35,641 research outputs found

    Staggered-flux normal state in the weakly doped t-J model

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    A normal (non-superconducting) ground state of the t-J model may be variationally approximated by a Gutzwiller-projected wave function. Within this approximation, at small hole doping near half-filling, the normal state favors staggered-flux ordering. Such a staggered-flux state may occur in vortex cores of underdoped high-temperature cuprate superconductors. From comparing the energies of the staggered-flux state and of the superconducting state, we numerically obtain the condensation energy. Extracting the superfluid density directly from the projected superconducting wave function, we can also estimate the coherence length at zero temperature.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figure

    Ichthyoplankton community structure and comparative trophodynamics in an estuarine transition zone

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    Surveys were conducted to evaluate and compare assemblage structure and trophodynamics of ichthyoplankton, and their variability, in an estuarine transition zone. Environmental gradients in the saltfront region of the Patuxent River subestuary, Chesapeake Bay, were hypothesized to define spatiotemporal distributions and assemblages of ichthyoplankton. Larval fishes, zooplankton, and hydrographic data were collected during spring through early summer 2000 and 2001. Larvae of 28 fish species were collected and species richness was similar each year. Total larval abundance was highest in the oligohaline region down-estuary of the salt front in 2000, but highest at the salt front in 2001. Larvae of anadromous fishes were most abundant at or up-estuary of the salt front in both years. Two ichthyoplankton assemblages were distinguished: 1) riverineā€”characterized predominantly by anadromous species (Moronidae and Alosinae); and 2) estuarineā€”characterized predominantly by naked goby (Gobiosoma bosc) (Gobiidae). Temperature, dissolved oxygen, salinity-associated variables (e.g., salt-front location), and concentrations of larval prey, specifically the calanoid copepod Eurytemora affinis and the cladoceran Bosmina longirostris, were important indicators of larval fish abundance. In the tidal freshwater region up-estuary of the salt front, there was substantial diet overlap between congeneric striped bass (Morone saxatilis) and white perch (M. americana) larvae, and also larvae of alewife (Alosa pseudoharengus) (overlap= 0.71ā€“0.93). Larval abundance, taxonomic diversity, and dietary overlap were highest within and up-estuary of the salt front, which serves to both structure the ichthyoplankton community and control trophic relationships in the estuarine transition zone

    WL 17: A Young Embedded Transition Disk

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    We present the highest spatial resolution ALMA observations to date of the Class I protostar WL 17 in the Ļ\rho Ophiuchus L1688 molecular cloud complex, which show that it has a 12 AU hole in the center of its disk. We consider whether WL 17 is actually a Class II disk being extincted by foreground material, but find that such models do not provide a good fit to the broadband SED and also require such high extinction that it would presumably arise from dense material close to the source such as a remnant envelope. Self-consistent models of a disk embedded in a rotating collapsing envelope can nicely reproduce both the ALMA 3 mm observations and the broadband SED of WL 17. This suggests that WL 17 is a disk in the early stages of its formation, and yet even at this young age the inner disk has been depleted. Although there are multiple pathways for such a hole to be created in a disk, if this hole were produced by the formation of planets it could place constraints on the timescale for the growth of planetesimals in protoplanetary disks.Comment: 7 pages, 3 figures, 2 tables, accepted for publication in ApJ

    The importance of collegiality and reciprocal learning in the professional development of beginning teachers

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    This paper discusses factors which enhance induction experiences for beginning teachers. It reports the findings from case studies which explore the impact of new entrants to the teaching profession in Scotland. The data suggest that the most supportive induction processes mix both formal and informal elements, but that the informal elements such as collegiality, good communication and a welcoming workplace environment should not be underestimated. The study also highlights the potential benefits of a more collegiate environment for teachers across the career phases. Experienced teachers and new entrants had a range of experience to offer each other, thus creating more cohesive professional working which was supportive of early career teachers while encouraging reflection on practice among the more experienced professionals

    Parallel, iterative solution of sparse linear systems: Models and architectures

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    A model of a general class of asynchronous, iterative solution methods for linear systems is developed. In the model, the system is solved by creating several cooperating tasks that each compute a portion of the solution vector. A data transfer model predicting both the probability that data must be transferred between two tasks and the amount of data to be transferred is presented. This model is used to derive an execution time model for predicting parallel execution time and an optimal number of tasks given the dimension and sparsity of the coefficient matrix and the costs of computation, synchronization, and communication. The suitability of different parallel architectures for solving randomly sparse linear systems is discussed. Based on the complexity of task scheduling, one parallel architecture, based on a broadcast bus, is presented and analyzed

