109 research outputs found

    Contribution à l’étude de l’huile essentielle de Dipcadi serotinum (l.) Medik du Maroc

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    Dipcadi serotinum (L.) Medik, est une plante de la famille des Hyacinthaceae, elle est largement utilisée comme réchauffant et aussi pour combattre la jaunisse. Cette plante trouve une large utilisation par la population de la région côtière du Maroc. À notre connaissance l’huile essentielle de cette espèce n’a jamais été étudiée ni chimiquement ni biologiquement. Dans ce contexte, nous avons mené une étude comparative de l’huile essentielle extraite de la partie aérienne et la partie souterraine. Les résultats obtenus pour les rendements et la composition chimique de l’huile essentielle des deux parties étudiés montrent des différences considérables.Mots-clés : Dipcadi serotinum (L.) Medik, huile essentielle, composition chimique, médecine traditionnelle, Maroc.Contribution to the study of the essential oil of Dipcadi serotinum (l.) Medik of MoroccoDipcadi serotinum (L.) Medik, is a plant of the Hyacinthaceae’s family, it is widely used as warming and also to combat the jaundice. This plant is widespread use by the population of the coastal region of Morocco. To our knowledge the essential oil of this species has never been studied or chemically or biologically. In this context, we conducted a comparative study of the essential oil extracted from the aerial part and underground part. The results for yield and chemical composition of essential oil from both sides studied showed significant differences.Keywords : Dipcadi serotinum (L.) Medik, essential oil, chemical composition, traditional medicine, Morocco

    Removal of Eriochrome Black T dye from aqueous solutions by using nano-crystalline calcium phosphate tricalcic apatitic

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    Calcium phosphate tricalcic apatitic (CaPT-Ap) was synthesized by co-precipitation at low temperature and basic medium. The potential of CaPT-Ap as an adsorbent was investigated in a batch reactor under different experimental conditions for removing dye Eriochrome Black T (EBT) from aqueous solutions. The used adsorbent was characterized by X-ray diffraction (XRD), infrared spectroscopy (FTIR) and chemical analysis indicate that this calcium phosphate is a CaPT-Ap. The effect of particle sizes , mass of the adsorbent, contact time ,temperature and the concentration of the dye on the adsorption were determined. The kinetic study showed that the pseudo-second-order model gives a better description of the kinetics of the adsorption reaction than the pseudo-first-order model. Analysis of adsorption isotherms showed that adsorption governed by the isotherms of Freundlich. Thermodynamic parameters such as ΔG°, ΔS° and ΔH° were calculated. It was found that EBT dye adsorption was spontaneous and endothermic

    Assessment of fatty acids profile, oil yield and tocopherol content of four Almond cultivars grown in Eastern Morocco

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    The most cultivated varieties of almond in eastern Morocco: (Beldi (B), a local ecotype, Marcona (M) from Spain, Ferragnes-Ferraduel (F-F) and Fournat de Breznaud (FNB) from France), were studied during three consecutive crop years in order to evaluate variations in kernel oil yield, Fatty acid (FA) profile and physicochemical properties. For this purpose, extraction of almond oils was carried out by mechanical press. The yield of varieties B, M, (F-F) and FNB ranged between 50.68%- 54.33%, 41.46%- 52.59%, 47.70%-52.39% and 51.66%-56.10%, respectively. Oleic, linoleic and palmitic acids are the major fatty acids (FA) ranging between 57.54%- 72.90%, 17.80%- 29.81% and 6.50%-8.48%, respectively. Results showed a noticeable effect (P<0.001) of variety on Total phenolic content (TPC), oxidative stability and α-, β-, γ-, δ-tocopherol isomers; however, acidity and peroxide index, were affected with a lower manner by "variety" factor. In addition, all the analyzed parameters were highly (P<0.001) affected by climatic conditions of the crop year. In addition, the highest variations for the analyzed almond oils were recorded for their contents on α-tocopherol, γ-tocopherol, oleic and linoleic acids. According to the observed results, the couple Ferragnes-Ferraduel seems to produce stable and high quality almond oil compared to the other varieties

    Etude pomologique de quelques génotypes d’amandiers cultivés dans la région orientale du Maroc

