100 research outputs found

    Contribution à l’étude de la salinisation de la nappe côtière de sahel El Haouzia région d’El Jadida au Maroc

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    La nappe côtière du Sahel d’El Haouzia circulent soit dans les calcaires fissurés du Cénomanien (partie amont), soit dans les formations détritiques du Plioquaternaire (partie avale). Ce sont des formations perméables favorisant le transit des eaux d’infiltration à forte charge saline, vers la nappe d’eau souterraine, circulant généralement à de faibles de la surface. La conductivité électrique moyenne des eaux souterraines étudiées montre des variations importantes, de 1,7 mS/cm (zone interne) à 7 mS/cm. En effet, elle accuse des valeurs de plus en plus importantes en direction de la mer, avec un gradient d’augmentation important dans les premiers kilomètres du rivage. La minéralisation totale est déterminée principalement par les ions chlorures et sodium qui montrent une corrélation positive avec la conductivité électrique. La combinaison des outils, géologiques, hydrogéologiques, piézométriques et hydrochimiques a montré que les fortes salinités des eaux souterraines sont liées au phénomène d’intrusion marine (dans les premiers kilomètres de la côte), à celui du lessivage de la roche réservoir et de l’infiltration des eaux de retour. Ces méthodes d’étude ont montré une meilleure adaptation avec notre système aquifère côtier.Mots-clés : Nappe côtière, salinité, intrusion marine, hydrochimie, Sahel ElHaouzia, Maroc

    Geochemical characterization of recent Nile Delta inner shelf sediments: Tracing natural and human-induced alterations into a deltaic system

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    The present study deals with the geochemical changes observed along Nile Delta inner shelf sediments over a period of 20 years (1995–2015). Major, minor, and trace constituents as well as rare earth elements (REE) were investigated in the surface sediments collected from seven transects along the inner shelf on five years intervals. Geochemical composition of sediments in Nile Delta inner shelf exhibits continuous changes over time due to the depositional and sediment transport processes. The sediments are generally enriched with Fe and Ti oxides, as well as Ta, Nb, Y in comparison to the Upper Continental Crust (UCC). These alterations signify the impact of processes such as erosion and sediment transport, as well as the impact of anthropogenic interferences such as damming the Nile River Flow. The reduction of the sediment input from the Nile River has somehow altered the geochemical signature of the inner shelf sediments. The REE patterns indicate weathering in areas subjected to erosion, while trace elements and major oxides spatial and temporal distributions concentrate eastwards under the influence of the easterly sediment transport pattern. Nile Delta inner shelf presented a typical case for understanding the link between geochemistry and sedimentary processes in nearshore and deltaic systems

    Geochemical characterization of recent Nile Delta inner shelf sediments: Tracing natural and human-induced alterations into a deltaic system

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    Abstract The present study deals with the geochemical changes observed along Nile Delta inner shelf sediments over a period of 20 years (1995–2015). Major, minor, and trace constituents as well as rare earth elements (REE) were investigated in the surface sediments collected from seven transects along the inner shelf on five years intervals. Geochemical composition of sediments in Nile Delta inner shelf exhibits continuous changes over time due to the depositional and sediment transport processes. The sediments are generally enriched with Fe and Ti oxides, as well as Ta, Nb, Y in comparison to the Upper Continental Crust (UCC). These alterations signify the impact of processes such as erosion and sediment transport, as well as the impact of anthropogenic interferences such as damming the Nile River Flow. The reduction of the sediment input from the Nile River has somehow altered the geochemical signature of the inner shelf sediments. The REE patterns indicate weathering in areas subjected to erosion, while trace elements and major oxides spatial and temporal distributions concentrate eastwards under the influence of the easterly sediment transport pattern. Nile Delta inner shelf presented a typical case for understanding the link between geochemistry and sedimentary processes in nearshore and deltaic systems

    Sinteza, protuupalno, analgetsko i antikonvulzivno djelovanje 1,8-dihidro-1-aril-8-alkil pirazolo(3,4-b)indola

