471 research outputs found

    Application of Tuncay's language teacher model to business-customer relations

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    It seems that what has been said by now about market and competitiveness do not fit perfectly with competences of getting the best of profit. Sometimes, the classical methods of fundamentals of management do not apply to individual companies that face irregular accommodation on the market. It is high time to replace the perfect business with the right one. New approaches and models may help in identifying new competition trends, changes for better application of purposes and proposals.Comment: 5 pages, no figures, to be published in Int. J. Mod. Phys.

    Stem Morphology and Anatomy in \u3cem\u3eAmaranthus\u3c/em\u3e L. (\u3cem\u3eAmaranthaceae\u3c/em\u3e)—Taxonomic Significance

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    The range of variation within the genus Amaranthus L. (Amaranthaceae) is described for a number of stem characters including: morphology, epidermis, primary stem vasculature and mechanism of secondary growth. The results provide new characters (phyllotaxy, complexity of leaf vascular supply and relative amount of secondary growth) that support (1) a new infrageneric classification (subgenus Amaranthus vs subgenus Albersia (Kunth)Gren. & Dodr.), and (2) the separation within the “hybridus” complex of cultivated amaranths (A. caudatus L., A. cruentus L., and A. hypochondriacus L.) from their presumed wild ancestors (A. hybridus L. subsp. quitensis (Kunth) Costea & Carretero, A. hybridus L. subsp. hybridus and A. powellii S. Wats. subsp. powellii respectively)

    Carotid paragangliomas: case report and imaging review

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    Background: Presentation of case reviews depicting the imaging characteristics of carotid paragangliomas, associated with a thorough analysis of the anatomical morphological features and the current therapeutic strategies.Materials and methods: We present the cases of 3 patients diagnosed with carotid paragangliomas in our clinic, illustrating diagnostic imaging elements by computer tomography (CT) and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), but also the postoperative aspect of the carotid system, with respective anatomical, clinical and surgical considerations.Results: The imaging aspect of the carotid paragangliomas is characterised by a mass of soft tissue with intense contrast enhancement and with “salt and pepper” MRI appearance on conventional spin-echo sequences. The postoperative evolution of the patients included in the article was favourable, without any perioperative complications or signs of local tumour recurrence.Conclusions: Carotid paragangliomas are rare, often asymptomatic tumours, but with potential for increased malignancy, which raises the need for good knowledge of the cervical region pathology as well as the features of neuroendocrine tumours. CT and MRI examinations are essential for diagnosis, staging and, implicitly, for establishing the therapeutic strategy

    Economics and religion -a personalist perspective

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    Abstract: Traditionally, the reaction of many mainstream economists to the effort to integrate theology and economics demonstrated the difficulty of doing so in a way that could be broadly recognized as legitimate. This state of things is simply an indication of a broad consensus within the field of economics that methods, norms, and even concerns construed to be related to religious belief have no place in the scientific study of economics. Recently, the situation seems to be changing, however. A decade ago, a group of Christian Catholic social thinkers engaged in dialogue with free-market economists concerning the morality of market activity. As a result, this interdisciplinary exchange inspired the conception of a new subdiscipline that sought to synthesize central aspects of theology and economics, thereby giving rise to a new body of scholarship termed economic personalism. The general idea is to promote a humane economic order that benefits from market activity but does not reduce the human person to just another element in economic phenomena. This paper suggests that, under such circumstances, the Christian-Orthodox contribution to further development of this new field of investigation could consist in bringing forward the teaching of the Holy Fathers of Eastern Tradition. It is argued that, in this way, the moral dimension which dominantly defines the Catholic vision of the human person could be surpassed and even transfigured by the spiritual dimension which fully inform the Orthodox vision. Moreover, this pre-eminence of the spiritual determinants of the human person is expected to result in a number of significant changes concerning the way economic personalism is currently conceived (in terms of its subject matter, basic conceptual principles, and general mission)


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    This study was carried out during 2019-2020 on plots belonging to the wine-growing areas of Segarcea, famous wine areas in point of extracting red wine with remarkable qualities in the south of the country. The significance of the work consists in improving the useful climate of the wi ne area of Segarcea by introducing into the culture beside black grapes varieties, renowned varieties like Feteascăneagră, Merlot, Cabernet-Sauvignon, Pinot noir, etc., other grape varieties of Mediteranean origin, such as Syrah and Marselan. The aim is to rigorously monitor the weather conditions with a direct impact on the soils with a production potential, observing the dynamics of its establishment and maturation index for each variety during the period studied

    Gastroduodenal ulcer with bleeding – a reconsideration of therapy

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    Spitalul Clinic de Urgență Sfântul Pantelimon, București, România, Al XI-lea Congres al Asociației Chirurgilor „Nicolae Anestiadi” din Republica Moldova și cea de-a XXXIII-a Reuniune a Chirurgilor din Moldova „Iacomi-Răzeșu” 27-30 septembrie 2011Introducere: Complicația hemoragică a ulcerului gastroduodenal cunoaște o incidența în creștere în ultimii ani. Studiul își propune reevaluarea atitudinii terapeutice în cazul ulcerului gastroduodenal hemoragic, cu stabilirea unor criterii de gravitate în care intervenția chirurgicală se impune. Material si metode: Studiul analizează retrospectiv un număr de 337 de pacienți cu diagnosticul de ulcer gastroduodenal hemoragic, internați și tratați în Clinica Chirurgie a Spitalului Clinic de Urgență „Sf. Pantelimon”, în decurs de 3 ani, în perioada ian. 2008 – dec. 2010. S-au analizat datele din foile de observație, protocoale operatorii, rezultate histopatologice. Rezultate: Majoritatea hemoragiilor digestive superioare de cauză ulceroasă au fost rezolvate cu tratament medicamentos (278 bolnavi). La restul de 59 de pacienți a fost necesar un tratament chirurgical, dintre care la 43 pacienți intervenția a fost impusă de pierderea de sânge ce amenință viața, iar la 16 pacienți intervenția a fost impusă de criteriile de gravitate/criteriile prognostice: repetarea sângerarii la scurt timp, criterii endoscopice de gravitate, grupa de sânge rară, etc. La 32 de bolnavi s- au practicat rezecții gastrice subtotale cu diferite tipuri de anastomoză iar în 27 de cazuri s-a practicat ulceroexcizie și hemostaza in situ. Concluzii: Evoluția ascendentă a terapiei farmacologice și endoscopice a scăzut semnificativ necesitatea intervențiilor chirurgicale. Intervenția chirurgicală rămâne mijloc terapeutic util în cazurile cu sângerare masivă și în cazurile neglijate terapeutic.As a complication of gastroduodenal ulcer, bleeding is more and more frequent. The study aims to reevaluate the therapeutic approach together with the development of criteria recommending surgery. Material and methods: The study evaluates 337 patients diagnosed with gastroduodenal ulcer, complicated with bleeding, between January 2008 and December 2010. Data was collected from patient charts, operative recordings, histopathological results. Results: The majority of upper GI bleeding, following the development of an ulcer was managed with medical therapy (278 patients). The remaining 59 patients required surgery, imposed in 43 cases by life threatening blood loss, and in 16 by gravity/prognostic criteria: frequent recurrence of bleeding, endoscopic gravity criteria, rare blood group, etc. Subtotal gastrectomy with various types of anastomosis was performed in 32 cases while in the remaining 27 cases we performed the excision of the lesion and in situ hemostasis. Conclusions: The evolution of pharmacological and endoscopic management significantly reduced the necessity for surgery. Surgery remains a useful therapeutic tool in cases with massive bleeding and in neglected cases