10 research outputs found

    Open Institute of the African BioGenome Project: Bridging the gap in African biodiversity genomics and bioinformatics

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    Africa, a continent of 1.3 billion people, had 326 researchers per one million people in 2018 (Schneegans, 2021; UNESCO, 2022), despite the global average for the number of researchers per million people being 1368 (Schneegans, 2021; UNESCO, 2022). Nevertheless, a strong research community is a requirement to advance scientific knowledge and innovation and drive economic growth (Agnew, et al., 2020; Sianes, et al., 2022). This low number of researchers extends to scientific research across Africa and finds resonance with genomic projects such as the African BioGenome Project (Ebenezer, et al., 2022). The African BioGenome project (AfricaBP) plans to sequence 100,000 endemic African species in 10 years (Ebenezer, et al., 2022) with an estimated 203,000 gigabases of DNA sequence. AfricaBP aims to generate these genomes on-the-ground in Africa. However, for AfricaBP to achieve its goals of on-the-ground sequencing and data analysis, there is a need to empower African scientists and institutions to obtain the required skill sets, capacity and infrastructure to generate, analyse, and utilise these sequenced genomes in-country. The Open Institute is the genomics and bioinformatics knowledge exchange programme for the AfricaBP (Figures 1 & 2). It consists of 10 participating institutions including the University of South Africa in South Africa and National Institute of Agricultural Research in Morocco. It aims to: develop biodiversity genomics and bioinformatics curricula targeted at African scientists, promote and develop genomics and bioinformatics tools that will address critical needs relevant to the African terrain such as limited internet access, and advance grassroot knowledge exchange through outreach and public engagement such as quarterly training and workshops

    Post-Ingestive Effects of Excelsin on Growth and Development of Spilarctia obliqua Walker

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    Exposure of fouth instars of Spilarctia obliqua Walker (Lepidoptera: Arctiidae) to excelsin over a 24 h period resulted in reduced feeding and growth rates. To distinguish between antifeedant and toxic effects, growth efficiency, calculated as the slope of the regression of the relative growth rate on relative consumption rate, was compared with results from antifeedant simulation and contact toxicity bioassays. From the results, it is concluded that excelsin exerts its toxic effects at the physiological level. Des chenilles du quatrième stade larvaire de Spilarctia obliqua Walker (Lepidoptera: Arctiidae), exposées à l'excelsine pendant 24 h, ont des taux d'alimentation et de croissance réduits. Afin de distinguer les effets d'inappétence des effets toxiques, le rendement de la croissance, calculé comme la pente de régression du taux de croissance relative sur le taux de consommation, a été comparé avec celui obtenu lors de bioessais sur l'inappétence et sur la toxicité de contact. Les résultats obtenus permettent de conclure que l'excelsine a des effets toxiques sur la physiologie des chenilles

    Porcine colonization of the Americas: a 60k SNP story

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    The pig, Sus scrofa, is a foreign species to the American continent. Although pigs originally introduced in the Americas should be related to those from the Iberian Peninsula and Canary islands, the phylogeny of current creole pigs that now populate the continent is likely to be very complex. Because of the extreme climates that America harbors, these populations also provide a unique example of a fast evolutionary phenomenon of adaptation. Here, we provide a genome wide study of these issues by genotyping, with a 60k SNP chip, 206 village pigs sampled across 14 countries and 183 pigs from outgroup breeds that are potential founders of the American populations, including wild boar, Iberian, international and Chinese breeds. Results show that American village pigs are primarily of European ancestry, although the observed genetic landscape is that of a complex conglomerate. There was no correlation between genetic and geographical distances, neither continent wide nor when analyzing specific areas. Most populations showed a clear admixed structure where the Iberian pig was not necessarily the main component, illustrating how international breeds, but also Chinese pigs, have contributed to extant genetic composition of American village pigs. We also observe that many genes related to the cardiovascular system show an increased differentiation between altiplano and genetically related pigs living near sea level.WBP is funded by COLCIENCIAS (Francisco José de Caldas fellowship 497/2009, Colombia), CAS thanks grants from CAPES and EMBRAPA (Brazil), YRC is recipient of a PhD studentship from MICINN (Spain, ref. AP2008-01450), AEC is recipient of a PhD studentship from MICINN (Spain). Work funded by Consolider CSD2007-00036 ‘Center for Research in Agrigenomics’ and AGL2010-14822 grants (Spain) to MPE, EU SABRE project FOOD-CT-2006-01625, USDA project 2007-04315 (USA), Facultad de Ciencias Agrarias, San Pedro (UNA), Unión de Gremios de la Producción (UGP) and Empresa San Rafael Agricola y Ganadera SRL (Paraguay), Universidad Técnica de Oruro (Bolivia), Programa de Conservación de los Bancos de Germoplasma, Instituto Colombiano Agropecuario (grant 048-2011) and Ministerio de Agricultura y Desarrollo Rural (Colombia), and Centro de Validación de Tecnologías Agropecuarias (CEDEVA, Formosa, Argentina).Peer reviewe

    Beliefs that Condoms Reduce Sexual Pleasure—Gender Differences in Correlates Among Heterosexual HIV-Positive Injection Drug Users (IDUs)

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    Studies consistently find that negative condom beliefs or attitudes are significantly associated with less condom use in various populations, including HIV-positive injection drug users (IDUs). As part of efforts to reduce sexual risk among HIV-positive IDUs, one of the goals of HIV interventions should be the promotion of positive condom beliefs. In this paper we sought to identify the correlates of negative condom beliefs and examined whether such correlates varied by gender, using a subsample (those with an opposite-sex main partner; n = 348) of baseline data collected as part of a randomized controlled study of HIV-positive IDUs. In multivariate analyses, we found more significant correlates for women than for men. With men, perception that their sex partner is not supportive of condom use (negative partner norm) was the only significant correlate (Beta = −0.30; p < 0.01; R2 = 0.18). Among women, negative partner norm (Beta = −0.18; p < 0.05); having less knowledge about HIV, STD, and hepatitis (Beta = −0.16; p < 0.05); lower self-efficacy for using a condom (Beta = −0.40; p < 0.01); and more episodes of partner violence (Beta = 0.15; p < 0.05) were significantly associated with negative condom beliefs (R2 = 0.36). These findings suggest important gender-specific factors to consider in interventions that seek to promote positive condom beliefs among HIV-positive IDUs