3,355 research outputs found

    Comparing virtual patients with synthesized and natural speech

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    Virtual Patient (VP) simulations are often designed to use pre-recorded speech in order to provide more realism and immersion. However, using actors for recording these utterances has certain downsides. It can add to the cost during implementation, can take considerable time especially when a large number of VPs have to be created, and is not very flexible for example when sentences or words have to be added frequently. This study aims to explore the use of synthesized speech as an alternative to pre-recorded speech for VPs. Two medical scenarios have been prepared for this study, and both have been implemented using a VP with natural language or with synthesized speech. In a pilot study we explored students' retention rates of the symptoms reported by the VP under both conditions to investigate whether synthesized speech can serve as a good enough alternative

    An observational study of children interacting with an augmented story book

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    We present findings of an observational study investigating how young children interact with augmented reality story books. Children aged between 6 and 7 read and interacted with one of two story books aimed at early literacy education. The books pages were augmented using animated virtual 3D characters, sound, and interactive tasks. Introducing novel media to young children requires system and story designers to consider not only technological issues but also questions arising from story design and the design of interactive sequences. We discuss findings of our study and implications regarding the implementation of augmented story books

    Re-thinking resuscitation: Leaving blood pressure cosmetics behind and moving forward to permissive hypotension and a tissue perfusion-based approach

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    Definitions of shock and resuscitation endpoints traditionally focus on blood pressures and cardiac output. This carries a high risk of overemphasizing systemic hemodynamics at the cost of tissue perfusion. In line with novel shock definitions and evidence of the lack of a correlation between macro- and microcirculation in shock, we recommend that macrocirculatory resuscitation endpoints, particularly arterial and central venous pressure as well as cardiac output, be reconsidered. In this viewpoint article, we propose a three-step approach of resuscitation endpoints in shock of all origins. This approach targets only a minimum individual and context-sensitive mean arterial blood pressure (for example, 45 to 50 mm Hg) to preserve heart and brain perfusion. Further resuscitation is exclusively guided by endpoints of tissue perfusion irrespectively of the presence of arterial hypotension ('permissive hypotension'). Finally, optimization of individual tissue (for example, renal) perfusion is targeted. Prospective clinical studies are necessary to confirm the postulated benefits of targeting these resuscitation endpoints

    Influenza A(H1N1) infection and severe cardiac dysfunction in adults: A case series

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    Zusammenfassung: HINTERGRUND: Während die virale Myokarditis und das Herzversagen anerkannte und gefürchtete Komplikationen einer saisonalen Influenza A Infektion sind, liegen bislang nur wenig Informationen über ein durch das 2009 Influenza A(H1N1) Virus induziertes Herzversagen vor. METHODEN UND HAUPTERGEBNISSE: Diese Fallsammlung fasst den Krankheitsverlauf von vier Patienten mit 2009 Influenza A(H1N1) Infektion zusammen, welche an unserer Klinik im Zeitraum von November 2009 bis September 2010 behandelt wurden. Alle Patienten präsentierten sich mit einer schweren kardialen Funktionsstörung (akutes Herzversagen, kardiogener Schock oder Herzkreislaufstillstand im Rahmen eines Kammerflimmerns) als das führende Symptom einer Influenza A(H1N1) Infektion. Zwei Patienten waren mit hoher Wahrscheinlichkeit kardial vorerkrankt, und drei benötigten eine Katecholamintherapie, um die hämodynamische Funktion zu stabilisieren. Mit Ausnahme eines Patienten der vor der Diagnosestellung der Influenza A(H1N1) Infektion verstarb, wurden alle Patienten mit einer antiviralen Therapie mit Oseltamivir und supportiver Intensivtherapie behandelt. Ein Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrom infolge der Influenza A(H1N1) Infektion trat bei einem Patienten auf. Die Herzfunktion normalisierte sich bei zwei Patienten und war bei einem Patienten noch bei Krankenhausentlassung eingeschränkt. SCHLUSSFOLGERUNG: Eine Influenza A(H1N1) Infektion kann mit einer schweren kardialen Funktionseinschränkung assoziiert sein. Diese kann sich sogar als führendes klinisches Symptom darstellen. Während einer Influenza Pandemie kann eine genaue Anamneseerhebung Grippeähnliche Symptome hervorbringen und sollte auch bei kritisch kranken Patienten mit akutem Herzversagen eine Diagnostik auf H1N1 Infektion veranlasse

