74 research outputs found

    Influence of non-stationary field of magnetospheric convection on the D-region

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    Perturbations of F region electron density caused by the extension of magnetospheric convection electric field to middle latitudes are already well known. For the D region of the first observations are believed to be reported by Eliseyev, Kashpar and Nikitin (1988). On several occasions, following the southward turning of the Bz-component of interplanetary magnetic field (IMF) small disturbances of the D region electron density were detected at night by steep-incidence VLF sounding, which may be attributed to the influence of the penetrated convection electric field (CEF). Some evidence is given of a local time dependence of the CEF effect in the D region and a rather good correlation is demonstrated at the initial stage of disturbance between high latitude magnetic field variations and simultaneous perturbation of the midlatitude ionospheric reflection height

    Addressing missing values in kernel-based multimodal biometric fusion using neutral point substitution

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    In multimodal biometric information fusion, it is common to encounter missing modalities in which matching cannot be performed. As a result, at the match score level, this implies that scores will be missing. We address the multimodal fusion problem involving missing modalities (scores) using support vector machines with the Neutral Point Substitution (NPS) method. The approach starts by processing each modality using a kernel. When a modality is missing, at the kernel level, the missing modality is substituted by one that is unbiased with regards to the classification, called a neutral point. Critically, unlike conventional missing-data substitution methods, explicit calculation of neutral points may be omitted by virtue of their implicit incorporation within the SVM training framework. Experiments based on the publicly available Biosecure DS2 multimodal (scores) data set shows that the SVM-NPS approach achieves very good generalization performance compared to the sum rule fusion, especially with severe missing modalities

    Применение мелоксикама (Амелотекс®) у больных хронической подагрой с целью профилактики артрита

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    The paper presents the results of a trial of the efficacy and safety of the nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drug Amelotex® (meloxicam) used to prevent episodes of arthritis in patients with gout during initiation of allopurinol therapy. The study has demonstrated that one-month therapy with Amelotex® can minimize the risk of arthritis exacerbations when allopurinol is used. Amelotex® shows a good tolerability and causes the low rates of side effectsВ статье представлены результаты исследования эффективности и безопасности применения нестероидного противовоспалительного препарата Амелотекс® (мелоксикам), назначаемого с целью профилактики приступов артрита у больных подагрой при инициации терапии аллопуринолом. Результаты исследования продемонстрировали, что проведение месячного курса терапии Амелотексом® позволяет минимизировать риск развития обострений артрита при назначении аллопуринола. Прием Амелотекса® характеризуется хорошей переносимостью, низкой частотой побочных эффекто

    Evolution of the characteristics of Parametric X-ray Radiation from textured polycrystals under different observation angles

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    The Parametric X-Ray radiation (PXR) spectra and yield dependencies on the orientation angle are measured during the interaction of 7 MeV electrons with a tungsten textured polycrystalline foil for different observation angles. The effects of PXR spectral density increase and PXR yield orientation dependence broadening in the backward direction is shown experimentally for the first tim

    Перспективы применения инъекционной формы мелоксикама (Амелотекс®) у больных остеоартрозом

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    The paper presents data on the prospects for clinical use of the nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drug Amelotex® (meloxicam) in patients with osteoarthrosis. It also gives the results of a study showing a good efficacy and tolerability of Amelotex® in patients with gonarthrosis.Представлены данные о перспективах применения в клинической практике у больных остеоартрозом нестероидного противовоспалительного препарата Амелотекс® (мелоксикам). Приводятся предварительные результаты исследования, демонстрирующего хорошую эффективность и переносимость Амелотекса®у больных гонартрозом

    Применение инъекционной формы мелоксикама (Амелотекс®) у больных гонартрозом

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    The paper presents the results of a study of the efficiency and safety of using the nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drug Amelotex® (international nonproprietary name meloxicam) in patients with osteoarthrosis. A short course of therapy with the drug is demonstrated to have a good analgesic effect, to be well tolerated, and to result in better quality of life in patients with gonarthrosis.Представлены результаты исследования эффективности и безопасности применения нестероидного противовоспалительного препарата Амелотекс® (международное непатентованное название - мелоксикам) у больных остеоартрозом. Продемонстрировано, что короткий курс терапии препаратом характеризуется хорошими анальгетическим эффектом и переносимостью и приводит к улучшению качества жизни больных гонартрозом