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    A series of 1,8-dihydro-1-aryl-8-alkyl pyrazolo(3,4-b)indoles 4a-j, 5a-j and 6a-j has been synthesized and tested for their anti-inflammatory and anticonvulsant activities. Formation of the pyrazoloindole derivatives was achieved by treating arylhydrazones of N-alkyl indole-3-carboxaldehydes 1a-j, 2a-j and 3a-j with ten times their mass of polyphosphoric acid as a condensing agent. The newly synthesized compounds were evaluated for their anti-inflammatory, analgesic and anticonvulsant activities compared to indomethacin, flufenamic acid and diazepam as positive controls. Detailed synthesis, spectroscopic and toxicity data are reported.Serija 1,8-dihidro-1-aril-8-alkil pirazolo(3,4-b)indola 4a-j, 5a-j i 6a-j sintetizirana je i testirana na protuupalno i antikonvulzivno djelovanje. Pirazolindol derivati pripravljeni su reakcijom arilhidrazona N-alkil indol-3-karboksaldehida 1a-j, 2a-j i 3a-j s deset puta većom masom polifosforne kiseline kao sredstva za kondenzaciju. Novosintetizirani spojevi testirani su na protuupalno, analgetsko i antikonvulzivno djelovanje i uspoređeni s djelovanjem indometacina, flufenaminske kiseline i diazepama. U radu su dati detaljni sintetski, spektroskopski i toksikološki podaci

    L-karnitin ublažava hepatotoksičnost bisfenola A aktiviranjem Nrf2 i inhibicijom proupalne ekspresije gena citokina u štakora

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    Bisphenol, used in many polycarbonate plastics and epoxy resins industries, exerts toxic effects on mammalian organs. The mechanisms underlying bisphenol toxicity are well understood, however the chemoprevention effects of L-carnitine have not yet been recorded. This study aimed to explore the protective mechanism of L-carnitine against BPA-induced hepatotoxicity. Male rats were randomly distributed into 4 groups of 10 rats each: vehicle (5 mL corn oil/kg), bisphenol (50 mg/kg b.w. orally), L-carnitine (500 mg/kg b.w. i/p), and L-carnitine bisphenol pre-treated groups. Bisphenol was dissolved in corn oil and gavaged for 70 consecutive days. Up-regulation of tumor necrosis factor (6.6-fold), and interleukin 6 (3.2-fold) mRNA transcript, along with suppression of nuclear factor erythroid 2-like 2 (0.4-fold), were recorded, following bisphenol administration. Subsequently, bisphenol provoked oxidative stress and attenuated the antioxidative molecules. Finally, hepatic dysfunction was assessed by elevated serum aminotransferases, alkaline phosphatase, lactate dehydrogenase, glutamyl transferase activities and ammonia levels, with the subsequent decline in serum albumin concentration, which confirmed the inflammatory cell infiltration and hydropic degeneration, and the impairment of lipid profile. Interestingly, co-administration of L-carnitine improved liver function and lipid profile, which was explained by the activation of nuclear factor erythroid 2-like 2 (1.5-fold) mRNA transcript, which augmented the antioxidant levels and suppressed oxidative stress, tumor necrosis factor (2.6- fold), and interleukin 6 (1.5-fold) gene expression. In conclusion, L-carnitine exerted hepatoprotective activity against bisphenol toxicity via antioxidant and anti-inflammatory effects.Bisfenol, koji se koristi u mnogim industrijama polikarbonatne plastike i epoksidnih smola, ima toksične učinke na organe sisavaca. Mehanizmi na kojima se temelji toksičnost bisfenola dobro su razumljivi, međutim učinci L-karnitina na kemoprevenciju još nisu zabilježeni. Cilj ovog ispitivanja bio je istražiti zaštitni mehanizam L-karnitina protiv hepatotoksičnosti izazvane BPA-om. Mužjaci štakora slučajnim su odabirom podijeljeni u su u 4 skupine od po 10 štakora: kontrolna skupina (5 mL kukuruznog ulja/kg tjelesne težine), duga skupina (50 mg bisfenol/kg tjelesne težine peroralno), teća skupina (500 mg L-karnitin/kg tjelesne težine i/p) i četvrta skupina (L-karnitin apliciran skupini prethodno tretiranoj bisfenolom). Bisfenol je otopljen u kukuruznom ulju kojim su štakori hranjeni 70 uzastopnih dana. Nakon primjene bisfenola zabilježeno je povećanje mRNK transkripta za stvarnje faktora tumorske nekroze i interleukina 6 uz supresiju nukleotidnog faktora sličnog eritroidu 2, povezanog s faktorom 2. Nakon toga bisfenol je izazvao oksidativni stres i oslabio antioksidativne molekule. Naposljetku, disfunkcija jetre procjenjivana je povišenim razinama aminotransferaza u serumu, alkalne fosfataze, laktat dehidrogenaze, aktivnosti glutamiltransferaze i amonijaka, uz naknadno smanjenje koncentracije serumskog albumina, što je potvrdilo infiltraciju upalnih stanica i hidropičnu degeneraciju, te narušavanje lipidnog statusa. Zanimljivo je da je istodobna primjena L-karnitina poboljšala funkciju jetre i lipidni status, što je objašnjeno aktivacijom transkripta mRNK tipa 2 povezanog s faktorom 2, koji je povećao razine antioksidansa i potisnuo oksidativni stres, te ekspresiju gena faktora tumorske nekroze i interleukina 6. Zaključno, L-karnitin je pokazao hepatozaštitnu aktivnost protiv toksičnosti bisfenola antioksidativnim i protuupalnim učincima

