25 research outputs found

    Asymptotic analysis of the trajectories of the logarithmic barrier algorithm without constraint qualifications

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    In this paper, we study the differentiability of the trajectories of the logarithmic barrier algorithm for a nonlinear program when the set Λ* of the Karush-Kuhn-Tucker multiplier vectors is empty owing to the fact that the constraint qualifications are not satisfied.


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    Though primarily recognized as a source of entrainment, YouTube is also used as an educational environment. In fact, this media sharing website has become a valuable resource that students have recourse to whether they are doing research on a project, seeking help with homework or just wanting to learn something new. Given these opportunities, our purpose in this paper is to examine the potential impact of using YouTube in improving students' computer skills. To this end, a survey was carried out among engineering students to see how they perceive the use of this online platform for educational purposes. Results of the study showed that most of the surveyed students rely on YouTube to solve different academic problems, learn new computer skills as well as answer any questions they might have. However, though the video tutorials that YouTube hosts are often blamed for being too long, interrupted by ads and not usually designed by educators, most informants agree that these online educational videos provide them with unlimited opportunities to enhance their computer knowledge and practical computing skills. For these reasons, we recommend that teachers embrace video sharing services given that they have the power to turn a potentially boring or complex subject matter into an overall engaging and exciting learning experience


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    Despite being primarily recognized as an entertainment outlet, YouTube has also proven to be a valuable educational tool. Indeed, thanks to the wide range of learning video resources that it hosts on any subject or topic, this social media platform has become the optimal space that students usually resort to so as to improve their learning experience in various disciplines. Given the educational opportunities that YouTube offers, our objective in this paper is to investigate the potential role that this video sharing website may play in language learning. For this purpose, an online survey was conducted to find out how students view the use of YouTube as a language learning tool. The findings of the study revealed that the majority of the surveyed students (i.e. 79.4%), actually, have recourse to this online platform to enhance their language proficiency. The macro language skills that the informants claimed to improve, thanks to YouTube, were mainly listening (65.6%) and speaking (61.9%). As for the micro skills, an improvement was noticed in pronunciation, vocabulary and grammar, respectively. Given all these potentials, we recommend that teachers use YouTube to support language learning and teaching both inside and outside the classroom

    Anti-corrosive properties of Argan oil on C38 steel in molar HCl solution

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    AbstractCorrosion inhibition effect of Argan oil (AO) on corrosion of C38 steel in 1 M HCl solution was investigated using weight loss measurements, electrochemical polarization and EIS methods. Results obtained reveal that Argan oil acts as a mixed inhibitor without modifying the hydrogen reduction mechanism. The inhibition efficiency increases with increased Argan oil concentration to attain a maximum value of 81% at 3 g/L. The inhibition efficiency of Argan oil decreases with the rise of temperature. Argan oil is adsorbed on the steel surface according to Langmuir isotherm model. The parameters ( Ea∗, ΔHa∗, ΔG∗ and ΔSa∗) were estimated and discussed. The fundamental thermodynamic functions were used to glean important information about Argan oil’s inhibitory behavior