451 research outputs found

    Self-synchronization of Kerr-nonlinear Optical Parametric Oscillators

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    We introduce a new, reduced nonlinear oscillator model governing the spontaneous creation of sharp pulses in a damped, driven, cubic nonlinear Schroedinger equation. The reduced model embodies the fundamental connection between mode synchronization and spatiotemporal pulse formation. We identify attracting solutions corresponding to stable cavity solitons and Turing patterns. Viewed in the optical context, our results explain the recently reported π\pi and π/2\pi/2 steps in the phase spectrum of microresonator-based optical frequency combs

    Self-synchronization Phenomena in the Lugiato-Lefever Equation

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    The damped driven nonlinear Schr\"odinger equation (NLSE) has been used to understand a range of physical phenomena in diverse systems. Studying this equation in the context of optical hyper-parametric oscillators in anomalous-dispersion dissipative cavities, where NLSE is usually referred to as the Lugiato-Lefever equation (LLE), we are led to a new, reduced nonlinear oscillator model which uncovers the essence of the spontaneous creation of sharply peaked pulses in optical resonators. We identify attracting solutions for this model which correspond to stable cavity solitons and Turing patterns, and study their degree of stability. The reduced model embodies the fundamental connection between mode synchronization and spatiotemporal pattern formation, and represents a novel class of self-synchronization processes in which coupling between nonlinear oscillators is governed by energy and momentum conservation.Comment: This manuscript is published in Physical Review A. Copyright 2017 by the American Physical Society. arXiv admin note: text overlap with arXiv:1602.0852

    Band-edge Bilayer Plasmonic Nanostructure for Surface Enhanced Raman Spectroscopy

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    Spectroscopic analysis of large biomolecules is critical in a number of applications, including medical diagnostics and label-free biosensing. Recently, it has been shown that Raman spectroscopy of proteins can be used to diagnose some diseases, including a few types of cancer. These experiments have however been performed using traditional Raman spectroscopy and the development of the Surface enhanced Raman spectroscopy (SERS) assays suitable for large biomolecules could lead to a substantial decrease in the amount of specimen necessary for these experiments. We present a new method to achieve high local field enhancement in surface enhanced Raman spectroscopy through the simultaneous adjustment of the lattice plasmons and localized surface plasmon polaritons, in a periodic bilayer nanoantenna array resulting in a high enhancement factor over the sensing area, with relatively high uniformity. The proposed plasmonic nanostructure is comprised of two interacting nanoantenna layers, providing a sharp band-edge lattice plasmon mode and a wide-band localized surface plasmon for the separate enhancement of the pump and emitted Raman signals. We demonstrate the application of the proposed nanostructure for the spectral analysis of large biomolecules by binding a protein (streptavidin) selectively on the hot-spots between the two stacked layers, using a low concentration solution (100 nM) and we successfully acquire its SERS spectrum

    Towards Next Generation Neural Interfaces: Optimizing Power, Bandwidth and Data Quality

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    In this paper, we review the state-of-the-art in neural interface recording architectures. Through this we identify schemes which show the trade-off between data information quality (lossiness), computation (i.e. power and area requirements) and the number of channels. These trade-offs are then extended by considering the front-end amplifier bandwidth to also be a variable. We therefore explore the possibility of band-limiting the spectral content of recorded neural signals (to save power) and investigate the effect this has on subsequent processing (spike detection accuracy). We identify the spike detection method most robust to such signals, optimize the threshold levels and modify this to exploit such a strategy.Accepted versio

    Computationally-efficient realtime interpolation algorithm for non-uniform sampled biosignals

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    This Letter presents a novel, computationally efficient interpolation method that has been optimised for use in electrocardiogram baseline drift removal. In the authors previous Letter three isoelectric baseline points per heartbeat are detected, and here utilised as interpolation points. As an extension from linear interpolation, their algorithm segments the interpolation interval and utilises different piecewise linear equations. Thus, the algorithm produces a linear curvature that is computationally efficient while interpolating non-uniform samples. The proposed algorithm is tested using sinusoids with different fundamental frequencies from 0.05 to 0.7 Hz and also validated with real baseline wander data acquired from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology University and Bostons Beth Israel Hospital (MIT-BIH) Noise Stress Database. The synthetic data results show an root mean square (RMS) error of 0.9 μV (mean), 0.63 μV (median) and 0.6 μV (standard deviation) per heartbeat on a 1 mVp-p 0.1 Hz sinusoid. On real data, they obtain an RMS error of 10.9 μV (mean), 8.5 μV (median) and 9.0 μV (standard deviation) per heartbeat. Cubic spline interpolation and linear interpolation on the other hand shows 10.7 μV, 11.6 μV (mean), 7.8 μV, 8.9 μV (median) and 9.8 μV, 9.3 μV (standard deviation) per heartbeat

    Synthesis and crystallographic characterization of new heterotrinuclear oxo-centered complex

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    New oxo-centered trinuclear mixed-metal complex, of [Fe2ZnO(CHCl2CO2)6(CHCl2CO2)3].NO3 was synthesized by the direct reaction between metal nitrates and dichloroacetic acid. These compounds have a typical μ3-oxo trinuclear structure: (a) three metal atoms are situated in the apexes of the equilateral triangle; (b) μ3-oxygen atom and six dichloroacetate ligands fulfil the bridge functions and (c) the monodentate CHCl2CO2 ligands complete the octahedral geometry of the metal ions. This complex were characterized by elemental analyses (CHN), atomic absorption spectroscopy and spectral (IR, electronic) studies. This is new types of oxo-bridged mixed-metal complex in which the carboxylate ligand is dichloroacetic acid. The UV spectra of the complex exhibited strong bands in the region 213 and 257 nm which are related to the (π → π*) and (n → π*) transitions of the CHCl2CO2 ligands, respectively. The IR spectra of this compound showed two strong stretching vibrations bands, indicating a bridging coordination mode of the carboxylic group by presence of νasym (M2M'O) vibrations of the ligand in the infrared spectra.               KEY WORDS: Oxo-centered, Trinuclear complexes, Carboxylic ligand, Crystallographic data, IR spectra Bull. Chem. Soc. Ethiop. 2018, 32(3), 491-500.DOI: https://dx.doi.org/10.4314/bcse.v32i3.