    Sinteza, antimikrobno i antitumorsko djelovanje nekoliko novih N-etil, N-benzil i N-benzoil-3-indolil heterocikliÄŤkih spojeva

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    A series of 1-(N-substituted-1H-indol-3-yl)-3-arylprop-2-ene-1-ones (2a,b-4a,b) were prepared and allowed to react with urea, thiourea or guanidine to give pyrimidine derivatives 5a,b–13a,b. Reaction of 2a,b-4a,b with ethyl acetoacetate in the presence of a base gave cyclohexanone derivatives 14a,b-16a,b. Reaction of the latter compounds with hydrazine hydrate afforded indazole derivatives 17a,b-19a,b. On the other hand, reaction of 2a,b-4a,b with some hydrazine derivatives, namely hydrazine hydrate, acetyl hydrazine, phenyl- hydrazine and benzylhydrazine hydrochloride, led to the formation of pyrazole derivatives 20a,b-31a,b. Moreover, reaction of 2a,b-4a,b with hydroxylamine hydrochloride gave isoxazole derivatives 32a,b-34a,b. The newly synthesized compounds were tested for their antimicrobial activity and showed that 4-(N-ethyl-1H-indol-3-yl)-6-(p-chlorophenyl)-pyrimidine-2-amine (11b) was the most active of all the test compounds towards Candida albicans compared to the reference drug cycloheximide. Eighteen new compounds, namely pyrimidin-2(1H)-ones 5a,b-7a,b, pyrimidin-2(1H)-thiones 8a,b-10a,b and pyrimidin-2-amines 11a,b-13a,b derivatives, were tested for their in vitro antiproliferative activity against HEPG2, MCF7 and HCT-116 cancer cell lines. 4-(N-ethyl-1H-indol-3-yl)-6-(p-methoxyphenyl)-pyrimidin-2-amine (11a) was found to be highly active with IC50 of 0.7 µmol L1.Sintetizirana je serija 1-(N-supstituiranih-1H-indol-3-il)-3-arilprop-2-en-1-ona (2a,b-4a,b) i podvrgnuta reakciji s ureom, tioureom ili gvanidinom, pri čemu su nastali derivati pirimidina 5a,b–13a,b. Reakcijom 2a,b-4a,b s etil-acetoacetatom u prisutnosti baze nastali su derivati cikloheksanona 14a,b-16a,b. Njihovom reakcijom s hidrazin hidratom dobiveni su derivati indazola 17a,b-19a,b. S druge strane, reakcijom 2a,b-4a,b s određenim derivatima hidrazina, tj. s hidrazin hidratom, acetil hidrazinom, fenilhidrazinom i benzilhidrazin hidrokloridom, nastali su derivati pirazola 20a,b-31a,b. Nadalje, reakcijom 2a,b-4a,b s hidroksilamin hidrokloridom dobiveni su derivati izoksazola 32a,b-34a,b. Pripravljeni spojevi ispitani su na antimikrobno djelovanje. Pokazalo se da je 4-(N-etil-1H-indol-3-il)-6-(p-klorfenil)-pirimidin-2-amin (11b) najaktivniji spoj za Candida albicans (ATCC 10231) uz cikloheksimid kao poredbeni lijek. Testirano je antitumorsko djelovanje in vitro osamnaest novih spojeva, tj. pirimidin-2(1H)-ona 5a,b-7a,b, pirimidin-2(1H)-tiona 8a,b-10a,b i pirimidin-2-amina 11a,b-13a,b na tumorske stanice HEPG2, MCF7 i HCT-116. Najaktivniji spoj bio je 4-(N-etil-1H-indol-3-il)-6-(p-metoksifenil)-pirimidin-2-amin (11a) uz IC50 0,7 µmol L1

