1,478 research outputs found

    The mexican hair-less pig an endangered breed

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    In this work, several strategies are proposed for the genetic preservation of the Mexican Hairless Pig (Cerdo Pelón Mexicano). This study has been carried out in Yucatan, Mexico, based on four related strategies. Description of the studied population. Important data are collected with the aid of surveys the population characterization. It is integrated by three approaches; morphological, that includes qualitative and quantitative corporal measures, zootechnical, that includes the assessment of both reproductive and productive performance, and genetic, that includes DNA analysis using microsatelites. The in situ genetic preservation. Involves the establishment of conservation centres, to keep individuals from different populations with the highest phenotypic and genetic variability, and small inbreeding value y, the ex situ genetic preservation. It involves the establishment of genetic resource banks (semen, embryos). In Yucatan, there are 238 pure Mexican Hairless Pigs, confirming the endangered status of this genetic resource. It has been collected 25 morphologic variables, 18 quantitative and 7 qualitative. Some reproductive variables are considered appropriated for these special breeding conditions: fertility (94.8 percent), postpartum interval of anoestrus (95.3 days) and interval between births (197.1 days). However, litter size (5.2), litter birth weight (4.47 kg), litter weight at weaning (16.0 kg), individual birth weight (860 g), individual weight at weaning (4.0 kg), are smaller than those from other reports. Mortality from birth to weaning is of 20 percent. It is considered, that all of these variables may be improved in a short time period. At the moment, DNA from 101 samples (32 hair, 69 blood) has been studied by using 26 microsatellite, recommended by FAO/ISAG for diversity studies. We have established a nucleus of 10 males, which are currently assessed for use in artificial insemination.Se plantean las estrategias de actuación para garantizar la conservación genética del cerdo Pelón mexicano. El estudio se desarrolla en el estado mexicano de Yucatán a partir del establecimiento de cuatro estrategias de actuación: La descripción de la población. Consiste en recopilar datos de interés aplicando un modelo de encuestas, la caracterización de la población. Consta de tres tipos, la morfológica que incluye la medición de cerdos considerando variables cualitativas y cuantitativas, la zootécnica que consiste en la captura de parámetros reproductivos y productivos y, la genética que consiste en el análisis de ADN a partir de microsatélites. La conservación genética in situ. Consiste en la creación de centros de conservación a partir de animales vivos que provienen de explotaciones distintas con la mayor variabilidad fenotípica, máxima variabilidad genética y mínima consanguinidad y la conservación genética ex situ. Que incluye el establecimiento de bancos de germoplasma. Existen 238 cerdos Pelón puros lo cual confirma el estado de riesgo del recurso. Se han medido 25 variables morfológicas, 18 cuantitativas y 7 cualitativas. La fertilidad global (94,8 p.100), días abiertos (95,3) e intervalo entre partos (197,1 días) son adecuados, por su parte el tamaño de camada (5,2), peso de camada al nacimiento (4,47), destete (16,0) y los pesos promedios del nacimiento (860 g) al destete (4,0 kg) fueron inferiores a los que reportan otros trabajos. La mortalidad predestete es de 20 p.100, no obstante dichos parámetros son factibles de mejorar. Se ha extraído el ADN de 101 muestras (32 de pelo y 69 de sangre) y se han estudiado 26 microsatélites recomendados por la FAO/ISAG para estudios de diversidad. Existe un núcleo de 10 machos que están siendo evaluados en el centro para inseminación artificial

    Valoración genética BLUP en el Merino Autóctono Español

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    Utilizando los registros productivos de 7.429 corderos de 17 ganaderías pertenecientes al Núcleo de Control Cárn ico del Ovino Merino Autóctono Español yempleando la metodologfa BlUP modelo animal, se ha estimado el mérito genético expresado en desviaciones frente a la media probladonal de 11.914 animales (142 moruecos, 4. 361 ovejas), para 10 ca racteres relacionados con la aptitud cárnica. El modelo matemático empleado incluye como efectos fijos, la ganadería-año-estación, el sexo de la cría, el tipo de parto y la edad de la oveja al parto como covariable (lineal y cuadrática) y como efectos aleatorios, el efecto genético di recto, el efecto genético maternal y el efecto ambiental permanente

    Morphostructural characterisation of Spanish Alano as a base for its conservation: preliminar results

