453 research outputs found

    On the Sensitivity of a Hollow Sphere as a Multi-modal Resonant Gravitational Wave Detector

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    We present a numerical analysis to simulate the response of a spherical resonant gravitational wave detector and to compute its sensitivity. Under the assump- tion of optimal filtering, we work out the sensitivity curve for a sphere first taking into account only a single transducer, and then using a coherent analysis of the whole set of transducers.Comment: 24 pages, 11 figures, published versio

    Porto-sinusoidal vascular disorder.

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    It is well established that portal hypertension can occur in the absence of cirrhosis, as reported in patients with immune disorders, infections and thrombophilia. However, similar histological abnormalities primarily affecting the hepatic sinusoidal and (peri)portal vasculature have also been observed in patients without portal hypertension. Thus, the term porto-sinusoidal vascular disorder (PSVD) has recently been introduced to describe a group of vascular diseases of the liver featuring lesions encompassing the portal venules and sinusoids, irrespective of the presence/absence of portal hypertension. Liver biopsy is fundamental for PSVD diagnosis. Specific histology findings include nodular regenerative hyperplasia, obliterative portal venopathy/portal vein stenosis and incomplete septal fibrosis/cirrhosis. Since other conditions including alcohol-related and non-alcoholic fatty liver disease, or viral hepatitis, or the presence of portal vein thrombosis may occur in patients with PSVD, their relative contribution to liver damage should be carefully assessed. In addition to histology and clinical diagnostic criteria, imaging and non-invasive tests such as liver and spleen stiffness measurements could aid in the diagnostic workup. The introduction of PSVD as a novel clinical entity will facilitate collaborative studies and investigations into the underlying molecular pathomechanisms encompassed by this term

    Sensitivity of the spherical gravitational wave detector MiniGRAIL operating at 5 K

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    We present the performances and the strain sensitivity of the first spherical gravitational wave detector equipped with a capacitive transducer and read out by a low noise two-stage SQUID amplifier and operated at a temperature of 5 K. We characterized the detector performance in terms of thermal and electrical noise in the system output sygnal. We measured a peak strain sensitivity of 1.51020Hz1/21.5\cdot 10^{-20} Hz^{-1/2} at 2942.9 Hz. A strain sensitivity of better than 51020Hz1/25\cdot 10{-20}Hz{-1/2} has been obtained over a bandwidth of 30 Hz. We expect an improvement of more than one order of magnitude when the detector will operate at 50 mK. Our results represent the first step towards the development of an ultracryogenic omnidirectional detector sensitive to gravitational radiation in the 3kHz range.Comment: 8 pages, 5 figures, submitted to Physical Review

    MiniGRAIL progress report 2004

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    The MiniGRAIL detector was improved. The sphere was replaced by a slightly larger one, having a diameter of 68 cm (instead of 65 cm), reducing the resonant frequency by about 200 Hz to around 2.9 kHz. The last four masses of the attenuation system were machined to increase their resonant frequency and improve the attenuation around the resonant frequency of the sphere. In the new sphere, six holes were machined on the TIGA positions for easy mounting of the transducers. During the last cryogenic run, two capacitive transducers and a calibrator were mounted on the sphere. The first transducer was coupled to a double-stage SQUID amplifier having a commercial quantum design SQUID as a first stage and a DROS as a second stage. The second transducer was read by a single-stage quantum design SQUID. During the cryogenic run, the sphere was cooled down to 4 K. The two-stage SQUID had a flux noise of about 1.6 μ0 Hz−1/2. The detector was calibrated and the sensitivity curve of MiniGRAIL was determined

    Efficacy and Safety of Direct-Acting Oral Anticoagulants Use in Acute Portal Vein Thrombosis Unrelated to Cirrhosis

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    In acute portal vein thrombosis (APVT) unrelated to cirrhosis, anticoagulant therapy is classically started with low molecular weight heparin or vitamin K antagonists. New direct-acting oral anticoagulants (DOACs) are used in the treatment of venous thrombosis outside the splanchnic vascular bed, but not in the latter. We report a young female with APVT occurring in a non-cirrhotic liver linked to heterozygosity of factor V-Leiden and prothrombin G20210A gene mutations. Rivaroxaban was started, with total recanalization of the left and partial recanalization of the right portal vein branches, without complications. New DOACs do not need daily subcutaneous injections nor routinely blood coagulation control tests, making its use attractive, eventually increasing patient's compliance. If proved to be safe and effective in the future studies, its use may be extended to PVT treatment. This case shows that rivaroxaban was safe, not only prevented the extension of thrombosis in the portal tract, but also resolved PVT, at least partially.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Development of a transducer for MiniGrail

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    Abstract We are developing a two-mode inductive resonant transducer for MiniGrail. We report several quality factor measurements, down to 4.2 K, performed on a scaled size resonator in different conditions: when suspended from a wire and when clamped, by thermal contraction techniques, into a hole of a sphere of 150 mm diameter and 14 kg mass. Q-factor measurements of a first resonator prototype at 4.2 K for MiniGrail are also presented. Finally, a fabrication process for a Nb film pick-up coil is described

    Development of frequency domain multiplexing for the X-ray Integral Field Unit (X-IFU) on the Athena

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    We are developing the frequency domain multiplexing (FDM) read-out of transition-edge sensor (TES) microcalorimeters for the X-ray Integral Field Unit (X-IFU) instrument on board of the future European X-Ray observatory Athena. The X-IFU instrument consists of an array of \sim3840 TESs with a high quantum efficiency (>>90 \%) and spectral resolution ΔE\Delta E=2.5 eV @@ 7 keV (E/ΔEE/\Delta E\sim2800). FDM is currently the baseline readout system for the X-IFU instrument. Using high quality factor LC filters and room temperature electronics developed at SRON and low-noise two stage SQUID amplifiers provided by VTT, we have recently demonstrated good performance with the FDM readout of Mo/Au TES calorimeters with Au/Bi absorbers. An integrated noise equivalent power resolution of about 2.0 eV at 1.7 MHz has been demonstrated with a pixel from a new TES array from NASA/Goddard (GSFC-A2). We have achieved X-ray energy resolutions \sim2.5 eV at AC bias frequency at 1.7 MHz in the single pixel read-out. We have also demonstrated for the first time an X-ray energy resolution around 3.0 eV in a 6 pixel FDM read-out with TES array (GSFC-A1). In this paper we report on the single pixel performance of these microcalorimeters under MHz AC bias, and further results of the performance of these pixels under FDM.Comment: 8 pages, 4 figures, Proceedings of the SPIE Astronomical Instrumentation "Space Telescopes and Instrumentation 2014: Ultraviolet to Gamma Ray

    Cytomegalovirus Prophylaxis versus Pre-emptive Strategy: Different CD4(+) and CD8(+) T Cell Reconstitution after Allogeneic Hematopoietic Stem Cell Transplantation

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    Reconstitution of T cells after transplantation is a determinant of the long-term success of the procedure, and the correlation with T cell recovery and cytomegalovirus reactivation and disease is well known. We evaluated 110 patients who underwent transplantation: 55 received pre-emptive antiviral treatment, and in the other 55 patients, prophylaxis with letermovir was employed. A progressive statistically significant difference in T cell reconstitution between the 2 groups was observed, starting from day +60 with faster recovery in the pre-emptive group. Moreover, a higher incidence of cytomegalovirus reactivation was observed in prophylactic group after discontinuation of letermovir, and subsequent antiviral treatment has been necessary. Our findings confirm, as previously reported, that cytomegalovirus reactivation is a potent stimulator of T cell function