83 research outputs found

    Transmembrane helix dynamics of bacterial chemoreceptors supports a piston model of signalling.

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    Transmembrane α-helices play a key role in many receptors, transmitting a signal from one side to the other of the lipid bilayer membrane. Bacterial chemoreceptors are one of the best studied such systems, with a wealth of biophysical and mutational data indicating a key role for the TM2 helix in signalling. In particular, aromatic (Trp and Tyr) and basic (Arg) residues help to lock α-helices into a membrane. Mutants in TM2 of E. coli Tar and related chemoreceptors involving these residues implicate changes in helix location and/or orientation in signalling. We have investigated the detailed structural basis of this via high throughput coarse-grained molecular dynamics (CG-MD) of Tar TM2 and its mutants in lipid bilayers. We focus on the position (shift) and orientation (tilt, rotation) of TM2 relative to the bilayer and how these are perturbed in mutants relative to the wildtype. The simulations reveal a clear correlation between small (ca. 1.5 Å) shift in position of TM2 along the bilayer normal and downstream changes in signalling activity. Weaker correlations are seen with helix tilt, and little/none between signalling and helix twist. This analysis of relatively subtle changes was only possible because the high throughput simulation method allowed us to run large (n = 100) ensembles for substantial numbers of different helix sequences, amounting to ca. 2000 simulations in total. Overall, this analysis supports a swinging-piston model of transmembrane signalling by Tar and related chemoreceptors

    Polymerase delta-interacting protein 38 (PDIP38) modulates the stability and activity of the mitochondrial AAA+ protease CLPXP

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    Over a decade ago Polymerase δ interacting protein of 38 kDa (PDIP38) was proposed to play a role in DNA repair. Since this time, both the physiological function and subcellular location of PDIP38 has remained ambiguous and our present understanding of PDIP38 function has been hampered by a lack of detailed biochemical and structural studies. Here we show, that human PDIP38 is directed to the mitochondrion in a membrane potential dependent manner, where it resides in the matrix compartment, together with its partner protein CLPX. Our structural analysis revealed that PDIP38 is composed of two conserved domains separated by an α/β linker region. The N-terminal (YccV-like) domain of PDIP38 forms an SH3-like β-barrel, which interacts specifically with CLPX, via the adaptor docking loop within the N-terminal Zinc binding domain of CLPX. In contrast, the C-terminal (DUF525) domain forms an immunoglobin-like β-sandwich fold, which contains a highly conserved putative substrate binding pocket. Importantly, PDIP38 modulates the substrate specificity of CLPX and protects CLPX from LONM-mediated degradation, which stabilises the cellular levels of CLPX. Collectively, our findings shed new light on the mechanism and function of mitochondrial PDIP38, demonstrating that PDIP38 is a bona fide adaptor protein for the mitochondrial protease, CLPXP

    Conserved residues in the N-domain of the AAA+ chaperone ClpA regulate substrate recognition and unfolding

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    Protein degradation in the cytosol of Escherichia coli is carried out by a variety of different proteolytic machines, including ClpAP. The ClpA component is a hexameric AAA+ (ATPase associated with various cellular activities) chaperone that utilizes the energy of ATP to control substrate recognition and unfolding. The precise role of the N-domains of ClpA in this process, however, remains elusive. Here, we have analysed the role of five highly conserved basic residues in the N-domain of ClpA by monitoring the binding, unfolding and degradation of several different substrates, including short unstructured peptides, tagged and untagged proteins. Interestingly, mutation of three of these basic residues within the N-domain of ClpA (H94, R86 and R100) did not alter substrate degradation. In contrast mutation of two conserved arginine residues (R90 and R131), flanking a putative peptide-binding groove within the N-domain of ClpA, specifically compromised the ability of ClpA to unfold and degrade selected substrates but did not prevent substrate recognition, ClpS-mediated substrate delivery or ClpP binding. In contrast, a highly conserved tyrosine residue lining the central pore of the ClpA hexamer was essential for the degradation of all substrate types analysed, including both folded and unstructured proteins. Taken together, these data suggest that ClpA utilizes two structural elements, one in the N-domain and the other in the pore of the hexamer, both of which are required for efficient unfolding of some protein substrates

    Molecular basis of substrate selection by the N-end rule adaptor protein ClpS

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    The N-end rule is a conserved degradation pathway that relates the stability of a protein to its N-terminal amino acid. Here, we present crystal structures of ClpS, the bacterial N-end rule adaptor, alone and engaged with peptides containing N-terminal phenylalanine, leucine, and tryptophan. These structures, together with a previous structure of ClpS bound to an N-terminal tyrosine, illustrate the molecular basis of recognition of the complete set of primary N-end rule amino acids. In each case, the α-amino group and side chain of the N-terminal residue are the major determinants of recognition. The binding pocket for the N-end residue is preformed in the free adaptor, and only small adjustments are needed to accommodate N-end rule residues having substantially different sizes and shapes. M53A ClpS is known to mediate degradation of an expanded repertoire of substrates, including those with N-terminal valine or isoleucine. A structure of Met53A ClpS engaged with an N-end rule tryptophan reveals an essentially wild-type mechanism of recognition, indicating that the Met53 side chain directly enforces specificity by clashing with and excluding β-branched side chains. Finally, experimental and structural data suggest mechanisms that make proteins with N-terminal methionine bind very poorly to ClpS, explaining why these high-abundance proteins are not degraded via the N-end rule pathway in the cell.Department of Energy Office of Basic Energy Sciences (Contract DE-AC02-06CH11357)National Institutes of Health. National Center for Research Resources (Award RR-15301)National Institutes of Health (Grants GM-49924 and AI-16892)Howard Hughes Medical Institut
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