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    Using 68 pure exemplars of the Spanish Alano Dog Breed (37 males and 31 females) we have developed a preliminary study of the breed characterisation analysing several morphostructural variables as a base for the definition of racial pattern, considering that a one of the main objectives of the project entitled Planning of the recuperation and conservation of the Spanish Alano canine breed. All the studied zoometric variables reflected bigger values if males than in females, but we could not proved statistically a clear sexual dimorphism in most of the studied variables. Our results coincide with descriptions and data published by other authors with respect to this breed. In general, from this study we conclude that this population is characterised by braquicephalic proportions, and sublongilineous body proportions, all inside a strong and compact morphostructure. It permit us to clasify this breed inside the group of light molosoids caught dogs.Sobre un total de 68 ejemplares de la raza Alano Español (37 machos y 31 hembras) se realiza un estudio de caracterización racial preliminar, analizando diversas variables morfoestructurales, como base para su utilización en la redacción del patrón racial, considerado como uno de los objetivos iniciales prioritarios en el proyecto denominado Planificación de la recuperación y conservación de la raza canina Alano Español. Todas las variables zoométricas estudiadas reflejaron valores mayores en machos que en hembras, aunque no comprobamos estadísticamente un dimorfismo sexual manifiesto en la mayoría de dichas variables. Asimismo nuestros resultados concuerdan con las descripciones y datos aportados por los distintos autores que estudiaron esta raza anteriormente. En líneas generales, de este estudio se puede concluir que la población estudiada se caracteriza por presentar características braquicéfalas, y proporciones corporales sublongilíneas dentro de una morfoestructura general fuerte y compacta, lo que nos permite encuadrar esta raza dentro del grupo de perros molosos ligeros de presa

    Zootechnical evolution in the spanish merino in early times and future

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    The Spanish native Merino sheep breed is perhaps the most important of the Spanish zootechnical successes. The repercussion of this breed has evolved not only the animal production but also other aspects such as laws, language and the history of this country. Over the years the Spanish Merinos have found several difficulties that have produced many oscillations in their census. Among them, undoubtedly the most significative has been the falling down of the wool price in the sixties, which made a change in the productive objectives planned for the breed. Recently the Merinos Association of breeders have developed a programme of selection and improvement, presently in a great level. The philosophy of this programme is based on the improvement of meat characteristics with the selection of direct and maternal additive genotypes, maintaining the morphological characteristics and the rusticity of the breed. In this communication the master lines to design a competitive future for this breed are described.La raza ovina Merino Autóctono Español es, quizás, el más emblemático de los logros de la zootecnia española, es una raza cuya importancia ha arraigado no sólo en la producción animal sino incluso en otros aspectos como la legislación, el léxico y la historia de nuestro país. En el transcurrir de los años diferentes dificultades le han inducido a significativas oscilaciones censales, de entre ellas la más grave ha sido sin duda la caída de los precios de la lana en la década de los sesenta que obligó a un cambio de planteamientos en los objetivos productivos de esta raza. Fue necesaria una transformación urgente de unas poblaciones de doble función lana-carne a otras donde destacaran más los aspectos cárnicos. Recientemente la Asociación de Criadores de Ganado Merino ha implementado un Programa de Selección y Mejora que ya se encuentra a un gran nivel de desarrollo, y cuya filosofía se basa en la mejora de los caracteres cárnicos de esta raza a través de la selección del genotipo directo y materno, manteniendo las características raciales y rusticidad propias de la raza. En esta comunicación también se trazan las líneas para diseñar un futuro competitivo para la raza Merina

    El cerdo Pelón Mexicano: programa de conservación genética de una raza en peligro

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    Here is described the programme of genetic conservation of the Mexican Hair-less pig under development in the Yukatan State (Mexico). It consists of several actions on the characterization of the population and its management system, the in situ and ex situ conservation, and the coordination. The results obtained by the moment are summarized.Aquí se describe el programa de conservación genética del cerdo Pelón Mexicano en desarrollo en el Estado de Yukatan (México). Consiste en varias acciones sobre la caracterización de la población y de sus sistemas de explotación, la conservación in situ y ex situ y la coordinación. Se resumen los resultados obtenidos hasta el momento

    The use of low level laser therapy in the treatment of temporomandibular joint disorders. Review of the literature

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    Introduction: The temporomandibular disorders (TMDs) have been identified as the most important cause of pain in the facial region. The low level laser therapy (LLLT) has demonstrated to have an analgesic, anti-inflammatory and biostimulating effects. The LLLT is a noninvasive, quick and safe, non-pharmaceutical intervention that may be beneficial for patients with TMDs. However the clinical efficiency of LLLT in the treatment of this kind of disorders is controversial. Objectives: Literature review in reference to the use of LLLT in the treatment of TMDs, considering the scientific evidence level of the published studies. Material and methods: A MEDLINE and COCHRANE database search was made for articles. The keywords used were 'temporomandibular disorders' and 'low level laser therapy' or 'phototherapy' and by means of the Boolean operator 'AND'. The search provided a bank of 35 articles, and 16 relevant articles were selected to this review. These articles were critically analyzed and classified according to their level of scientific evidence. This analysis produced 3 literature review articles and 13 are clinical trials. The SORT criteria (Strength of Recommendation Taxonomy) was used to classify the articles. Results: Only one article presented an evidence level 1, twelve presented an evidence level 2, and three presented an evidence level 3. According to the principle of evidence-based dentistry, currently there is a scientific evidence level B in favor of using LLLT for treatment of TMDs. Discussion and conclusions: Publications on the use of LLLT for treatment of TMDs are limited making difficult to compare the different studies due to the great variability of the studied variables and the selected laser parameters. The great majority of the studies concluded that the results should be taken with caution due to the methodological limitations