    Sinteza i biološko djelovanje novih 1-benzil i 1-benzoil 3-heterocikličkih derivata indola

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    Starting from 1-benzyl- (2a) and 1-benzoyl-3-bromoacetyl indoles (2b) new heterocyclic, 2-thioxoimidazolidine (4a,b), imidazolidine-2,4-dione (5a,b), pyrano(2,3-d)imidazole (8a,b and 9a,b), 2-substituted quinoxaline (11a,b–17a,b) and triazolo(4,3-a)quinoxaline derivatives (18a,b and 19a,b) were synthesized and evaluated for their antimicrobial and anticancer activities. Antimicrobial activity screening performed with concentrations of 0.88, 0.44 and 0.22 g mm2 showed that 3-(1-substituted indol-3-yl)quinoxalin-2(1H)ones (11a,b) and 2-(4-methyl piperazin-1-yl)-3-(1-substituted indol-3-yl) quinoxalines (15a,b) were the most active of all the tested compounds towards P. aeruginosa, B. cereus and S. aureus compared to the reference drugs cefotaxime and piperacillin, while 2-chloro-3-(1-substituted indol-3-yl)quinoxalines (12a,b) were the most active against C. albicans compared to the reference drug nystatin. On the other hand, 2-chloro-3-(1-benzyl indol-3-yl) quinoxaline (12a) display potent efficacy against ovarian cancer xenografts in nude mice with tumor growth suppression of 100 0.3 %.U radu je opisana sinteza, antimikrobno i antitumorsko djelovanje heterocikličkih derivata indola. Polazeći iz 1-benzil- i 1-benzoil-3-bromacetil indola (2a i 2b) sintetizirani su novi heterociklički spojevi 2-tioksoimidazolidini (4a,b), imidazolidin-2,4-dioni (5a,b), pirano(2,3-d)imidazoli (8a,b i 9a,b), 2-supstituirani kinoksalini (11a,b–17a,b) i triazolo(4,3-a)kinoksalini (18a,b i 19a,b). Sintetizirani spojevi testirani su na antimikrobno i antitumorsko djelovanje. Ispitivanje antimikrobnog djelovanja provedeno je s koncentracijama otopina 0,88, 0,44 i 0,22 g mm2 i uspoređeno s referentnim lijekovima cefotaksimom i piperacilinom. Rezultati pokazuju da su 3-(1-supstituirani indol-3-il)kinoksalin-2(1H)oni (11a,b) i 2-(4-metil piperazin-1-il)-3-(1-supstituirani indol-3-il) kinoksalini (15a,b) najaktivniji spojevi na sojeve P. aeruginosa, B. cereus i S. aureus, dok su 2-klor-3-(1-supstituirani indol-3-il)kinoksalini (12a,b) najaktivniji na C. albicans (usporedba s nistatinom). Osim toga, 2-klor-3-(1-benzil indol-3-il) kinoksalin (12a) pokazuje veliku učinkovitost na tumore ovarija miševa (supresija rasta tumora 100 0,3 %)
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