326 research outputs found

    Should I stay or should I go? What we can learn from working patterns of Central and Eastern European labour migrants about the nature of present-day migration.

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    In this paper, we examine the extent to which the employment histories of Central and Eastern EU (CEE) labour migrants exhibit patterns of temporary, circular or settlement migration. We expect to find these diverse and changeable patterns following the phenomenon of ‘New European Migration’. By distinguishing between working patterns we are able to describe actual migration behaviour to the destination country more accurately. We use wage data to track a cohort of all employees who worked in the Netherlands in June 2010, for a period of five years. Our findings show that the majority of CEE labour migrants stopped working as employees in the Netherlands within five years, mostly after an uninterrupted single period of employment. In addition, a third of CEE labour migrants engage in settlement migration, working continuously in the Netherlands for a long period. Only a very small proportion can be considered as circular migrants. This contradicts our expectations regarding New European Migration, that there would be fewer labour migrants with uninterrupted periods of work and more labour migrants working for shorter periods

    Exposure to antibiotics and neurodevelopmental disorders: could probiotics modulate the gut–brain axis?

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    In order to develop properly, the brain requires the intricate interconnection of genetic factors and pre-and postnatal environmental events. The gut–brain axis has recently raised considerable interest for its involvement in regulating the development and functioning of the brain. Consequently, alterations in the gut microbiota composition, due to antibiotic administration, could favor the onset of neurodevelopmental disorders. Literature data suggest that the modulation of gut microbiota is often altered in individuals affected by neurodevelopmental disorders. It has been shown in animal studies that metabolites released by an imbalanced gut–brain axis, leads to alterations in brain function and deficits in social behavior. Here, we report the potential effects of antibiotic administration, before and after birth, in relation to the risk of developing neurodevelopmental disorders. We also review the potential role of probiotics in treating gastrointestinal disorders associated with gut dysbiosis after antibiotic administration, and their possible effect in ameliorating neurodevelopmental disorder symptoms

    Explaining differences in unemployment benefit takeup between labour migrants and Dutch native workers

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    The large increase in Eastern European migrants entering the Dutch labour market has led to concerns about their potential claim on Dutch unemployment benefits. We use a decomposition analysis to investigate differences in uptake of unemployment benefits between migrants and native Dutch employees by analysing register data for all employees in the Netherlands in 2015. The results show that Eastern European migrants, similar to other migrants, receive unemployment benefit more often than native Dutch employees. This difference can be largely ascribed to job characteristics. The inclusion of unemployment risk in the analysis reveals that non-working migrants are much less likely to receive unemployment benefits than Dutch natives

    Towards Model Checking Executable UML Specifications in mCRL2

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    We describe a translation of a subset of executable UML (xUML) into the process algebraic specification language mCRL2. This subset includes class diagrams with class generalisations, and state machines with signal and change events. The choice of these xUML constructs is dictated by their use in the modelling of railway interlocking systems. The long-term goal is to verify safety properties of interlockings modelled in xUML using the mCRL2 and LTSmin toolsets. Initial verification of an interlocking toy example demonstrates that the safety properties of model instances depend crucially on the run-to-completion assumptions

    A transition system semantics for the control-driven coordination language Manifold

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    AbstractCoordination languages are a new class of parallel programming languages which manage the interactions among concurrent programs. Basically, coordination is achieved either by manipulating data values shared among all active processes or by dynamically evolving the interconnections among the processes as a consequence of observations of their state changes. The latter, also called control-driven coordination, is supported by MANIFOLD. We present the formal semantics of a kernel of MANIFOLD, based on a two-level transition system model: the first level is used to specify the ideal behavior of each single component in a MANIFOLD system, whereas the second level captures their interactions. Although we apply our two-level model in this paper to define the semantics of a control-oriented coordination language, this approach is useful for the formal studies of other coordination models and languages as well

    Parallelizing Deadlock Resolution in Symbolic Synthesis of Distributed Programs

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    Previous work has shown that there are two major complexity barriers in the synthesis of fault-tolerant distributed programs: (1) generation of fault-span, the set of states reachable in the presence of faults, and (2) resolving deadlock states, from where the program has no outgoing transitions. Of these, the former closely resembles with model checking and, hence, techniques for efficient verification are directly applicable to it. Hence, we focus on expediting the latter with the use of multi-core technology. We present two approaches for parallelization by considering different design choices. The first approach is based on the computation of equivalence classes of program transitions (called group computation) that are needed due to the issue of distribution (i.e., inability of processes to atomically read and write all program variables). We show that in most cases the speedup of this approach is close to the ideal speedup and in some cases it is superlinear. The second approach uses traditional technique of partitioning deadlock states among multiple threads. However, our experiments show that the speedup for this approach is small. Consequently, our analysis demonstrates that a simple approach of parallelizing the group computation is likely to be the effective method for using multi-core computing in the context of deadlock resolution

    DiVinE-CUDA - A Tool for GPU Accelerated LTL Model Checking

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    In this paper we present a tool that performs CUDA accelerated LTL Model Checking. The tool exploits parallel algorithm MAP adjusted to the NVIDIA CUDA architecture in order to efficiently detect the presence of accepting cycles in a directed graph. Accepting cycle detection is the core algorithmic procedure in automata-based LTL Model Checking. We demonstrate that the tool outperforms non-accelerated version of the algorithm and we discuss where the limits of the tool are and what we intend to do in the future to avoid them

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    23 февраля 2011 года исполнилось 75 лет со дня рождения главного инженера Днепродзержинской ГЭС — Кучерявого Владислава Семеновича.15 июня 2011 г. исполняется 70 лет ученому — гидроэнергетику, доктору технических наук, начальнику отдела расчетного обоснования ПАО "Укргидропроект", профессору, заведующему кафедрой гидротехнического строительства Харьковского государственного технического университета строительства и архитектуры Александру Исааковичу Вайнбергу