    Genetic characterization of the mexican hair-less pig by means of molecular markers

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    Long time ago the Mexican Hair-less pig has been considered as a not improved and not valuable ecotype, nevertheless there are few information about the genetics of their populations. In this work we are determining the genetic variability that could exist in the population of Hair-less pigs existing in the rural areas of the Mexican state of Yucatan, as well as in the population of animals, belonging to the center of genetic conservation of the Agricultural Technological Institute N.2. The experiment was divided in two phases, one on the field and another in the laboratory. On one hand, 102 samples were obtained (69 of blood and 33 of hair) from both populations. In the laboratory the DNA was extracted and was amplified by means of the Polimerase Chain Reaction to study 26 microsatellites recommended by the FAO/ISAG for studies of genetic diversity. The alleles number was analyzed, the frequencies alleles, the hetererozygosity (Genepop version programs 3,1c) and the content of polymorphic information (PIC). We observe as in the population coming from the state of Yucatan all the loci were polymorphic, with an average of 7,07 alleles. We also observe that the loci S0355, S0227 are homozygotic. In the population of animals coming from the rescue center most of the loci were polymorphic with the exception of the S0355 and S0215 that were homozygotic, with an alleles average of 3,65. The PIC also reflect the polymorphism detected in most of the locus in both populations. These results are similar to those obtained with different varieties of Iberian pig. According to this, we can consider that the population of hair-less pigs in the state of Yucatan represents a source of genetic variability that could be of utility in the future.Desde tiempos atrás al Cerdo Pelón Mexicano se le ha considerado como un biotipo no mejorado y sin atributos comerciales, no obstante se carece de información sobre la genética de sus poblaciones. En este trabajo se pretende determinar la variabilidad genética que existe en la población de cerdos del biotipo Pelón que se encuentra en las áreas rurales del estado Mexicano de Yucatán, así como en la población perteneciente al centro de conservación genética que se tiene para este biotipo en el Instituto Tecnológico Agropecuario Nº 2. En la fase de campo se obtuvieron 102 muestras (69 de sangre y 33 de pelo) en ambas poblaciones. En la fase de laboratorio se extrajo el ADN de cada una de las muestras por la técnica del Chelex y fueron amplificadas por medio de la reacción en cadena de la polimerasa para estudiar 26 microsatélites recomendados por la FAO/ISAG para estudios de diversidad genética en porcinos. Se analizó el número de alelos, las frecuencias alélicas, las heterocigosidad (Genepop versión 3,1c) y el contenido de información polimórfica (PIC). Se observó que en los animales procedentes del estado de Yucatán todos los loci fueron polimórficos, con un promedio de 7,07, también que existen 2 alelos que son homocigotos para dos locis diferentes (S0355, S0227). En la población de animales procedentes del centro de rescate la mayoría de los loci fueron polimórficos a excepción del S0355 y S0215 que resultaron homocigotos, con un promedio de 3,65 alelos. Así mismo la heterocigosidad y el PIC reflejan el polimorfismo detectado en la mayoría de los locus en ambas poblaciones. Estos resultados son similares a los de otros autores en diferentes variedades de cerdo Ibérico. La población de cerdos pelones del estado de Yucatán son una fuente importante de variabilidad genética que puede ser de utilidad en un futuro inmediato

    The Questionnaire of Intention to Help in VAW Cases (QIHVC): Development and preliminary results

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    Introduction: Violence against women (VAW) is a worldwide social and health problem of epidemic proportions. This violence is preventable, and bystander programs are one of the possible preventative strategies. The main purpose of this research was to develop a tool that, by applying a contrastive methodology for its application in different forms of violence (forms of gender-based violence, such as intimate partner VAW, sexual harassment at work, and street harassment, and common violence, such as a robbery), would allow measuring the probability of occurrence of bystander response in the face of these types of violence with good evidence of content validity. Method: Firstly (Study 1), an initial version of a measure tool, the Questionnaire of Intention to Help in VAW Cases (QIHVC), was developed; secondly (Study 2), a Delphi (modified) study was carried out to obtain valid, content-based evidence; and finally (Study 3), a pilot study was carried out to evaluate the appropriate functioning of the QIHVC and, if required, to make any necessary adjustments. Results and discussion: The main result is the development of a set of case scenarios and a questionnaire related to its content which constitutes the QIHVC and, in its initial approximation, seems to constitute an adequate and sensible tool to capture the differences between the characterizations of common violence and VAW and in the possible response of bystanders in the face of such violenc