94 research outputs found

    Micromechanics of thin oxide scale and surface roughness transfer in hot metal rolling

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    The deformation micromechanics of the thin oxide scale formed in hot metal rolling and surface roughness transfer characterization are very important for the quality of the finished product. Finite element simulation of the thin oxide scale deformation and surface roughness transfer is carried out. Surface asperity deformation of the thin oxide scale and strip is focused. Surface characterisation and micromechanics of the thin oxide scale deformation are obtained from the finite element simulation and experimental measurements. Simulation results are close to the measured values. The forming features of surface roughness transfer during hot metal rolling with lubrication are also discussed

    The ferroelectric photo ground state of SrTiO3: Cavity materials engineering

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    Optical cavities confine light on a small region in space, which can result in a strong coupling of light with materials inside the cavity. This gives rise to new states where quantum fluctuations of light and matter can alter the properties of the material altogether. Here we demonstrate, based on first-principles calculations, that such light-matter coupling induces a change of the collective phase from quantum paraelectric to ferroelectric in the SrTiO3 ground state, which has thus far only been achieved in outof-equilibrium strongly excited conditions [X. Li et al., Science 364, 1079-1082 (2019) and T. F. Nova, A. S. Disa, M. Fechner, A. Cavalleri, Science 364, 1075-1079 (2019)]. This is a light-matter hybrid ground state which can only exist because of the coupling to the vacuum fluctuations of light, a photo ground state. The phase transition is accompanied by changes in the crystal structure, showing that fundamental ground state properties of materials can be controlled via strong light-matter coupling. Such a control of quantum states enables the tailoring of materials properties or even the design of novel materials purely by exposing them to confined light.We are grateful for the illuminating discussions with Dmitri Basov, Atac Imamoglu, Jerome Faist, Jean-Marc Triscone, Peter Littlewood, Andrew Millis, Michael Ruggenthaler, Michael A. Sentef, and Eugene Demler. We acknowledge financial support from the European Research Council (Grant ERC2015AdG694097) , Grupos Consolidados (Grant IT124919) , the Japan Society for the Promotion of Science KAKENHI program (Grant JP20K14382) , and the Cluster of Excellence "CUI: Advanced Imag-ing of Matter" of the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (Grant EXC 2056 Project 390715994) . The Flatiron Institute is a division of the Simons Foundation. S.L. and D.S. acknowledge support from the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation

    Mechanisms for Long-Lived, Photo-Induced Superconductivity

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    Advances in the control of intense infrared light have led to the striking discovery of metastable superconductivity in K3C60\mathrm{K}_3\mathrm{C}_{60} at 100K, lasting more than 10 nanoseconds. Inspired by these experiments, we discuss possible mechanisms for long-lived, photo-induced superconductivity above TcT_{c}. We analyze a minimal model of optically-driven Raman phonons coupled to inter-band electronic transitions. Using this model, we develop a possible microscopic mechanism for photo-controlling the pairing interaction by displacively shifting the Raman mode. Leveraging this mechanism, we explore two pictures of long-lived, light-induced superconductivity far above TcT_c. We first investigate long-lived, photo-induced superconductivity arising from the metastable trapping of a displaced phonon coordinate. We then propose an alternate route to long-lived superconductivity. Within this paradigm, the slow equilibration of quasi-particles enables a long-lived, non-thermal superconducting gap. We conclude by discussing implications of both scenarios to experiments that can be used to discriminate between them. Our work provides falsifiable, mechanistic explanations for the nanosecond scale photo-induced superconductivity found in K3C60\mathrm{K}_3\mathrm{C}_{60}, while also offering a theoretical basis for exploring long-lived, non-equilibrium superconductivity in other quantum materials.Comment: 7 pages Main Text, 9 pages Supplementary Material, 4 figure

    Inverse Problems in a Bayesian Setting

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    In a Bayesian setting, inverse problems and uncertainty quantification (UQ) --- the propagation of uncertainty through a computational (forward) model --- are strongly connected. In the form of conditional expectation the Bayesian update becomes computationally attractive. We give a detailed account of this approach via conditional approximation, various approximations, and the construction of filters. Together with a functional or spectral approach for the forward UQ there is no need for time-consuming and slowly convergent Monte Carlo sampling. The developed sampling-free non-linear Bayesian update in form of a filter is derived from the variational problem associated with conditional expectation. This formulation in general calls for further discretisation to make the computation possible, and we choose a polynomial approximation. After giving details on the actual computation in the framework of functional or spectral approximations, we demonstrate the workings of the algorithm on a number of examples of increasing complexity. At last, we compare the linear and nonlinear Bayesian update in form of a filter on some examples.Comment: arXiv admin note: substantial text overlap with arXiv:1312.504

    Dynamical amplification of electric polarization through nonlinear phononics in 2D SnTe

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    Ultrafast optical control of ferroelectricity using intense terahertz fields has attracted significant interest. Here we show that the nonlinear interactions between two optical phonons in SnTe, a two-dimensional in-plane ferroelectric material, enables a dynamical amplification of the electric polarization within subpicoseconds time domain. Our first-principles time-dependent simulations show that the infrared-active out-of-plane phonon mode, pumped to nonlinear regimes, spontaneously generates in-plane motions, leading to rectified oscillations in the in-plane electric polarization. We suggest that this dynamical control of ferroelectric material, by nonlinear phonon excitation, can be utilized to achieve ultrafast control of the photovoltaic or other nonlinear optical responses

    Drosophila cbl Is Essential for Control of Cell Death and Cell Differentiation during Eye Development

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    Activation of cell surface receptors transduces extracellular signals into cellular responses such as proliferation, differentiation and survival. However, as important as the activation of these receptors is their appropriate spatial and temporal down-regulation for normal development and tissue homeostasis. The Cbl family of E3-ubiquitin ligases plays a major role for the ligand-dependent inactivation of receptor tyrosine kinases (RTKs), most notably the Epidermal Growth Factor Receptor (EGFR) through ubiquitin-mediated endocytosis and lysosomal degradation.Here, we report the mutant phenotypes of Drosophila cbl (D-cbl) during eye development. D-cbl mutants display overgrowth, inhibition of apoptosis, differentiation defects and increased ommatidial spacing. Using genetic interaction and molecular markers, we show that most of these phenotypes are caused by increased activity of the Drosophila EGFR. Our genetic data also indicate a critical role of ubiquitination for D-cbl function, consistent with biochemical models.These data may provide a mechanistic model for the understanding of the oncogenic activity of mammalian cbl genes

    Analysis of Oxidation and Surface Characteristics in Hot Strip Rolling

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    Deformation characteristics of the oxide scale in hot strip mill have not been quantified before and the principle of the effect of oxide scale deformation in the roll bite on strip surface roughness has not yet been revealed. In this paper, analysis of the thin secondary oxide scale formed in hot metal rolling and its surface roughness micro deformation is carried out by experiments and finite element analysis. Simulation results are compared with the measured values, which show that they are in close agreement. Surface roughness transfer during hot metal rolling is also discussed