitas las menjadi tidak maksimal
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