    Effects of short-term simultaneous infusion of dobutamine and terlipressin in patients with septic shock: the DOBUPRESS study

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    Background Terlipressin bolus infusion may reduce cardiac output and global oxygen supply. The present study was designed to determine whether dobutamine may counterbalance the terlipressin-induced depression in mixed-venous oxygen saturation (Svo2) in patients with catecholamine-dependent septic shock. Methods Prospective, randomized, controlled study performed in a university hospital intensive care unit. Septic shock patients requiring a continuous infusion of norepinephrine (0.9 µg kg−1 min−1) to maintain mean arterial pressure (MAP) at 70 (sd 5) mm Hg were randomly allocated to be treated either with (i) sole norepinephrine infusion (control, n=20), (ii) a single dose of terlipressin 1 mg (n=19), or (iii) a single dose of terlipressin 1 mg followed by dobutamine infusion titrated to reverse the anticipated reduction in Svo2 (n=20). Systemic, pulmonary, and regional haemodynamic variables were obtained at baseline and after 2 and 4 h. Laboratory surrogate markers of organ (dys)function were tested at baseline and after 12 and 24 h. Results Terlipressin (with and without dobutamine) infusion preserved MAP at 70 (5) mm Hg, while allowing to reduce norepinephrine requirements to 0.17 (0.2) and 0.2 (0.2) µg kg−1 min−1, respectively [vs1.4 (0.3) µg kg−1 min−1 in controls at 4 h; each P<0.001]. The terlipressin-linked decrease in Svo2 was reversed by dobutamine at a mean dose of 20 (8) µg kg−1 min−1 [Svo2 at 4 h: 59 (11)% vs 69 (12)%, P=0.028]. Conclusions In human catecholamine-dependent septic shock, terlipressin (with and without concomitant dobutamine infusion) increases MAP and markedly reduces norepinephrine requirements. Although no adverse events were noticed in the present study, potential benefits of increasing Svo2 after terlipressin bolus infusion need to be weighted against the risk of cardiovascular complications resulting from high-dose dobutamin

    Hemodynamic variables and mortality in cardiogenic shock: a retrospective cohort study

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    INTRODUCTION: Despite the key role of hemodynamic goals, there are few data addressing the question as to which hemodynamic variables are associated with outcome or should be targeted in cardiogenic shock patients. The aim of this study was to investigate the association between hemodynamic variables and cardiogenic shock mortality. METHODS: Medical records and the patient data management system of a multidisciplinary intensive care unit (ICU) were reviewed for patients admitted because of cardiogenic shock. In all patients, the hourly variable time integral of hemodynamic variables during the first 24 hours after ICU admission was calculated. If hemodynamic variables were associated with 28-day mortality, the hourly variable time integral of drops below clinically relevant threshold levels was computed. Regression models and receiver operator characteristic analyses were calculated. All statistical models were adjusted for age, admission year, mean catecholamine doses and the Simplified Acute Physiology Score II (excluding hemodynamic counts) in order to account for the influence of age, changes in therapies during the observation period, the severity of cardiovascular failure and the severity of the underlying disease on 28-day mortality. RESULTS: One-hundred and nineteen patients were included. Cardiac index (CI) (P = 0.01) and cardiac power index (CPI) (P = 0.03) were the only hemodynamic variables separately associated with mortality. The hourly time integral of CI drops 0.05). The hourly time integral of CPI drops 0.05). CONCLUSIONS: During the first 24 hours after intensive care unit admission, CI and CPI are the most important hemodynamic variables separately associated with 28-day mortality in patients with cardiogenic shock. A CI of 3 L/min/m2 and a CPI of 0.8 W/m2 were most predictive of 28-day mortality. Since our results must be considered hypothesis-generating, randomized controlled trials are required to evaluate whether targeting these levels as early resuscitation endpoints can improve mortality in cardiogenic shock