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    The almond groves of the eastern Morocco were mainly produced from seedlings known as the “Beldi” type, to which are added plantations of variable sizes made up of selected and productive introduced varieties, mainly with the couple Ferragnès / Ferraduel and sometimes Marcona and Fournat de Breznaud. Thus, in this pomological study, the weight (g), the width (mm), the length (mm), the thickness (mm), the geometric diameter (Dg, mm), the sphericity (%) and the volume (mm3) were measured and / or calculated for the fruits and their kernels of a Beldi ecotype (BL1) in comparison to the four varieties known as introduced and of European origin. The results show that the Ferraduel fruit present the highest value of Width (24.71 mm), Thickness (16.54 mm), Dg (23.90 mm) and volume (7744.44 mm3) respectively, while Fournat de Breznaud have the highest value in Length (36.90 mm). For the almond kernels, Fournat de Breznaud and Ferragnes present the highest value for Weight (1.31g), Width (15.17mm), Length (26.45mm), Thickness (8.31mm), Dg (14.48mm) and Volume (1594.67mm3), whereas Beldi and Marcona show the lowest value for Weight (0.79g), Width (12.42mm), Dg (12.35mm), Volume (1024.87mm3) and Length (19.68mm). Double kernel was not detected for Marcona, Fournat de Breznaud and Ferragnes while Beldi and Ferraduel present 81 and 28% respectively. Pomological traits of almond nuts and kernels present significant difference for the analysed parameters at P<0.05.  BL1 from “Beldi” ecotype present lower physical parameters.  While there are other genotypes that deserve to be investigated and compared with the introduced varieties. In addition, and from the whole data, it was assumed that, at least, Ferraduel, Ferragnes and Fournat de Breznaud could be recommended for this region.Les amanderaies de la région orientale du Maroc étaient principalement issues de semis dite de type «Beldi », auquel s’ajoutent de plantations de tailles variables constituées de variétés introduites sélectionnées et productives, avec principalement le couple Ferragnès / Ferraduel et parfois Marcona et Fournat de Breznaud. Ainsi dans cette étude pomologique, le poids (g), la largeur (mm), la longueur (mm), l'épaisseur (mm), le diamètre géométrique (Dg, mm), la sphéricité (%) et le volume (mm3) ont été mesurés et/ou calculés pour les fruits et leurs amandons d’un écotype Beldi (BL1) en comparaison au quatre variétés introduites et d'origine européenne. Les résultats montrent que le fruit du Ferraduel a la valeur la plus élevée en Largeur (24,71 mm), épaisseur (16,54 mm), Dg (23,90 mm) et volume (7744,44 mm3) respectivement, tandis que Fournat de Breznaud présentent la valeur la plus élevée en Longueur (36,90 mm). Pour les amandons, Fournat de Breznaud et Ferragnes présentent les valeurs les plus élevées en poids (1,31 g), la largeur (15,17 mm), la longueur (26,45 mm), l'épaisseur (8,31 mm), le Dg (14,48 mm) et le volume (1594,67 mm3), tandis que Beldi et Marcona affichent les valeurs les plus faibles pour le poids (0,79 g), la largeur (12,42 mm), le Dg (12,35 mm), le volume (1024,87 mm3) et la longueur (19,68 mm). Les amandons doubles n'ont pas été détectés pour Marcona, Fournat de Breznaud et Ferragnes tandis que Beldi et Ferraduel en présentent respectivement 81% et 28%. L’analyse de la variance montre que les traits pomologiques des fruits et des amandons présentent une différence significative pour les paramètres analysés à P<0,05. Le génotype (BL1) de l'écotype « Beldi » présente des paramètres pomologiques plus faibles en comparaison avec les autres variétés introduites. Pourtant, il existe d'autres génotypes qui méritent d'être étudiés et les comparés aux variétés introduites. De plus, et à partir de l'ensemble de ces données, nous suggérons qu'au moins, Ferraduel, Ferragnes et Fournat de Breznaud pouvaient être recommandés pour cette région

    Variability in almond oil chemical traits from traditional cultivars from eastern Morocco

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    In Morocco, cultivation of almond tree (Prunus amygdalus L.) constitutes the second most important plantation of fruit trees after olive growing. It is mostly cultivated in two regions, « Taza, Al Houceima Taounate » in the north and « Souss Massa Draa » in the south. Almond genetic resources (Marcoma, Fournat, Ferragnes/Ferraduel and Beldi), cultivated in eastern Morocco were studied during two consecutive crop years in order to evaluate variations in kernel oil yield, fatty acid profiles, oleic /linoleic (O/L) ratio and almond oils oxydative stability (OSI,evaluated by rancimat tests) in comparison to monovarietal olive oils. Almond kernel total oil (AO), Oleic acid (C18:1), Linoleic acid (C18:2), O/L-ratio, and tocopherol contents range between: 48 - 62% for kernel total oil; 65- 77.5% for C18:1; 17- 25% for C18:2; 2.5-4 for O/L ratio and 370 - 675 μg/g oil for tocopherols, respectively. We conclude that the genotype is the main variability source for all these chemical traits of AOs. Results obtained from Ferragnes/Ferraduel may be of interest for almond breeding focused to improve kernel oil yield and fatty acid profile. Besides, tocopherols contents of AOs seem to be the most important contributor for their stability to oxidation, even though compared to monovarietal olive oils, stability of AOs were very low and OSI value range between 20-27 hours. This fragility of AOs is due to their high content of unsaturated fatty acid which not allows their use for cooking or storage for long period. However, almond oils could have many applications in the food industry as in cosmeti