    A model of asynchronous iterative algorithms for solving large, sparse, linear systems

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    Solving large, sparse, linear systems of equations is one of the fundamental problems in large scale scientific and engineering computation. A model of a general class of asynchronous, iterative solution methods for linear systems is developed. In the model, the system is solved by creating several cooperating tasks that each compute a portion of the solution vector. This model is then analyzed to determine the expected intertask data transfer and task computational complexity as functions of the number of tasks. Based on the analysis, recommendations for task partitioning are made. These recommendations are a function of the sparseness of the linear system, its structure (i.e., randomly sparse or banded), and dimension

    An Integrated Approach for Evaluating Students' Achievement of Clinical Objectives

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    During the clinical phase of undergraduate medical education (UME) students are often geographically dispersed and assigned to preceptors throughout the community. Monitoring, documenting, and evaluating their clinical experiences and achievement of clinical objectives in this venue becomes a challenge, especially for large UME programs. The purpose of this manuscript is to discuss a method for developing and implementing a school-wide evaluation system for the clinical phase of UME. This type of evaluation system links students' clinical experiential data with the objectives of a clerkship, using technological advances, such as the Personal Digital Assistant (PDA), Internet, and intranet. Clerkship directors are provided real-time reports on student's progress toward achieving clerkship objectives and are able to monitor the clinical activities of the clerkship. Students on the other hand, will be empowered to take more control of their educational experiences by monitoring their own progress

    Evaluation of the capture efficiency and size selectivity of four pot types in the prospective fishery for North Pacific giant octopus (Enteroctopus dofleini)

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    Over 230 metric tons of octopus is harvested as bycatch annually in Alaskan trawl, long-line, and pot fisheries. An expanding market has fostered interest in the development of a directed fishery for North Pacific giant octopus (Enteroctopus dofleini). To investigate the potential for fishery development we examined the efficacy of four different pot types for capture of this species. During two surveys in Kachemak Bay, Alaska, strings of 16 ā€“20 sablefish, Korean hair crab, shrimp, and Kodiak wooden lair pots were set at depths ranging between 62 and 390 meters. Catch per-unit-of-ef for t estimates were highest for sablefish and lair pots. Sablefish pots caught significantly heavier North Pacific giant octopuses but also produced the highest bycatch of commercially important species, such as halibut (Hippoglossus stenolepis), Pacific cod (Gadus macrocephalus), and Tanner crab (Chionoecetes bairdi)

    Short and long distance translocations: Movement and survival in eastern box turtles (_Terrapene carolina carolina_)

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Human development represents a serious threat to wildlife populations through continued habitat loss and incidental mortality from construction activities. Resource managers responsible for protecting species with legal status or high public profile are faced with difficult decisions on how to best manage populations located in construction zones. One approach to mitigate mortalities is to relocate individuals. The effectiveness of translocation for reptiles and amphibians has been questioned, with studies often reporting higher mortality and increased movements of translocated individuals. Translocations of reptiles and amphibians have primarily involved moving animals long distances, well beyond an individual’s home range. For reptiles this means finding new nesting, foraging, and overwintering sites, which may be problematic. Moving individuals only short distances, within their home range, may reduce those problems. As part of the mitigation plan for a highway construction project in central Maryland, groups of eastern box turtles (Terrapene carolina carolina) were translocated both short distances (<0.5km), and long distances (~5km). To investigate differences in survival and movement patterns among long distance translocation, short distance translocation, and non-translocation groups, I tracked 94 turtles (31 long distance translocation, 29 short distance translocation, and 34 non-translocation) using radio telemetry. 


Eleven animals died during the first activity season after translocation (April through November 2008). The mortalities included two long distance translocation, six short distance translocation, and three non-translocation animals. The causes of mortality included road kill, construction activity, and unknown (1, 4, and 6 mortalities respectively). All construction related mortalities were a result inadequate exclusion fencing to keep turtles from trespassing back onto the construction site. All mortalities due to construction were either non-translocation or short distance translocation animals. Eleven other individuals were located at least once within the construction zone, suggesting that without our intervention mortality rates would have been much higher. Preliminary results for movement show that turtles in the non-translocation group had the lowest average movements while long distance translocation animals had the greatest average movements. Long distance translocation turtles also chose overwintering sites farther away from their initial overwintering sites than either short distance translocation or non-translocation turtles (average distance from original site of 261.8m, 155.6m, and 124.3m respectively). This suggests that movement patterns of short distance translocation turtles are more like native turtles.
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