2,299 research outputs found

    Study of 9Be+12C elastic scattering at energies near the Coulomb barrier

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    In this work, angular distribution measurements for the elastic channel were performed for the 9Be+12C reaction at the energies ELab=13.0, 14.5, 17.3, 19.0 and 21.0 MeV, near the Coulomb barrier. The data have been analyzed in the framework of the double folding S\~ao Paulo potential. The experimental elastic scattering angular distributions were well described by the optical potential at forward angles for all measured energies. However, for the three highest energies, an enhancement was observed for intermediate and backward angles. This can be explained by the elastic transfer mechanism. Keywords: 9Be+12C, Elastic Scattering, S\~aoo Paulo Potential

    Influência das variáveis meteorológicas na temperatura da superfície da Caatinga em Petrolina, PE.

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    A análise da temperatura de um organismo compreende a principal variável utilizada para a compreensão de sua termorregulação. Esta por sua vez, pode variar em função de elementos meteorológicos e principalmente da disponibilidade hídrica do local, sendo um indicador do grau de estresse hídrico da vegetação. O objetivo deste trabalho foi analisar a influencia de variáveis ambientais nos valores da temperatura da superfície da caatinga em Petrolina, PE. Para tanto, realizou-se um experimento em uma área de caatinga preservada pertencente à Embrapa Semiárido, Petrolina ? PE. As medições foram realizadas durante o ano de 2012 por meio de uma torre micrometeorológica de 16m de altura equipada com um sistema de aquisição de dados datalogger. Para determinação da temperatura da superfície utilizou-se o termômetro infravermelho (SI111) instalado a 13,9 metros de altura da superfície do solo. Concomitantemente, foram realizadas medidas dos elementos meteorológicos: temperatura do ar, déficit de pressão de vapor, radiação solar e umidade relativa do ar. Procedeu-se realizando correlações para analisar a influencia de cada variável nos valores médios da temperatura da superfície por meio de regressões e do coeficiente de determinação. Com os resultados observou-se que as variáveis que melhor representaram a temperatura da superfície foram a temperatura do ar e o déficit de pressão de vapor com r² iguais a 0,856 e 0,6327. Essas informações podem ser utilizadas para melhor compreender as respostas dessa área de Caatinga às condições do ambiente, bem como para subsidiar estudos de fluxos de carbono e modelagem climática no Bioma Caatinga

    Karyotypic; Characterization of representatives from Melolonthinae (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae): karyotypic analysis, banding and fluorescent in siyu hybridization (FISH).

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    The aim study is to investigate the meiotic chromosomes of males of the species Phyllophage (Phytalus) vestita, Phyllophage aff capillata and Lyogenys fuscus using conventional stating, differential chromosome banding techniques and fluorescent in situ hybridization (FISH). the use of these techniques permitted a comparative analysis of the three Melolonthinae species studied

    6Li direct breakup lifetimes

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    alpha-d coincidence data were studied for the 6Li + 59Co reaction at E(lab) = 29.6 MeV. By using a kinematic analysis, it was possible to identify which process, leading to the same final state, has the major contribution for each of the selected angular regions. Contributions of the 6Li sequential and direct breakup to the incomplete fusion/transfer process were discussed by considering the lifetimes obtained by using a semiclassical approach, for both breakup components.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figures, Invited Talk (Parrallel Sessions) of A. Szanto de Toledo, prepared for the Proccedings of the 10th International Conference on Nucleus-Nucleus Collisions, August 16-21, 2009, Beijing, China; submitted to Nucl. Phys. A (Proceedings of NN2009

    Structural properties of crumpled cream layers

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    The cream layer is a complex heterogeneous material of biological origin which forms spontaneously at the air-milk interface. Here, it is studied the crumpling of a single cream layer packing under its own weight at room temperature in three-dimensional space. The structure obtained in these circumstances has low volume fraction and anomalous fractal dimensions. Direct means and noninvasive NMR imaging technique are used to investigate the internal and external structure of these systems.Comment: 9 pages, 4 figures, accepted in J. Phys. D: Appl. Phy

    Public perceptions of hazards associated with Brazil nuts (Bertholletia excelsa) : evaluation of risk within an European context

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    One of the most important economic plants of the Amazon is the Brazil nut (Bertholletia excelsa). Brazil nuts for international trade are mainly obtained from wild collection rather than from plantations, often cited as one of the most important products of extractive reserves in Amazonia. The European Commission (2003/493/EC) has imposed strict regulations on the import from Brazil of Brazil nuts in their shells, as the shells have been found to contain high levels of aflatoxins, which can lead to liver cancer. This may have a negative impact on the Brazilian exports of shelled Brazil nuts, due to possible public awareness. The aim of the present research is to assess public perceptions regarding Brazil nuts and to contrast these with other nuts in general through the use of the Portuguese version of the Perceived Food Risk Index (PFRI). A sample of 418 consumers was drawn through a door-to-door interview using a random route walk procedure and following a quota sampling controlled for sex, age and location. Consumers were asked to choose the most relevant quality and preservation characteristics and to identify their consumption patterns for Brazil nuts and for nuts in general. Risk perception was evaluated over ten risk characteristics, for each of the following hazards: i) aflatoxins; ii) biological contaminants; iii) organoleptic changes; iv) fragments and strange bodies and v) microbial contamination. Additionally, subjects were asked to rate the probability of each hazard occurring in Brazil nuts or in nuts in general. Results show high consumptions of nuts in general, and a reduced consumption of Brazil nuts, although with low differences on the dimensions of risk perception. Concluding, this work adds to knowledge about the perceptions of risk connected to Brazil nuts consumption, namely that consumers perceive Brazil nuts as safe as nuts in general

    Flat-band quantum communication induced by disorder

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    We show that a qubit transfer protocol can be realized through a flat band hosted by a disordered XXXX spin-1/2 diamond chain. In the absence of disorder, the transmission becomes impossible due to the compact localized states forming the flat band. When off-diagonal disorder is considered, the degeneracy of the band is preserved but the associated states are no longer confined to the unit cells. By perturbatively coupling the sender and receiver to the flat band, we derive a general effective Hamiltonian resembling a star network model with two hubs. The effective couplings correspond to wavefunctions associated with the flat-band modes. Specific relationships between these parameters define the quality of the quantum-state transfer which, in turn, are related to the degree of localization in the flat band. Our findings establish a framework for further studies of flat bands in the context of quantum communication.Comment: 7 figures, 8 page