678 research outputs found

    Isolation and Identification of Bacteria in the Rotifer Mass Culture Medium

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    The objectives of this study are to isolate, to identify and to determine the dominant bacteria in the rotifer (brachionus rotundiformis) culture medium. Stages of the method done were by isolating bacteria in the initial uptake condition and final condition of rotifer population, total bacterial analysis, biochemical tests and water quality. Availability of substrate (raw fish) collected at the base trigger an increase in the number of bacteria to 2.7 X 104 CFU / mL. It is identified that 97 isolates are Halococcus sp bacterial which are kemoheterotrof. The species that are able to survive during the cycle density on rotifer mass culture medium is H. saccharolyticus with a percentage of 54.6%. Keywords: bacterial identification, rotten fish, halococcus sp., rotifers, water qualit

    Pengaruh Penerapan Muatan Lokal Ilmu Gizi Berbasis Makanan Khas Daerah Gorontalo terhadap Perilaku Gizi Siswa Smu di Kota Gorontalo

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    Pendidikan muatan lokal ilmu gizi berbasis makanan khas daerah Gorontalo ditujukan untuk meningkatkan pengetahuan dan pemahaman siswa tentang gizi dan kesehatan. Tujuan penelitian adalah mengetahui perilaku siswa, pengaruh materi dan metode pada perilaku siswa, perbedaan perilaku siswa yang menerapkan mulok dan tidak menerapkan. Jenis penelitian adalah survei analitik dengan desain cross sectional study. Sampel adalah seluruh siswa kelas sebelas, yaitu 34 dan 39 siswa. Hasil penelitian menunjukan terdapat hubungan antara materi dengan pengetahuan dan sikap, p=0,000 dan p=0,031<0,05. Materi dengan tindakan tidak menunjukkan hubungan, p=0,790. Tidak terdapat hubungan antara metode mengajar dengan pengetahuan dan tindakan, p=0,183 dan p=0,217. Metode dengan sikap menunjukan hubungan, p=0,037. Tidak terdapat perbedaan antara pengetahuan dan sikap, p=0,817 dan p=0,733. Untuk tindakan menunjukan perbedaan yang bermakna, p=0,044. Kesimpulannya adalah tidak terdapat perbedaan yang bermakna antara pengetahuan dan sikap siswa SMA yang menerapkan mulok ilmu gizi berbasis makanan khas daerah Gorontalo dan yang tidak menerapkan sedangkan untuk praktik/ tindakan menunjukan perbedaan yang bermakna

    Effect of Package Type and Storage Duration on TBA Values of Shredded Eel

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    This study aims to determine the effect of the type of packaging and storage time at room temperature on the quality of shredded eel (Anguilla sp.) Especially in TBA (Thiobarbituric acid). The main research used the experimental method. Especially to determine the TBA value using a Completely Randomized Design (CRD) 3 × 4 factorial and 2 replications. TBA value of shredded eel during storage increased. The results of the analysis with the use of different packages during storage have a very significant effect on the increase in TBA values. The highest TBA value in eel shredded for up to 56 days storage was TBA in plastic jars of 0.3849 mg / kg and the lowest in vacuum plastic packaging of 0.1439 mg / kg. Keywords: packaging; storage time; shredded; eel; Anguilla sp.; TBA; Thiobarbituric aci

    Increase in Knowledge of Dental Health Using Animated Video

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    Dental health problems are a very important concern in child development because of the vulnerability of school-age children to dental health problems. It happens because of problems with knowledge about dental health in children. This study aims to determine the increase in dental health knowledge using animated video media for health education in elementary school students in North Mollo. This is a pre-experimental design, with a one group pre-test and post-test design research design. This design does not have a comparison group, but at least a first observation (pre-test) has been made which allows testing of changes that occur after the experiment. The sampling technique used in this study was the purposive sampling technique, and the sample size is 51 students. The results of the analysis using the Wilcoxon statistical test showed that the animated video was effective to increase knowledge about dental health with a significance value (ρ) 0.00 &lt;(α) 0.05. Animated video media can be used as an outreach technique about maintaining dental health in elementary school-aged children

    Pengaruh Dana Alokasi Umum (DAU) dan Pendapatan Asli Daerah (PAD) terhadap Belanja Modal dan Kemandirian Keuangan Daerah Provinsi Sulawesi Tenggara

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    The aim of this study was to determine: 1) the effect of DAU on capital expenses; 2)the effect of PAD on capital axpenses; 3) the effect of DAU on the independence of localfinance, 4) the effect of PAD on the independence of local finance. 5) the effect of CapitalExpenses on the independence of local finance.Data were collected by conducting a surveyand were examined with the multiple linear regression analysis using the SPSS program.Results of the study showed that the value ratio of the local financial independence ofSoutheast Sulawesi in the period from 2003 to 2015 was still categorized as low. Result ofpartial regression analysis indicated that for the first equation only DAU had positive andsignificant effect on capital expenses, whereas for the second equation both PAD and capitalexpenses variables had positive and significant effect on the local financial independence.Simultaneously, the first equation showed that DAU and PAD had positive and significanteffect on capital expenses, and so was the second equation, which showed that DAU, PAD,and capital expenses had positive and significant effect on the local financial independence.The study recommended that the local goverment continues its effort to reduce its bigreliance on DAU (general allocation budget)

    Application of Cross-Linked Polyborosiloxanes and Organically Modified Boron Silicate Binders in Silicon-Containing Anodes for Lithium-Ion Batteries

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    To determine the effect of cross-linking in polymer binders on gravimetric capacity and retention in charge/discharge cycling of lithium-ion batteries containing silicon anodes, polymers with a varied chemiophysical characters have been studied as electrode binders. Here we report the utilization of cross-linked polyborosiloxanes and a boron-modified organosilicate as binders for nanoparticulate silicon-containing anodes for lithium-ion batteries. We show that highly cross-linked binders enable a large degree of capacity to be accessed and that capacity retention is greater when the electrodes are cycled in half cells. More extensive analysis of the boron-modified organosilicate is further explored

    Perancangan Program Aplikasi Customer Service Berbasis Online

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    Kegiatan bisnis Perusahaan saat ini yang dapat didukung oleh teknologi informasi dapat digunakan juga untuk divisi customer service dalam melakukan pelayanan service. Salah satu bidang bisnis yang akan dibahas dalam skripsi ini adalah program aplikasi customer service berbasis online untuk menghubungkan dengan teknologi informasi maka diperlukan dukungan kajian ilmu dalam pengembangan sistem informasi, kajian ilmu tersebut yaitu sistem informasi. Sistem informasi adalah proses yang menjalankan fungsi mengumpulkan, memproses, menyimpan, menganalisis, dan menyebarkan informasi untuk tujuan tertentu. Metodologi yang dipakai dalam perancangan applikasi ini adalah System Development Life Cycle (SDLC). Dengan adanya aplikasi customer serivce yang sudah berbasis online dapat memudahkan staff bagian customer serivice dalam melakukan aktivitas menerima dan mengatur jadwal perbaikan. Sistem ini dirancang untuk membantu staff customer service dalam mencatat permintaan perbaikan, jadwal kunjungan dan memberikan laporan tentang customer service yang terdapat di divisi customer service