    Physicochemical and microbiological quality of the treated wastewater of the Marrakech WWTP for irrigation

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    The urban district of Marrakech has a wastewater treatment plant of activated sludge type. Water treated by this WTTP is intended for the irrigation of golf courses. Tertiary treatment can extract any undesirable substance not removed by the steps before. The aim of this work is to characterize the physico-chemical and microbiological quality of the treated water  and to assess the effectiveness of tertiary treatment. The pH varies between 7.1 and 7.7 which is in the range recommended by both the Moroccan and the USEPA standards. The COD content fluctuates between 24.87 and 52.33 mg O2 / l, which is below the limit value of 60 mg O2 / l recommended by the French legislation. Concentrations of BOD5 range is between 1.1 and 4.21 mg O2 / l which is widely below the standard of 30 mg O2 / l recommended by the WHO and USEPA for the reuse of treated wastewater. For the SM, the value of 30 mg / l is the threshold set by both the WHO, USEPA and French law. The values ​​of SM fluctuate between 2.86 and 8.46 mg / l which are perfectly in accordance with the recommended standard. The content of nitrates does not exceed 5 mg N / l is lower than the limit set by WHO and the Moroccan standard of 30 mg N / l. The TP content is between 1,88 and 6,23 mg P / L compared with the range 6-20 mg / l agreed by WHO. The microbiological analysis, including research faecal coliforms show that the values ​​obtained are below standard 200, 250 and 1000 UF / l respectively recommended by the USEPA, the French legislation and concomitantly the Moroccan standard and WHO . However, the parasitology examination especially of nematodes attests their total absence, showing the effectiveness of the tertiary treatment. Finally, the water at the outlet of the WWTP of Marrakech, destinated for irrigation has a physicochemical and microbiological quality compliant for irrigation.

    Amelioration qualitative d’huiles d’olive produites dans le maroc oriental

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    The aim of this study is to characterize olive oils and to distinguish the production areas according to the specific soil and climate. The goal is to label "local product" olive oils produced in the eastern region of Morocco. The studies focus on oils from three consecutive olives harvest periods. Olive oils, obtained from eastern small olive oil-producers, characteristics were determined using conventional methods analysis, fatty acid and triacylglycerol compositions. This study shows a marked improvement in quality parameters of olive oils produced in this region. There is a difference in the phenol content between oils of different origins; this parameter content can be used as marker to distinguish olive oils according to the production area.La caractérisation physicochimique et la recherche de signes distinctifs des huiles, selon les spécificités pédoclimatiques de leurs zones de production, sont réalisées dans le but de la labellisation "produit du Terroir" des huiles d’olive produites dans cette région. Pendant trois campagnes oléicoles consécutives des études, utilisant les méthodes classiques de caractérisation physicochimiques d’huiles et l’analyse de profils des triglycérides et des acides gras, ont été réalisées pour suivre l’évolution qualitative des huiles d’olives produites dans des coopératives du Maroc oriental. Ces études montrent une nette amélioration des paramètres qualitatifs des huiles produites dans cette région. On note une différence de richesse des huiles en phénols selon la zone géographique ; Ce paramètre, apparaît comme un signe distinctif entre terroir de production d’huile d’olive


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    In Eastern Morocco, olive tree growing has agreat economic and social importance. Itoccupies about 10% of the national olivegrowingsurface. Olive oil is the principalproduct; more than 70% of the olive productionis intended to trituration. In this region most ofthe olive orchards were established andcultivated by traditional methods, and olive oilextraction is generally carried out by artisanalmethods which can compromise its quality.Classical methods of analysis were used for apreliminary characterisation of olive oilproduced by regional cooperatives (Lakrarma,Kenine localised in Taourirt-Tafoughalt corridor). Analyses relating to free acidity, peroxide index, chlorophyll content and standardvalues of absorption, were realized. In comparison with International Olive Oil Council our results showed that analyzed olive oils have physico-chemical characteristics of a virgin orextra virgin olive oil.Au niveau du Maroc oriental l’oléiculturerevêt une grande importance économique et sociale, elle représente un peu moins de 10% de la superficie oléicole nationale. L’huile d’olive est le principal produit, du fait que plus de 70% de la production oléicole est destinée à la trituration. Dans cette région, la filière reste encore artisanale et mal organisée. L’extraction de l’huile d’olive s’effectue généralement par des méthodes traditionnelles qui peuvent compromettre sa qualité. Pour la caractérisation d’huile d’olive, provenant des coopératives régionales (Lakrarma, Kenine) du couloir Taourirt Tafoughalt, des analyses physicochimiques concernant l’acidité libre, l’indice de peroxyde, la teneur en chlorophylle et les valeurs standards d'absorption en UV ont été réalisées. Les résultats obtenus et selon la norme commerciale du Conseil Oléicole International, montrent que les huiles analysées possèdent des caractéristiques physicochimiques d’huile d’olive vierge à extra vierge
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